Student Data Collection and Student Records
Appendix F
Student Records Instrument
OMB # 1850-0666 v. 36
Submitted by
National Center for Education Statistics
U.S. Department of Education
September 2023
This appendix provides the 2023–24 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:24) student records data collection instrument. The NPSAS:24 instrument remains largely unchanged from the instrument approved for NPSAS:24 field test data collection [OMB# 1850-0666 v. 34]. The changes noted below were developed based on the results NPSAS:24 field test data collection and input from the NPSAS:24 Technical Review Panel. Changes are intended to improve data quality while also reducing respondent burden.
Table 1 lists all instrument items in this appendix and indicates any changes to the content of the instrument when compared to the instrument approved for NPSAS:24 field test, which is the student records instrument most recently in data collection. The table includes color coding to indicate whether items have remained the same (black), were revised (purple), removed (red), or added (green) when compared to the NPSAS:24 field test instrument. Items that refer to a specific date range have been updated with the appropriate dates for NPSAS:24 full scale collection (e.g., all references to the academic year have been updated to apply to the 2023-2024 academic year, which is the focus of NPSAS:24); these updates to the date references are not marked as changes.
Log in Screen for Postsecondary Data Portal F-5
Mock-up of Login Screen F-6
Eligibility F-10
General Student Information F-11
Enrollment F-19
BTMST[01-12] F-26
Budget F-26
Financial Aid F-29
Table 1. Student records instrument for NPSAS:24 data collection H-7
Login Area
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USERID __________
Forgot ID? Click Send User ID below to have your user ID sent to the e-mail address that you enter. Otherwise, click Cancel.
E-mail Address: __________________________________
PRA Statement
[The following statement will appear on the Postsecondary Data Portal log in screen:]
NCES is authorized to conduct these studies by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA 2008, 20 U.S.C. §1015). The data are being collected for NCES by RTI International, a U.S.-based nonprofit research organization. All of the information provided by individuals or institutions may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA, 20 U.S.C. §1232g) allows for the release of institution record information to the Secretary of Education or her agent without prior consent of survey members (34 CFR §§ 99.31(a)(3)(iii) and 99.35).
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control numbers for the voluntary information collections using this website are listed below. The time required to complete the information collections is estimated to average the number of minutes or hours listed below per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.
If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving the collections, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of these data, please write directly to: Postsecondary Data Portal studies, National Center for Education Statistics, PCP, 550 12th St., SW, Room 4007, Washington, DC 20202.
NPSAS:24 OMB Clearance No: 1850-0666 Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
NPSAS:24 List Collection: 5 hours
NPSAS:24 Student Records Collection: 30 hours
Table 1. Student records instrument for NPSAS:24 data collection
Item Name |
Item Description |
Change Removed (X), Added (A), Revised (R) |
Revision from NPSAS:24 Field Test Student Records Instrument (OMB# 1850-0666 v. 34) |
Student eligible for NPSAS:24? |
No change |
Ineligible reason |
No change |
General Student Information |
First name |
No change |
Middle name |
No change |
Last name |
No change |
Suffix |
No change |
Social Security Number |
No change |
Date of birth |
No change |
Sex |
No change |
Marital status |
No change |
Maiden name |
No change |
Spouse first name |
No change |
Spouse middle name |
No change |
Spouse last name |
No change |
Citizenship status |
No change |
Veteran status |
No change |
High school completion type |
No change |
High school completion year |
No change |
Ethnicity |
No change |
Race: White |
No change |
Race: Black |
No change |
Race: Asian |
No change |
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
No change |
Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
No change |
Permanent address line 1 |
No change |
Permanent address line 2 |
No change |
Permanent city |
No change |
Permanent state |
No change |
Permanent ZIP |
No change |
Permanent country |
No change |
Permanent resident of [institution state] |
No change |
Local address line 1 |
No change |
Local address line 2 |
No change |
Local city |
No change |
Local state |
No change |
Local ZIP |
No change |
Phone |
No change |
Type |
No change |
Phone |
No change |
Type |
No change |
E-mail address |
No change |
Campus e-mail address |
No change |
Parent first name |
No change |
Parent middle name |
No change |
Parent last name |
No change |
Parent suffix |
No change |
Parent address line 1 |
No change |
Parent address line 2 |
No change |
Parent city |
No change |
Parent state |
No change |
Parent ZIP |
No change |
Parent country |
No change |
Parent e-mail |
No change |
Parent phone |
No change |
Parent cell phone |
No change |
Parent international phone |
No change |
Other contact first name |
No change |
Other contact middle name |
No change |
Other contact last name |
No change |
Other contact suffix |
No change |
Relationship of other contact to student |
No change |
Other contact address line 1 |
No change |
Other contact address line 2 |
No change |
Other contact city |
No change |
Other contact state |
No change |
Other contact ZIP |
No change |
Other contact country |
No change |
Other contact e-mail |
No change |
Other contact phone |
No change |
Other contact cell phone |
No change |
Enrollment |
First enrolled at this institution date |
No change |
Last enrolled at this institution date |
No change |
Accepted transfer credit |
No change |
Ever taken a remedial course |
No change |
First-time beginning student |
No change |
Received bachelor’s degree |
R |
Revised help text to specify that institutions should only report bachelor’s degrees obtained between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. |
Date bachelor’s degree received |
X |
Item removed. |
ACT English score |
No change |
ACT Mathematics score |
No change |
ACT Reading score |
No change |
ACT Science score |
No change |
ACT Composite score |
No change |
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score |
No change |
SAT Math score |
No change |
Program/Degree |
No change |
Graduate Degree Type |
No change |
Class level |
No change |
Degree completion date |
No change |
Expected to complete degree requirements by [date] |
No change |
Cumulative (unweighted) GPA |
No change |
First major |
No change |
CIP code for first major |
No change |
Second major |
No change |
CIP code for second major |
No change |
Major undeclared |
No change |
Required credit hours in program |
No change |
Cumulative credit hours completed |
No change |
Required clock hours in program |
No change |
Cumulative clock hours completed |
No change |
Total tuition and required fees charged |
No change |
Residency for Tuition Purposes |
No change |
BTMST[01-12] |
Enrollment status [term 1-12] |
No change |
BTMHR[01-12] |
Units for credit enrolled [term 1-12] |
No change |
Budget |
Budget Period |
No change |
Full-year Budget |
No change |
Student residence for budget |
No change |
Budgeted tuition/fees |
No change |
Budgeted books/supplies |
No change |
Budgeted room and board |
No change |
Budgeted health insurance |
No change |
Budgeted transportation |
No change |
Budgeted computer/technology |
No change |
Budgeted all other expenses |
No change |
Total budgeted cost of attendance |
No change |
Financial Aid |
Placed on financial aid warning |
No change |
Placed on financial aid probation |
No change |
Ineligible to receive Title IV financial aid |
No change |
Student had federal aid |
No change |
Pell Grant amount |
No change |
Subsidized Stafford/Direct Loan amount |
No change |
Unsubsidized Stafford/Direct Loan amount |
No change |
Parent PLUS Loan amount |
No change |
Graduate PLUS Loan amount |
No change |
Federal TEACH Grant amount |
No change |
Federal SEOG Grant amount |
No change |
Federal work study awarded amount |
No change |
Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant amount |
No change |
Veteran’s benefits amount |
No change |
Student had state aid |
No change |
CFSTATE[01-03] |
State aid program [1-3] name |
No change |
CFSTTYP[01-03] |
State aid program [1-3] type |
No change |
CSTAMT[01-03] |
State aid program [1-3] amount |
No change |
Student had institution aid |
No change |
CFAINS[01-03] |
Institution aid program [1-3] name |
No change |
CFAITYP[01-03] |
Institution aid program [1-3] type |
No change |
CFAIAMT[01-03] |
Institution aid program [1-3] amount |
No change |
Student had private aid or other gov’t aid |
No change |
CFAOTHGOV[01-03] |
Private aid or other gov’t aid program [1-3] name |
No change |
CFAGOVTYP[01-03] |
Private aid or other gov’t aid program [1-3] type |
No change |
CFAGOVSRC[01-03] |
Private aid or other gov’t aid program [1-3] source |
No change |
CFAGOVAMT[01-03] |
Private aid or other gov’t aid program [1-3] amount |
No change |
Student had other aid |
No change |
CFAOTHNAM[01-03] |
Other aid program [1-3] name |
No change |
CFAOTHTYP[01-03] |
Other aid program [1-3] type |
No change |
CFAOTHSRC[01-03] |
Other aid program [1-3] source |
No change |
CFAOTHAMT[01-03] |
Other aid program [1-3] amount |
No change |
Student is eligible for NPSAS:24?
Note [Web and Excel mode]: this item defaults to Yes unless you change the selection.
Note [CSV mode]: if you leave this item blank, the student will be treated as eligible for NPSAS:24.
If you think that this student is ineligible for the NPSAS:24, change the response to No and select a reason that the student is ineligible. If more than one reason applies, choose the reason that appears first on the list. You do not need to provide any other data for ineligible students.
The student is ineligible for NPSAS:24 if he or she meets any of the following conditions:
Not enrolled at institution: Student was not enrolled at this institution at any time from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Tuition refund: Student was enrolled at one time but received a full tuition refund for all terms in study period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Pays tuition to another institution: Student attends this institution under joint arrangements with another institution and pays tuition solely to the other institution.
Length of program: Student was enrolled in an occupational/technical program of study less than 3 months or 300 clock/contact hours of instruction.
Non-credit program: Student was enrolled, but not in at least one course that could be applied toward fulfilling requirements for an academic degree, a certificate or diploma program, or in a term for credit that could be transferred to another school.
Completing high school: Student was still completing high school requirements as of the last term enrolled in the July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 academic year.
GED or high school completion program: Student was enrolled solely in a GED or high school completion program as of the last term enrolled in the July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 academic year.
Adult basic education program: Student was enrolled solely in an adult basic education program (e.g., ESL, literacy) as of the last term enrolled in the July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 academic year.
Ineligible reason
Select the reason that the student is not eligible for the NPSAS:24.
1=Student was not enrolled at this institution at any time from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
2=Student was enrolled at one time but received a full tuition refund for all terms in study period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
3=Student attends this institution under joint arrangements with another institution and pays tuition solely to the other institution.
4=Student was enrolled in an occupational/technical program of study less than 3 months or 300 clock/contact hours of instruction.
5=Student was enrolled, but not in at least one course that could be applied toward fulfilling requirements for an academic degree, a certificate or diploma program, or in a term for credit that could be transferred to another school.
6=Student was still completing High School requirements (for the last term enrolled).
7=Student was enrolled solely in a GED or High School completion program (for the last term enrolled).
8=Student was enrolled solely in an adult basic education program (i.e., ESL, literacy) (for the last term enrolled).
1=Not enrolled at institution
2=Tuition refund
3=Pays tuition to another institution
4=Length of program
5=Non-credit program
6=Completing high school
7=GED or high school completion program
8=Adult basic education program
First Name ___________________
Middle Name ___________________
Last Name ___________________
Suffix ___________________
Social Security Number/SSN ___________________
We will use SSNs to match students to the U.S. Department of Education's Central Processing System (CPS) database, which contains information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and other databases prior to selecting the student sample. Matching to these databases prior to sampling will help us to select a representative sample of students.
Month: January - December
Date: 01-31
Year: 1932 - 2008
Marital Status
Note: This item is critical because it contributes to determining students’ dependency status. If you do not know this student’s marital status, please select Unknown.
0=Not married (single, windowed, divorced)
Maiden Name ___________________
Spouse First Name ___________________
Spouse Middle Name ___________________
Spouse Last Name ___________________
Citizenship Status
Please indicate the student's citizenship status using one of the response options provided. Do not provide the student's country of origin.
1 = US citizen or US national
2 = Permanent resident or other eligible non-citizen
3 = Foreign/International student with student visa
-1 = Unknown
Veteran or Active Duty Military Status
Please indicate whether the sample member is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces or is serving on active duty (not whether the sample member is receiving veteran’s benefits).
0 = No
1 = Yes, veteran
2 = Yes, active duty military
-1 = Unknown
High School Completion Type
This item applies to undergraduate students only; for graduate students, select Does Not Apply (-2).
1 = High School Diploma
2 = GED or other equivalency
3 = High school completion certificate
4 = Foreign high school
5 = Home schooled
6 = No high school degree/certificate
-1 = Unknown
-2 = Does not apply
High School Completion Year
Year: 1940 - 2024
Instruction: Note that these items are critical, and you will receive an error message for leaving them blank. If you do not know a student’s ethnicity or race, please select Unknown.
Note that these race and ethnicity categories differ from those reported to IPEDS, but are consistent with IPEDS requirements for the collection of race and ethnicity.
For more information about IPEDS requirements for the collection and reporting of race and ethnicity, visit https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/ipeds/public/hrsoc-browse/faq-re .
0=Not Hispanic or Latino
1=Hispanic or Latino
Race: White
You will receive an error message if you (a) leave all race items blank, or (b) select No for all race items. To resolve the error message, you may either select Yes for at least one race item or select Unknown for all race items.
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Race: Black or African American
You will receive an error message if you (a) leave all race items blank, or (b) select No for all race items. To resolve the error message, you may either select Yes for at least one race item or select Unknown for all race items.
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Race: Asian
You will receive an error message if you (a) leave all race items blank, or (b) select No for all race items. To resolve the error message, you may either select Yes for at least one race item or select Unknown for all race items.
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native
You will receive an error message if you (a) leave all race items blank, or (b) select No for all race items. To resolve the error message, you may either select Yes for at least one race item or select Unknown for all race items.
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
You will receive an error message if you (a) leave all race items blank, or (b) select No for all race items. To resolve the error message, you may either select Yes for at least one race item or select Unknown for all race items.
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Permanent Address Line 1 ___________________
Permanent Address Line 2 ___________________
Permanent Address City ___________________
Enter the 2-character postal abbreviation.
Permanent Address State: -Select-
Enter a 5-digit or 9-digit ZIP code with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes.
Permanent Address ZIP ___________________
If USA, leave blank.
Permanent Address Country (if not USA) ___________________
Is the student a permanent resident of [the state in which the institution is located]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Local Address Line 1 ___________________
Local Address Line 2 ___________________
Local Address City ___________________
Enter the 2-character postal abbreviation.
Local Address State: -Select-
Enter a 5-digit or 9-digit ZIP code with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes.
Local Address ZIP ___________________
Enter a valid 10-digit phone number with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes. Example: 2025551234
Phone 1 ___________________
Phone 1 Type
1 = Home
2 = Mobile
3 = Other
Enter a valid 10-digit phone number with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes. Example: 2025551234
Phone 2 ___________________
Phone 2 Type
1 = Home
2 = Mobile
3 = Other
Example: [email protected]
Campus Email ___________________
Personal Email ___________________
Parent First Name ___________________
Parent Middle Name ___________________
Parent Last Name ___________________
Parent Suffix ___________________
Parent Address Line 1 ___________________
Parent Address Line 2 ___________________
Parent Address City ___________________
Enter the 2-character postal abbreviation.
Parent Address State: -Select-
Enter a 5-digit or 9-digit ZIP code with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes.
Parent Address ZIP ___________________
If USA, leave blank.
Parent Address Country (if not USA) ___________________
Parent Email ___________________
Enter a valid 10-digit phone number with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes. Example: 2025551234
Parent Phone ___________________
Enter a valid 10-digit phone number with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes. Example: 2025551234
Parent Cell Phone ___________________
Parent International Phone ___________________
Other Contact First Name ___________________
Other Contact Middle Name ___________________
Other Contact Last Name ___________________
Other Contact Suffix ___________________
Relationship of Other Contact to Student
1 = Parent
2 = Guardian
3 = Sibling
4 = Aunt
5 = Uncle
6 = Grandparent
7 = Spouse
8 = Friend
9 = Colleague
10 = Other
-1 = Unknown
Other Contact Address Line 1 ___________________
Other Contact Address Line 2 ___________________
Other Contact Address City ___________________
Enter the 2-character postal abbreviation.
Other Contact Address State: -Select-
Enter a 5-digit or 9-digit ZIP code with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes.
Other Contact Address ZIP ___________________
If USA, leave blank.
Other Contact Address Country (if not USA) ___________________
Other Contact Email ___________________
Enter a valid 10-digit phone number with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes. Example: 2025551234
Other Contact Phone ___________________
Enter a valid 10-digit phone number with no spaces, parentheses, or dashes. Example: 2025551234
Other Contact Cell Phone ___________________
Date first enrolled at this institution
Enter the date the student enrolled at this institution for the first time, even if this date occurred prior to this academic year.
Month: January - December
Date: 01 - 31
Year: 1940-2024
Date last enrolled at this institution
If the student is no longer enrolled at this institution, enter the student’s last date of enrollment. If the student is still enrolled at the institution, leave this item blank.
Month: January - December
Date: 01 - 31
Year: 1940-2024
Accepted transfer credit
Indicate whether your institution accepted transfer credits for this student from another postsecondary institution. Please exclude remedial or developmental courses.
0 = No
1 = Yes
Ever taken a remedial course
Since completing high school, has the student taken any remedial/developmental courses to improve their basic skills in English, math, reading, or writing? If possible, answer Yes if your records indicate that the student took any remedial courses since high school, even if they were not taken at your institution. If you do not have records to indicate whether remedial courses were taken at a prior institution, please respond based on your own institution’s records.
Please answer Yes if the student took co-requisite developmental courses (sometimes known as gateway courses), in which the student was enrolled in a course that included both developmental and post-development content.
0 = No
1 = Yes
-1 = Unknown
Received bachelor’s degree
Select Yes if the student received a bachelor’s degree at this institution between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
If you are completing this request prior to June 30, 2024, please indicate whether the student received a bachelor’s degree at your institution between July 1, 2023 and the date you prepared the data. 0 = No
1 = Yes
ACT English ___________________
Enter the student’s ACT English score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy.
ACT Mathematics ___________________
Enter the student’s ACT Mathematics score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy.
ACT Reading ___________________
Enter the student’s ACT Reading score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy.
ACT Science ___________________
Enter the student’s ACT Science score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy.
ACT Composite ___________________
Enter the student’s ACT Composite score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy.
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing ___________________
Enter the student’s SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy. For students who took the SAT test prior to March 2016, please report the Critical Reading score in this field.
SAT Math ___________________
Enter the student’s SAT Math score. If this student has multiple scores on record, enter the score that is used according to your institution’s admissions policy. For students who took the SAT test prior to March 2016, please report the Mathematics score in this field.
In what degree program was this student enrolled on June 30, 2024? If the student was no longer enrolled on June 30, 2024, report the degree program for his or her last term enrolled between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
If the student was enrolled in more than one program, enter the highest degree program. If the student was enrolled in a dual degree program in which both degrees are the same level (such as a dual MD/PhD or dual MA/MBA), select the student’s primary degree program.
1=Enrolled in undergraduate courses, not in a degree program
2=Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
3=Associate's degree
4=Bachelor's degree
5=Enrolled in graduate courses, not in a degree program
6=Post-baccalaureate certificate program
7=Dual bachelor's/master's degree
8=Master's degree program
9=Post-master's certificate
10=Doctoral degree - research/scholarship
11=Doctoral degree - professional practice
12=Doctoral degree - other
Graduate Degree Type
1 = Master of Science (MS)
2 = Master of Arts (MA)
3 = Master of Education (M.Ed) or Teaching (MAT)
4 = Master of Business Administration (MBA)
5 = Master of Public Administration (MPA)
6 = Master of Social Work (MSW)
7 = Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
8 = Master of Public Health (MPH)
9 = Master of Divinity (M.Div)
10 = Other master's degree program not listed
11 = Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
12 = Doctor of Education (EdD)
13 = Doctor of Science or Engineering
14 = Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
15 = Doctor of Business or Public Admin (DBA, DPA)
16 = Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA)
17 = Doctor of Theology (ThD)
18 = Law (JD, LLB)
19 = Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine (MD, DO)
20 = Dentistry (DDS, DMD)
21 = Chiropractic (DC, DCM)
22 = Pharmacy (PharmD)
23 = Optometry (OD)
24 = Podiatry (DPM, DP, PodD)
25 = Veterinary medicine (DVM)
26 = Other doctoral degree not listed
In what type of graduate degree program was this student enrolled on June 30, 2024? If the student was no longer enrolled on June 30, 2024, report the graduate degree program type for his or her last term enrolled between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
This item applies to graduate students only; for all other students, leave this item blank.
Class Level
Enter the student's class level as of June 30, 2024. If the student was no longer enrolled on June 30, provide the student’s class level during his or her last term enrolled between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
If class level was used to determine financial aid eligibility, report that class level for this item. Otherwise, report the class level as defined by your institution.
Institutions typically define class level based on the number of earned credits. An example of a commonly used classification:
0-29 earned credit hours for first-year/freshman
30-59 earned credit hours for sophomore
60-89 earned credit hours for junior
90+ earned credit hours for senior
1 = 1st Year/Freshman
2 = Sophomore
3 = Junior
4 = Senior
5 = 5th Year or Higher Undergraduate
6 = Undergraduate (unclassified)
7 = Student with bachelor's or advanced degree taking undergraduate courses
8 = 1st year Graduate
9 = Beyond 1st year Graduate
10 = Graduate (unclassified)
-1 = Unknown
Date Completed
If the student completed the degree program, enter the date the degree was received.
Month: January - December
Date: 01 - 31
Year: 1950-2024
Expected to complete degree requirements by June 30, 2024?
Is the student expected to have completed the requirements for their current degree program on or before June 30, 2024?
This item is used to identify potential eligible sample members for the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study. This item applies ONLY to students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs.
Completion of the requirements means all required classes have been taken and passed and sufficient credit or clock hours have been earned. Some students may not yet have been awarded their degree or certificate by the institution, even though the requirements have been completed.
Enter “Does not apply” (-2) if any of the following apply:
You are completing this request after June 30, 2024.
The student has completed his or her degree (completed degrees are collected separately in this section).
The student is no longer enrolled in this institution.
The student is not enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program.
Enter “Unknown/unable to determine” (-1) if the student is enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program, but you cannot state whether the student is likely to complete degree requirements by June 30, 2024.
-1=Unknown/unable to determine
Cumulative (Unweighted) GPA___________________
Please provide the student’s cumulative GPA as of June 30, 2024. If your institution uses a 4-point scale, please enter GPA with two decimal places (x.xx). If your institution uses a 100 point scale, enter the grade with one decimal place (xx.x).
First Major ___________________
First Major CIP Code___________________
Please provide the CIP code for this student’s first major as of June 30, 2024. If the student was no longer enrolled on June 30, provide the student’s major during his or her last term enrolled between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) codes are used by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for major or field of study reporting, assessment, and tracking. The current taxonomy, CIP 2020, is preferred. For more information about the Classification of Instructional Programs, see https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode/.
If you cannot report the major CIP code, please leave this column blank and enter the student's current or most recent first major or field of study in the First Major item in this section. If the student has not yet declared a major, please leave this item blank and select "Yes" for the "undeclared" item in this section.
Second Major ___________________
Second Major CIP Code___________________
Please provide the CIP code for this student’s second major as of June 30, 2024. If the student was no longer enrolled on June 30, provide the student’s major during his or her last term enrolled between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) codes are used by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for major or field of study reporting, assessment, and tracking. The current taxonomy, CIP 2020, is preferred. For more information about the Classification of Instructional Programs, see https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode/.
If you cannot report the major CIP code, please leave this column blank and enter the student's current or most recent second major or field of study in the Second Major item in this section. If the student has not yet declared a major, please leave this item blank and select "Yes" for the "undeclared" item in this section.
Major Undeclared
0 = No
1 = Yes
Total Number of Clock Hours in Program___________________
If this student is enrolled in a clock hour program, what is the total length of the program in clock/contact hours? If the student is not enrolled in a clock hour program, leave this item blank.
Cumulative Clock Hours Completed___________________
Please provide the total cumulative clock hours earned by this student as of June 30, 2024. Include all clock hours earned, even if they do not count toward the student’s degree/program requirements. If the student is not enrolled in a clock hour program, leave this item blank.
Total Number of Credit Hours in Program___________________
If this student is enrolled in a credit hour program, what is the total length of the program in credit hours? If the student is not enrolled in a credit hour program, leave this item blank.
Cumulative Credit Hours Completed___________________
Please provide the total cumulative credit hours earned by this student as of June 30, 2024. Include all credit hours earned, even if they do not count toward the student’s degree/program requirements. If the student is not enrolled in a credit hour program, leave this item blank.
Total Tuition and Required Fees Charged ___________________
[FOR TERM-BASED INSTITUTIONS: Report the total tuition and required fees charged to this student for [term1, term2, term3,...], prior to any aid, discounts, or waivers. These are the terms your institution reported for the 2023-2024 academic year on the NPSAS:24 Registration Page. If you have questions about these terms, please contact the Help Desk.]
[FOR CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT INSTITUTIONS: Report the total tuition and required fees charged to this student for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, prior to any aid, discounts, or waivers.]
Required fees include all fixed sum charges that are required of such a large proportion of all students that the student who does not pay the charges is an exception.
Include any out-of-state/out-of-district fees for applicable students.
Please enter the specific amount charged for this student (typically obtained from the business or bursar's office), not the budgeted tuition amount or the average tuition amount charged for students.
Residency for Tuition Purposes
Please indicate the student’s tuition classification for the 2023-2024 academic year.
An in-district student is a student who is a legal resident of the locality in which he/she attends school and thus is entitled to reduced tuition charges if offered by the institution.
An in-state student is a student who is a legal resident of the state in which he/she attends school.
A student may receive in-state or reduced tuition even if he/she is not a legal resident of the state, such as through programs that offer in-state tuition to veterans or through tuition reciprocity agreements with adjacent states. Report these students as “in-state tuition for other reason,” even if the reduced tuition is higher than in-state tuition.
An out-of-state student is a student who is not a legal resident of the state in which he/she attends school.
1 = In-district
2 = In-state tuition based on legal residence
3 = In-state tuition for other reason (e.g., veteran status)
4 = Out-of-state
5 = No differential tuition based on residency
-1 = Unknown
Enrollment Status for [Term 01-12]
Enter the student’s enrollment status in [term 1-12].
If enrollment status was used to determine financial aid eligibility, report that enrollment status for this item. Otherwise, report the enrollment status as defined by your institution.
Institutions typically define enrollment status based on the number of credit or clock hours attempted. For example, students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least
12 semester or quarter hours per term at the undergraduate level or 9 credit hours per term at the graduate level.
24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year.
24 clock hours per week for an education program using clock hours.
0 = Not enrolled
1 = Full-time
2 = 3/4-time
3 = Half-time
4 = Less than half-time
Number of Credits or Clock Hours Enrolled in [Term 01-12] ___________________
Enter the number of credits or clock hours this student attempted for this term. If you were not able to provide an enrollment status for this term, the number of credits or clock hours is critical for determining this student’s enrollment intensity.
Please provide budgeted costs of attendance for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). If possible, please provide a full-time/full-year budget for each student, even if the student was not enrolled full-time for the entire academic year. The budget costs should match the student’s program and residence (e.g., on-campus, off-campus with family, off-campus not with family).
Budget Period
Select the budget period that matches the budgeted costs of attendance you will provide for this student.
Option 1 (preferred): Please provide the full-time, full-year budget that matches this student’s program and residence, even if the student was not enrolled full-time for the entire year. (Below you will be asked to indicate whether the full-year budget includes costs for summer terms.)
Option 2: If a full-time, full-year budget is not available, you can use Pell guidelines to prorate the amount to reflect the costs for a full-time student enrolled for a full academic year in the student’s academic program. See page X of the Student Records Handbook (available on the Resources page of the PDP) for definitions and more information about prorating costs of attendance.
Option 3: If a full-time, full-year budget is not available, and you cannot provide a prorated amount, you may provide budgeted costs of attendance for other budget periods.
Option 4: If you cannot provide an individualized budget (a budget that includes costs of attendance specific to the student’s program and residence), you can provide a generic budget.
For additional guidance and examples, please see the Student Records Handbook (available on the Resources page of the PDP).
1 = Full-time, full-year
2 = Full-time, one term
3 = 3/4-time, full-year
4 = 3/4-time, one term
5 = Half-time, full-year
6 = Half-time, one term
7 = Less than half-time, full-year
8 = Less than half-time, one term
9 = Other
Full-year Budget
If you provided a full-year budget for this student (Budget Period = 1, 3, 5, or 7), please indicate whether the budgeted costs of attendance include summer terms. If you provided a one term budget, leave this item blank.
1 = Yes, the full-year budget includes summer term(s)
0 = No, the full-year budget does NOT include summer term(s)
Student Residence
For purposes of determining the student’s budgeted cost of attendance for the 2023-2024 academic year, what was the student’s housing/residence status?
1 = On-campus or school-owned housing
2 = Off-campus without family
3 = Off-campus with family
-1 = Unknown
Tuition & Fees ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the BUDGETED cost for tuition and fees for this student. This amount may differ from the total tuition and fees CHARGED (requested in the enrollment section) and is typically obtained from the financial aid office.
Enter an amount with no decimals, commas, or dollar signs. Round values with decimals to the nearest whole number.
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the BUDGETED cost for books & supplies for this student.
Enter an amount with no decimals, commas, or dollar signs. Round values with decimals to the nearest whole number.
Books & Supplies ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the BUDGETED cost for room & board for this student.
Enter an amount with no decimals, commas, or dollar signs. Round values with decimals to the nearest whole number.
Room & Board ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the BUDGETED cost for health insurance for this student.
Enter an amount with no decimals, commas, or dollar signs. Round values with decimals to the nearest whole number.
Health Insurance ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the BUDGETED cost for transportation for this student.
Enter an amount with no decimals, commas, or dollar signs. Round values with decimals to the nearest whole number.
Transportation ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the BUDGETED cost for computer/technology for this student.
For example: a reasonable cost, as determined by your institution, for the rental or purchase of a personal computer that the student will use for study for budget period you specified for this student.
Enter an amount with no decimals, commas, or dollar signs. Round values with decimals to the nearest whole number.
Computer Technology ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the total budgeted cost of attendance not included in any of the previous budget categories.
All Other ___________________
For the budget period you specified for this student, enter the total budgeted cost of attendance.
Budgeted Total Cost of Attendance ___________________
Financial Aid Warning
Based on your institution's Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, at any time during the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 financial aid year, was the student placed on financial aid warning?
For information about Satisfactory Academic Progress, see the FSA Handbook at [link]. A link to the FSA Handbook is also available on the Resources page of the PDP.
0 = No
1 = Yes
Financial Aid Probation
Based on your institution's Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, at any time during the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 financial aid year, was the student placed on financial aid probation?
For information about Satisfactory Academic Progress, see the FSA Handbook at [link]. A link to the FSA Handbook is also available on the Resources page of the PDP.
0 = No
1 = Yes
Ineligible to Receive Title IV Aid
Based on your institution's Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, at any time during the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 financial aid year, was the student ineligible to receive Title IV financial aid?
For information about Satisfactory Academic Progress, see the FSA Handbook at [link]. A link to the FSA Handbook is also available on the Resources page of the PDP.
0 = No
1 = Yes
[FOR TERM-BASED INSTITUTIONS: For each of the federal aid programs below, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for [term1, term2, term3,...]. These are the terms your institution reported for the 2023-2024 academic year on the NPSAS:24 Registration Page. If you have questions about these terms, please contact the Help Desk.
Report the total amount disbursed for these terms combined, not separate amounts for each term. If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount that you expect to be disbursed. For example, if you need to report aid for the Summer 2024 term but the aid has not yet been disbursed, include the amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
[FOR CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT INSTITUTIONS: For each federal aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for the 2023-2024 financial aid year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
For additional guidance and examples, please see the Student Records Handbook, which is available on the Resources page of the PDP. If the student was awarded a type of federal financial aid not listed here, you will have an opportunity to enter the name, type, and amount awarded in ‘Other Aid’ at the end of this section.
Student had federal aid for the 2023-2024 financial aid year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Pell Grant Amount ___________________
Subsidized Direct/Stafford Loan Amount ___________________
Unsubsidized Direct/Stafford Loan Amount ___________________
Parent PLUS Loan Amount ___________________
Graduate PLUS Loan Amount ___________________
Federal TEACH Grant Amount ___________________
Federal SEOG Grant Amount ___________________
Emergency SEOG should be reported under “Private Aid or Other Government Aid” as Program Type “Emergency Aid.”
Federal Work Study AWARDED ___________________
Federal Work-Study awarded refers to the maximum amount the student could earn through the Work-Study Program over the course of the academic year. For example, if the student was awarded $1000 and actually earned $500, enter $1000 for this item.
Note: For this item only, please report the amount awarded. For all other financial aid awards, report the amount disbursed/expected to be disbursed.
Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant ___________________
Veterans Benefits ___________________
Veterans’ education benefits include programs administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, including such programs as the GI Bill (for example, Post-9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill), the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP), and Dependents’ Educational Assistance program (DEA).
Department of Defense (DOD) Armed Forces Grants and other benefits for active duty military should not be reported as veterans benefits. For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
[FOR TERM-BASED INSTITUTIONS: For each state aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for [term1, term2, term3,...]. These are the terms your institution reported for the 2023-2024 academic year on the NPSAS:24 Registration Page. If you have questions about these terms, please contact the Help Desk.
Report the total amount disbursed for these terms combined, not separate amounts for each term. If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount that you expect to be disbursed. For example, if you need to report aid for the Summer 2024 term but the aid has not yet been disbursed, include the amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
[FOR CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT INSTITUTIONS: For each state aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for the 2023-2024 financial aid year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
For additional guidance and examples, please see the NPSAS:24 Student Records Handbook, which is available on the Resources page of the PDP.
You may report up to 3 state awards per student in this section. If the student was awarded more than three state aid awards, you can report the award in "Other Aid" at the end of this section.
Student had state aid for the 2023-2024 financial aid year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
State Aid Program Name 1 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
State Aid Program Type 1
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
State Aid Program Amount 1 ___________________
State Aid Program Name 2 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
State Aid Program Type 2
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
State Aid Program Amount 2 ___________________
State Aid Program Name 3 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
State Aid Program Type 3
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
State Aid Program Amount 3 ___________________
[FOR TERM-BASED INSTITUTIONS: For each institution aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for [term1, term2, term3,...]. These are the terms your institution reported for the 2023-2024 academic year on the NPSAS:24 Registration Page. If you have questions about these terms, please contact the Help Desk.
Report the total amount disbursed for these terms combined, not separate amounts for each term. If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount that you expect to be disbursed. For example, if you need to report aid for the Summer 2024 term but the aid has not yet been disbursed, include the amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
[FOR CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT INSTITUTIONS: For each state aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for the 2023-2024 financial aid year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
For additional guidance and examples, please see the Student Records Handbook, which is available on the Resources page of the PDP.
You may report up to 3 institution awards per student in this section. If the student was awarded more than three institution aid awards, you can report the award in "Other Aid" at the end of this section.
Student had institution aid for the 2023-2024 financial aid year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Institution Aid Program Name 1 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Institution Aid Program Type 1
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Institution Aid Program Amount 1 ___________________
Institution Aid Program Name 2 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Institution Aid Program Type 2
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Institution Aid Program Amount 2 ___________________
Institution Aid Program Name 3 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Institution Aid Program Type 3
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Institution Aid Program Amount 3 ___________________
[FOR TERM-BASED INSTITUTIONS: For each private or other federal government aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for [term1, term2, term3,...]. These are the terms your institution reported for the 2023-2024 academic year on the NPSAS:24 Registration Page. If you have questions about these terms, please contact the Help Desk.
Report the total amount disbursed for these terms combined, not separate amounts for each term. If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount that you expect to be disbursed. For example, if you need to report aid for the Summer 2024 term but the aid has not yet been disbursed, include the amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
[FOR CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT INSTITUTIONS: For each private or other federal government aid award received by the student, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for the 2023-2024 financial aid year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
For additional guidance and examples, please see the Student Records Handbook, which is available on the Resources page of the PDP.
You may report up to 3 private or other federal government awards per student in this section. If the student was awarded more than three private or other federal government aid awards, you can report the award in "Other Aid" at the end of this section. Any non-federal government aid (such as awards from municipal governments or state aid not already reported in the State Aid section) should be reported in the Other Aid section.
Student had private aid or other government aid for the 2023-2024 financial aid year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Name 1 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Type 1
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Source 1 ___________________
Aid or Other Government Aid Program Amount 1 ___________________
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Name 2 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Type 2
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Source 2 ___________________
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Amount 2 ___________________
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Name 3 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Type 3
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Source 3 ___________________
Private Aid or Other Government Aid Program Amount 3 ___________________
[FOR TERM-BASED INSTITUTIONS: If the student had any additional aid not already reported above for [term1, term2, term3,...], report the whole dollar amount disbursed for each award. These are the terms your institution reported for the 2023-2024 academic year on the NPSAS:24 Registration Page. If you have questions about these terms, please contact the Help Desk.
Report the total amount disbursed for these terms combined, not separate amounts for each term. If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount that you expect to be disbursed. For example, if you need to report aid for the Summer 2024 term but the aid has not yet been disbursed, include the amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
[FOR CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT INSTITUTIONS: If the student had any additional aid not reported above for the 2023-2024 financial aid year, report the total whole dollar amount disbursed for each award. If the student has aid for this period that has not yet been disbursed, include the whole dollar amount awarded that you expect to be disbursed.]
For additional guidance and examples, please see the Student Records Handbook, which is available on the Resources page of the PDP.
You may report up to three awards per student in this section.
Student had other aid for the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 financial aid year?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Other Aid Program Name 1 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Other Aid Program Type 1
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Other Aid Program Source 1 ___________________
Other Aid Program Amount 1 ___________________
Other Aid Program Name 2 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Other Aid Program Type 2
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Other Aid Program Source 2 ___________________
Other Aid Program Amount 2 ___________________
Other Aid Program Name 3 ___________________
Aid program names will not be released with the final data. This information will be used to conduct data quality review, such as to verify that reported amounts fall within statutory limits and ensure that the financial aid type and source are correctly coded.
Other Aid Program Type 3
Need-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's financial resources. Merit-based aid is awarded based on an applicant's academic achievement. Merit aid that was awarded without consideration of financial resources should be considered merit aid. However, if any part of the awarding criteria includes a student's financial resources, the aid is considered either “need-based” or “both need and merit-based.” Aid based on neither need nor merit may include an applicant's non-academic talents, demographic, or other characteristics as the awarding criteria.
For help categorizing aid awards, see the Financial Aid Type Cheat Sheet on the Resources page of the PDP, or contact the Help Desk.
1=Grant/scholarship, need-based
2=Grant/scholarship, merit-based
3=Grant/scholarship, both need and merit
4=Grant/scholarship, neither need nor merit
5=Grant/scholarship, unknown
6=Tuition Waiver, non-faculty/staff
9=Athletic scholarship
10=Tuition waiver, faculty/staff
11=Teaching assistantship/stipend
12=Research assistantship/stipend
13=Other assistantship/stipend
15=ROTC/Armed Forces Grants
16=Veterans benefits
17=Resident advisor/assistant (RA) benefits
18=WIA/Job training/Vocational Rehabilitation
19=Employer aid
20=Emergency Aid
Other Aid Program Source 3 ___________________
Other Aid Program Amount 3 ___________________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Wescott, Jamie |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-10-28 |