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pdfU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
SRO Rule Tracking System/Electronic Form Filing System
September 30, 2013
Division of Trading and Markets
Privacy Impact Assessment
SRO Rule Tracking System (SRTS)/Eiectronic Form Filing System (EFFS)
System Owner Name:
Office/Division: Trading and
Project Manager Name:
Office/Division: OIT/DIO
Contact Information
, Sr. Accountant
Telephone Number:
Telephone Number:
General Information
1. Name of Project or System.
SRO Rule Tracking System (SRTS)/ Electronic Form Fil ing System (EFFS)
2. Describe the project and its purpose or function in the SEC's IT environment.
SRTS/EFFS is a secure, web-based E-filing application that allows Self-Regulatory
Organizations (SRO) to file proposed changes to their rules with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) for notice, public comment, and Commission approval prior to
implementation. SROs also use the external application component (EFFS) to submit filings
and pre-filings for non-controversial filings and SEC personnel are able to rece ive, act, and
respond to them electronically using the internal component (SRTS). SRTS/EFFS allows the
Division of Trading and Marke ts to record and track the status of Forn1 19b-4 fi lings
submitted by SROs.
3 . Requested Operational Date? SRTS originally became operational in 2002, while EFFS
became operational in 2004. A Security Risk Assessment was conducted in April 2008 and
May 2010. Mini v4 assessment was conducted in November 2010 . Major v5 release is
scheduled for December 2013. This PIA documents the privacy risks and vulnerabilities of
the data collected.
4. System of Records Notice (SORN) number? A SORN is not required for this system since
the data is routinely retrieved by the filing number.
5. Is this an Exhibit 300 project or system? IS] No
6. What specific legal authorities, arrangements, and/or agreements allow the collection of this
information? The Securities Exchange Act of I 934
Specific Questions
SECTION I - Data in the Svstem
1. What data about individuals could be collected, generated, or retained?
SRTS collects information from Form 19b-4 which has the name, phone number, fax number
and e-mail address of the attomey who filed the filing.
2 . Does the project/system use or collect the social security number (SSN)? (This includes
truncated SSNs)
IS] No.
0 Yes. If yes, provide the function of the SSN and the legal authority to collect.
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Privacy Impact Assessment
SRO Rule Tracking System (SRTS)/Electronic Fonn Filing System (EFFS)
3. What are the sources of the data?
SROs who are required to complete Forms 19b-4.
4. Why is the data being collected?
Form 19b-4 data are collected to respond to questions and comment on the proposed rule
changes, advance notice filings and security-based swap submissions.
5. What technologies will be used to collect the data?
Data are collected by the IBM Forms Viewer and Java JSP web fonn with the https
connection, which provides encrypted communication and secure identification of a network
web server.
SECTION II- Attributes of the Data (use and accuracv)
1. Describe the uses of the data.
SRTS collects information from Form 19b-4, which has the name, phone number, fax
number and e-mail address of the attomey who filed the filing. This data is used to contact
the attorney who provided the form on matters related to the review and approval process for
SRO rule changes that could affect stock markets and investors.
2. Does the system analyze data to assist users in identifying previously unknown areas of note,
concern or pattern? ~No D Yes If yes, please explain:
3. How will the data collected from individuals or derived by the system be checked for
The data collected is that entered by the filer. The Filer is required to provide accurate, and
clear information pursuant to the legal authorities identified above. Data entered by SEC
staff is verified through various internal controls, policies and procedures.
SECTION III- Sharing Practices
1. Will the data be shared with any internal organizations?
D No ~ Yes If yes, please list organization(s): The application is owned by the Division
of Trading and Markets (TM), and the user base consists of authorized TM, Office of the
Secretary (OS), and Office of Compliance, Inspections, and Examinations (OCIE) staff and
various SRO personnel, as well as other Commission Divisions and Offices, as needed.
2. Will the data be shared with any external organizations?
D No ~Yes If yes, please list organizations(s): The data may be shared with Congress
and GAO. The shared data are public, non-PII data.
How is the data transmitted or disclosed to external organization(s)? Data is generally
extracted and provided via PDF or Excel spreadsheet reports.
3. How is the shared data secured by external recipients?
The shared data are public, non-PII data and are such, not subject to any special security
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SRO Rule Tracking System (SRTS)/Electronic Form Filing System (EFFS)
4. Does the project/system process or access PII in any other SEC system?
0 Yes. If yes, list system(s).
SECTION IV- Notice to Individuals to Decline/Consent Use
1. What privacy notice was provided to the different individuals prior to collection of data?
(Check all that apply)
0 Privacy Act Statement 0 System of Records Notice 0 Privacy Impact Assessment
~Web Privacy Policy
0 Notice was not provided to individuals prior to collection
Please explain: In order to file Form 19b-4 through EFFS, SROs must request access to the
SEC's External Application Server or (EAUA, External Application User Administration) by
completing a request for an external account user ID and password. The EAUA web-form
contains a link to the SEC's Web-Privacy Policy.
2. Do individuals have the opp01iunity and/or right to decline to provide data?
0Yes~No ON/A
Please explain:
The filers are required to file the information pursuant to the federal security laws.
3. Do individuals have the right to consent to particular uses of the data?
0Yes~No ON/A
Please explain:
SECTION V- Access to Data (administrative and technological controls)
1. Has the retention schedule been established by the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA)?
0 No Ifno, please explain:
~ Yes If yes, list retention period:
These records will be maintained until they become inactive, at which time they will be
retired or destroyed in accordance with records schedules of the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission as approved by the National Archives and Records Administration
2. Describe the privacy training provided to users. either generally or specifically relevant to the
program or system?
All SEC stafT and contractors receive annual privacy awareness training, \vhich outlines their
roles and responsibilities for properly handling and protecting PII.
3. Has a system security plan been completed for the information system(s) supporting the
~ Yes If yes, please provide date C&A was completed: April 4, 2008. Production for major
v5 release scheduled for December 27,2013. SA&A documents due December 13,2013.
0 No If the project does not trigger the C&A requirement, state that along with an
4. Is the system exposed to the Internet without going through VPN?
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SRO Rule Tracking System (SRTS)/Electronic Fonn Filing System (EFFS)
cgj Yes If yes, Is secure authentication required? 0No cg)Yes; and
Is the session encrypted? D No cg)Yes
5. Are there regular (ie. periodic, recurring, etc.) PII data extractions from the system?
cgj No
D Yes If yes, please explain:
6. Which user group(s) will have access to the system?
Only SEC staff with the authorized login can access the system. The type of access is limited
by user's roles.
7. How is access to the data by a user determined?
SRTS use following roles to assign privileges to users:
Authorized TM staff will be assigned one or more of the following roles in SRTS:
• Administrator- Super-user access
• Gatekeeper- New 19b-4 filings/pre-filings are received in the Gatekeeper Inbox. The
Gatekeeper reviews the rule filing and assigns it to an AD/SSC.
• 19b7Gatekeeper- New 19b-7 filings are received in the 19b7Gatekeeper Inbox. The
gatekeeper reviews the rule filing and assigns it to an AD/SSC.
• AD/SSC- New and open filings and pre-filings assigned to an AD/SSC are displayed in
the AD/SSC Inbox. AD/SSC reviews the rule filing and assigns it to a Principal Attorney
and Staff Attorney(s). AD/SSC can change the status of pre-filings to Acceptable or
Unacceptable. AD/SSC can run the AD/SSC Open Report, Office Open Report, and
Workload Summary Report.
• Attorney- New and open filings and pre-filings assigned to an attorney are displayed in
the Attorney Inbox. Attorneys can update Docket information as they process and review
rule filings. Attorneys can run the Attorney Open Report, Office Open Report, and
Workload Summary Report.
• Secretary- New and open filings assigned to a secretary are displayed in the Secretary
Inbox. The Secretary Inbox will also display the following conditions that may apply to a
filing: Withdrawal, Rejection, Closed, New Amendment, and New Extension. Secretary
can update all data. Secretary can run the Office Open Repoti and Workload Summary
• Associate Director- Open filings assigned to an Associate Director are displayed in the
Associate Director Inbox. Associate Director can run the Associate Director Open
Report, Office Open Report, and Workload Summary Report.
• External SROs only have one type of account for submitting filings through EFFS.
Are procedures documented? cgj Yes
D No
8. How are the actual assignments of roles and rules verified.
Supervisors submit a request to the Division's IT staff, who subsequently submit the request
via the ITSM system. System Administrators review the access and either approve/
disapprove the access request.
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SRO Rule Tracking System .(SRTS)/Electronic Form Filing System (EFFS)
9. What auditing measures/controls and technical safeguards are in place to prevent misuse
(e.g., unauthorized browsing) of data?
All of the information in the data is available for any authorized users. Only authorized users
have access to the system (i.e., it is only accessible via the Insider). The documents
submitted are publicly available as well.
SECTION VI - Privacy Analys is
Given the amount and type of data being collected , discuss what privacy risks were identified
and how they were mitigated.
The scope of the personal information collected is limited to the amount of data necessary to act
upon requests, correspondence, or other possible action items received related to SRO filings and
pre-fil ings.
The SEC has implemented user access controls requiring positive user identification (ID) and
authentication. Each use r account requires a two-step process, an entry within the application by
the system owner and within the conesponding Sybase or MySQL database by GSS staff.
SRTS/EFFS enforces good segregation of internal and external functions. Non-SEC users only
access the EFFS component of the system, which resides in the DMZ.
All data is transferred via orderly and secure processes. The SRTS/EFFS Sybase and MySQL
databases provide a suite of audit reports that are run periodically and reviewed according to
established procedures.
Access to the security functions (e.g., audit trails, access control lists, and password files) is
restricted to system administrators, database administrators, and the information system security
officer (lSSO). All activity associated with these user groups is recorded in the audi t trail.
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Person completing this form
Telephone Number:~
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2014:04:10 08:42:03-04:00 |
File Created | 2014:04:10 08:42:03-04:00 |