Form 9169 Statewide Performance Report

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Common Performance Reporting

ETA_9169 CLEAN 12.10.24.xlsx

WIOA Statewide Performance Report Template and WIOA Local Performance Report Template IC (ETA-9169)

OMB: 1205-0526

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WIOA Reporting Template
Measurable Skill Gains
Effectiveness in Serving Emp
Performance Report Specs
Funding Streams
Annual Periods of Reporting
Quarterly Periods of Reporting

Sheet 1: WIOA Reporting Template

OMB Control Number 1205-0526
Expiration Date: 05-31-2024

Expiration Date: 4-30-2027

Statewide Performance Report

PROGRAM/TITLE (select one): State: Title I Local Area: REPORTING PERIOD COVERED

o Title I Adult [State Submitting Report] [Local Area, if Applicable] mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy

o Title I Dislocated Worker N/A N/A N/A

o Title I Youth N/A N/A N/A

o Title II Adult Education N/A N/A N/A

o Title III Wagner-Peyser N/A N/A N/A

o Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation N/A N/A N/A


Grant Summary Item Career Services Training Services Additional Information

Participants Served 1 5 N/A

Participants Exited 2 6 N/A

Funds Expended 3 7 N/A

Cost Per Participant Served 4 8 N/A

Percent Training Related Employment1 N/A 11 N/A

Percent Enrolled in More than One Program N/A N/A 12

Percent Admin Expended N/A N/A 13


Performance Item Total Participants Served
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Total Participants Exited
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Median Earnings Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3

Total Statewide - Negotiated Target N/A N/A N/A N/A [Populated from State Plan] N/A N/A [Populated from State Plan] [Populated from State Plan] N/A N/A [Populated from State Plan] N/A N/A [Populated from State Plan]

Total Statewide - Actual 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


Performance Item Total Participants Served
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Total Participants Exited
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Median Earnings Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3

Female 35 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Male 36 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Other 63 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Did Not Self Identify 64 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Performance Item Total Participants Served
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Total Participants Exited
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Median Earnings Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3

< 16 37 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

16 - 18 38 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

19 - 24 39 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

25 - 44 40 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

45 - 54 41 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

55 - 59 42 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

60+ 43 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Performance Item Total Participants Served
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Total Participants Exited
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Median Earnings Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3

American Indian / Alaska Native 44 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Asian 45 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Black / African American 46 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hispanic / Latino 47 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 48 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

White 49 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

More Than One Race 50 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Performance Item Total Participants Served
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Total Participants Exited
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q2)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Employment Rate (Q4)2
Median Earnings Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Credential Rate3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3
Measurable Skill Gains3

Displaced Homemakers 51 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

English Language Learners, Low Levels of Literacy, Cultural Barriers 52 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Exhausting TANF within 2 years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) 53 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ex-offenders 54 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Homeless Individuals / runaway youth 55 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Long-term Unemployed
(27 or more consecutive weeks)
56 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Low-Income Individuals 57 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers 58 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Individuals with Disabilities (incl. youth) 59 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Single Parents (Incl. single pregnant women) 60 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Youth in foster care or aged out of system 61 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1Applies to Title I only. Individuals for whom it is unknown whether their employment in the 2nd quarter after exit was related to the training they received are included in this measure and are considered to be a negative outcome for the purposes of this calculation.

2This indicator also includes those who entered into a training or education program for the Youth program.

3Credential Rate and Measurable Skill Gains do not apply to the Wagner-Peyser program.

4Barriers to Employment are determined at the point of entry into the program.

*Cells are populated based on the combination of the corresponding specifications for that row and column. For example, the cell in the row "Sex: Female" and the column "Employment Rate (Q2) Num" will be the count of female participants in the Employment Rate (Q2) Numerator for that report period.

Numbers entered into cells in this template are the same as the corresponding "report item number" on the report specification document. Clicking on each hyperlink will take the user to the plain text language and technical specifications of each report item.

Sheet 2: Measurable Skill Gains

o Title I Adult [State Submitting Report] mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy
o Title I Dislocated Worker N/A N/A
o Title I Youth N/A N/A
o Title II Adult Education N/A N/A
o Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation N/A N/A
Skill Gain Type Total Skill Gains
Achievement of at least one educational functioning level of a participant who is receiving educational instruction below the postsecondary level Total Skill Gains (MSG 1)
Attainment of a secondary school diploma or its equivalent Total Skill Gains (MSG 2)
Transcript or report card for either secondary or post-secondary education that shows a participant is achieving the state unit's academic standards Total Skill Gains (MSG 3)
Satisfactory or better progress report, towards established milestones from an employer/training provider who is providing training (e.g., completion of on-the-job training (OJT), completion of 1 year of an apprenticeship program, etc.) Total Skill Gains (MSG 4)
Successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation, progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams Total Skill Gains (MSG 5)
TOTAL Total of All Skill Gains (MSG 6)
1 For performance accountability purposes, the measurable skill gains indicator calculates the number of participants who attain at least one type of gain. However, this report is designed to examine the number of total gains within each type of gain.

Sheet 3: Effectiveness in Serving Emp



From ( mm/dd/yyyy ) :

To ( mm/dd/yyyy ) :


Combined Result Across All WIOA Core Programs
Number and Percent of Participants Employed with the Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit







Report Comments:

Name and Title of Certifying Official:

Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Sheet 4: Performance Report Specs

WIOA Reporting Template
Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Plain Text Specifications Technical Specifications
(Refer to Supporting Statement for Details on the Joint PIRL Data Element Specifications)
1 Participants Served (Career Services) Count of participants served during the period of the report who received Career Services. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and (DATE OF MOST RECENT CAREER SERVICE is not null)) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of the report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT) => beginning of the report period or DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null))
2 Participants Exited (Career Services) Count of participants who received Career Services that exited from all services during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and DATE OF MOST RECENT CAREER SERVICE is not null)) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the reporting period))
3 Funds Expended (Career Services) Total Amount expended on count of participants during the period of the report for individuals who received Career Services during the period of the report. Total Amount Expended for the count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and (DATE OF MOST RECENT CAREER SERVICE is not null)) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of the report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT => beginning of the report period or DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null))
4 Cost Per Participant Served (Career Services) Funds Expended divided by count of participants served during the period of the report who received Career Services FUNDS EXPENDED (CAREER SERVICES) ÷ PARTICIPANTS SERVED (CAREER
5 Participants Served (Training Services) Count of participants served during the reporting period who received training services. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and (RECEIVED TRAINING = 1)) and ((Date of Program Entry <= end of the report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT => beginning of the report period or DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null))
6 Participants Exited (Training Services) Count of participants who received training services that exited from all services during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and (RECEIVED TRAINING = 1)) and DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the reporting period
7 Funds Expended (Training Services) Total Amount expended on count of participants served who received training during the reporting period. Total Amount Expended for the count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and (RECEIVED TRAINING = 1)) and ((Date of Program Entry <= end of the report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT => beginning of the report period or DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null))
8 Cost Per Participant Served (Training Services) Funds Expended divided by Count of individual participants served during the period of the report who received training services. FUNDS EXPENDED (TRAINING SERVICES) ÷ PARTICIPANTS SERVED (TRAINING SERVICES)
9 Percent Training Related Employment Numerator Number of Title I participants who were employed during the second quarter after exit and received training services who were also in training related employment during the second quarter after exit. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PERCENT TRAINING RELATED EMPLOYMENT DENOMINATOR where ENTERED TRAINING RELATED EMPLOYMENT = 1)
10 Percent Training Related Employment Denominator Number of Title I participants who were employed during the second quarter after exit and received training services. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and included in EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) NUMERATOR and EMPLOYMENT RELATED TO TRAINING (2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT) (WIOA)) = 1 or 0 or 9))
11 Percent Training Related Employment Percentage of Title I participants, who received training services and were employed during the second quarter after exit, whose employment was related to the training received. PERCENT TRAINING RELATED EMPLOYMENT NUMERATOR ÷ PERCENT TRAINING RELATED EMPLOYMENT DENOMINATOR X 100
12 Percent Co-Enrolled Percentage of participants who received services under more than one core program. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from denominator where ((Funding Stream) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT <= end of the report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT => beginning of the report period or is null)) and (FUNDING STREAM) = 1 for any other funding stream)) ÷ Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((Funding Stream) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of the report period and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT => beginning of the report period or is null))) X 100.
13 Percent Administrative Funds Expended The percentage of total federal funds expended on administration for Title I programs. Total Admin funds expended during the reporting period ÷ Total Admin funds available X 100
14 Participants Served Number of total participants during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of the report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT => beginning of the report period or is null))
15 Participants Exited (Current PY) Number of participants who exited during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the reporting period.
16 Employment Rate (Quarter 2) Numerator Number of participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed during the second quarter after exit. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) DENOMINATOR where EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is > 0 and < 9
17 Employment Rate (Quarter 2) Denominator Number of participants who exited during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the report period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00))
18 Employment Rate (Quarter 2) Number of participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed during the second quarter after exit (numerator) divided by the number of participants who exited during the reporting period (denominator) multiplied by 100 and reported as a percentage. EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) NUMERATOR ÷ EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) DENOMINATOR X 100
19 Employment Rate (Quarter 4) Numerator Number of participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed during the fourth quarter after exit. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 4) DENOMINATOR where EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is > 0 and < 9
20 Employment Rate (Quarter 4) Denominator Number of participants who exited during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the report period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00))
21 Employment Rate (Quarter 4) Number of participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed during the fourth quarter after exit (numerator) divided by the number of participants who exited during the reporting period (denominator) multiplied by 100 and reported as a percentage. EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 4) NUMERATOR ÷ EMPLOYMENT RATE (QUARTER 4) DENOMINATOR X 100
22 Placement Rate (Quarter 2) (Youth) Numerator Number of Title I youth participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed, in education, or in occupational skills training during the second quarter after exit. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PLACEMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) DENOMINATOR where ((EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is > 0 and < 9) or (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I) > 0))
23 Placement Rate (Quarter 2) (Youth) Denominator Number of Title I youth participants who exited during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (YOUTH ) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the report period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00))
24 Placement Rate (Quarter 2) (Youth) Numerator divided by the denominator (i.e., Item #20 divided by Item #21) multiplied by 100 and reported as a percentage. PLACEMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) NUMERATOR ÷ PLACEMENT RATE (QUARTER 2) DENOMINATOR X 100
25 Placement Rate (Quarter 4) (Youth) Numerator Number of Title I youth participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed, in education, or in occupational skills training during the fourth quarter after exit. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PLACEMENT RATE (QUARTER 4) DENOMINATOR where ((EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is > 0 and < 9) or (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I) > 0))
26 Placement Rate (Quarter 4) (Youth) Denominator Number of Title I youth participants who exited during the reporting period. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (YOUTH) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the report period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00))
27 Placement Rate (Quarter 4) (Youth) Numerator divided by the denominator (i.e., Item #23 divided by Item #24) multiplied by 100 and reported as a percentage. PLACEMENT RATE (QUARTER 4) NUMERATOR ÷ PLACEMENT RATE (QUARTER 4) DENOMINATOR X 100
28 Median Earnings For all participants who exited in a core program, report the wage that is at the midpoint (of all the wages) between the highest and lowest wage earned in the second quarter after exit. The value of 2ND quarter after exit wage that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported excluding values that are 0.00 or 999999.99 for the UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the reporting Period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00))
To determine the midpoint, the 2ND quarter after exit wages should be sorted from lowest to highest. If an odd number of unique records have been reported, the mid-point value is defined as the value of the (n+1)/2 record where n is the total unique records with 2ND quarter after exit wages. Thus if 99 wage records are in the 2ND quarter after exit, the midpoint is the 50th record [(99+1)/2=50]. If an even number of unique records has been reported, then the mid-point is the arithmetic mean of the two midmost wage values. Thus if 100 wage records are in the 2ND quarter after exit, the mid-point is (100+1)/2 = 50.5 and the median is the mean of the two midmost values is defined as the value of the sum of the 50th and 51st record divided by 2
29 Credential Rate Numerator Number of participants who exited that were either in a postsecondary education or training program and who obtained a recognized postsecondary credential during the program or within one year after exit; or were in a secondary education program and who obtained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR where
30 Credential Rate Denominator The number of participants who exited and were either in a postsecondary education or training program during program participation; or were in a secondary education program (at or above the 9th grade level) without a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where (Funding Stream) and DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null and DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is within the report period and (((TYPE OF TRAINING #1 or TYPE OF TRAINING #2 or TYPE OF TRAINING #3) = (02 or 03 or 04 or 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10 or 12)) or (Participated in POSTSECONDARY Education During Program Participation = 1)) or ((HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL LEVEL COMPLETED AT PROGRAM ENTRY = 0) and (ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM = 1)) and OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00)
31 Credential Rate Credential Rate Numerator divided by Credential Rate Denominator (i.e., Item #27 divided by Item #28) multiplied by 100 and reported as a percentage. CREDENTIAL RATE NUMERATOR ÷ CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR X 100
32 Measurable Skill Gains Numerator Number of program participants who, during the program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skill gains based on attainment of at least one of the five types of gains: 1) educational functional level gain; 2) secondary diploma or equivalent; 3) secondary/POSTSECONDARY transcript/report card; 4) training milestone; or 5) skills progression. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from MEASURABLE SKILLS GAIN DENOMINATOR where ((DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAIN: EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONING LEVEL (EFL) is within the reporting period) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 = 1)) or (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD is within the reporting period) or (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: POSTSECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD is within the reporting period) or (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: TRAINING MILESTONE is within the reporting period) or (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SKILLS PROGRESSION is within the reporting period))
33 Measurable Skill Gains Denominator Number of program participants who, during the program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null or within the report period) and (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is not null) and (DATE COMPLETED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = (00 or 07 or NULL))
34 Measurable Skill Gains Rate Measurable Skill Gains Numerator divided by Measurable Skill Gains Denominator (i.e., Item #30 divided by Item #31). MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS RATE NUMERATOR ÷ MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS DENOMINATOR X 100
36 Female Number of female program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where SEX = 2
37 Male Number of male program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where SEX = 1
38 Less than 16 Number of program participants who are less than 16 at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH < 16 years)
39 16 – 18 Number of program participants who are age 16 – 18 at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH >= 16 years and <=18 years)
40 19 –24 Number of program participants who are age 19 – 24 at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH >=19 years and <=24 years)
41 25 – 44 Number of program participants who are age 25 – 44 at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH >=25 years and <=44 years)
42 45 – 54 Number of program participants who are age 45 – 54 at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH >=45 years and <=54 years)
43 55 – 59 Number of program participants who are age 55 – 59 at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH >=55 years and <=59 years)
44 60+ Number of program participants who are age 60+ at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Date of Program Entry - DATE OF BIRTH >=60 years)
45 American Indian or Alaska Native Number of American Indian or Alaska Native program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where AMERICAN INDIAN/ALASKA NATIVE = 1
46 Asian Number of Asian program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ASIAN = 1
47 Black or African American Number of Black or African American participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where BLACK/ AFRICAN AMERICAN = 1
48 Hispanic or Latino Number of Hispanic or Latino participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ETHNICITY: HISPANIC/LATINO is 1
49 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Number of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where NATIVE HAWAIIAN/OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER = 1
50 White Number of White program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where WHITE = 1
51 More Than One Race Number of program participants having origins in more than one racial category at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where More Than One Race is TRUE1
52 Displaced Homemaker Number of program participants who are displaced homemakers at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry= 1
53 English language learners, Low Levels of Literacy, Cultural Barriers Number of program participants at program entry who are English language learners, individuals who have low levels of literacy, or who face substantial cultural barriers. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((English Language Learner at Program Entry = 1) or (Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy at Program Entry = 1) or (Cultural Barriers at Program Entry = 1))
54 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years--(Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) Number of program participants at program entry who will exhaust TANF (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) within 2 years. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) at Program Entry = 1
55 Ex-offenders Number of program participants who are ex-offenders at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry = 1
56 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth Number of homeless participants or runaway youth at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Homeless Individual, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry > 0
57 Long-term unemployed (27 or more consecutive weeks) Number of long-term unemployed program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Long-term Unemployed at Program Entry = 1
58 Low-income Individuals Number of low-income program participants at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Low Income Status at Program Entry = 1
59 Migrant and seasonal farmworkers Number of program participants at program entry who are migrant or seasonal farmworkers. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status at National Farmworker Jobs Program Entry (WIOA sec. 167) > 0
60 Persons With Disabilities (Incl Youth) Number of individuals with disabilities, including youth at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Individual with a Disability = 1
61 Single parents (including single pregnant woman) Number of program participants at program entry who are single parents or single pregnant women. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Single Parent at Program Entry = 1
62 Youth who are in or have aged out of the foster care system Number of youth up to age 24 who have ever been in, or have aged out of the foster care system at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry = 1 and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY - DATE OF BIRTH >=14 years and <=24 years)
63 Sex: Other Number of program participants that identify their sex as something other than male or female at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where SEX = 3
64 Sex: Did Not Self Identify Number of program participants that did not identify their sex at program entry. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where SEX = 9

Measurable Skill Gains
Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Plain Text Specifications Technical Specifications
(Refer to Supporting Statement for Details on the Joint PIRL Data Element Specifications)
1 Total count of achievement of at least one educational functioning level of a participant who received educational instruction below the postsecondary level Number of participants enrolled in a secondary education program at program entry or during participation who had a successful outcome Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null or within the report period) and (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is not null) and (DATE COMPLETED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = (00 or 07 or NULL))) and (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAIN: EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONING LEVEL (EFL) is within the reporting period)
2 Total count of attainment of a secondary school diploma or its equivalent Number of participants that do not have a secondary education diploma at program entry who had a successful outcome Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null or within the report period) and (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is not null) and (DATE COMPLETED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = (00 or 07 or NULL))) and ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 = 1))
3 Total count of transcript or report card for either secondary or post-secondary education that shows a participant is achieving the state unit's academic standards Number of participants enrolled in either secondary education or postsecondary education at program entry or during the period of participation who had a successful outcome Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null or within the report period) and (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is not null) and (DATE COMPLETED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = (00 or 07 or NULL))) and ((DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD is within the reporting period) or (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: POSTSECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD is within the reporting period))
4 Total count of satisfactory or better progress report, towards established milestones from an employer/training provider who is providing training (e.g., completion of on-the-job training (OJT), completion of 1 year of an apprenticeship program, etc.) Number of participants enrolled in on the job training, apprenticeship, a workplace adult education program, or integrated education and training during program participation who had a successful outcome Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null or within the report period) and (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is not null) and (DATE COMPLETED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = (00 or 07 or NULL))) and (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: TRAINING MILESTONE is within the reporting period)
5 Total count of successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation, progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams Number of participants enrolled in education or training during program participation who had a successful outcome Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (Funding Stream) and ((DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY is not null) and (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY <= end of report period) and (DATE OF PROGRAM EXIT is null or within the report period) and (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is not null) and (DATE COMPLETED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = (00 or 07 or NULL))) and (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SKILLS PROGRESSION is within the reporting period)
6 Total Count of Skills Gains Total Count of Skills Gains Sum of (1, 2, 3, 4 ,5)

Effectiveness in Serving Employers
Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Plain Text Specifications Technical Specifications
(Refer to Supporting Statement for Details on the WIOA Joint Data Element Specifications)
1 Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit Numerator Number of Participants who exited during the reporting period who were employed by the same employer during the 2nd quarter after exit and the 4th quarter after exit Record the total number of records in the Denominator where the employer is the same in the 2nd and 4th quarters after exit
2 Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit Denominator Number of Participants who exited during the reporting period who were employed in the 2nd Quarter after Exit Record the total number of records of participants in the report period who were employed in the 2nd quarter after exit
3 Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit Rate Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit Rate Effectiveness in Serving Employers Numerator ÷ Effectiveness in Serving Employers Denominator X 100

1 More Than One Race is TRUE when the participant indicates, at program entry, that they have origins in and identify with more than one racial group and more than one of the following PIRL fields equal 1: American Indian / Alaska Native (WIOA), Asian (WIOA), Black / African American (WIOA), Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander (WIOA), or White (WIOA)

Sheet 5: Funding Streams

Funding Stream Definitions
Funding Stream Technical Specifications
Adult ADULT = 1, 2, or 3
Dislocated Worker DISLOCATED WORKER = 1, 2, or 3 or Rapid Response Additional Assistance = 1
Youth YOUTH = 1, 2, or 3
Adult Education ADULT EDUCATION > 0 and < 9
Vocational Rehabilitation VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION > 0 and < 9
Wagner-Peyser Employment Service WAGNER-PEYSER EMPLOYMENT SERVICE = 1

LWIA WIOA Funding Stream Definitions
Funding Stream Technical Specifications
Adult ADULT = 1, 3
Dislocated Worker DISLOCATED WORKER = 1, 3
Youth YOUTH = 1, 3
Adult Education ADULT EDUCATION > 0 and < 9
Vocational Rehabilitation VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION > 0 and < 9
Wagner-Peyser Employment Service WAGNER-PEYSER EMPLOYMENT SERVICE = 1

Sheet 6: Annual Periods of Reporting

Time Periods for Reporting Performance Information on the WIOA Annual Report
Revised 6/10/2020
Program Year 2020 (PY20) Annual Report
Report Due Date October 1, 2021
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 4/01/20 to 3/31/21
Funds Expended 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Number Served (Participant) 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Number Exited (Participant) 4/01/20 to 3/31/21
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/19 to 6/30/20
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 1/01/19 to 12/31/19
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/19 to 6/30/20
Credential Attainment Rate 1/01/19 to 12/31/19
Measurable Skill Gains 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention With Same Employer 1/01/19 to 12/31/19
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Repeat Business Customers 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Employer Penetration Rate 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Veterans’ Priority of Service 7/01/20 to 6/30/21

Program Year 2021 (PY21) Annual Report
Report Due Date October 1, 2022
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 4/01/21 to 3/31/22
Funds Expended 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Number Served (Participant) 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Number Exited (Participant) 4/01/21 to 3/31/22
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 1/01/20 to 12/31/20
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Credential Attainment Rate 1/01/20 to 12/31/20
Measurable Skill Gains 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention With Same Employer 1/01/20 to 12/31/20
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Repeat Business Customers 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Employer Penetration Rate 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Veterans’ Priority of Service 7/01/21 to 6/30/22

Program Year 2022 (PY22) Annual Report
Report Due Date October 1, 2023
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 4/01/22 to 3/31/23
Funds Expended 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Number Served (Participant) 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Number Exited (Participant) 4/01/22 to 3/31/23
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 1/01/21 to 12/31/21
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Credential Attainment Rate 1/01/21 to 12/31/21
Measurable Skill Gains 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention With Same Employer 1/01/21 to 12/31/21
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Repeat Business Customers 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Employer Penetration Rate 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Veterans’ Priority of Service 7/01/22 to 6/30/23

Program Year 2023 (PY23) Annual Report
Report Due Date October 1, 2024
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 4/01/23 to 3/31/24
Funds Expended 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Number Served (Participant) 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Number Exited (Participant) 4/01/23 to 3/31/24
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 1/01/22 to 12/31/22
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Credential Attainment Rate 1/01/22 to 12/31/22
Measurable Skill Gains 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Retention With Same Employer 1/01/22 to 12/31/22
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Repeat Business Customers 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Effectiveness in Serving Employers - Employer Penetration Rate 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Veterans’ Priority of Service 7/01/23 to 6/30/24

Sheet 7: Quarterly Periods of Reporting

Time Periods for Reporting Performance Information on the WIOA Quarterly Report
Revised 6/11/2020
Program Year (PY) 2020
Time Periods To Be Reported
Report Quarter July – Sept. Oct. – Dec. Jan. – Mar. Apr. – June
Report Due Date November 14, 2020 February 14, 2021 May 15, 2021 August 14, 2021
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 7/01/19 to 6/30/20 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21
Funds Expended 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Number Served (Participant) 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Number Exited (Participant) 7/01/19 to 6/30/20 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/18 to 9/30/19 1/01/19 to 12/31/19 4/01/19 to 3/31/20 7/01/19 to 6/30/20
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 4/01/18 to 3/31/19 7/01/18 to 6/30/19 10/01/18 to 9/30/19 1/01/19 to 12/31/19
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/18 to 9/30/19 1/01/19 to 12/31/19 4/01/19 to 3/31/20 7/01/19 to 6/30/20
Credential Attainment Rate 4/01/18 to 3/31/19 7/01/18 to 6/30/19 10/01/18 to 9/30/19 1/01/19 to 12/31/19
Measurable Skill Gains 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Veterans’ Priority of Service 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21

Program Year (PY) 2021
Time Periods To Be Reported
Report Quarter July – Sept. Oct. – Dec. Jan. – Mar. Apr. – June
Report Due Date November 14, 2021 February 14, 2022 May 15, 2022 August 14, 2022
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 7/01/20 to 6/30/21 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22
Funds Expended 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Number Served (Participant) 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Number Exited (Participant) 7/01/20 to 6/30/21 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 4/01/19 to 3/31/20 7/01/19 to 6/30/20 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21
Credential Attainment Rate 4/01/19 to 3/31/20 7/01/19 to 6/30/20 10/01/19 to 9/30/20 1/01/20 to 12/31/20
Measurable Skill Gains 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Veterans’ Priority of Service 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22

Program Year (PY) 2022
Time Periods To Be Reported
Report Quarter July – Sept. Oct. – Dec. Jan. – Mar. Apr. – June
Report Due Date November 14, 2022 February 14, 2023 May 15, 2023 August 14, 2023
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 7/01/21 to 6/30/22 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23
Funds Expended 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Number Served (Participant) 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Number Exited (Participant) 7/01/21 to 6/30/22 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22
Credential Attainment Rate 4/01/20 to 3/31/21 7/01/20 to 6/30/21 10/01/20 to 9/30/21 1/01/21 to 12/31/21
Measurable Skill Gains 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Veterans’ Priority of Service 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 to 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23

Program Year (PY) 2023
Time Periods To Be Reported
Report Quarter July – Sept. Oct. – Dec. Jan. – Mar. Apr. – June
Report Due Date November 14, 2023 February 14, 2024 May 15, 2024 August 14, 2024
Number Served (Reportable Individual) 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Number Exited (Reportable Individual) 7/01/22 to 6/30/23 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24
Funds Expended 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Number Served (Participant) 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Number Exited (Participant) 7/01/22 to 6/30/23 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24
Employment Rate Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 o 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Employment Rate Fourth Quarter After Exit 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22
Median Earnings Second Quarter After Exit 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22 4/01/22 o 3/31/23 7/01/22 to 6/30/23
Credential Attainment Rate 4/01/21 to 3/31/22 7/01/21 to 6/30/22 10/01/21 to 9/30/22 1/01/22 to 12/31/22
Measurable Skill Gains 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
Veterans’ Priority of Service 10/01/22 to 9/30/23 1/01/23 to 12/31/23 4/01/23 to 3/31/24 7/01/23 to 6/30/24
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