OMB Control Number: 1205-0521 |
Expiration Date: 03-31-2027 | |||||||||
Date of Report: | ETA-9173 INA Youth | ||||||||
PY 20xx Qtr x Performance Report for Indian and Native American Youth Program | |||||||||
Time Period: (choose only one) |
o Quarterly | Current Period | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | |||||||
o Rolling 4 Quarters | Program Year to Date | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | |||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
1. Total Exiters | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
2. Total Participants | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
B.1. SEX | |||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
1a. Male | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
1b. Female | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
1c. Did not self-identify | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
B.2. ETHNICITY/RACE | |||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
2a. American Indian or Alaska Native | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
2b. Native Hawaiian | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
B.3. AGE | |||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
3a. 14-18 years | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
3b. 19-21 years | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
3c. 22-24 years | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
4a. Eligible Veterans | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
4b. Individuals with a Disability | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
4e. Unemployed Individuals | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
B.5. EDUCATION LEVEL | |||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
5a. In-School Youth - H.S. or less | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
5b. Out-of-School Youth - Dropout | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
5c. In Postsecondary Education or Training | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
5d. Not in Postsecondary Education or Training | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER2 (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) | |||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
1. Low-income individuals | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
2. Ex-offenders | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
3. Homeless or runaway youth | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
4. Current or former foster care youth | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
5. Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
6. Pregnant or Parenting Youth | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
7. Long-term unemployed (27 or more consecutive weeks) | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
Performance Items | Cohort Period | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
1a. Employment, Education, or Training Placement Rate (Q2) - Supplemental | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
1b. Employment, Education, or Training Placement Rate (Q2) - UI Match | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
1c. Employment, Education, or Training Placement Rate (Q2) - Combined | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
2a. Employment, Education or Training Placement Rate (Q4) - Supplemental | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
2b. Employment, Education or Training Placement Rate (Q4) - UI Match | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
2c. Employment, Education or Training Placement Rate (Q4) - Combined | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
3. Median Earnings | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
4. Credential Rate | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
5. Measurable Skill Gains | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
6a. Retention with the Same Employers in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Supplemental | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
6a. Retention with the Same Employers in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - UI Match | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
6a. Retention with the Same Employers in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Combined | mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy | ||||||||
Performance Items | Population Cohort | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | ||||||
1. Internship or Work Experience Participation Rate | Participant | ||||||||
2. Career Assessment or Work Readiness Training Participation Rate | Participant | ||||||||
3. Summer Employment Participation Rate | Participant | ||||||||
4. Leadership Participation Rate | Participant | ||||||||
5. Completed Occupational Skills Training | Exiter | ||||||||
6. Attained High School Diploma or High School Equivalency | Exiter | ||||||||
7. Entered Unsubsidized Employment (Including Military) | Exiter |
Item | Field Label | ||
Summary Information | |||
Youth | Total Current Period | Total Program Year to Date | |
A.1 | Total Exiters | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the reporting period | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the reporting period |
A.2 | Total Participants Served | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
Participant Summary and Service Information | |||
B.1a | Male | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Sex (PIRL201) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Sex (PIRL201) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.1b | Female | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Sex (PIRL201) = 2 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Sex (PIRL201) = 2 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.1c | Did not self-identify | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Sex (PIRL201) = 9 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Sex (PIRL201) = 9 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2a | Hispanic/Latino | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino (PIRL210) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino (PIRL210) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2b | American Indian or Alaska Native | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and American Indian / Alaska Native (PIRL211) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and American Indian / Alaska Native (PIRL211) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2c | Asian | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Asian (PIRL212) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Asian (PIRL212) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2d | Black or African American | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Black or African American (PIRL213) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Black or African American (PIRL213) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2e | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (PIRL214) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (PIRL214) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2f | White | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and White (PIRL215) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and White (PIRL215) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.2g | More Than One Race1 | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and More Than One Race is TRUE1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and More Than One Race is TRUE1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.3a | Age 14-18 years | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 14 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 18 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 14 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 18 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.3b | Age 19-21 years | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 19 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 21 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 19 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 21 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.3c | Age 22-24 years | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 22 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 24 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 22 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 24 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.4a | Eligible Veterans | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Eligible Veteran Status (WIOA) > 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Eligible Veteran Status (WIOA) > 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.4b | Individual with a Disability | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Individual with a Disability (WIOA) (PIRL202) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Individual with a Disability (WIOA) (PIRL202) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.4c | Unemployed Individuals | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and (Employment Status at Program Entry (PIRL400) (PIRL400) (WIOA) = (0 or 2) and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and (Employment Status at Program Entry (PIRL400) (PIRL400) (WIOA) = (0 or 2) and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.5a | In-School Youth - H.S. or less | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) =1 or 2 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 14 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 24 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) =1 or 2 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 14 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 24 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.5b | Out-of-School Youth - Dropout | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) = 4 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 14 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 24 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) = 4 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) >= 14 years) and (Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) - Date of Birth (PIRL200) <= 24 years) and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.5c | In Post-secondary Education or Training | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) = 3 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) = 3 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
B.5c | Not in Post-secondary Education or Training | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) = 5 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and School Status at Program Entry (PIRL 409) = 5 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.1 | Low-income individuals | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Low Income Status at Program Entry (PIRL802) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Low Income Status at Program Entry (PIRL802) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.2 | Ex-offenders | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry (PIRL801) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry (PIRL801) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.3 | Homeless individuals or runaway youth | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Homeless participant, Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry (PIRL800) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Homeless participant, Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry (PIRL800) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.4 | Current or former foster care youth | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry (PIRL704) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry (PIRL704) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.5 | Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy at Program Entry | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy at Program Entry (PIRL804) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy at Program Entry (PIRL804) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.6 | 9. Pregnant or Parenting Youth | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Pregnant or Parenting Youth (PIRL 701) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Pregnant or Parenting Youth (PIRL 701) =1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
C.7 | 10. Long-term unemployed (27 or more consecutive weeks) (Youth) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry (PIRL402) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry (PIRL402) (WIOA) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
Primary Indicators of Performance | |||
D.1 | Placement Rate (Q2)3 | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PLACEMENT RATE (Q2) (Youth) DENOMINATOR where ((EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1602) > 0 and < 9) or (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(PIRL 1900) > 0)) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) and Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = 00 |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PLACEMENT RATE (Q2) (Youth) DENOMINATOR where ((EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1602) > 0 and < 9) or (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I) (PIRL 1900) > 0)) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) and Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = 00 |
D.2 | Placement Rate (Q4) 3 | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PLACEMENT RATE (Q4) (Youth) DENOMINATOR where ((EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1606) is > 0 and < 9) or (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I) (PIRL 1901) > 0)) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) and Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = 00 |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from PLACEMENT RATE (Q4) (Youth) DENOMINATOR where ((EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1606) is > 0 and < 9) or (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I) (PIRL 1901) > 0)) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) and Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = 00 |
D.3 | Median Earnings | The value of EARNINGS 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1704) that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER > 0 and WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER < 999999.99) and Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the reporting Period and Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = 00 | The value of EARNINGS 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1704) that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER > 0 and WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER < 999999.99) and Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the reporting Period and Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = 00 |
D.4 | Credential Rate4 | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR where 1. (((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1801) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1800) > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1803) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1802) > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1805) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1804) > 1)) or 2. ((((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL 1801) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1800) = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1803) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1802) = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1805) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1804) = 1)) and ( a - (DATE ENROLLED IN POST-EXIT EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL (PIRL 1406) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) or b - EMPLOYED 1ST QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL 1600) is (> 0 and < 9) or c - EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1602) is (> 0 and < 9) or d - EMPLOYED 3RD QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL 1604) is (> 0 and < 9) or e - EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1606) is (> 0 and < 9))) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) is not null and Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period and (((TYPE OF TRAINING #1 or TYPE OF TRAINING SERVICE #2 (PIRL1310) or TYPE OF TRAINING SERVICE #3 (PIRL1315)) = (02 or 03 or 04 or 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10)) or Participated in POSTSECONDARY Education During Program Participation (PIRL 1332) = 1 or (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry (PIRL408) = 0 and ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM (PIRL1401) = 1)) and OTHER REASON FOR EXIT (PIRL923) = 00 |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR where 1. (((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1801) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1800) > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1803) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1802) > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1805) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1804) > 1)) or 2. ((((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL 1801) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1800) = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1803) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1802) = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1805) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1804) = 1)) and ( a - (DATE ENROLLED IN POST-EXIT EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL (PIRL 1406) – Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) <= 365) or b - EMPLOYED 1ST QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL 1600) is (> 0 and < 9) or c - EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1602) is (> 0 and < 9) or d - EMPLOYED 3RD QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL 1604) is (> 0 and < 9) or e - EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER (PIRL1606) is (> 0 and < 9))) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) is not null and Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period and (((TYPE OF TRAINING #1 or TYPE OF TRAINING SERVICE #2 (PIRL1310) or TYPE OF TRAINING SERVICE #3 (PIRL1315)) = (02 or 03 or 04 or 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10)) or Participated in POSTSECONDARY Education During Program Participation (PIRL 1332) = 1 or (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry (PIRL408) = 0 and ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM (PIRL1401) = 1)) and OTHER REASON FOR EXIT (PIRL923) = 00 |
D.5 | Measurable Skill Gains4 | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from MEASURABLE SKILLS GAIN DENOMINATOR where (Date of Most Recent Measurable skill gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL) (WIOA) (PIRL1806) is within the reporting period or (Date Attained Recognized Credential (1801) is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1800) = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1803) is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1802) = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1805) is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1804) = 1) or Date Of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Secondary Transcript/Report Card (PIRL1808) is within the reporting period or Date Of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card (PIRL1807) is within the reporting period or Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Training Milestone (PIRL1809) is within the reporting period or Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Skills Progression (PIRL1810) is within the reporting period) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) is not null and Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of report period and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null or within the report period) and Date Enrolled During Program Participation In an Education Or Training Program Leading To a Recognized Credential Or Employment (PIRL1811) is not null and (Date Completed During Program Participation an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Credential or Employment (PIRL1813) is null or within the reporting period) and (Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) = (00 or 07) or Other Reason For Exit (PIRL 923) is null) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from MEASURABLE SKILLS GAIN DENOMINATOR where (Date of Most Recent Measurable skill gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL) (WIOA) (PIRL1806) is within the reporting period or (Date Attained Recognized Credential (1801) is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL (PIRL1800) = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1803) is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 (PIRL1802) = 1) or (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1805) is within the reporting period and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 (PIRL1804) = 1) or Date Of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Secondary Transcript/Report Card (PIRL1808) is within the reporting period or Date Of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card (PIRL1807) is within the reporting period or Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Training Milestone (PIRL1809) is within the reporting period or Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Skills Progression (PIRL1810) is within the reporting period) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) is not null and Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of report period and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null or within the report period) and Date Enrolled During Program Participation In an Education Or Training Program Leading To a Recognized Credential Or Employment (PIRL1811) is not null and (Date Completed During Program Participation an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Credential or Employment (PIRL1813) is null or within the reporting period) and (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT (PIRL 923) = (00 or 07) or OTHER REASON FOR EXIT (PIRL 923) is null) |
D.6 | Retention with the Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarter After Exit (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from RETENTION WITH SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND AND 4TH QUARTERS AFTER EXIT DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1618 (Retention with the same employer in the 2nd Quarter and the 4th Quarter (WIOA)) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from where PIRL 913 (Indian and Native American Programs) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL 923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9 |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from RETENTION WITH SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND AND 4TH QUARTERS AFTER EXIT DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1618 (Retention with the same employer in the 2nd Quarter and the 4th Quarter (WIOA)) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from where PIRL 913 (Indian and Native American Programs) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL 923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9 |
INA Youth Performance Indicators | |||
E.1 | Internship or Work Experience Participation Rate | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Internship or Work Experience Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Internship or Work Experience Participation Rate (PIRL 1203) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Internship or Work Experience Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Internship or Work Experience Participation Rate (PIRL 1203) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
E.2 | Career Assessment or Work Readiness Training Participation Rate | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Career Assessment or Work Readiness Training Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Most Recent Date Youth Received Services that provide labor market information and employment information (PIRL 1414) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Career Assessment or Work Readiness Training Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Most Recent Date Youth Received Services that provide labor market information and employment information (PIRL 1414) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
E.3 | Summer Employment Participation Rate | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Summer Employment Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Type of Work Experience (PIRL 1205) = 1 divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Summer Employment Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Type of Work Experience (PIRL 1205) = 1 divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
E.4 | Leadership Participation Rate | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Leadership Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Most Recent Date Received Leadership Development Opportunities (PIRL 1408) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Leadership Participation Rate DENOMINATOR where Most Recent Date Received Leadership Development Opportunities (PIRL 1408) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Entry (PIRL900) <= end of the report period) and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) => beginning of the report period or Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is null) |
E.5 | Completed Occupational Skills Training | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Completed Occupational Skills Training DENOMINATOR where Received Training (PIRL 1300) = 1 and (Training Completed #1, #2, or #3 (1307, 1312 or 1317) is not null) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Completed Occupational Skills Training DENOMINATOR where Received Training (PIRL 1300) = 1 and (Training Completed #1, #2, or #3 (1307, 1312 or 1317) is not null) divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) |
E.6 | Attained High School Diploma or High School Equivalency | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Attained High School Diploma or High School Equivalency DENOMINATOR where Type of Recognized Credential #1, #2, or #3 (PIRL 1800, 1802, or 1804) =1 divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Attained High School Diploma or High School Equivalency DENOMINATOR where Type of Recognized Credential #1, #2, or #3 (PIRL 1800, 1802, or 1804) =1 divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) |
E.7 | Entered Unsubsidized Employment (Including Military) | Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Entered Unsubsidized Employment (Including Military) DENOMINATOR where Date Entered Employment (PIRL 2118) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) |
Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Entered Unsubsidized Employment (Including Military) DENOMINATOR where Date Entered Employment (PIRL 2118) is not null divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where Indian and Native American Programs (PIRL 913) = 1 and Date of First WIOA Youth Service (PIRL906) is not null and (Date of Program Exit (PIRL901) is within the report period) |
1More Than One Race is True when the participant indicates, at program entry, that they have origins in and identify with more than one racial group and more than one of the following PIRL fields equal 1: American Indian / Alaska Native (WIOA), Asian (WIOA), Black / African American (WIOA), Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander (WIOA), or White (WIOA) |
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