This request fulfills Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act reporting requirements regarding the collection of performance indicators described in Sec. 116(b)(2)(A). Requirements for state level collection of this data for the programs contained in this collection are based on WIOA requirements. As part of this ICR, the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has made changes to the Participant Individual Record Layout (ETA-9172), (Program) Performance Report (ETA-9173-APPSHP) to facilitate State and grantee performance reporting. In particular, as part of DOL’s effort to streamline program performance reporting for ETA grants with significant apprenticeship components as a primary goal of the program (Apprenticeship grants), DOL is adding the performance information collection requirements for Apprenticeship grants. DOL also is adding a new information collection requirement to this ICR: the Apprenticeship Outreach: Organization/Employer Record Layout.
The latest form for DOL-Only Performance Accountability, Information, and Reporting System expires 2023-06-30 and can be found here.
Document Name |
Supplementary Document |
Supporting Statement A |
Federal Enterprise Architecture: Workforce Management - Training and Employment
Form ETA 9172 | Participant Level Record Level (PIRL) | Fillable Fileable | Form and instruction |
Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.