Section and variable |
Change proposed |
Reason for change |
Changes made across multiple forms |
Section: Cluster Variables
Forms: Follow-up (Revised Q2/ Current Q2) Annual/Closeout (Revised Q2/ Current Q2) |
Deleted instructions on how to complete this field. Wording removed: A local cluster ID must be populated on this form and in eHARS. For molecular clusters, the recommended nomenclature is the two-letter jurisdiction abbreviation followed by the year and month in which the cluster was first identified and Secure HIV-TRACE cluster ID. For time-space clusters, the recommended nomenclature is the two letter jurisdiction abbreviation followed by the year and month in which the cluster was first identified and cluster ID with the initials 'TS' (e.g., GA_YYYYMM_TS789). Jurisdictions may use any naming convention to develop the cluster ID as long as it includes the initials 'TS' and does not contain personal identifiers. |
No longer needed because the response to this question will be auto-populated from an earlier form |
Section: Cluster Variables Forms: Initial (Revised Q4), Follow-up (Revised Q3), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q3) |
Changed wording. Current wording: National cluster ID. Revised wording: CDC cluster ID |
To clarify the source (CDC) of the cluster identifier |
Section: Status of Cluster Response
Forms: Follow-up (Revised Q4), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q4) |
Changed wording. Current wording: Are response activities for this cluster currently ongoing? Revised wording: Are investigation or response activities for this cluster currently ongoing? |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Section: Case Definition and Characteristics
Forms: Follow-up (Revised Q6/6a), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q5/5a) |
Added question.
(If yes), describe any changes to the cluster case definition. |
To document changes to the cluster case definition and allow for more targeted technical assistance |
Section: Case Definition and Characteristics
Forms: Follow-up (Revised Q7/7a), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q7/7a) |
Added question.
(If yes), describe notable changes to the characteristics of the cluster. |
To allow health departments to better explain the evolving context of the cluster |
Section: Cluster Detection, Case Definition, and Characteristics
Forms: Initial (Revised Q9/Current Q20) Follow-up (Revised Q8/ Current Q5), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q7/Current Q6a) |
Changed wording. Current wording: Initial: Size of transmission cluster in your jurisdiction as identified through review of available data. Follow-up: Current number of persons in the transmission cluster in your jurisdiction. Annual/Closeout: Transmission cluster (within your jurisdiction)
Revised wording: Number of people with HIV in the cluster residing in your jurisdiction at the time of this report. |
To clarify the intent of the question and standardize wording across forms |
Section: Case Definition and Characteristics
Forms: Initial (Revised Q11/Current Q22), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q9/Current Q6b) |
Changed wording. Current wording: Initial: Number of persons in the risk network in your jurisdiction identified through review of available data who are not known to be HIV infected. Annual/Closeout: Risk network (persons not known to be HIV-infected residing in your jurisdiction) Revised wording: Number of named partners of cluster members not known to have HIV residing in your jurisdiction at the time of this report. |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Section: Overlapping Clusters
Forms: Follow-up (Revised Q9/9a-b), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q11/11a-b) |
Added question.
To more easily capture additional information about the content of the cluster not already captured in other questions. |
Section: Gaps or Challenges
Forms: Initial (Revised Q16/16a), Follow-up (Revised Q10/10a), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q12/12a) |
Added question (OPTIONAL for initial form). What gaps or challenges have you
encountered in responding to this cluster? Check all that
apply. [OPTIONAL] Provide additional information on any of the selected challenges |
For health departments to provide additional information more easily about the content of the cluster not already captured in other questions |
Section: Investigation or Response Activities
Forms: Initial (Revised Q17), Follow-up (Revised Q11), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q13) |
Added question (OPTIONAL for initial form): What investigation or response activities, if any, have you initiated in response to the cluster?
Instructions: Check off all the activities that have been part of your cluster response. Your response should reflect a cumulative list of all activities that have been initiated, tailored, or enhanced in response to the cluster except for reporting on activities 1-4 related to individual cluster member/partner follow-up. You may check off activities 1-4 even if they were initiated before the identification of the cluster. Note that if you are unsure of where an activity fits within a domain you can place it in the “other” category of the domain.
Please see form for full list of response options. |
To allow health departments to communicate, in a systematic manner, the major activities that they have implemented in response to the cluster. |
Section: Investigation or Response
Forms: Initial (Revised Q18/18a), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q16/16a) |
Changed wording and split into two questions. |
To simplify data collection, reduce burden and clarify the intent of the question |
Section: Level of Concern
Forms: Initial (Revised Q19-19a/Current Q28-28a), Follow-up (Revised Q12-12a/Current Q11-11a), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q17-17a/Current Q15) |
Standardized wording across all forms. Current wording: Initial: Based on your initial review of the data, what is your level of concern for this cluster? Follow-up: What is your current level of concern for this cluster? (Provide comments regarding your current level of concern in the box below.) Note: Select 'High' if additional response is needed, 'Medium' if additional information about the cluster is needed, or 'Low' if no additional investigation activities are needed at this time. Annual/Closeout: Briefly describe your level of concern for this cluster and why ongoing response is still needed. If the cluster response has been closed, instead describe how you will continue monitoring the cluster for future growth.
Revised wording: What is your current level of concern for this cluster?
Instructions: Consider a variety of factors that may modify your level of concern. See Cluster Review and Prioritization in CDC’s HIV CDR Guidance for Health Departments for additional considerations. [IF answered High], Describe why you've assigned this level of concern using a brief, narrative summary of key findings: ________________________ Instructions: In the narrative summary, include any notable or concerning epidemiological or other characteristics, including any indications that the underlying network is substantially larger than what has been identified. |
To simplify wording and clarify the intent of the question |
Section: Technical Assistance Needs
Forms: Initial (Revised Q20/20a), Follow-up (Revised Q13/13a), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q18/18a) |
Added question. Do you have any technical assistance needs related to this cluster? If yes, describe your technical assistance needs. If you have urgent technical assistance needs, reach out directly to your assigned Detection and Response Branch epidemiologist. |
For health departments to communicate technical assistance needs |
Section: Additional Comments
Forms: Initial (Revised Q21), Follow-up (Revised Q14), Annual/Closeout (Revised Q19) |
Added OPTIONAL question to initial and closeout forms. Relocated question in follow-up form. Additional comments |
To provide additional information not captured in other questions |
Section: N/A (deleted)
Forms: Initial (Current Q18a-l), Annual/Closeout (Current Q11a-l) |
Deleted questions.
No longer needed |
Section: N/A (deleted)
Forms: Follow-up (Current Q10a-i) Annual/Closeout (Current Q8a-i)
Deleted question. Since the time of cluster detection, were any of the following investigation and/or intervention activities conducted?
No longer needed |
Question |
Change proposed |
Reason for change |
Changes to initial form only |
Revised: Q3 Current: Q3
Updated instructions on how to complete question. |
CDC guidance on how to complete this field was recently updated. The instructions were updated to align with the revised guidance |
Revised: Q5, options b and d Current: Q5, options b and d |
Changed wording. Current wording: Initial cluster detection method that identified this cluster.
Revised wording: Initial cluster detection method. b. CDC molecular analysis d. CDC time-space analysis |
To simplify wording and clarify intent of the response options |
Revised: Q5b Current: Q5a |
Changed wording. Current wording: County of time-space alert. Revised wording: County or other geographic area of cluster. Add ‘County’ after the name if entering the name of a county. |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Revised: Q5c Current: Q9a |
Changed wording. Current wording: Please describe the case definition you are using to determine which cases are included in this cluster (i.e., inclusion criteria for person, place, and time). Revised wording: Describe the case definition you are using to determine which cases are included in this cluster. Include criteria for person, place, and time. |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Revised: Q6 Current: Q6 |
Changed wording. Current wording: For clusters identified through molecular analysis, does this cluster meet national priority cluster criteria? Revised wording: For clusters identified through molecular analysis, does this cluster meet national priority cluster criteria in your jurisdiction? |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Revised: Q10 Current: Q16 |
Changed wording. Current wording: How many people with HIV in the molecular cluster as reported in Q12 had been interviewed by partner services prior to cluster detection? Revised wording: Number of people with HIV in the cluster residing in your jurisdiction who had completed a partner services interview at the time of this report. |
To simplify wording |
Revised: Q12 Current: Q19c |
Changed wording. Current wording: Number of marginal partners. Revised wording: Number of unnamed, marginal, and anonymous partners of cluster members at the time of this report. |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Revised: Q13 Current: Q9 |
Changed wording. Current wording: Please describe the characteristics of the cluster that have raised concern. (i.e. an increase in diagnoses over a baseline, an increase in IDU-associated HIV-infections, etc.). Revised wording: Briefly describe any notable characteristics of the cluster (e.g., predominant transmission risk, age group, race/ethnicity, gender, prevalence of coinfections, history of incarceration, housing instability). |
To provide more contextual information when there are challenges to responding to a cluster |
Revised: Q14 Current: Q24 |
Changed wording. Current wording: Were any common venues or physical sites identified? Revised wording: Were any common venues, physical sites, or virtual sites identified? |
To Q24 and Q25 into a single question |
Revised: Q14a Current: Q24a |
Changed wording. Current wording: Describe. Revised wording: Describe common sites. |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Revised: Q15 Current: Q7 |
Changed wording. Current wording: Had this cluster been identified by any other method? Revised wording: Does this cluster overlap with a cluster identified by a different method? |
To clarify the intent of the question |
Revised: Q15a Current: Q7a |
Changed wording. Current wording: If the cluster overlaps with another cluster identified by a different method, please select the method of identification, date of detection and Cluster ID. Revised wording: Select the method of identification, date of detection and Cluster ID of the overlapping cluster(s). |
To simplify wording |
Revised: Q15b Current: Q7b |
Changed wording. Current wording: Please include additional information on the overlapping clusters if desired. Revised wording: Include any relevant information on the overlapping clusters |
To simplify wording |
Deletions from Initial Form Only |
Current: Q5c |
Deleted question. |
Now captured in question 5b in the proposed form |
Current: Q8a-l. |
Deleted questions
No longer needed |
Current: Q10 |
Deleted question. |
Now captured in question 19 in the proposed form |
Current: Q11 |
Deleted question. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q12a and Q12b |
Deleted questions. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q13a and Q13b |
Deleted questions. Q13a.
CURRENT MEMBERS If additional people with HIV with a report of HIV
in your jurisdiction have been added to the molecular cluster
(based on any subsequent data analysis) since first
identification, enter current numbers (overall number):___ |
No longer needed |
Current: Q17 |
Deleted question. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q19a and Q19b |
Deleted questions. Q19b. Number of named partners residing outside your jurisdiction. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q19d |
Deleted question. |
Now captured in question 12 in the new form |
Current: Q21 |
Deleted question. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q25 and 25a. |
Deleted questions. Q25. Were
any common virtual sites identified? |
Now captured in proposed initial form Q14 |
Current: Q26 |
Deleted question. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q27 |
Deleted question. |
To combine Q27 and 28a into a single question |
Changes to Follow-Up Form Only |
Revised: Q5 |
Added question. Q5. Are there any updates to report? |
To simplify data collection and reduce burden. If health departments answer no to this question, they don't need to fill out the rest of the form |
Current: Q6 |
Deleted question. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q7. |
Deleted question. |
No longer needed |
Current: Q8a-8c |
Deleted questions Q8a. Total number of persons in the risk network in your jurisdiction tested/re-tested to date Q8b. Total number of persons in the risk network in your jurisdiction who newly tested positive as a result of testing/re-testing efforts Q8c. Total number of persons in the risk network in your jurisdiction newly referred for PrEP |
No longer needed |
Current: Q9 |
Deleted question. Q9. Please describe any challenges you have encountered in promoting viral suppression among persons in the transmission cluster, or in conducting testing/re-testing and PrEP referral among persons in the risk network. |
No longer needed |
Changes to Annual/Closeout Form Only |
Revised: Q8 |
Added question. Q9. Number of people with HIV in the cluster residing in your jurisdiction who had completed a partner services interview at the time of this report. |
To allow health departments to better explain the evolving context of the cluster |
Revised: Q11 |
Added question. Q11. Number of unnamed, marginal, and anonymous partners of cluster members at the time of this report. |
To allow health departments to better explain the evolving context of the cluster |
Revised: Q13a and 13b |
Added question. 13a. Did you only check off activities in Domain 1?
13b. [If answered Yes in 16a] describe why response activities were limited to individual cluster member/partner follow-up. |
To obtain context on why a health department chose limited cluster response activities and help CDC provide better technical assistance. |
Revised: Q14 |
Added question “Reporting the outcomes of cluster response activities” Instructions: Pick at least three of the activities you checked off in question 16 to report on outcomes. The three activities should come from at least two different domains unless you only implemented activities from a single domain. For activities 1-3 provide the numerical value for the outcome(s) as per the table in the Cluster Report Form Instructions document. For all the other activities (activity numbers 4-34):
This question simplifies and provides more flexibility for reporting the outcomes of the activities they have implemented in response to the cluster (replacing several other questions) |
Revised: Q15 Current: Q14 |
Changed wording. Current wording: Please describe the impact of cluster investigation and response activities on current health department policies and processes. (i.e. whether any enhancements were made to regular HIV prevention and treatment processes such as provision of case management services or expansion of PrEP resources, whether communication within the health department or interactions between local and state health departments changed, whether the cluster was used to advocate for policy changes, whether additional resources were required to respond to this particular cluster, etc.).
Revised wording: Describe any changes to policies or processes to support the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV in your jurisdiction implemented in response to this cluster, including any successes or innovations, not reported in question 14. |
To clarify intent of the question |
Current: Q9a-b |
Deleted questions. Q9a. How many persons in your jurisdiction did not have evidence of viral suppression at the time of identification as part of the cluster? Q9b. Among persons who did not have evidence of viral suppression at the time of identification as part of the cluster (9.a.), how many achieved viral suppression within six months? |
No longer needed |
Current: Q10/10a-c |
Deleted questions. Q10a. How many persons in your jurisdiction were HIV-negative or had unknown HIV status at the time of identification as part of the risk network? Q10b. Of persons who were HIV-negative or had unknown HIV status at the time of identification as part of the risk network (10.a.), how many were tested/re-tested within 6 months? Q10c. Of persons who were HIV-negative or had unknown HIV status at the time of identification as part of the risk network (10.a.), how many were tested/re-tested at greater than 6 months? |
No longer needed |
Current: Q12a-d |
Deleted questions. Q12a. How many persons in your jurisdiction were HIV-negative and not on PrEP at the time of identification as part of the risk network? Q12b. Of all persons who were HIV-negative and not on PrEP at the time of identification as part of the risk network (12a), how many were screened for PrEP within 6 months? Q12c. Of all persons who were screened for PrEP within 6 months (12.b.), how many were determined to be eligible? Q12d. Of all persons who were eligible for PrEP within 6 months (12.c.), how many were referred? |
No longer needed. Health departments will have more flexibility in choosing outcomes to report in proposed Q14 |
Current: Q13 |
Deleted question. Q13. What key lessons were learned through the course of investigating this cluster? |
No longer needed |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Bancroft, Elizabeth (CDC/NCHHSTP/DHP) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-01-07 |