Supporting Statement for Paperwork Reduction Act Generic Information Collection Submissions for
“Generic Clearance for Customer Interactions ”
OMB #2120-0772
Circumstances Making the Collection of Information Necessary
Customer Interactions provide the Federal Aviation Administration valuable information and connect the agency to the public. The Federal Aviation Administration would continue td utilize a Generic Clearance for Customer Interactions that support the Agency’s mission to become more accessible and transparent.
Purpose and Use of the Information Collection
Individual citizens or organizations may voluntarily respond to this collection. This collection of information will support the Federal Aviation Administration's mission. The Agency will collect qualitative and quantitative data that informs scientific research; aviation assessments and monitoring efforts; validate models or tools; and enhance the quantity and quality of data collected across communities. The agency will use this data to create an avenue to incorporate local knowledge and needs, and to contribute to increased data sharing, open data, and government transparency. The Federal Aviation Administration may sponsor the collection of this type of information in connection with aviation projects. All such collections will follow Agency policies and regulations. Collections under this generic ICR will be from volunteers who participate on their own initiative through an open and transparent process.
The types of collections that this generic clearance covers include, but are not limited to:
Customer comment cards/ forms
Discussion groups
Focus Groups of customers, potential customers, delivery partners, or other stakeholders
Cognitive laboratory studies, such as those used to refine questions or assess usability of a tools; help inform scientific research; aviation assessments and monitoring efforts; validate models or tools; and enhance the quantity and quality of data collected across communities
Qualitative or Quantitative surveys (e.g., post-transaction surveys; opt-out web surveys)
In-person observation testing (e.g., website or software usability tests)
Requests for information
The Agency has established a manager/managing entity to serve for this generic clearance and will conduct an independent review of each information collection to ensure compliance with the terms of this clearance prior to submitting each collection to OMB.
Consideration Given to Information Technology
If appropriate, agencies will collect information electronically and/or use online collaboration tools to reduce burden.
Duplication of Information
No similar data are gathered or maintained by the Agency or are available from other sources known to the Agency.
Reducing the Burden on Small Entities
Small business or other small entities may be involved in these efforts but the Agency will minimize the burden on them of information collections approved under this clearance by sampling, asking for readily available information, and using short, easy-to-complete information collection instruments.
Consequences of Not Conducting Collection
Without these types of interactions, the Agency will not have timely information to support projects and the agency mission.
Special Circumstances
There are no special circumstances. The information collected will be voluntary and will not be used for statistical purposes.
Consultations with Persons Outside the Agency
In accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8(d), on March 31, 2021, (86 FR 16833), a 60-day notice for public comment was published in the Federal Register. No comments were received.
Payment or Gift
The Agency will not provide payment or other forms of remuneration to respondents of its various forms of collecting feedback. Focus groups and cognitive laboratory studies are the exceptions.
In the case of in-person cognitive laboratory and usability studies, the Agency may provide stipends of up to $40. In the case of in-person focus groups, the Agency may provide stipends of up to $75. If respondents participate in these kinds of studies remotely, via phone, or Internet, any proposed stipend needs to be justified to OMB and must be considerably less than that provided to respondents in in-person studies, who have to travel to the agency or other facility to participate. If such information collections include hard-to-reach groups and the agency plans to offer non-standard stipends, the Agency will provide OMB with additional justifications in the request for clearance of these specific activities.
If a confidentiality pledge is deemed useful and feasible, the Agency will only include a pledge of confidentiality that is supported by authority established in statute or regulation.
Sensitive Nature
No questions will be asked that are of a personal or sensitive nature.
Burden of Information Collection
This collection allows for the use of a variety of instruments and platforms (Web/mail/fax) to collect information from respondents. We are requesting the approval of a burden of 110,000 0respondents and 18,330hours.
Costs to Respondents
No costs are anticipated.
Costs to Federal Government
The anticipated cost to the Federal Government is approximately $44,296 annually. These costs are comprised of:
Product/Delivery |
Projected Cost |
Background |
$ 539.00 |
Comment Transcription & Coding |
$ 18,727.00 |
Database Build |
$ 3,030.00 |
Distribution |
$ 5,383.00 |
Methodology Description |
$ 108.00 |
Online Survey Dist/Tech Support |
$ 762.00 |
Item Reports |
$ 4,557.00 |
Printing and mailing |
$ 8,750.00 |
Process and Scan |
$ 2,440.00 |
$ 44,296.00 |
Reason for Change
The FAA continues to focus on customer feedback. Thus this collection has adjusted/ increased burden to encourage programs to interact with stakeholders.
Tabulation of Results, Schedule, Analysis Plans
The Agency will disseminate the findings when appropriate, strictly following the Agency's "Guidelines for Ensuring the Quality of Information Disseminated to the Public.
Display of OMB Approval Date
We are requesting no exemption.
Exceptions to Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
These activities comply with the requirements in 5 CFR 1320.9.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Supporting Statement for Paperwork Reduction Act Generic Information Collection Submissions for |
Author | Taylor CTR Dahl |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-01-17 |