XXXX 2025 DSR ASD 60-day FRN

60-day FRN APHIS 24-031.pdf

Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH), National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Data Security Requirements for Accessing Confidential Data

XXXX 2025 DSR ASD 60-day FRN


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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 160 / Monday, August 19, 2024 / Notices

eligible for submission for other generic
mechanisms that are designed to yield
quantitative results.
Description of Respondents: Farms;
Business or other for-profit; Not-forprofit Institutions and State, Local or
Tribal Government.
Number of Respondents: 100,000.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 50,000.
Levi S. Harrell,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024–18505 Filed 8–16–24; 8:45 am]


ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Agriculture has
submitted the following information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Comments are
requested regarding: whether the
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of burden including
the validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; ways to enhance the
quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Comments regarding this information
collection received by September 18,
2024 will be considered. Written
comments and recommendations for the
proposed information collection should
be submitted within 30 days of the
publication of this notice on the
following website
public/do/PRAMain. Find this
particular information collection by
selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB control
number and the agency informs
potential persons who are to respond to
the collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to
the collection of information unless it

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displays a currently valid OMB control
Rural Housing Service
Title: 7 CFR 1927–B, ‘‘Real Estate
Title Clearance and Loan Closing’’.
OMB Control Number: 0575–0147.
Summary of Collection: The Rural
Housing Service (RHS) is the credit
agency for rural housing and
community development within the
Rural Development mission area of the
United States Department of
Agriculture. This regulation prescribes
the policies and responsibilities
including the collection and use of
information necessary to complete real
estate title clearance and loan closing of
Rural Housing (RH) loans. Section 501
of title V of the Housing Act of 1949, as
amended, authorizes the Secretary of
Agriculture to extend financial
assistance to construct, improve, alter,
repair, replace or rehabilitate dwellings,
farm buildings, and/or related facilities
to provide decent, safe, and sanitary
living conditions and adequate farm
buildings and other structures in rural
areas. The secretary is authorized to
prescribe regulations to ensure that
these loans, made with Federal funds,
are legally secured.
Need and Use of the Information: The
approved attorney/title company
(closing agent) and the field office staff
collect the required information. Forms
and or guidelines are provided to assist
in the collection, certification and
submission of this information. Most of
the forms collect information that is
standard in the industry. If the
information is collected less frequently,
the agency would not obtain the proper
security position on the properties being
taken as security and would have no
evidence that the closing agents and
agency meet the requirements of this
Description of Respondents:
Individuals or households; Business or
other for-profit, Not-for-profit
institutions; Farms.
Number of Respondents: 12,285.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 3,316.
Rural Housing Service
Title: 7 CFR 1902–A, Supervised Bank
OMB Control Number: 0575–0158.
Summary of Collection: 7 CFR 1902–
A, Supervised Bank Accounts (SBA),
prescribes the policies and procedures
for disbursing loan and grant funds,
establishing and closing supervised
accounts, and placing Multi-Family
housing reserve accounts in supervised
accounts. The Rural Business Service

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extends financial assistance to
applicants that do not qualify for loans
under commercial rates and terms. The
Rural Housing Service (RHS) is the
credit agency for agriculture and rural
development in USDA. Supervised
accounts are accounts with a financial
institution in the names of a borrower
and the United States Government,
represented by Rural Housing Service,
Rural Business-Cooperative Service,
Rural Utilities Service, (Agency).
Section 339 of the Consolidated Farm
and Rural Development Act, 7 U.S.C.
1989 and section 510 of the Housing Act
of 1949, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 1480)
is the legislative authorities requiring
the use of supervised accounts.
Need and Use of the Information: The
agency’s state and field offices will
collect information from borrowers and
financial institutions. The Agency use
SBA as a mechanism to (1) ensure
correct disbursement and expenditure of
all funds designated for a project; (2)
help a borrower properly manage its
financial affairs; (3) ensure that the
Government’s security is protected
adequately from fraud, waste and abuse.
The consequence to Federal program
and policy activities if the collection of
information was not conducted would
be detrimental to both the Government
and to borrowers.
Description of Respondents: Business
or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents: 13,052.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 4,781.
Levi S. Harrell,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024–18506 Filed 8–16–24; 8:45 am]

Animal and Plant Health Inspection
[Docket No. APHIS–2024–0031]

Notice of Request for Approval of an
Information Collection; National
Animal Health Monitoring System;
Data Security Requirements for
Accessing Confidential Data
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: New information collection;
comment request.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS’)




ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 160 / Monday, August 19, 2024 / Notices
intention to request approval of a new
information collection associated with
the National Animal Health Monitoring
System’s (NAHMS’) data security
requirements when providing access to
confidential data. NAHMS’ data security
agreements and other paperwork along
with the corresponding security
protocols allow NAHMS to maintain
careful controls on confidentiality and
privacy, as required by law.
DATES: We will consider all comments
that we receive on or before October 18,
Comments: Comments are invited on
(a) whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
National Animal Health Monitoring
System (NAHMS), including whether
the information will have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of NAHMS’
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, use, and clarity of
the information on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by either of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Enter APHIS–
2024–0031 in the Search field. Select
the Documents tab, then select the
Comment button in the list of
• Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery:
Send your comment to Docket No.
APHIS–2024–0031, Regulatory Analysis
and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station
3A–03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118,
Riverdale, MD 20737–1238.
Any comments we receive on this
docket may be viewed at
or in our reading room, which is located
in room 1620 of the USDA South
Building, 14th Street and Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC. Normal
reading room hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
holidays. To be sure someone is there to
help you, please call (202) 799–7039
before coming.
information on the NAHMS SAP Data
Security Requirements, contact Ms. Nia
Washington-Plaskett, Program Analyst,
Center for Epidemiology and Animal
Health, VS, APHIS, 2150 Centre Ave.,
Bldg. B, Fort Collins, CO 80524; (866)

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907–8190; email: [email protected] or vs.sp.ceah.pci@ For more detailed information
on the information collection process,
contact Mr. Joseph Moxey, APHIS’
Paperwork Reduction Act Coordinator,
at (301) 851–2533 or email:
[email protected].
Title: National Animal Health
Monitoring System; Data Security
Requirements for Accessing
Confidential Data.
OMB Control Number: 0579–XXXX.
Type of Request: Approval of a new
information collection to collect
information from the public to fulfill the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service’s National Animal Health
Monitoring System’s security
requirements prior to allowing
individuals to access confidential data
assets for the purposes of building
Abstract: Title III of the Foundations
for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of
2018 (hereafter referred to as the
Evidence Act) mandates that the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
establish a Standard Application
Process (SAP) for requesting access to
certain confidential data assets.
Specifically, the Evidence Act requires
OMB to establish a common application
process through which agencies, the
Congressional Budget Office, State,
local, and Tribal governments,
researchers, and other individuals, as
appropriate, may apply for access to
confidential data assets collected,
accessed, or acquired by a Federal
statistical agency or unit. This new
process will be implemented while
maintaining stringent controls to protect
confidentiality and privacy, as required
by law.
The Evidence Act requires that each
statistical agency or unit establish an
identical application process. The
Evidence Act further requires that
Federal statistical agencies establish
common criteria for determining
whether to approve an application for
confidential data, timeframes for prompt
determination, an appeals process for
adverse determinations, and standards
for transparency. In response to these
requirements, the statistical agencies
and units will operate a web-based
portal (referred to as the SAP Portal) on
behalf of OMB to provide the common
application form to applicants. The
objective of the SAP Portal is to increase
public access to confidential data for the
purposes of evidence building and
reduce the burden of applying for
confidential data, which currently
involves separate processes with each of

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the Federal statistical agencies and
units. Data discovery, the SAP
application process, and the submission
for review are planned to take place
within the web-based SAP Portal as
described below.
Data collected, accessed, or acquired
by the Federal statistical agencies and
units is vital for developing evidence on
conditions, characteristics, and
behaviors of the public and on the
operations and outcomes of public
programs and policies. This evidence
can benefit the stakeholders in the
programs, the broader public, as well as
policymakers and program managers at
the local, State, Tribal, and National
levels. The many benefits of access to
data for evidence building
notwithstanding, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA’s), Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service’s
(APHIS’), National Animal Health
Monitoring System (NAHMS) is
required by law to maintain careful
controls that allow it to minimize
disclosure risk while protecting
confidentiality and privacy. The
fulfillment of NAHMS’ data security
requirements places a degree of burden
on the public, which is outlined further
in this notice.
The SAP Portal is a web-based
application for the public to request
access to confidential data assets from
the Federal statistical agencies and
units. The objective of the SAP Portal is
to increase public access to confidential
data for the purposes of evidence
building and reduce the burden of
applying for confidential data. Once an
individual’s application in the SAP
Portal has received a positive
determination, the data-owning
agency(ies) or unit(s) will begin the
process of collecting information to
fulfill their data security requirements.
The paragraphs below outline the
SAP Policy, the steps to complete an
application through the SAP Portal, and
the process for agencies, such as APHIS,
to collect information fulfilling their
data security requirements.
The SAP Policy
At the recommendation of the
Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
(ICSP), the SAP Policy establishes the
SAP to be implemented by the Federal
statistical agencies and units and
incorporates directives from the
Evidence Act. The policy is intended to
provide guidance as to the application
and review processes using the SAP
Portal, setting forth clear standards that
enable Federal statistical agencies and
units to implement a common
application form and a uniform review
process. The SAP Policy was submitted




Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 160 / Monday, August 19, 2024 / Notices

to the public for comment in January
2022 (87 FR 2459). The policy was
finalized and published on December 8,

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

The SAP Portal
The SAP Portal is an application
interface connecting applicants seeking
data with a catalog of data assets owned
by the Federal statistical agencies and
units and is hosted at The SAP
Portal is not a new data repository or
warehouse; confidential data assets will
continue to be stored in secure data
access facilities owned and hosted by
the Federal statistical agencies and
units. The SAP Portal will provide a
streamlined application process across
agencies, reducing redundancies in the
application process. This single SAP
Portal will improve the process for
applicants, tracking and communicating
the application process throughout its
lifecycle. This reduces redundancies
and burden on applicants who request
access to data from multiple agencies.
The SAP Portal will automate key tasks
to save resources and time and will
bring agencies into compliance with the
Evidence Act statutory requirements.
Data Discovery
Individuals begin the process of
accessing restricted use data by
discovering confidential data assets
through the SAP data catalog,
maintained by Federal statistical
agencies at
Potential applicants can search by
agency, topic, or keyword to identify
data of interest or relevance. Once they
have identified data of interest,
applicants can view metadata outlining
the title, description or abstract, scope
and coverage, and detailed methodology
related to a specific data asset to
determine its relevance to their
While Federal statistical agencies and
units shall endeavor to include
metadata in the SAP data catalog on all
confidential data assets for which they
accept applications, it may not be
feasible to include metadata for some
data assets (e.g., potential curated
versions of administrative data). A
Federal statistical agency or unit may
still accept an application through the
SAP Portal even if the requested data
asset is not listed in the SAP data

are able to apply for access through the
SAP Portal, which was released to the
public in late 2022
( Applicants
must create an account and follow all
steps to complete the application.
Applicants begin by entering their
personal, contact, and institutional
information, as well as the personal,
contact, and institutional information of
all individuals on their research team.
Applicants proceed to provide summary
information about their proposed
project, to include project title,
duration, funding, timeline, and other
details including the data asset(s) they
are requesting and any proposed
linkages to data not listed in the SAP
data catalog, including non-Federal data
sources. Applicants then proceed to
enter detailed information regarding
their proposed project, including a
project abstract, research question(s),
literature review, project scope, research
methodology, project products, and
anticipated output. Applicants must
demonstrate a need for confidential
data, outlining why their research
question cannot be answered using
publicly available information.
Submission for Review

SAP Application Process
Individuals who have identified and
wish to access confidential data assets

Upon submission of their application,
applicants will receive a notification
that their application has been received
and is under review by the data-owning
agency or agencies (in the event where
data assets are requested from multiple
agencies). At this point, applicants will
also be notified that application
approval does not alone grant access to
confidential data, and that, if approved,
applicants must comply with the dataowning agency’s security requirements
outside of the SAP Portal, which may
include a background check.
In accordance with the Evidence Act
and the direction of the ICSP, Federal
agencies will approve or reject an
application within a prompt timeframe.
In some cases, Federal agencies may
determine that additional clarity,
information, or modification is needed
and request the applicant to ‘‘revise and
resubmit’’ their application.
Data discovery, the SAP application
process, and the submission for review
are planned to take place within the
web-based SAP Portal. As noted above,
the notice announcing plans to collect
information through the SAP Portal was
published separately in the Federal
Register (87 FR 53793–53795) 2 on
September 1, 2022. (See footnote 1 for
more information about the SAP Policy.)



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Access to Restricted Use Data
In the event of a positive
determination, the applicant will be
notified that their proposal has been
accepted. The positive or final adverse
determination concludes the SAP Portal
process. In the instance of a positive
determination, the data-owning agency
(or agencies) will contact the applicant
to provide instructions on the agency’s
security requirements that must be
completed to gain access to the
confidential data. The completion and
submission of the agency’s security
requirements will take place outside of
the SAP Portal.
Collection of Information for Data
Security Requirements
In the instance of a positive
determination for an application
requesting access to NAHMS-owned
confidential data asset, NAHMS will
contact the applicant(s) to initiate the
process of collecting information to
fulfill its data security requirements.
This process allows NAHMS to place
the applicant(s) in a trusted access
category and includes the collection of
the following information from
• Training requirements:
Æ For datasets owned by NAHMS,
completion of a NAHMS Data Access
Security Briefing, which will include
Quiz will be required prior to accessing
the restricted use data. CIPSEA stands
for Confidential Information Protection
and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2018,
Title III of Public Law 115–435, codified
in 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35.
Æ For datasets owned by USDA’s
National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS) and NAHMS, NASS personnel
will provide a NASS Data Access
Security Briefing to all applicants who
were approved access to restricted use
data. The briefing will include
information on CIPSEA and other
applicable Federal laws that protect the
restricted use data as well as preparing
and submitting disclosure reviews.
Æ For datasets owned by NASS and
NAHMS, applicants will be provided
with the USDA NASS Data Lab
Handbook that explains the policies and
procedures associated with accessing
unpublished NASS data in a NASS Data
Lab (including data enclaves). Each
researcher approved to access
unpublished NASS data is required to
sign the NASS ADM–044: User
Attestation to acknowledge they were
provided with the USDA NASS Data
Lab Handbook and agree to abide by its
• Appointment of agency:



ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 160 / Monday, August 19, 2024 / Notices
Æ Applicants will complete and sign
the NAHMS Agent Agreement form.
This form appoints the approved
applicant as an agent of NAHMS,
specifies the data to which the
agreement applies and the conditions by
which the agent must adhere to protect
the confidentiality of the data, provides
citations and excerpts from applicable
laws under which data are protected,
and requires a signature by the
Æ For datasets owned by NASS and
NAHMS, the applicants will complete
and sign the NASS ADM–043:
Certification and Restrictions on Use of
Unpublished Data. This form is required
to be signed by researchers who have
been approved to access unpublished
NASS data. The form contains excerpts
of the various laws that apply to the
unpublished data being provided to the
applicant. The form explains the
restrictions associated with the
unpublished data and includes a place
for the applicant to sign the form,
thereby acknowledging the restrictions
and agreeing to abide by them.
• Physical or virtual Data Lab security
Æ If physical Data Lab access is
requested, the applicant will be required
to take the NAHMS Data Lab Training
and USDA Information Security
Awareness Training. The NAHMS Data
Lab Training outlines the processes and
procedures regarding gaining access to,
working within, and requesting output
from the physical NAHMS Data Lab in
Fort Collins, CO, and the USDA
Information Security Awareness
Training is required of all personnel
who are given access to USDA
information technology systems.
Æ If virtual enclave access is
requested, the applicant will be required
to complete a site inspection with
NAHMS personnel (using the NAHMS
Site Inspection Checklist) or NASS
personnel (using the NASS ADM–045:
Site Inspection Checklist), which
gathers information about the physical
environment and the computer that the
applicant will use to gain access to the
virtual enclave.
Note that the training requirements
and security agreements listed above are
for researchers requesting access to
NAHMS-owned data or NASS and
NAHMS co-owned data. The burden
and cost estimates associated with this
information collection request (ICR)
account for both. NAHMS and NASS
have agreed to report the burden and
cost estimates for the NASS activities
above under this ICR, and the NASS
activities will be merged into the NASS
ICR (0535–0274) upon its next renewal.

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We are asking OMB to approve our
use of this information collection
activity for 3 years.
The purpose of this notice is to solicit
comments from the public (as well as
affected agencies) concerning our
information collection. These comments
will help us:
(1) Evaluate whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, through use, as
appropriate, of automated, electronic,
mechanical, and other collection
technologies; e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses.
Estimate of burden: The public
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to average 0.50 hours per
Respondents: State, local, and Tribal
governments, researchers, and other
individuals, as appropriate.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 10.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 6.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 52.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents: 26 hours. (Due to
averaging, the total annual burden hours
may not equal the product of the annual
number of responses multiplied by the
reporting burden per response.)
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record.
Done in Washington, DC, this 14th day of
August, 2024.
Michael Watson,
Administrator, Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–18514 Filed 8–16–24; 8:45 am]

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Foreign-Trade Zones Board

Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 84,
Notification of Proposed Production
Activity; voestalpine High Performance
Metals LLC d/b/a voestalpine Specialty
Metals; (Specialty Metal Products);
Houston, Texas
voestalpine High Performance Metals
LLC submitted a notification of
proposed production activity to the FTZ
Board (the Board) for its facilities in
Houston, Texas within FTZ 84. The
notification conforming to the
requirements of the Board’s regulations
(15 CFR 400.22) was received on August
12, 2024.
Pursuant to 15 CFR 400.14(b), FTZ
production activity would be limited to
the specific foreign-status material(s)/
component(s) and specific finished
product(s) described in the submitted
notification (summarized below) and
subsequently authorized by the Board.
The benefits that may stem from
conducting production activity under
FTZ procedures are explained in the
background section of the Board’s
website—accessible via
The proposed finished products
include: cold-formed steel shapes; hotrolled steel; steel bar; drilled and honed
seamless copper tube; bars of nickel and
nickel alloy, drilled and honed seamless
steel and nickel tube; and copper bars,
rods and profiles (duty rate ranges from
duty-free to 3%).
The proposed foreign-status
materials/components include: coldformed steel shapes; hot-rolled steel;
steel bar; bars of nickel and nickel alloy,
drilled and honed seamless steel and
nickel tube; and copper bars, rods and
profiles (duty rate ranges from duty-free
to 3%). The request indicates that
certain materials/components may be
subject to duties under section 232 of
the Trade Expansion Act of 1962
(section 232) or section 301 of the Trade
Act of 1974 (section 301), depending on
the country of origin. The applicable
section 232 and section 301 decisions
require subject merchandise to be
admitted to FTZs in privileged foreign
status (19 CFR 146.41).
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the Board’s Executive
Secretary and sent to: [email protected]. The
closing period for their receipt is
September 30, 2024.
A copy of the notification will be
available for public inspection in the



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