Please fill in highlighted text and remove instructions in red.
RECIPIENT AGENCY ADDRESS (spell out street, road, etc.)
Re: Services to Afghan Survivors Impacted by Combat, Grant Number XXX
Dear XXX,
The Office of Refugee Resettlement/Division of Refugee Health (ORR/DRH) plans to conduct a monitoring review of your Services to Afghan Survivors Impacted by Compact (SASIC) Program in LOCATION, from DATE, to DATE. The primary purposes of this monitoring are to ensure compliance with program requirements, evaluate program performance, and identify any promising practices or technical assistance needs. The ORR monitors will be NAME and NAME.
Attached is a list of documents that ORR requires prior to the monitoring review due by DUE DATE. Monitor discretion – typically 2 weeks prior to on-site monitoring. Recipients should have at least 30 days to submit documents. Upon receipt of these materials, ORR may ask for additional information. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance in the monitoring process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact NAME at EMAIL or PHONE.
Margaret Brewinski Isaacs, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Refugee Health
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Pre-Monitoring Document Request
Program Services to Afghan Survivors Impacted by Combat
Monitoring Dates MONTH DAY–DAY, YEAR
Period Under Review DATES Beginning of program period through date on notification letter
Document Submission Due Date COB MONTH DAY, YEAR. Monitor discretion – typically 2 weeks prior to on-site monitoring. Recipients should have at least 30 days to submit documents.
Please submit the following documents via email to EMAIL by the date noted above:
Completed Pre-Monitoring Questionnaire (attached);
Organizational chart;
Monitoring agenda (see attached template);
Copies of MOUs and/or contracts with sub-recipients/sub-contractors funded through the SASIC grant; and
Staff training logs from February 16, 2023, to date of monitoring notification.
Please submit the following via RADS by the date noted above (ORR monitors will contact you with further instructions):
f) A password-protected Excel file listing all cases served from DATE to DATE Beginning of program period through date on notification letter, can be adjusted as needed. The list of cases should include a unique identifier (e.g., case file number), gender, age, immigration status and/or category at time of enrollment, date of eligibility for Afghan Supplemental Appropriations services (i.e., date of parole or other ORR eligibility date), date of SASIC program enrollment, date of end of services (if relevant), and current case status (closed or open).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Abeles, Terry D |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-01-12 |