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pdfForm CPFFCL-24
OMB No. 1121-0269: Approval Expires MM/DD/YYYY
2024 Census of
Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Acting as collection agent: RTI International
Please use this form to provide information on behalf of the following agency:
If the agency name printed above is incorrect, please call us at 1-877-834-7063.
Survey Instructions:
• Submit this form using one of the following three methods:
o Online:
Agency ID:
o E-mail: [email protected]
o Mail: Use the enclosed postage-paid envelope
Please do not leave any items blank.
If the answer to a question is none or zero, write “0” in the space provided. When exact numeric answers
are not available, please provide estimates and mark the estimate check box.
Use blue or black ink and print as neatly as possible.
Use an “X” when marking an answer in a box.
When a question includes “during 2024” or “in 2024”, report for the period of January 1 through December
31, 2024.
Indicate who completed this form. We are only collecting this information to identify a point of contact for
questions related to the survey responses. This information will not be shared or published.
Last Name
First Name
Area Code Number
If you have any questions, call RTI toll-free at 1-877-834-7063, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. If you have general project-related
questions, please contact Matt Durose of BJS at 202-598-0295 or [email protected].
Burden Statement
Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control
Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 999 North Capital
Street, NE, Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (34 USC 10132), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is
voluntary, we urgently need your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.
BJS is conducting this data collection under Title 34 United States Code, Section 10134. By law, BJS will only use the information for statistical purposes and must protect the confidentiality of
information identifiable to a private person. [Title 34 U.S.C. Sections 10134 and 10231]
As of December 31, 2024, if your laboratory meets the following definition of a publicly funded forensic crime
laboratory, you are eligible to complete this survey:
1) Your forensic crime laboratory is a government or public agency and
2) Your forensic crime laboratory employs one or more full-time analysts whose principal function is
the examination of physical or digital evidence in criminal or investigative matters and that provides
reports and testimony to courts of law with respect to such evidence.
This definition excludes laboratories that engage exclusively in:
• Evidence collection and documentation, such as latent print recovery and development, crime
scene response, and photography; or
• Analysis of digital evidence and perform no other forensic functions.
Select the option that applies to your laboratory:
Yes, my laboratory meets the above definition. Please complete this survey.
No, my laboratory does not meet the above definition. You do not need to complete this survey.
Please return this survey using the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
My laboratory no longer exists as of December 31, 2024. You do not need to complete this
survey. Please return this survey using the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
Section A: Organization
A1. As of December 31, 2024, was your laboratory part of a multi-laboratory system? A multilaboratory system is defined as two or more separate laboratory entities that are overseen by a single
Yes → Go to A2 and please answer the remainder of the survey questions for your entire
multi-laboratory system. If you are unable to do so, please call RTI toll-free at
1-877-834-7063 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No → SKIP to A3
A2. As of December 31, 2024, how many distinct laboratories were in your multi-laboratory
system? Include your own laboratory in this total.
A3. What level of government operates your laboratory? Mark one.
City, borough, village, or town
County or parish
A4. Which of the following best describes the agency that has administrative oversight of your
laboratory? Administrative oversight is defined as staffing and budgetary oversight. Mark one.
Law enforcement entity (e.g., department or division of public safety)
Department or division of forensic science
Government attorney’s office (e.g., district attorney)
Public health agency (e.g., department or division of public health, medical examiner office)
Other (please specify)
A5. Does your laboratory have oversight from a forensic science board or commission?
No → SKIP to A7
A6. Does the forensic science board or commission have a regulatory or advisory role? Mark all
that apply.
Regulatory role
Advisory role
A7. As of December 31, 2024, did your laboratory have a Laboratory Information Management
System (LIMS)? LIMS is a computerized system used to manage, compile, or track requests and/or
evidence. If your laboratory’s LIMS is only deployed for certain disciplines, or is being upgraded or
installed, please select “Yes.”
No → SKIP to A9
A8. During 2024, did your laboratory use LIMS for any of the following functions? Mark yes or no
for each function.
a. Tracking by item
b. Tracking by request
c. Tracking by law enforcement case number
d. Tracking by laboratory case number
e. Tracking by criminal offense (e.g., homicide or robbery)
f. Tracking by criminal case status (e.g., open, closed, cleared
designation, pending court dates, and/or final disposition)
g. Calculating turnaround time by item
h. Calculating average turnaround time by section
i. Calculating average turnaround time for the overall laboratory
j. Interfacing with laboratory instrumentation
k. Monitoring backlog
l. Documenting chain of custody
m. Generating reports (e.g., creating reports, inputting data into
report templates)
n. Paperless reporting (e.g., entering records directly into a digital
o. Generating discovery
A9. During 2024, did your laboratory use any of the following databases?
Mark yes or no for each database.
a. Paint Data Query (PDQ)
b. National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN)
c. Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
d. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
e. Next Generation Identification (NGI), formerly Integrated
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)
f. Ignitable Liquids Reference Collection (ILRC)
Section B: Budget
If your laboratory is part of a multi-laboratory system, please remember to answer for your entire multilaboratory system.
B1. On what month, day, and year does your laboratory’s 2024 budget year begin and end?
Start date:
End date:
B2. During your laboratory’s 2024 budget year, did your laboratory receive funding from any of the
following sources? Mark yes or no for each funding source.
Funding source
a. Asset forfeitures
b. Fees for case processing and other services
c. Federal grants
d. State grants
e. City, county, or local grants
f. Donations from organizations, families, or individuals
B3. What was the total operating budget for your laboratory’s 2024 budget year? If you do not know
the total operating budget, please provide your best estimate.
• Funding received from all sources, including any asset forfeitures, fees, grants, donations, or other
revenue sources.
• Personnel budgets.
• Outsourcing costs associated with contracting or procuring services from another public, private,
commercial, or university laboratory to accomplish laboratory functions.
Do not include:
• Funding for building construction or major equipment purchases, defined as nonexpendable items
that have a useful life of more than two years and cost more than $5,000.
Check if estimate:
B4. What were your laboratory’s total expenditures for the following categories during your 2024
budget year? If you do not know your laboratory’s expenditures, please provide your best estimate.
Expenditure category
a. Equipment – total amount spent on nonexpendable
items that have a useful life of more than two years and
cost more than $5,000
b. Supplies – total amount spent on materials that are
expendable, consumed during the course of the year,
and cost less than $5,000
c. Outsourcing – total amount spent on outsourcing costs
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
d. Training – total amount spent on training and
professional development
Check if estimate:
Section C: Staffing
If your laboratory is part of a multi-laboratory system, please remember to answer for your entire multilaboratory system.
C1. As of December 31, 2024, how many full-time and part-time employees did your laboratory have?
Include managerial staff, clerical or administrative staff, analysts or examiners (in-training and fullperformance), crime scene technicians, evidence technicians, medicolegal death investigators, technical
and quality support staff, and any other staff.
Full-time employees (works at least 35 hours/week)
Part-time employees (works less than 35 hours/week)
C2. As of December 31, 2024, how many full-time employees, part-time employees, and position
vacancies did your laboratory have in the following categories? Report each employee in only one
category, based on primary function.
Primary function
(works at
least 35
(works less
than 35
My laboratory
did not have any staff in
this category as of
December 31, 2024
a. Managerial staff
b. Clerical or
administrative staff
c. Analysts or examiners
d. Analysts or examiners
e. Crime scene
f. Evidence technicians
g. Medicolegal death
h. Technical and quality
support staff (e.g.,
laboratory technicians,
quality specialists)
i. Other staff
C3. How many hires and separations of personnel occurred within your laboratory in 2024?
Number of full-time
Number of part-time
Hires and separations
a. Hires
b. Separations (e.g., voluntary, involuntary,
and retirements)
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if esitmate:
C4. What are reasons that staff left your laboratory in 2024? Mark all that apply.
Voluntary resignations
Involuntary separations or dismissals (excluding layoffs)
Other (please specify)
There were no separations (e.g., voluntary, involuntary, or retirements) during this time.
Section D: Workload
If your laboratory is part of a multi-laboratory system, please remember to answer for your entire multilaboratory system.
This section asks about your laboratory’s workload and turnaround time. If you have a Laboratory
Information Management System (LIMS), please use it to assist with responding to these questions
when possible.
For the purpose of this survey, please use the following definitions as you answer the questions in this section:
• Request – a submission of physical evidence for analysis to a forensic discipline unit from a single
criminal investigation or case. A case may result in more than one request. For example, a case may
include requests for toxicology, digital and multimedia evidence, and forensic biology that would be
considered three separate requests. Some laboratories refer to a request as a case request, forensic
service request, client request, or assignment. A request may contain more than one item of evidence.
• Outsourced request – a request sent outside of your laboratory to another public laboratory or to a
private, commercial, or university laboratory.
• Median turnaround time – median number of days from when the evidence for a request was
received by your laboratory to when the report is issued for requests completed during 2024. Only
include requests completed within your laboratory and exclude outsourced requests. Round median to
the nearest whole day. If evidence or items from a single request were received on different days,
please use the day that the first piece of evidence or item was received as the starting point for the
median turnaround time.
D1. Is your laboratory able to calculate median turnaround time using the above definition?
Yes → SKIP to D5 on page 7
D2. When your laboratory calculates median turnaround time, does your laboratory use the
starting point as defined above? Starting point is defined as the day the first piece of evidence
or item from a request was received by your laboratory.
No (please specify)
D3. When your laboratory calculates median turnaround time, does your laboratory use the end
point as defined above? End point is defined as the day the report was issued for a completed
No (please specify)
D4. When your laboratory calculates median turnaround time, does your laboratory exclude
outsourced requests?
D5. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with controlled substances (e.g.,
seized drugs)?
No → SKIP to D8
D6. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with controlled substances.
Do not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025 Check if estimate:
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D7. During 2024, how many requests for controlled substances (e.g., seized drugs) were
outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D8. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with toxicology?
This includes:
• Antemortem BAC analysis
• Antemortem drug analysis
• Postmortem analysis
No → SKIP to D12 on page 8
D9. What specific functions with toxicology did your laboratory perform?
Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Antemortem BAC analysis
b. Antemortem drug analysis
c. Postmortem analysis
D10. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with toxicology. Do not
include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D11. During 2024, how many requests for toxicology were outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D12. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with trace analysis?
This includes:
• Chemical unknown analysis
• Explosives analysis
• Fiber examination
• Fire debris analysis
• Gunshot residue testing
• Hair examination
• Paint analysis
• Glass analysis
• Physical match/fracture match
No → SKIP to D16 on page 9
D13. What specific functions with trace analysis did your laboratory perform?
Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Chemical unknown analysis
b. Explosives analysis
c. Fiber examination
d. Fire debris analysis
e. Gunshot residue testing
f. Hair examination
g. Paint analysis
h. Glass analysis
i. Physical match/fracture match
j. Other trace analysis (if yes, please specify)
D14. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with trace analysis. Do not
include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D15. During 2024, how many requests for trace analysis were outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D16. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with impressions?
This includes:
• Footwear examination
• Tire tread examination
No → SKIP to D20 on page 10
D17. What specific functions with impressions did your laboratory perform? Mark yes or no for
each function.
a. Footwear examination
b. Tire tread examination
D18. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with impressions. Do not
include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D19. During 2024, how many requests for impressions were outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D20. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with firearms, toolmarks, or
No → SKIP to D24
D21. What specific functions with firearms, toolmarks, or ammunition did your laboratory
perform? Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Toolmarks
b. Firearms
c. Ammunition
D22. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with firearms, toolmarks, or
ammunition. Do not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D23. During 2024, how many requests for firearms, toolmarks, or ammunition were outsourced
by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D24. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with digital and multimedia evidence?
This includes:
• Traditional cellphone (not smartphone) analysis
• Smartphone, tablet, or mobile device analysis
• Laptop or desktop computer analysis
• Thumb and external drives, CDs, DVDs, or other storage media analysis
• GPS and navigation systems analysis
• Audio files analysis
• Video analysis (e.g., CCTV, DVR)
• Vehicle forensics
• Cloud and server data (including social media) analysis
Yes → Continue to D25 on page 11
No → SKIP to D28 on page 11
D25. What specific functions with digital and multimedia evidence did your laboratory perform?
Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Traditional cellphone (not smartphone) analysis
b. Smartphone, tablet, or mobile device analysis
c. Laptop or desktop computer analysis
d. Thumb and external drives, CDs, DVDs, or other storage media analysis
e. GPS and navigation systems analysis
f. Audio files analysis
g. Video analysis (e.g., CCTV, DVR)
h. Vehicle forensics
i. Cloud and server data (including social media) analysis
j. Other analyses of digital and multimedia evidence (if yes, please specify)
D26. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with digital and multimedia
evidence. Do not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D27. During 2024, how many requests for digital and multimedia evidence were outsourced by
your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D28. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with latent prints?
This includes:
• Latent print development
• Comparisons analysis
No → SKIP to D32 on page 12
D29. What specific functions with latent prints did your laboratory perform?
Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Latent print development
b. Comparisons analysis
D30. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with latent prints. Do not
include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D31. During 2024, how many requests for latent prints were outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D32. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with questioned documents?
This includes:
• Handwriting analysis
• Ink and paper analysis
No → SKIP to D36 on page 13
D33. What specific functions with questioned documents did your laboratory perform?
Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Handwriting analysis
b. Ink and paper analysis
D34. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with questioned documents.
Do not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D35. During 2024, how many requests for questioned documents were outsourced by your
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D36. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with crime scene investigation?
This includes:
• Evidence collection
• Reconstruction (e.g., bloodstain pattern analysis, scene)
• Photography
No → SKIP to D40
D37. What specific functions with crime scene investigation did your laboratory perform?
Mark yes or no for each function.
a. Evidence collection
b. Reconstruction (e.g., bloodstain pattern analysis, scene)
c. Photography
D38. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with crime scene
Do not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D39. During 2024, how many requests for crime scene investigation were outsourced by your
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D40. During 2024, did your laboratory perform forensic functions with forensic biology?
This includes:
• Casework analysis (e.g., sexual assault casework, biological fluid identification, DNA testing)
• DNA databasing (e.g., convicted offender, arrestee, or other DNA samples)
Yes → Continue to D41 on page 14
No → SKIP to D50 on page 15
D41. Did your laboratory perform casework analysis (e.g., sexual assault casework, biological fluid
identification, DNA testing)?
No → SKIP to D46 on page 15
D42. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with casework analysis. Do
not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D43. During 2024, how many requests for casework analysis were outsourced by your
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D44. Please provide the following counts only for your laboratory’s work with sexual assault
casework analysis. Do not include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median
turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D45. During 2024, what was the total number of requests for sexual assault casework analysis
outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D46. Did your laboratory perform DNA databasing?
No → SKIP to D50
D47. What specific functions with DNA databasing did your laboratory perform? Mark yes or no
for each function.
a. Convicted offender DNA samples
b. Arrestee DNA samples
c. Other DNA samples (e.g., missing persons, paternity)
D48. Please provide the following counts for your laboratory’s work with DNA databasing. Do not
include outsourced requests in your counts or in your median turnaround time.
a. Total number of new requests submitted to your
laboratory in 2024
b. Total number of requests completed by your
laboratory in 2024
c. Total number of pending requests that were
unreported for 30 days or longer as of January 1, 2025
d. Median turnaround time for requests completed in
new requests
Check if estimate:
requests completed
Check if estimate:
pending requests
Check if estimate:
Check if estimate:
Check if unable to calculate
using the provided definition:
D49. During 2024, how many requests for DNA databasing were outsourced by your laboratory?
outsourced requests
Check if estimate:
D50. During 2024, did your laboratory perform other forensic functions not already captured in
No → SKIP to D52 on page 16
D51. If yes, what other forensic functions did your laboratory perform?
D52. During 2024, did your laboratory have a turnaround time mandated by law for any of the forensic
functions it performed?
No → SKIP to D54
D53. For which of the following functions did your laboratory have a turnaround time mandated
by law in 2024? Mark yes or no for each function.
Function with mandatory turnaround time
a. Controlled substances
b. Toxicology
c. Antemortem BAC analysis
d. Antemortem drug analysis
e. Postmortem analysis
f. Trace analysis
g. Impressions
h. Firearms, toolmarks, or ammunition
i. Digital and multimedia evidence
j. Latent prints
k. Questioned documents
l. Crime scene investigation
m. Forensic biology
n. Casework analysis
o. Sexual assault casework analysis
p. DNA databasing
D54. During 2024, did your laboratory send outsourced requests to any of the following laboratory
types? Mark yes or no for each laboratory type.
Laboratory type
a. Commercial or private laboratory
b. Publicly funded laboratory
c. University laboratory (public or private)
D55. Which of the following were reasons your laboratory outsourced requests in 2024?
Mark yes or no for each reason.
Outsourced request reasons
a. Did not outsource requests in 2024
b. Did not have enough staff to do the work in-house
c. Did not have enough funding to do the work in-house
d. Access to specialized experience was needed
e. Was not accredited to do the work in-house
f. Received additional funding for outsourcing
g. Did not have a validated method to do the work in-house
h. Other (if yes, please specify)
Section E: Quality Assurance
If your laboratory is part of a multi-laboratory system, please remember to answer for your entire multilaboratory system.
E1. As of December 31, 2024, was your laboratory required to be accredited by any local, state, or
federal jurisdictions that you serve?
E2. As of December 31, 2024, were any disciplines in your laboratory accredited? Mark one.
Yes, all disciplines in my laboratory were accredited
Yes, some disciplines in my laboratory were accredited
No, none of the disciplines in my laboratory were accredited
E3. During 2024, did your laboratory have resources dedicated primarily to research? Research is
experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, the revision of accepted methods, or
practical application of such new or revised methods or technologies. Resources may include dollars,
work-hours, supplies, or other funding dedicated specifically to supporting research.
E4. During 2024, did your laboratory conduct proficiency testing?
No → SKIP to E6
E5. During 2024, which of the following proficiency tests did your laboratory perform internally
or externally? Mark yes or no for each test.
Proficiency test
a. Blind: analyst/examiner is not told which case is for testing
b. Declared: analyst/examiner is told when they are being tested
c. Random case reanalysis: random selection of analyst/examiner’s prior
casework for reanalysis by another analyst/examiner
d. Round robin/challenge testing
e. Documented performance observation
E6. In 2024, at what level did your laboratory perform technical reviews? A technical review refers to a
qualified second party’s evaluation of reports, notes, data, and other documentation to ensure there is
appropriate and sufficient support for resulting actions, results, conclusions, opinions, and
interpretations. Include technical reviews that are completed internally and technical reviews that are
outsourced. If your laboratory’s technical reviews are discipline-specific, please consider the average
percent of technical reviews performed across disciplines. Mark one.
Technical reviews were performed on none (0%) of the forensic requests completed.
Technical reviews were performed on some (less than 50%) of the forensic requests
Technical reviews were performed on most (more than 50%) of the forensic requests
Technical reviews were performed on all (100%) of the forensic requests completed.
E7. As of December 31, 2024, did staff in your laboratory have access to any of the following safety
and wellness resources? If yes, indicate if your laboratory primarily provided these resources directly
or through an external agency. Mark yes, directly; yes, through an external agency; or no, staff did not
have access to this resource.
No, staff did
not have
Yes, through
access to
an external
Safety and wellness resource
Yes, directly
a. Employee assistance programs (e.g., emotional,
stress, legal, or financial support)
b. Mental health debriefs
c. Proactive or preventative resiliency programs
(e.g., programs for stress or trauma)
d. Childcare programs
e. Physical fitness
f. Resources for parents or expecting parents
g. Peer support programs
h. Other resources (if yes, please specify)
Section F: Emerging Topics
If your laboratory is part of a multi-laboratory system, please remember to answer for your entire multilaboratory system.
In 2024, did multiple analysts or examiners, within the same discipline, perform work on the
same evidence in your laboratory, regardless of whether they issued a report? This question
pertains exclusively to the evidence analysis workflow, from initial examination to final report, and
whether multiple analysts performed work on the same evidence. It excludes re-analysis by a separate
analyst for proficiency testing or quality assurance.
In 2024, did your laboratory perform any of the following procedures or use any of the following
technologies in-house? Mark yes or no for each procedure or technology.
Procedure or technology
Forensic biology
a. Y-STR analysis
b. Mitochondrial DNA analysis
c. Expert systems, or software to process data without human intervention
d. Rapid DNA
e. Familial DNA database searches
f. Forensic genealogy database searches
g. Forensic genealogy testing
h. Proteomics
i. Kinship
j. Robotics
Other procedures and technology
k. 3D firearms imaging instrumentation
l. Cell source identification by pathology or instrumental method
m. LC-MS/MS for toxicology
n. High resolution mass spectrometry (e.g., QTOF)
o. Breath alcohol calibration
p. Provide materials for canine training aids to law enforcement
(e.g., for drugs and explosives detection)
F3. For those technologies your laboratory is not already utilizing, in 2024, was your laboratory in the
process of implementing or considering implementing any of the following in-house?
Mark yes, no, or already performing in-house for each technology.
Already performing
a. Mitochondrial DNA analysis
b. Expert systems, or software to process data without
human intervention
c. LC-MS/MS for toxicology
d. Rapid DNA
e. 3D firearms imaging instrumentation
f. High resolution mass spectrometry (e.g., QTOF)
g. Other (if yes, please specify)
Please mark the two areas where your laboratory currently has the greatest need for additional
funding. Mark two.
Training/professional development
Research & development
Other (please specify)
Which of the following challenges, if any, did your laboratory face in 2024?
Mark yes or no for each challenge.
a. Recruiting staff
b. High staff turnover
c. Lack of resources or financial support
d. Adapting to new or changing laws, policies, or regulations
e. Other (if yes, please specify)
→ If your laboratory did not face any challenges in 2024, SKIP to F7
Please select the main challenge your laboratory faced in 2024. Mark one.
Recruiting staff
High staff turnover
Lack of resources or financial support
Adapting to new or changing laws, policies, or regulations
Other (please specify)
Please write any comments you would like to share with the Bureau of Justice Statistics about:
• your survey responses
• the survey content or format
• the manner of administration of the survey, or
• any other applicable information.
Thank you for your participation in the
2024 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories.
Your feedback is very important to us!
Please return your survey in the enclosed envelope or send to:
Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
RTI International
ATTN: 0219263.000.005
3040 E. Cornwallis Road, PO Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Stenger, Rachel |
File Modified | 2025-01-28 |
File Created | 2025-01-28 |