52681-B Voucher for Payment of Annual Contributions and Operatin

Voucher Management System (VMS) Section 8 Budget and Financial Form

52681-B (clean copy)

Voucher Management System (VMS)

OMB: 2577-0282

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US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Public and Indian Housing

Voucher for Payment of Annual Contributions and Operating Statement

Housing Assistance Payments Program Supplemental Reporting Form

OMB Approval No. 2577-0282 (Exp. 03/31/2025)

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.50 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number. Assurances of confidentiality are not provided under this collection. Authority for this collection of information is the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987. Housing Agencies (HAs) required to maintain financial reports in accordance with accepted accounting standards to permit timely and effective audits. The financial records identify the amount of annual contributions that are received and disbursed by HAs. Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit or to retain a benefit. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality.

HA Number:

HA Name:


Submission Type:

Original Submission

Revised Submission

Special Submission

Housing Choice Voucher Program Utilization and Administrative Fee and Expense Reporting

Vouchers under lease on the First Day of the Month:


Rental Assistance Demonstration 1– Public Housing Conversion

Rental Assistance Demonstration 2- Mod Rehab, Rent Supp, RAP Conversion

Rental Assistance Demonstration 3 –PRAC Conversion



New This Month

Moving To Work

One Year Mainstream MTW

Family Unification Non MTW

Family Unification Pre2008 - MTW

Family Unification 2008/Forward - MTW

Non-Elderly Disabled Non-MTW

Non-Elderly Disabled 2008/Forward - MTW

Portable Vouchers Paid

Hope VI

Tenant Protection

Enhanced Vouchers

Veterans Affair Supported Housing (VASH) Voucher

DHAP to HCV Vouchers Leased

Foster Youth to Independence

Mobility Demonstration

Housing Stability Vouchers

Emergency Transfer Vouchers for VAWA

All Other Vouchers

Total Vouchers

HAP Expenses:

Rental Assistance Demonstration 1– Public Housing Conversion

Rental Assistance Demonstration 2- Mod Rehab, Rent Supp, RAP Conversion

Rental Assistance Demonstration 3 PRAC Conversion



New This Month

Moving To Work

One Year Mainstream MTW

Family Unification Non MTW

HAP Expenses (cont.):

Family Unification 2008/Forward - MTW

Non-Elderly Disabled Non-MTW

Non-Elderly Disabled 2008 Forward - MTW

Portable Vouchers Paid

Hope VI

Tenant Protection

Enhanced Vouchers

Veterans Affair Supported Housing (VASH) Voucher

DHAP to HCV Vouchers Leased

All Other Vouchers

MTW Family Unification 2008/Forward HAP expenses after the First of the Month

MTW Family Unification per-2008 HAP After the First of the Month

MTW Non-Elderly Disabled 2008/Forward HAP Expenses after the First of the Month

MTW VASH HAP Expenses after the First of the Month

MTW One Year Mainstream HAP After the First of the Month

HCV FSS Escrow Deposits

HCV All Voucher HAP Expenses After the First of Month

Foster Youth to Independence

Mobility Demonstration

Housing Stability Vouchers

Emergency Transfer Vouchers for VAWA

MTW Foster Youth to Independence HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

MTW Mobility Demonstration HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

MTW Housing Stability Vouchers HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

MTW Emergency Transfer Vouchers for VAWA HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

Total Vouchers

Other Voucher Reporting Requirements:


HCV Number of Vouchers Under Lease (HAP Contract) on the last day of the month

HA Owned Units Leased included in the units leased above

HCV New Vouchers Issued but not under HAP contract as of the last day of month

Portable Vouchers Administered (Port-In)


Number of PBVs under AHAP and not under HAP

Number of PBVs under HAP and Leased

Number of PBVs under HAP and not Leased

Number of PBVs under HAP and not Leased with vacancy payment and associated vacancy HAP expense

Mainstream Number of New Vouchers Issued but not Under HAP Contract

as of the last day of the month

Number of Mainstream PBVs Under AHAP and Not Under HAP

Number of Mainstream PBVs Under HAP and Leased

Number of Mainstream PBVs Under HAP and Not Leased

Number of Mainstream PBVs Under HAP and Not Leased with Vacancy Payment and Associated Vacancy HAP Expense

Housing Stability Vouchers Number of New Vouchers Issued but not Under HAP Contract as of the last day of the month

HAP Expenses:

Portable Vouchers Administered (Port-In)


Number of PBVs under HAP and not Leased with vacancy payment

and Associated Vacancy HAP Expense

Number of Mainstream PBVs Under HAP and Not Leased with Vacancy Payment and Associated Vacancy HAP Expense

Project Based Vouchers – Total HAP Expenses

Mainstream Project Based Vouchers - Total HAP Expenses

Mainstream HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

Mainstream FSS Escrow Deposits

Adjustment Funding- Per Unit Cost

Adjustment Funding- Shortfall

Adjustment Funding- Per Unit Cost Increase MS Program

Adjustment Funding- Shortfall MS Program

Project Based Vouchers Total HAP Expenses

Mainstream HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

Memorandum Reporting:


Number of Hard to House Families Leased

HAP Expenses:

HCV Fraud Recovery Total Collected this Month

Interest or other income earned this month from the investment of HAP funds and Net Restricted Assets

HCV – FSS Escrow Forfeitures

Portable HAP costs Billed and Unpaid – 90 Days or older

Mainstream FSS Escrow Forfeitures this Month

Mainstream Fraud Recovery Total Collected this Month

Administrative Expenses:

HAP Expenses:

Non-MTW Administrative Expenses


Mainstream- Administrative Expenses

Mobility Demonstration Services Expenditures


HAP Expenses:

HCV Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of

the Month

HCV Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

HCV Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month

Mainstream - Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Mainstream Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Mainstream Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month


HAP Expenses:

MTW Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligible Expenses

MTW Capital Fund Eligible Expenses

MTW Local, Non-Traditional (LNT) Program

MTW HCV Administrative Fee Expenses

MTW HCV Administrative Expenses Using HAP

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 1


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 1

Type of Account 1

Activity 1

Funds Committed 1

Type of Commitment 1

Date of Commitment 1 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 1

Type of Obligation 1

Date of Obligation 1 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 1

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 1 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 2


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 2

Type of Account 2

Activity 2

Funds Committed 2

Type of Commitment 2

Date of Commitment 2 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 2

Type of Obligation 2

Date of Obligation 2 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 2

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 2 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 3


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 3

Type of Account 3

Activity 3

Funds Committed 3

Type of Commitment 3

Date of Commitment 3 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 3

Type of Obligation 3

Date of Obligation 3 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 3

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 3 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 4


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 4

Type of Account 4

Activity 4

Funds Committed 4

Type of Commitment 4

Date of Commitment 4 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 4

Type of Obligation 4

Date of Obligation 4 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 4

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 4 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 5


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 5

Type of Account 5

Activity 5

Funds Committed 5

Type of Commitment 5

Date of Commitment 5 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 5

Type of Obligation 5

Date of Obligation 5 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 5

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 5 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 6


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 6

Type of Account 6

Activity 6

Funds Committed 6

Type of Commitment 6

Date of Commitment 6 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 6

Type of Obligation 6

Date of Obligation 6 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 6

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 6 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 7


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 7

Type of Account 7

Activity 7

Funds Committed 7

Type of Commitment 7

Date of Commitment 7 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 7

Type of Obligation 7

Date of Obligation 7 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 7

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 7 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 8


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 8

Type of Account 8

Activity 8

Funds Committed 8

Type of Commitment 8

Date of Commitment 8 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 8

Type of Obligation 8

Date of Obligation 8 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 8

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 8 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 9


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 9

Type of Account 9

Activity 9

Funds Committed 9

Type of Commitment 9

Date of Commitment 9 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 9

Type of Obligation 9

Date of Obligation 9 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 9

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 9 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 10


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 10

Type of Account 10

Activity 10

Funds Committed 10

Type of Commitment 10

Date of Commitment 10 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 10

Type of Obligation 10

Date of Obligation 10 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 10

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 10 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 11


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 11

Type of Account – 11

Activity 11

Funds Committed 11

Type of Commitment 11

Date of Commitment 11 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 11

Type of Obligation 11

Date of Obligation – 11 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 11

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 11 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 12


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 12

Type of Account 12

Activity 12

Funds Committed 12

Type of Commitment 12

Date of Commitment 12 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 12

Type of Obligation 12

Date of Obligation 12 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 12

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 12 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 13


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 14

Type of Account – 14

Activity 14

Funds Committed 14

Type of Commitment 14

Date of Commitment 14 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 14

Type of Obligation 14

Date of Obligation – 14 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 14

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 14 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 15


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 15

Type of Account – 15

Activity 15

Funds Committed 15

Type of Commitment 15

Date of Commitment 15 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 15

Type of Obligation 15

Date of Obligation – 15 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 15

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 15 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 16


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 16

Type of Account – 16

Activity 16

Funds Committed 16

Type of Commitment 16

Date of Commitment 16 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 16

Type of Obligation 16

Date of Obligation – 16 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 16

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 16 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 17


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 17

Type of Account – 17

Activity 17

Funds Committed 17

Type of Commitment 17

Date of Commitment 17 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 17

Type of Obligation 17

Date of Obligation – 17 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 17

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 17 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 18


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 18

Type of Account – 18

Activity 18

Funds Committed 18

Type of Commitment 18

Date of Commitment 18 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 18

Type of Obligation 18

Date of Obligation – 18 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 18

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 18 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 19


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 19

Type of Account – 19

Activity 19

Funds Committed 19

Type of Commitment 19

Date of Commitment 19 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 19

Type of Obligation 19

Date of Obligation – 19 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 19

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 19 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Other - Unspent Funds Fund Source 20


Unspent Fund Source (HCV, CAP, OP or MTW) 20

Type of Account – 20

Activity 20

Funds Committed 20

Type of Commitment 20

Date of Commitment 20 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Obligated 20

Type of Obligation 20

Date of Obligation – 20 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Funds Expended from Commitment/Obligation 20

Projected Date of Full Expenditure 20 (MM/DD/YYYY)

HAP Expenses:

Expense Amount 1

Expense Amount 2

Expense Amount 3

Expense Amount 4

Expense Amount 5


Expense Amount 1 Comment

Expense Amount 2 Comment

Expense Amount 3 Comment

Expense Amount 4 Comment

Expense Amount 5 Comment

MTW Other Expense Category

HAP Expenses:

MTW Other PHA to identify the type of expense incurred Amount 6

MTW Other PHA to identify the type of expense incurred Amount 7

MTW Other PHA to identify the type of expense incurred Amount 8


MTW Other PHA to identify the type of expense incurred Amount 6 Comment

MTW Other PHA to identify the type of expense incurred Amount 7 Comment

MTW Other PHA to identify the type of expense incurred Amount 8 Comment




Disaster Voucher Program-1 (DVP):


Disaster Comments - Mandatory when Other Fees are recorded


Disaster Name

Disaster Families Assisted

HAP Expenses:

Disaster Families Assisted

Disaster Security Deposit

Disaster Security Deposit Returned

Disaster Utility Deposit

Disaster Utility Deposit Returned

Disaster Administrative Expenditures

Disaster Broker Fee

Disaster Placement Fee

Disaster Service Connection Fee

Disaster Case Management Fee

Disaster Administrative Fee

Disaster Other Fees

Disaster Voucher Program-2 (DVP):


Disaster Comments- Mandatory when Other Fees are recorded


Disaster Name

Disaster Families Assisted

HAP Expenses:

Disaster Families Assisted

Disaster Security Deposit

Disaster Security Deposit Returned

Disaster Utility Deposit

Disaster Utility Deposit Returned

Disaster Administrative Expenditures

Disaster Broker Fee

Disaster Placement Fee

Disaster Service Connection Fee

Disaster Case Management Fee

Disaster Administrative Fee

Disaster Other Fees

Disaster Voucher Program-3 (DVP):


Disaster Comments Mandatory when Other Fees are recorded


Disaster Name

Disaster Families Assisted

HAP Expenses:

Disaster Families Assisted

Disaster Security Deposit

Disaster Security Deposit Returned

Disaster Utility Deposit

Disaster Utility Deposit Returned

Disaster Administrative Expenditures

Disaster Broker Fee

Disaster Placement Fee

Disaster Service Connection Fee

Disaster Case Management Fee

Disaster Administrative Fee

Disaster Other Fees

Voucher for Payment of Annual Contributions and Operating Statement

Housing Assistance Payments Program Supplemental Reporting Form

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Public and Indian Housing

OMB Approval No. 2577-0282 (Exp. 03/31/2025)

Disaster Voucher Program-4 (DVP):


Disaster Comments Mandatory when Other Fees are recorded


Disaster Name

Disaster Families Assisted

HAP Expenses:

Disaster Families Assisted

Disaster Security Deposit

Disaster Security Deposit Returned

Disaster Utility Deposit

Disaster Utility Deposit Returned

Disaster Administrative Expenditures

Disaster Broker Fee

Disaster Placement Fee

Disaster Service Connection Fee

Disaster Case Management Fee

Disaster Administrative Fee

Disaster Other Fees

Emergency Housing Voucher Program-1 (EHV):


Emergency Housing Vouchers

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Number of New Vouchers Issued but not U nder HAP Contract as of the last day of the month

HAP Expenses:

Emergency Housing Vouchers

Emergency Housing Vouchers - HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Preliminary Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Placement/Issuance Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Ongoing Administrative Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Housing Search Assistance Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Security/Utility Deposit/ Rental Application/Holding Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Owner Incentive Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Other Eligible Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - FSS Escrow Deposits

Emergency Housing Vouchers - FSS Escrow Forfeitures this Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Fraud Recovery Total Collected this Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Voucher Program-2 (EHV):


Emergency Housing Vouchers

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Number of New Vouchers Issued but not U nder HAP Contract as of the last day of the month

HAP Expenses:

Emergency Housing Vouchers

Emergency Housing Vouchers - HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Preliminary Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Placement/Issuance Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Ongoing Administrative Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Housing Search Assistance Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Security/Utility Deposit/ Rental Application/Holding Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Owner Incentive Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Other Eligible Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - FSS Escrow Deposits

Emergency Housing Vouchers - FSS Escrow Forfeitures this Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Fraud Recovery Total Collected this Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Voucher Program-3 (EHV):


Emergency Housing Vouchers

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Number of New Vouchers Issued but not U nder HAP Contract as of the last day of the month

HAP Expenses:

Emergency Housing Vouchers

Emergency Housing Vouchers - HAP Expenses After the First of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Preliminary Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Placement/Issuance Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Admin Fees - Ongoing Administrative Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Housing Search Assistance Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Security/Utility Deposit/ Rental Application/Holding Fee Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Owner Incentive Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Service Fee - Other Eligible Expenses

Emergency Housing Vouchers - FSS Escrow Deposits

Emergency Housing Vouchers - FSS Escrow Forfeitures this Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Fraud Recovery Total Collected this Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month

Emergency Housing Vouchers - Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month


Name of PHA Point of Contact: POC Phone Number: Ext:

Date Submitted: Official HA Email Address:

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File Title52681-B
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File Created2025-03-01

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