Participant ID Auto-Populated |
OPTIONAL Grantee Participant ID Enter organizational or system identifier
Participant Last Name First 4 Letters
Participant First Initial
Participant Middle Initial
Date of Birth |
Highest Education Level At Enrollment |
Ethnicity |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander |
White |
Disability Status
Last Branch of Military Service |
Military Entry Date |
Military Discharge Date |
Military Discharge Status |
Period of Military Service |
Service Start Date Carry-Over <Program Year Start |
Co-Enrolled in American Job Center (AJC)
Date Received First Service with American Job Center (AJC)
Co-Enrolled in FEMA
Co-Enrolled in VA's Grant and Per Diem (GPD)
Co-Enrolled in Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
Co-Enrolled in SSVF-Shallow Subsidy
Co-Enrolled in Native American Housing Assistance & Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA)
Co-Enrolled in Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)
At Risk of Homelessness |
Homeless |
Episodic Homelessness |
Homeless With Children |
Eligible Incarcerated Veteran |
Service Delivery Area (SDA) Exception |
Service Delivery State |
Service Delivery County |
Service Delivery City |
Service Delivery Zip Code 5 Digits |
Housing Status at Enrollment |
Employment History: # of Weeks (non-consecutive) Unemployed within the Past 6 Months (0-26) |
Service Delivery County Living Wage - Hourly Rate (use Living Wage Calculator) |
Employment History at Enrollment: # of Weeks (non-consecutive) Employed Below County Living Wage within the Past 6 Months (0-26) |
Date of First Training |
Apprenticeship: Date Last Provided |
Apprenticeship: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
Career Technical Training: Date Last Provided |
Career Technical Training: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
Customized Training: Date Last Provided |
Customized Training: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
Entrepreneurial Training: Date Last Provided |
Entrepreneurial Training: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
Occupational Skills Training: Date Last Provided |
Occupational Skills Training: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
On-the-Job Training (OJT): Date Last Provided |
OJT Training: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
Other Training: Date Last Provided |
Other Training: # of Hours Provided this Quarter |
Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities: Date Last Provided |
Child/Dependent Care: Date Last Provided |
Drug & Alcohol Counseling: Date Last Provided |
Educational Supplies & Fees: Date Last Provided |
Employment Adjustment Services: Date Last Provided |
Financial Counseling: Date Last Provided |
Health Care Service: Date Last Provided |
Job Readiness Training: Date Last Provided |
Job Search Assistance: Date Last Provided |
Legal Aid Services: Date Last Provided |
Temporary Shelter/Housing Assistance: Date Last Provided |
Transitional Job: Date Last Provided |
Transportation: Date Last Provided |
Work Attire/Tools/ Equipment: Date Last Provided |
Other Service: Date Last Provided |
Service End Date
Housing Status at Exit |
Occupation of Placement |
Hourly Wage at Placement
Employment Placement Type |
Date Last Provided Follow-Up Service |
Total # of Hours Worked in 1st Quarter After Exit
Total # of Hours Worked in 2nd Quarter After Exit
Occupation 2nd Quarter After Exit |
Hourly Wage in 2nd Quarter After Exit |
Total # of Hours Worked in 3rd Quarter After Exit
Hourly Wage in 3rd Quarter After Exit |
Total # of Hours Worked in 4th Quarter After Exit
Occupation 4th Quarter After Exit |
Hourly Wage in 4th Quarter After Exit |
Placed in Employment |
Enrollment Quarter Blank= Carryover |
Carryover |
Exit Date |
Exit Quarter |
Multiracial |
Age At Enrollment |
Last Military Service # Years Ago |
Eligible for VA Health Care & Benefits (based on Military Discharge Status) |
Date First Provided Service |
Date Last Provided Service |
Date First Provided Training Service |
Date Last Provided Training Service
Earnings in 2nd Quarter After Exit
Earnings for 3rd Quarter After Exit
A unique ID auto-generated from grant#, name fields, age, and military enlistment date.
ParticipantID |
OptionalID |
Enter only the first four letters of the participant's last name. If less than four letters, use "x" as a placeholder as needed until reaching four characters.
LastName |
FirstName |
Enter "X" if no middle initial.
Intitial |
Please input the participant's date of birth.
Enter the Highest Education Level at the time of enrollment:
• Attained secondary school diploma
• Attained a secondary school equivalency
• Completed one of more years of postsecondary education
• Attained a postsecondary technical or vocational certificate (non-degree)
• Attained an Associate's degree
• Attained a Bachelor's degree
• Attained a degree beyond a Bachelor's degree
No Educational Level Completed
HighestEdLvl |
Select Hispanic or Latino if the participant self-identifies as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture in origin, regardless of race.
Ethnicity |
Enter Yes if the participant self-identifies with any of the original peoples of North, Central, and South America (including Central America). It includes people who identify as “American Indian” or “Alaska Native”.
AmIndOrAkNtv |
Enter Yes if the participant self-identifies as having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent.
Asian |
Enter Yes if the participant self-identifies as a person that is Black or African American, having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
BlkOrAfAmer |
Enter Yes if the participant self-identifies as a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
NtvHawOrPacIsl |
Enter Yes if the participant self-identifies as a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
White |
Select Special Disabled if the participant is (A) a veteran who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary for a disability rated at 30 percent or more, or (ii) rated at 10 or 20 percent in the case of a veteran who has been determined under section 3106 of this title to have a serious employment handicap; or (B) a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of service-connected disability.
Select Disabled if the participant is (A) a veteran who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary, or (B) a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability.
Select “No” or leave blank if the participant does not meet any one of the conditions described above.
Disabled |
Enter the Last Branch of Military Service.
LastMilSvcBranch |
The date the veteran entered military service as indicated in the DD214.
MilSvcEntryDate |
The date the veteran was discharged from military service as indicated in the DD214.
MilSvcDischargeDate |
Select the participant's military discharge status. The DD 214 must have a Service Characterization of anything other than dishonorable to be considered a veteran. Value options include:
• Honorable or “Under honorable conditions"
• General under Honorable Conditions
• Other than Honorable (OTH)
• Bad Conduct (BCD)
• Entry Level (ELS) or Non-Characterized
DischargeStatus |
Select the era that best represents when the participant served in the Armed Forces.
• Gulf War Era II (Sep 2001 - present)
• Gulf War Era I (Aug 1990 - Aug 2001)
• Other Service Period: after Vietnam Era & before Gulf War Era I (May 1975 - Jul 1990)
• Vietnam Era (Aug 1964 - Apr 1975)
• Other Service Period: after Korean War & before Vietnam Era (Feb 1955 - Jul 1964)
• Korean War (Jul 1950 - Jan 1955)
• Other Service Period: after WWII & before Korean War (Jan 1947 - Jun 1950)
• World War II (Dec 1941 - Dec 1946)
This is the oldest (first) date amongst the service/training date fields. It represents the date the participant first received qualified (i.e., not self-service, informational, or follow-up) grant-funded services or benefits. If a carry-over, enter the first date served (prior to current Program Year).
SvcStartDate |
The participant is co-enrolled in Wagner-Peyser Act, Jobs for Veterans State Grant, and/or Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act services via an American Job Center (AJC).
If the participant refused to be co-enrolled in AJC program, the participant's case file must include documentation of when the grantee offered to co-enroll the participant and why the participant rejected AJC services.
CoEnrAjc |
Enter the date the Participant first received a Wagner-Peyser Employment Service, a Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) service, and/or any other Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) service at the American Job Center (AJC). The date of first service must be within the grant's period of performance.
AjcDate2 |
CoEnrFema |
CoEnrGpd |
CoEnrSsvf |
CoEnrSsvfSs |
CoEnrNahasda |
Received a VA supported housing voucher through Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program.
CoEnrVash |
An individual may be either at risk for homelessness or homeless, but not both at once.
Select Yes if the participant, who at program entry, is at risk of homelessness within the next 60 days and meets the following criteria:
• has income below 30 percent of the median income for the geographic area;
• has insufficient resources immediately available to attain housing stability; and
○ has moved frequently because of economic reasons;
○ is living in the home of another because of economic hardship;
○ has been notified that their right to occupy their current housing or living situation will be terminated;
○ lives in a hotel or motel;
○ lives in severely overcrowded housing;
○ is exiting an institution; or
○ otherwise lives in housing that has characteristics associated with instability and an increased risk of homelessness.
This also includes participants enrolled as "Veterans Transitioning from Incarceration" and "Recently Released from Incarceration".
Refer to the HVRP Participant Eligibility VPL for the full definition of "At Risk of Homelessness".
AtRisk |
Select "Yes" if the participant is homeless (to include those who found housing during the 60-day period preceding the date of enrollment). A veteran is homeless when:
• They lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;
• They have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus, or train station, airport, or camping ground;
• They live in a supervised public or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living arrangements;
• They resided in a shelter or place not meant for human habitation and who is exiting an institution where they temporarily resided;
• They will imminently lose their housing, has no subsequent residence identified, and who lacks the resources or support network needed to obtain other permanent housing (see additional requirements);
• They have homeless families with children and youth defined as homeless under other federal statutes who have experienced a long period without permanent housing; have experienced persistent instability as measured by frequent moves over such period; and can be expected to continue in such status for an extended period of time because chronic disabilities, chronic physical health or mental health conditions, substance addiction, histories of domestic violence or childhood abuse, the presence of a child or youth with a disability, or multiple barriers to employment;
• They are fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions in the individual's or family's current housing situation, including where the health and safety of children are jeopardized, and who have no other residence and lack the resources or support network to obtain other permanent housing.
Refer to the HVRP Participant Eligibility VPL for the full definition of "Homelessness".
Homeless |
Select Yes if the veteran is homeless (not At Risk of Homelessness) and has been homeless continuously for at least one year or has experienced at least four episodes of homelessness in the last 3 years with a combined length of time homeless of at least 12 months.
Refer to the HVRP Participant Eligibility VPL for the full definition of "Episodic Homeless"
EpisHomeless |
Select Yes if the veteran is homeless (not At Risk of Homelessness) and has children. VETS uses the definition of “child” at 38 USC 101(4).
Select Yes if the veteran is At Risk of Homeless due to recent release from incarceration or transitioning from incarceration.
Refer to the HVRP Participant Eligibility VPL for the definition of "Veterans Transitioning from Incarceration" and "Recently Released from Incarceration"
IvtpElig |
Is the participant receiving services under a Service Delivery Area (SDA) exception?
If providing services in a Federally Declared Major Disaster Area outside the grant's SDA, you must enter "SDA Exception" = Yes and comply with requirements found in VPL 05-19 Exception for the Provision of Emergency Services by HVRP Grantees Outside of their Approved SDA.
Select the State/Territory most applicable to the Participant at the time of enrollment. Select only those states/territories from the approved SDA for this grant unless an SDA exception is specified.
State |
Enter the name of the County most applicable to the Participant at the time of enrollment. Grant Recipients may only provide services in their grant-approved SDA counties unless an SDA exception is specified.
County |
Enter the name of the City most applicable to the Participant at the time of enrollment.
City |
Input the participant's 5-digit zip code at the time of enrollment.
Zip |
Select the participant's housing status as of the date of enrollment.
• Unsheltered Homeless: living in a place not designed or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for humans.
• Sheltered Homeless/Temporary Supportive Housing: living in emergency shelters and transitional housing projects. Temporary Supportive Housing or Transitional Housing provides interim stability and support to successfully move to and maintain permanent housing.
• Permanent Supportive Housing: living in subsidized housing with supportive services for the residents to enable them to live as independently as is practicable throughout the duration of their residence. Includes HUD VASH Rapid Re-housing program.
• Permanent Housing: participant is the tenant on a lease for a term of at least one year that is renewable and is terminable only for cause. The lease must be renewable for terms that are a minimum of one month long.
HouseStatus |
Enter the approximate number of weeks, within the past six months from the date of enrollment, that the participant was unemployed.
Entries must be between 1 (7 days) to a maximum of 26 (182 days). Unemployed means If the participant was unemployed for a period of less than 7 days, or not unemployed at all, enter 0.
EmpHisWeeks |
Use the Living Wage Calculator ( to find the living wage for the participant's service delivery county. Input the living wage hourly rate shown for the county based on 1 adult and the participant's number of dependent children (min=0 to max=3).
The calculator shows the hourly rate that an individual in a household must earn to support his or herself and their family. The assumption is the sole provider is working full-time (2080 hours per year).
Enter the approximate number of weeks, within the past six months from the date of enrollment, that the participant was earning an hourly wage below the living wage for the participant’s service delivery county.
Entries must be between 1 (7 days) to a maximum of 26 (182 days). If the participant was earning an hourly wage below the county living wage for a period of less than 7 days, or not at all, enter 0.
EmpEnrWeeks |
Enter the date the individual first received training.
DtFirstTrn |
Enter the date the individual last received Apprenticeship training.
DtLastTrn1 |
Select the range of Apprenticeship training hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs1 |
Enter the date the Participant last received Career Technical training.
Career Technical Training is any training of the type normally conducted in an institutional setting, including vocational education, which is designed to provide individuals with the technical skills and information required to perform a specific job or group of jobs. It may also include training designed to enhance the employability of individuals by upgrading basic skills through courses such as remedial education, training in the primary language of persons with limited English language proficiency, or English as a second language training.
DtLastTrn2 |
Select the range of Career Technical training hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs2 |
Enter the date the Participant last received Customized training.
A training program designed to meet the requirements of an employer who has entered into an agreement with a local workforce development area to hire individuals trained to the employer’s specifications. The training may occur at the employer’s site or may be provided by a training vendor to meet the employer’s requirements. Such training usually requires a commitment from the employer to hire a specific number of trainees who satisfactorily complete the training.
DtLastTrn3 |
Select the range of Customized training hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs3 |
Enter the date the Participant last received Entrepreneurial training.
Training that provides an individual with the knowledge and skills to start and grow a business.
DtLastTrn4 |
Select the range of Entrepreneurial training hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs4 |
Enter the date the participant last received Occupational Skills Training. Includes both vocational education that provides individuals with the technical skills and information required to perform a specific job or group of jobs, and unpaid on-the-job training.
DtLastTrn5 |
Select the range of Occupational Skills training hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs5 |
Enter the date the Participant last received On-the-Job (OJT) training.
OJT is training by an employer that is provided to a paid participant and (a) provides knowledge or skills essential to performance of the job; and/or (b) provides reimbursement to the employer of up to 50 percent of the wage rate of the participant. This includes costs of providing the training and additional supervision related to the participant and takes into account the content of the training, the prior work experience of the participant, and the service strategy of the participant. In the OJT agreement, there is a promise on the part of the employer to hire the trainee upon successful completion of the training.
DtLastTrn6 |
Select the range of OJT hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs6 |
Enter the date the Participant last received Other training. Other Training refers to any type of relevant employment-based training service NOT listed above. Grant recipients provide training that is targeted to the specific industries, occupations, and skills that are in demand locally. Job driven training must enable a participant to become employable or seek a higher grade of employment. Training services can be provided through the local American Job Center, in-house, or through partners in the community, including VA Compensated Work Therapy (CWT).
DtLastTrn7 |
Select the range of Other training hours the Participant received in this reporting quarter. Round to the nearest whole hour.
TrnHrs7 |
DtLastAccomDisab |
Childcare/Dependent Care - If HVRP funds were used to provide childcare services, the participant must meet the definition of homeless veterans with children, in accordance with 38 U.S.C. § 2021A, to expedite the reintegration of homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children into the labor force. For the purposes of defining child or dependent, DOL/VETS uses the definition of “child” at 38 U.S.C. §101(4)(A). The use of grant funds for childcare services (allowable only to participants that meet the definition of a homeless veteran with children) is limited to 45 days, and the amount of assistance must be reasonable considering the average cost of childcare within the local community. Grant recipients must have the use of funds for childcare services for these eligible participants in their budget narrative and must identify how they will exhaust other resources before identifying grant funds for this purpose. A grant recipient must provide proof of co-enrollment with the American Job Center (AJC) and refer homeless veterans with children participants to AJC partners, such as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program or other federal benefit services, for childcare services. If a veteran with children can obtain funding for childcare services by any other means, such as through other federal or state programs, then HVRP grant funds cannot be used for such childcare costs. A grant recipient must have a standard operating procedure (SOP) in place to ensure this process is implemented and executed consistently and equitably.
DtLastChildCare |
DtLastDrugAlcCouns |
DtLastEducFees |
Services designed to help a newly-employed veteran adjust to his or her new job and are considered part of the veteran employment plan. A career counselor or job coach typically provides these services during the first month or so of employment. He or she offers guidance on any issues the newly employed individual encounters, including areas such as the following:
• Counseling to help the newly hired veteran adjust to new routines, schedules, and work environments;
• Building relationships with co-workers;
• Enhancing customer service skills;
• Understanding and adapting to the company’s culture; and
• Counseling to help the newly-employed veteran work through the job situations that she or he finds most troublesome.
DtLastEmpAdjSvc |
Financial counseling may include:
(i) supporting the ability of participants to create
household budgets, initiate savings plans, and make
informed financial decisions;
(ii) supporting the ability to manage spending,
credit, and debt, including credit card debt, effectively;
(iii) increasing awareness of the availability, usage and
significance of credit reports and scores in
obtaining credit, and their effect on credit terms;
(iv) supporting the ability to understand, evaluate,
and compare financial products, services, and
opportunities; and
(v) supporting activities that address the particular
financial literacy needs of non-English speakers,
including providing the support through the development and distribution of multilingual financial literacy and education materials.
DtLastFinCouns |
DtLastHealthCare |
Job Readiness Training prepares participants to seek or obtain employment, and to keep a job once hired. Training/instruction could be: Preparing a cover or thank you letter; Work-focused career exploration; Training in effective job seeking; or, Instruction in soft skills and workplace expectations, such as: Behavior on the job; Getting along with co-workers/boss; Being reliable and on-time; Filling out paperwork (for example, timesheets); Appropriate attire.
DtLastJobRead |
An activity focusing on building practical skills, identifying and initiating employer contact, and conducting successful interviews with employers. Various approaches may include job club participation, identifying personal strengths and goals, résumé application preparation, interviewing techniques, and receiving labor market information. Job search assistance is often self-service activities where individuals obtain information about job openings.
DtLastJobSrchAsst |
DtLastLegalSvcs |
If HVRP funds were used to provide Temporary Shelter or Housing Assistance, grant recipients must have the use of funds for housing assistance for these eligible participants in their budget narrative (an allowable cost only for recently released incarcerated veterans) and must identify how they will exhaust other housing options such as those offered by penal institutions, community-based housing providers, or other housing assistance options before identifying grant funds for this purpose. The use of grant funds for housing assistance is limited to 90 days, and the amount of assistance must meet the test of rent reasonableness. To meet this test and to be able to pay a landlord up to 90 days of reasonable rent, the applicant must secure at least three (3) samples of rent for housing units located in the specific community and zip code of the desired housing that meet the needs of eligible, recently released incarcerated veterans. If a veteran recently released from incarceration can obtain housing by any other means, such as through other federal or state programs, then HVRP grant funds cannot be used for such housing assistance. A grant recipient must have a standard operating procedure (SOP) in place to ensure this process is implemented and executed consistently and equitably. Temporary shelter is defined as a person living in a supervised public or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living arrangements.
DtLastTempShelt |
Refers to a vocational rehabilitation program that places people with barriers to employment, in paid entry-level job in competitive working surroundings to attain the abilities and experience required to, at some point, attain a lasting job in the community workforce.
DtLastTransJob |
DtLastTransportation |
DtLastTools |
Other Service refers to any other type of relevant supportive service NOT listed in this document.
DtLastOthSupSvc |
The date represents the final date the participant received services that are not self-service, information-only, or follow up services.
SvcEndDate |
Select the participant's housing status at exit (Service End Date).
• Unsheltered Homeless: living in a place not designed or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for humans.
• Sheltered Homeless/Temporary Supportive Housing: living in emergency shelters and transitional housing projects. Temporary Supportive Housing or Transitional Housing provides interim stability and support to successfully move to and maintain permanent housing.
• Permanent Supportive Housing: living in subsidized housing with supportive services for the residents to enable them to live as independently as is practicable throughout the duration of their residence. Includes HUD VASH Rapid Re-housing program.
• Permanent Housing: participant is the tenant on a lease for a term of at least one year that is renewable and is terminable only for cause. The lease must be renewable for terms that are a minimum of one month long.
HouseExit |
Select the most appropriate category for the employment placement:
• Administrative (office, finance, legal, or business-related jobs)
• Customer Service (sales, retail, cashiers)
• Driver (includes long-haul and local delivery)
• Education (teachers, para-educators, education administration)
• Food Service
• Healthcare (medical assistant, nurse, technician)
• Information Technology (programmer, developers, computer operator)
• Vocational/Technical (construction, production, installation, repair, farming, fishing)
• Other
• Participant Not Placed into Employment
PlaceJob |
If the Participant is employed, enter the Hourly Wage at the time of placement. Leave blank if Participant was Not Placed into Employment.
HrlyWgPlmt |
Select the most appropriate employment type for the placement:
• Full-Time (average of ≥ 30 hours per week)
• Part-Time (average of < 30 hours per week)
• Gig work (1099/ non-W2 work; hours on-demand)
Leave blank if Participant was Not Placed into Employment.
PlaceEmpType |
Grant recipients will provide post-exit follow-up services to participants enrolled and placed during the current period of performance (PoP), for four quarters after exit, to increase the participant’s success in employment retention. The following are examples of follow-up services:
• Additional career planning;
• Contacting the employer;
• Assisting with work-related problems;
• Peer support groups;
• Informational mailings;
• Co-enrolled partner services for job retention;
• Follow-up tracking services; and
• Provision of post-exit support services for job retention. Examples may include referrals for supportive services, incentives, work clothing, transportation assistance, etc.
FlwUpDate2 |
Enter the total number of hours worked for the 13 weeks of the reporting quarter. 520 hours= full-time employment the entire quarter.
Hours1Qae2 |
Enter the total number of hours worked for the 13 weeks of the reporting quarter. 520 hours= full-time employment the entire quarter.
Hours2Qae |
Select the most appropriate category for the type of employment in the 2nd quarter after exit:
• Administrative (office, finance, legal, or business-related jobs)
• Customer Service (sales, retail, cashiers)
• Driver (includes long-haul and local delivery)
• Education (teachers, para-educators, education administration)
• Food Service
• Healthcare (medical assistant, nurse, technician)
• Information Technology (programmer, developers, computer operator)
• Vocational/Technical (construction, production, installation, repair, farming, fishing)
• Other
• Participant is Not Employed
2QJob |
If the Participant is employed, enter the Hourly Wage in the 2nd quarter after exit. Leave blank if Participant was Not Placed into Employment.
HrlyWg2Qae |
Enter the total number of hours worked for the 13 weeks of the reporting quarter. 520 hours= full-time employment the entire quarter.
Hours3Qae |
If the Participant is employed, enter the Hourly Wage in the 3rd quarter after exit. Leave blank if Participant was Not Placed into Employment.
HrlyWg3Qae |
Enter the total number of hours worked for the 13 weeks of the reporting quarter. 520 hours= full-time employment the entire quarter.
Hours4Qae |
Select the most appropriate category for the type of employment in the 4th quarter after exit:
• Administrative (office, finance, legal, or business-related jobs)
• Customer Service (sales, retail, cashiers)
• Driver (includes long-haul and local delivery)
• Education (teachers, para-educators, education administration)
• Food Service
• Healthcare (medical assistant, nurse, technician)
• Information Technology (programmer, developers, computer operator)
• Vocational/Technical (construction, production, installation, repair, farming, fishing)
• Other
• Participant is Not Employed
4QJob |
Enter the total number of hours worked for the 13 weeks of the reporting quarter. 520 hours= full-time employment the entire quarter.
HrlyWg4Qae |
Indicates if a Participant was Placed into Employment (1=Yes; blank=No).
PlacedInEmp |
Indicates the Participant's enrollment quarter based on the Service Start Date
EnrollQtr |
An HVRP participant whose enrollment continued or "carried over" into the following program year. Any individual who is showing as not exiting the grantee’s program by the last day of the program year must continue to receive services to be (1) carried over to the next program year; or (2) exited from the grantee’s program.
CarryOver |
This will populate with the Last Service Date once 90 days have elapsed since that date.
ExitDate |
ExitQtr |
Multiracial |
Age |
LastMilSvc |
Indicates if a Participant is eligible to receive VA health care and benefits (based on military discharge status. (Yes = Honorable or General; No = Other than Honorable, Bad Conduct, or Entry Level or Non-Characterized).
VAElig |
Dt1stSvc |
DtLastSvc |
DtFirstTrain |
DtLastTrain |
2nd Qtr Hours * 2 Qtr Hourly Wage
Earnings2Qae |
3rd Qtr Hours * 3rd Qtr Hourly Wage
Earnings3Qae |