Import Inspection Application and Application for the Return of Exported Products to the U.S.

OMB 0583-0159

OMB 0583-0159

The purpose of this collection is to require foreign governments of countries that import meat, poultry, or egg products into the United States to submit more information with the certificates they are already required to submit, and require import inspection establishments to maintain written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures. Additionally, when FSIS inspected and passed product is exported and then returned to this country, the owner, broker, or agent of the product (the applicant) arranges for the product’s entry and notifies FSIS. As part of this process, the applicant completes the FSIS Form 9010-1, Application for the Return of Exported Products to the United States.

The latest form for Import Inspection Application and Application for the Return of Exported Products to the U.S. expires 2022-12-31 and can be found here.

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