Assessment of the Barriers that Constrain the Adequacy of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Allotments

OMB 0584-0631

OMB 0584-0631

To determine the individual and household barriers faced by SNAP participants or any environmental barriers that prevent them from having access to a healthy diet throughout the month; understand the interaction between individual, household, and environmental barriers and determine how, if at all, the individual, household, and environmental barriers can be accounted for in determining SNAP allotments.

The latest form for Assessment of the Barriers that Constrain the Adequacy of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Allotments expires 2020-12-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

SNAP Participants (Respondents)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Income Security - Food and Nutrition Assistance

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