Generic Clearance for Collection of State Administrative Records Data

OMB 0607-0995

OMB 0607-0995

Under 13 U.S.C. § 6, the Census Bureau is authorized to acquire and use administrative records from state governments and the government of the District of Columbia when that information is pertinent to the Census Bureau’s work; required for efficiently and economically conducting census and surveys; or in lieu of conducting direct inquiries when permissible. The Census Bureau efforts to collect state administrative records data include integrating and linking the data with Census Bureau data from current surveys and censuses in order to improve efficiency and accuracy of Census data collections, including 2020 Census Operations, and improve measures of the population and economy. The Census Bureau benefits from these efforts by improving data quality, survey frames, developing model-based edits and allocations, and studies of program participation and data quality over time. Collaborating agencies have benefited through access to reports and tabulations to enhance information about participation in assistance programs. The Census Bureau will link State administrative records data with data from censuses and surveys at the Census Bureau, including but not limited to data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), Current Population Survey, and the American Community Survey.

The latest form for Generic Clearance for Collection of State Administrative Records Data expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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