Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards

OMB 0910-0601

OMB 0910-0601

The elements of the manufactured food regulatory program standards are intended to ensure that the States have the best practices of a high-quality regulatory program to use for self-assessment and continuous improvement and innovation. The ten standards describe the critical elements of a regulatory program designed to protect the public from foodborne illness and injury. These elements include the State program's regulatory foundation, staff training, inspection, quality assurance, food defense preparedness and response, foodborne illness and incident investigation, enforcement, education and outreach, resource management, laboratory resources, and program assessment. Each standard has corresponding self-assessment worksheets, and certain standards have supplemental worksheets and forms that will assist State programs in determining their level of conformance with the standard. FDA will use the program standards as a tool to improve contracts with State agencies. The program standards will assist both FDA and the States in fulfilling their regulatory obligations.

The latest form for Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards expires 2022-09-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

State Departments of Agriculture or Health

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Consumer Health and Safety

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