Identifying Experts in Prevention Science Methods to Include on NIH Review Panels (ODP/OD)

OMB 0925-0728

OMB 0925-0728

One of our strategies is to help NIH Scientific Review Officers (SROs) identify experts in prevention science methods to include on their review panels. This strengthens the panels and improves the quality of prevention research supported by NIH. To identify experts in prevention science methods, we developed online survey software that allows us to collect researchers’ names, contact information, and resumes, as well as allows those researchers to identify their level of expertise in a variety of prevention science methods and content areas. The data collected with this survey software populate a web-based Directory that SROs can use to identify researchers with expertise in specific prevention science methods and content areas for invitation to serve on an NIH review panels. This Directory is also shared with review staff in the other NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices, as well as other DHHS agencies.

The latest form for Identifying Experts in Prevention Science Methods to Include on NIH Review Panels (ODP/OD) expires 2024-01-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details


Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Health Care Services

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