AHRQ Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care Initiative

OMB 0935-0254

OMB 0935-0254

The Affordable Care Act established the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (PCORTF) and authorized AHRQ to broadly disseminate the research findings published by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and other government-funded research relevant to comparative clinical effectiveness research. AHRQ’s PCORTF-funded initiative identifies research findings that could significantly improve patient outcomes through broader implementation in clinical practice. Under this initiative, in 2019 AHRQ launched a new initiative, Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care, in order to promote the uptake of evidence-based practices for unhealthy alcohol use (UAU). As part of this initiative, AHRQ selected six grantees and funded a contractor to support and evaluate the grantees. The grantees will collectively work with more than 700 primary care practices over three years to implement and evaluate strategies to increase the use of evidence-based interventions such as screening for unhealthy alcohol use, brief interventions for adult patients who drink too much, and medication-assisted therapy (MAT) for patients with an alcohol use disorder. The contractor will develop a resource center, convene a technical expert panel, conduct an ongoing environmental scan, support a learning community of grantees, and complete a multisite, mixed methods evaluation. Unhealthy alcohol use, defined as behaviors ranging from risky drinking to alcohol use disorders (AUD), is estimated to be the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Between 2006 and 2010, nearly one in ten deaths were alcohol-related. In addition to early mortality, UAU is associated with a host of adverse outcomes, including unintentional injuries and the development or exacerbation of a range of physical and behavioral health conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates suggest that excessive alcohol consumption costs the United States $249 billion annually. Under the UAU initiative, six AHRQ grantees will work to improve the management of UAU in primary care by disseminating and implementing evidence-based practices for screening and brief intervention, referral to treatment (SBI/RT), and MAT in primary care practices. The multi-site, mixed-methods evaluation will include primary data collection by the evaluator, NORC at the University of Chicago. The evaluation will also include secondary data collected by the six grantee teams working with 750 primary care practices. Collectively the data will allow the evaluator to assess the implementation and impact of the six grants. The project goals, as laid out in the AHRQ request for applications include: • Success of recruitment and retention strategies across all six grantees to engage primary care practices for implementation of SBI/RT and MAT, across the initiative; • Effectiveness of the grantees’ collective dissemination and implementation strategies, and the factors associated with the success and/or failure of the strategies as it relates to populations, settings and the influence of contextual factors; • Success at the practice level in increasing the number of patients screened, identified, and treated; and • Overall impact on changes in processes or outcomes that can be attributed to the initiative.

The latest form for AHRQ Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care Initiative expires 2023-10-31 and can be found here.

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