Beneficiary and Family Centered Data Collection (CMS-10393)

OMB 0938-1177

OMB 0938-1177

To ensure the QIOs are effectively meeting their goals, CMS has historically collected patient experience information through a survey of beneficiaries who have interacted directly with a QIO representative. In this way, CMS assesses the degree to which the QIOs are achieving the above program requirements; provides feedback to the QIOs to support them in improving the services they deliver to Medicare beneficiaries; and measures the degree to which the QIOs are meeting their contractual obligations as laid out in their SOW. CMS must continue to collect reliable and rich data on the experiences of Medicare beneficiaries. The nature of the data collected must also evolve as QIO contract changes so that CMS is adequately capturing how, when, and why QIOs are interacting with beneficiaries and beneficiary reports on their related experiences.

The latest form for Beneficiary and Family Centered Data Collection (CMS-10393) expires 2021-02-28 and can be found here.

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