Request for Accommodation in Communication Method

OMB 0960-0777

OMB 0960-0777

SSA supplies a designated telephone number allowing Social Security applicants, beneficiaries, recipients, and representative payees who are blind or visually-impaired to tell SSA which of the following seven methods of communication they want SSA to use when it sends them benefit notices and other related communications: (1) standard print notice by first class mail, (2) standard print mail with a follow-up telephone call, (3) certified mail, (4) Braille, (5) Microsoft Word file on data compact disk (CD), (6) large print (18-point font) or (7) audio CD. However, respondents who want to receive notices from SSA through a communication method other than the seven methods listed above use Form SSA-9000 to: (1) describe the type of accommodation they want, (2) disclose their condition necessitating the need for a different type of accommodation, and (3) explain why none of the seven methods described above are sufficient for their needs. SSA uses Form SSA-9000 to determine, based on applicable law and regulation, whether to grant an individual's request for an accommodation based on their blindness, other visual impairment, and as applicable, another disabling condition. SSA collects this information electronically through either an in-person interview or a telephone interview during which the SSA employee keys in the information on Intranet screens. The respondents are Social Security applicants, beneficiaries, recipients, and representative payees who are blind or visually impaired and who ask SSA to send notices and other communications in an alternative method besides the seven modalities we described above. We are completing a Non-Substantive change request to allow blind or visually impaired users the ability to select their preference for Special Notice Options through the mySocial Security Portal.

The latest form for Request for Accommodation in Communication Method expires 2022-12-31 and can be found here.

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