Native Employment Works (NEW) Program Plan Guidance and Program Report

OMB 0970-0174

OMB 0970-0174

The NEW program plan guidance documents for non-477 tribes specifies the information needed to complete a NEW program plan and explains the process for plan submission every third year. The program plan is the application for NEW program funding. As approved by HHS, the plan documents how the grantee will carry out its NEW program. The NEW program report and instructions specify the program data that NEW grantees report annually. The program report provides HHS, Congress, and grantees information to document the activities and accomplishments of the NEW program and to assess the success of the NEW program in meeting its goals. HHS needs the information in the program plan and the program report to fulfill statutory and regulatory requirements. The respondents are federally-recognized tribes and tribal organizations that are NEW program grantees, This information collection request is to continue this data collection with updated versions of the program plan guidance and program report documents. The version of these documents for which we now seek approval replaces previous versions. Unlike previous versions of these documents, this one does not include the NEW program plan guidance for Tribes that do include their NEW programs in Public Law 102-477 projects. Recent legislation, Pub. L. 102-477 (Attachment B) together with an MOA signed by the Secretary (Attachment C) have placed those programs under the guidance of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Division of Workforce Development. 477 grantees are directed to contact BIA in the non-Pub. L. 102-477 programs guidance.

The latest form for Native Employment Works (NEW) Program Plan Guidance and Program Report expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

NEW Plan Guidance for non-477 Tribes

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