Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS)

OMB 0970-0463

OMB 0970-0463

The statute at 42 U.S.C. 674(a)(3)(C) and (D) provides the authority for title IV-E funding for the planning, design, development, installation, operation, and maintenance of an optional child welfare data collection and information retrieval system and the requirements a title IV-E agency must meet to receive a more favorable cost allocation for federal financial participation (FFP). The statute at 42 U.S.C. 674(c) further specifies the expenditures eligible for FFP. In response to these laws, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) published regulations at 45 CFR 1355.50 – 57 in 1993 providing states with enhanced funding to build a single comprehensive system supporting all child welfare case management activities for public and private child welfare workers in the state. In response to 42 U.S.C. 679c(b) ACF amended these regulations in 2012 to apply to an Indian tribe, tribal organization, or tribal consortium (tribe) that elect to operate a program under a plan approved by the Secretary under section 671. Child welfare practice and technology changed considerably since the regulations were published in 1993. To address these changes, ACF published the Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Final Rule on June 2, 2016 with an effective date of August 1, 2018. This final rule removes the requirement for a single comprehensive system. With this flexibility, title IV-E agencies can build less expensive, modular based, child welfare information systems that more closely mirror their practice models while supporting quality data. Each agency may determine the size, scope, and functionality of their CCWIS. For example, a tribe may use this flexibility to build a smaller system at a reasonable cost. To help title IV-E agencies implement these more flexible requirements while ensuring appropriate Federal oversight, the final rule specified three new reporting requirements: • The initial Automated Function List (submitted when the agency decided to implement a CCWIS Project pursuant to 1355.52(i)(1)(ii)) • The initial Data Quality Plan (submitted within a year of the agency’s decision to implement a CCWIS Project pursuant to 1355.52(d)(5)) • The Notice of Intent (submitted only if the planned CCWIS project fell under Advance Planning Document thresholds pursuant to 1355.52(i)(1)) OMB approval of this original CCWIS information collection (OMB #0970-0463) designed for start-up CCWIS projects is no longer needed as 46 states and the District of Columbia have notified CB of their intention to implement a CCWIS and submitted the information. Although some of the remaining states and some title IV-E tribal agencies may opt to build a CCWIS in the future and submit the required information listed above, it is our assessment that this number will not reach the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) threshold of ten or more persons required for OMB approval. Therefore, ACF is revising the data collection originally approved under OMB #0970-0463. The proposed CCWIS information collection revisions are designed to collect information required by the CCWIS regulations for ongoing CCWIS projects. The proposed revisions amend the first and second components, and remove the third component: • Automated Function List updates (annual submission during the life of a CCWIS project pursuant to 1355.52(i)(2)) • Data Quality Plan updates (annual submission during the life of a CCWIS project pursuant to 1355.52(d)(5))

The latest form for Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

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