National Park Service Common Learning Portal

OMB 1024-0284

OMB 1024-0284

The legislative mandate of the National Park Service Organic Act, found at 54 USC §100101(a), 100301 et seq. is to conserve America’s natural wonders unimpaired for future generations, while also making them available for the enjoyment of the visitor. Meeting this mandate requires the NPS to balance conservation with use. Maintaining a good balance requires information and limits, as well as providing effective training to those responsible for upholding this mandate. The NPS Common Learning Portal (CLP) is focused on increasing the visibility of training available to NPS employees and makes the site available to the public to allow NPS partners, retired NPS employees, and other interested persons not directly affiliated with the NPS access. The information we collect as part of the registration process for the CLP enables non-NPS persons to register and participate with others within the site. The creation of a personal profile provides those using the CLP with basic information that can be used to find others with similar jobs, learning interests or to solve learning problems. All personal information, with the exception of the person’s name and email address are optional when creating the profile, and profile information may be edited or deleted at any time, except for the name and email address.

The latest form for National Park Service Common Learning Portal expires 2023-05-31 and can be found here.

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