Sovereignty in Indian Education Grant Program

OMB 1076-0182

OMB 1076-0182

The Department of the Interior and Department of Education developed an American Indian Education Study Group (Study Group) to diagnose the causes of too common academic failure in BIE-funded schools, which are some of the lowest performing schools in the country. The Study Group, which encompasses a combination of management, legal, education, and tribal expertise, was charged with developing and implementing recommendations to transform the BIE. Based on the recommendations from the Study Group released on June 13, 2014 ("Blueprint for Reform"), BIE developed the Sovereignty in Indian Education Grant which awards competitive grants to tribes and their Tribal Education Departments (TEDs) to promote tribal control and operation of BIE-funded schools on their reservations. The purpose of the grant is to support the TEDs capacity to manage and operate tribally-controlled schools as defined in the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-297). These funds will support the development of an implementation plan for the TEDs to review their infrastructure and determine the most efficient course of action to promote full operation of BIE-funded schools through a single grant, and begin the process of implementation of the tribally approved course of action.

The latest form for Sovereignty in Indian Education Grant Program expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Proposal Preparation and Submission

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Education - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education

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