Tribal Education Department Grant Program

OMB 1076-0185

OMB 1076-0185

Under 25 U.S.C. §2020, Congress appropriated funding through the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) for the development and operation of tribal departments or divisions of education for the purpose of planning and coordinating all educational programs of the Tribe. All tribal education departments (TEDs) awarded will provide coordinating services and technical assistance to the school(s) they serve, expected outcome for student success, and how the proposed project will increase student competency. For a Federally recognized tribe to be eligible to receive a grant, the tribe shall submit a grant application proposal. Once the grant has been awarded, each awardee will be responsible for quarterly and annual reports.

The latest form for Tribal Education Department Grant Program expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material
OMB Details

Proposal Preparation and Submission

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Education - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education

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