Census of Jail Inmates

OMB 1121-0100

OMB 1121-0100

The 2019 Census of Jails (COJ) will provide current information on inmate populations throughout the country. Data will be used for program planning and policy making for corrections. The last COJ was fielded in 2014 and collected 2013 year-end data. It was approved under OMB Control Number 1121-0249 along with the Mortality in Correctional Institutions-Jails (MCI, formerly the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program) because of a timely need for the data. Unlike in 2013, when an abbreviated form of the COJ was conducted along with MCI-Jails data collection, the 2019 COJ will be a standalone collection. BJS requests clearance for the 2019 COJ under its previous unique OMB Control Number 1121-0100.

The latest form for Census of Jail Inmates expires 2022-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

2005 Census of Jail Inmates

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Array - Array

Form CJ3-1Form

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