Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment Program

OMB 1205-0456

OMB 1205-0456

DOL uses the information collected in ETA 9128 and ETA 9129 1) to evaluate state performance in terms of service delivery; and 2) to report on the RESAs, including the number of scheduled in-person reemployment and eligibility assessments, the number of individuals who failed to appear for scheduled assessments, actions taken as a result of individuals not appearing for an assessment (e.g., benefits terminated), results of assessments (e.g., referred to reemployment services, found in compliance with program requirements), estimated savings resulting from cessation of benefits, and estimated savings as a result of accelerated reemployment. The population served includes claimants who have been determined to be most likely to exhaust their benefits and veterans receiving Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX). It is proposed that the population of claimants who are most likely to exhaust their benefits be reported on the ETA 9128 and the ETA 9129 and separate reports with the same data elements be provided for UCX claimants. These reports will be the ETA 9128 X and the ETA 9129 X.

The latest form for Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment Program expires 2022-09-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment Program

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Income Security - Unemployment Compensation

Form ETA 9128ETA 9128 - Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEAs) WorkloadFillable FileableForm and instruction
Form ETA 9129ETA 9129 Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEAs) OutcomesFillable FileableForm and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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