Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program Reporting Requirements

OMB 1205-0489

OMB 1205-0489

There were four (4) rounds of TAACCCT grants originally included under this approved PRA package, and the fourth and final round of grants is still active. ETA requires grantees to submit Quarterly Progress Reports with a narrative summary each quarter. Every fourth quarter, grantees submit an Annual Performance Report with standardized outcome measures that will include aggregate data for program participants for the following ten outcome measures: unique participants served/enrolled; total number of participants who have completed a grant-funded program of study; total number still retained in their programs of study; total number retained in other education programs; total number of credit hours completed; total number of earned credentials; total number pursuing further education after program of study completion; total number employed after program of study completion; total number retained in employment after program of study completion; and the total number of those employed at enrollment who receive a wage increase post-enrollment. The data collection is also designed to help ETA and grantees assess progress made against the grant statements of work, or grant plans, as submitted to ETA during consideration for funding. The descriptions of capacity-building, activities, and deliverables in the Quarterly Progress Report allows grantees flexibility to show successes or challenges against their own unique programs. In addition, ETA requires standard quantitative data collection in order to help monitor participants served and outcomes achieved across grants in a similar way. ETA requires grantees to collect and report on the common performance measures that are applied across other programs administered by ETA. The common measures help to describe the core purposes of related investments: How many people found jobs? Did people stay employed? What were the average earnings?

The latest form for Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program Reporting Requirements expires 2021-10-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

TAACCCT Quarterly Narrative Progress Report

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Workforce Management - Training and Employment

Form ETA-9159Quarterly Narrative Progress Report ETA Form-9159Fillable FileableForm

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