Fidelity Bonding Issuance

OMB 1205-0541

OMB 1205-0541

The Department’s Federal Bonding Program (FBP) provides fidelity bonds that protect employers hiring at-risk job applicants from theft, forgery, or embezzlement by the employee. Although the bonds have primarily served offenders, any at-risk job applicant is eligible for bonding services, including: recovering substance abusers (alcohol or drugs), welfare recipients and other persons having poor financial credit, economically disadvantaged youth and adults who lack a work history, individuals dishonorably discharged from the military, and others. Over the years, the FBP has remained a relatively small program, currently serving about 900 offenders a year. The Department is now expanding the use of fidelity bonds in placing offenders by providing funds to states to purchase such bonds. The Department seeks approval under the PRA for the reporting and record keeping requirements of this new demonstration project.

The latest form for Fidelity Bonding Issuance expires 2023-05-31 and can be found here.

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