FERC-919A,(Order of 8/2021 in RM16-17-000) Refinements to Policies & Procedures for Market Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity & Ancillary Services by Public Utilities

OMB 1902-0317

OMB 1902-0317

The related Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in Docket No. RM16-17 was submitted to OMB under FERC-919 [(NOPR in RM16-17) Refinements to Policies and Procedures for Market Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services by Public Utilities; ICR 201607-1902-006]. Concurrent with issuance of the Final Rule in Docket RM16-17, there was another unrelated Final Rule affecting FERC-919 (in ICR 201907-1902-004, approved 10/2/2019). In order to submit this Final Rule in Docket RM16-17 timely to OMB, we submitted it (as stated in the supporting statement for ICR 201907-1902-001) under a temporary placeholder information collection number FERC-919A. As required by OMB's decision on 11/4/2019, this ICR is a re-submittal of that information indicating it is a rulemaking activity. (Please note that the 60-day metadata here reflects the NOPR, and the 30-day metadata reflects the final rule. That was done so that the ROCIS system doesn't require it to be an 'emergency' submittal. The RIN and metadata related to the Final Rule are also included.) The Final Rule in Docket RM16-17-000 amends the Commission’s regulations governing market-based rates for public utilities. The Commission will collect certain information currently filed in the electric market-based rate program in a consolidated and streamlined manner through a relational database. The relational database construct modernizes the Commission’s data collection processes, eliminates duplications, and renders information collected usable and accessible. The Commission does not adopt the proposal from the NOPR to collect Connected Entity data from market-based rate sellers and entities trading virtual or holding financial transmission rights in this final rule. With respect to the market-based rate program, the Commission adopts changes that reduce and clarify the scope of ownership information that Sellers must provide as part of their market-based rate filings. In addition, the Commission modifies its regulations to change the information required in a Seller’s asset appendix as well as the format through which such information must be submitted. The revised regulations will require a Seller to update the relational database on a monthly basis to reflect any changes that have occurred but will also extend the change in status filing requirement to a quarterly filing obligation. Finally, the Commission modifies its regulations to eliminate the requirement that Sellers submit corporate organizational charts. The purpose of this data collection is to modernize and streamline the Commission’s data collection by requiring currently filed market-based rate information, and new information to be collected in a consolidated and streamlined manner through a relational database. This will eliminate duplication and render information more usable and accessible to the Commission and to the public. The new information that will be collected includes unit-specific generation information and long-term firm sales information. This information will appear as part of the Seller’s asset appendix, which will be automatically generated by the relational database and retrievable by the Commission and the public. This information collection will assist the Commission ensure rates are just and reasonable. Failing to meet this statutory responsibility could result in public utilities charging rates that are not just and reasonable.

The latest form for FERC-919A,(Order of 8/2021 in RM16-17-000) Refinements to Policies & Procedures for Market Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity & Ancillary Services by Public Utilities expires 2022-10-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

RM16-17-000 Final Rule (Category 1, 1st Year)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Energy - Energy Supply

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