Regional Haze Regulations (Reinstatement)

OMB 2060-0704

OMB 2060-0704

Subpart P of 40 CFR 51, Protection of Visibility, also known as the regional haze rule, is the subject of this clearance request. In the next three years, activities conducted by the states, Federal Land Managers (FLMs), and the EPA will focus on submitting SIP revisions and progress reports for regional haze. 40 CFR 51.308 (f) requires states to develop regional haze implementation plan revisions evaluating and reassessing reasonable progress goals, calculations of baseline and natural visibility conditions, the long-term strategy, the monitoring strategy and other implementation plan requirements. There are similar reporting requirements under 40 CFR 51.309, a section of the regional haze rule in which three states (Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico) elected to submit their SIPs. Under section 309, these states adopted regional haze strategies for the period from 2003 to 2018 for sulfur dioxide emissions. These strategies are based on recommendations from the Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission (GCVTC) for protecting the 16 Class I areas in the Colorado Plateau area. During the next three years, fourteen states will also be responsible for submitting progress reports. 40 CFR 51.308 (g) requires states to develop periodic reports evaluating progress towards the reasonable progress goals for improving visibility in Class I areas inside the state and in neighboring states, and 40 CFR 51.309(d)(10) requires similar actions on the part of the 3 states that submitted regional haze SIPs under 40 CFR 51.309.

The latest form for Regional Haze Regulations (Reinstatement) expires 2023-09-30 and can be found here.

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