Requirements for Certified Applicators Using 1080 Collars for Livestock Protection (Renewal)

OMB 2070-0074

OMB 2070-0074

Applicators who are certified to apply livestock protection collars are required to keep records of: a) the number of collars attached on livestock; b) the pasture(s) where collared livestock were placed; c) the dates of each attachment, inspection, and removal; d) the number and locations of livestock found with ruptured or punctured collars and the apparent cause of the damage; e) the number, dates, and approximate location of all collars lost; and f) the species, locations, and dates of all suspected poisonings of humans, domestic animals or nontarget wild animals resulting from collar use. Certified applicators in New Mexico and Wyoming, as well as in several states where USDA/APHIS administers the 1080 collar program, keep records of their use of the collars and provide them to their respective reporting agencies, who compile the information and submit it to EPA in their annual monitoring reports

The latest form for Requirements for Certified Applicators Using 1080 Collars for Livestock Protection (Renewal) expires 2021-12-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Recordkeeping Requirements for Certified Applicators Using 1080 Collars for Livestock Protection

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Environmental Management - Pollution Prevention and Control

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