QSA Customer Feedback Report

OMB 2120-0605

OMB 2120-0605

Production Approval Holders (PAH) are recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration as having the authority to produce products, articles and parts for use on U.S. civil aircraft. The customer feedback report is a voluntary survey, sent to FAA production approval holders (PAH) prior to the QSA audit conducted by the FAA at their production facility. Individual PAH facilities are subject to the QSA audit every 24, 36, or 48 months depending on the complexity and criticality of the aircraft product or article that they manufacture. The customer feedback survey is voluntarily reported to FAA on occasion, which is predicated on the revolving due date of that audit. The survey seeks to obtain information that is voluntarily disclosed by the PAH and used by the FAA to invoke continuous improvement of the QSA process. The survey offers the PAH the opportunity to divulge issues or concerns regarding the preparation, timeliness, communication, coordination and professionalism regarding the completed QSA. The information provides transparency to the FAA managing offices with regard to the effectiveness of the conduct of the audit and the collaborative exchange of information between industry and government regulatory policy. The feedback information is generally not technical in nature, but identifies potential gaps in training and opportunities to adjust the QSA administrative protocols to adopt changes as the PAH certificate management process and automation tools to support that process evolve. Most PAHs are subject to a QSA every two to four years depending on the complexity of their product. The feedback information submitted by the PAH on the 8100-7 form at the conclusion of the QSA is a voluntary survey. It is collected and reviewed by FAA offices including the local field offices, manufacturing inspection offices and the surveillance and oversight policy section of AIR-600 in order to improve the administration and conduct of the QSA at the local and national levels. The FAA has typically used the feedback to clarify the information provided in the QSA briefing presentations and to improve the overall audit presentation and experience. Improvements to FAA Order 8120.23, Certificate Management of Production Approval Holders, have been and will continue to be incorporated as a result of the on-going collection of data.

The latest form for QSA Customer Feedback Report expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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