Pre-Award, Post-Delivery Audit Requirements Under Buy America

OMB 2132-0544

OMB 2132-0544

The information collection under OMB control number 2132-0544 “Pre-Award, Post-Delivery Audit Requirements Under Buy America” currently does not require any revisions. As a result, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is requesting a 3-year extension without change for OMB approval. This is a mandatory collection that prevents FTA from obligating any funding that may be appropriated to carry out its program for a project unless “the steel, iron, and manufactured goods used in the project are produced in the United States. The information being reported is a certification document. A transit grantee must include in its bid or request for proposal (RFP) specification for procurement of steel, iron or manufactured goods an appropriate notice of the Buy America provision and require, as a condition of responsiveness, that the bidder or offer or submit with the bid or offer a completed Buy America certificate. Under limited circumstances, FTA may waive Buy America requirements. The entities that respond to this collection are transit agencies procuring rolling stock from transit bus and transit railcar manufacturers. This information is submitted as needed, triggered whenever a transit agencies procures rolling stock. Transit agencies maintain the certification on site and only need to produce the document upon request by FTA. There is no change to the number of respondents or responses. The only change associated with this submission is a change in the cost to the respondents and the cost to the federal government. Both areas have been updated to reflect the current Department of Labor wage category and the 2020 OPM Federal salary table.

The latest form for Pre-Award, Post-Delivery Audit Requirements Under Buy America expires 2023-11-30 and can be found here.

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