Post-Accident Drug Testing for Pipeline Operators

OMB 2137-0632

OMB 2137-0632

49 CFR 199.227 requires operators to retain records for three years if they decide not to administer post-accident/incident drug testing on affected employees). Operators who choose not to perform post-accident drug and alcohol tests on affected employees will be required to keep records explaining their decision not to do so. This information collection request would require operators who choose not to perform post-accident drug and alcohol tests on affected employees to keep records explaining their decision not to do so. The purposes of the collection is to provide PHMSA with an understanding of why drug and alcohol tests were not administered following a reportable incident. Examples of the records may include any official documents that support or explain an operators decision not to administer a drug or alcohol test following a reportable incident. Operators must retain the records for a period of 3 years.

The latest form for Post-Accident Drug Testing for Pipeline Operators expires 2021-06-30 and can be found here.

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