Sections 15.709, 15.713, 15.714, 15.715 and 15.717, 27.1320, TV White Space Broadcast Bands

OMB 3060-1155

OMB 3060-1155

The Commission designates database administrators (Third Parties) to create and operate databases that provide lists of available channels to white space devices. These administrators act on behalf of the Commission but are privately owned and operated. Each database administrator is responsible for operation of their database and coordination of the overall functioning of their database with other administrators. To ensure proper functioning of their databases, administrators must collect certain information from Commission databases, protected entities such as wireless carriers and parties operating wireless microphones, and white space devices.

The latest form for Sections 15.709, 15.713, 15.714, 15.715 and 15.717, 27.1320, TV White Space Broadcast Bands expires 2022-06-30 and can be found here.

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TV White Space Broadcast Bands

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