Labeling and Advertising of Home Insulation ("R-Value") Rule

OMB 3084-0109

OMB 3084-0109

The R-value Rule establishes uniform standards for the substantiation and disclosure of accurate, material product information about the thermal performance characteristics of home insulation products. The R-value of an insulation product is its resistance to the flow of heat. Consumers can use this information to determine how well a product is likely to perform as an insulator, and to compare the product's cost-efficiency with other products to determine whether the cost of the insulation is justified. The R-value Rule requires manufacturers and sellers of home insulation products to disclose the R-value to consumers before sale. The Rule also requires manufacturers and sellers making representations concerning fuel or energy cost savings to keep records to substantiate claims.

The latest form for Labeling and Advertising of Home Insulation ("R-Value") Rule expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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Manufacturers in a given year having a new product to test

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