Technology Transformation Services: Candidate Experience Surveys

OMB 3090-0323

OMB 3090-0323

The Technology Transformation Services (TTS) works toward modernizing how the government uses technology as part of the Government IT Initiatives does. In order to meet this vital need, TTS must hire highly skilled technical talent. The current demand of technical talent is much higher than the supply so it is crucial that TTS provide a strong candidate experience to remain competitive with other, often more highly paid, opportunities. An exceptional candidate experience helps us make the hires we need as candidate experience is a large part of how applicants perceive an organization and how likely they are to apply and accept an offer. Through the use of candidate surveys, the Talent Team will be able to better understand how candidates perceive the application, interview and overall recruitment process, and will inform how and where the team can make improvements. These improvements will help us better attract and hire prospective talent, ensuring we can staff TTS teams and agency partner projects with the best possible talent.

The latest form for Technology Transformation Services: Candidate Experience Surveys expires 2023-11-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Technology Transformation Services: Candidate Experience Surveys--Application

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Supply Chain Management - Services Acquisition

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