Survey improvement techniques (e.g., focus grousp, cognitive/ usability interviews, and split panel tests) are routinely used to improve the quality and timeliness of surveys, while simultaneously reducing respondent burden. The purpose of this generic clearance is to allow SRS to continue to use these techniques to improves its data collections on science, engineering, and technologyinputs and outputs. Respondens are from industry, academia, nonprofit organizations, and members of the public.
The latest form for NCSES-Generic Clearance of Survey Improvement Projects for the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.
Document Name |
Justification for No Material/Nonsubstantive Change |
Supplementary Document |
Supplementary Document |
Supplementary Document |
Justification for No Material/Nonsubstantive Change |
Supporting Statement B |
Supporting Statement A |
Federal Enterprise Architecture: Education - Higher Education
Form Att. 6 | SED Degreee History Data Collection Method Test Condition E | Fillable Fileable | Form and instruction |
Form Att. 5 | SED Degreee History Data Collection Method Test Condition D | Fillable Fileable | Form and instruction |
Form Att. 4 | SED Degreee History Data Collection Method Test Condition C | Fillable Fileable | Form and instruction |
Form Attachment 3 | SED Degree History Data Collection Method, Doctorate and Dissertation Research Questions | Fillable Fileable | Form and instruction |
Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.