Bank Holding Company Applications and Notifications

OMB 7100-0121

OMB 7100-0121

This information collection is comprised of the following reporting forms: Application to Become a Bank Holding Company and/or Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding Company (FR Y-3), Notification to Become a Bank Holding Company and/or Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding Company (FR Y-3N), and Notification by a Bank Holding Company to Acquire a Nonbank Company and/or Engage in Nonbanking Activities (FR Y-4). These filings collect information on proposals by Bank Holding Companies (BHCs) involving formations, acquisitions, mergers, and nonbanking activities. The Board requires the submission of these filings for regulatory and supervisory purposes and to allow the Board to fulfill its statutory obligations under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (the BHC Act). The Board uses this information to evaluate each individual transaction with respect to financial and managerial factors, permissibility, competitive effects, financial stability, net public benefits, and the impact on the convenience and needs of affected communities.

The latest form for Bank Holding Company Applications and Notifications expires 2021-07-31 and can be found here.

All Historical Document Collections
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2024-07-29
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2024-07-28
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2021-07-29
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2021-06-24
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2018-07-26
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2018-07-17
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2017-04-24
Approved without change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2015-01-30
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2014-09-28
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2011-03-16
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2010-11-24
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2010-03-12
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2010-02-22
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2008-05-01
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2008-04-24
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2008-01-09
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2005-04-21
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2005-02-07
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2002-04-17
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2002-04-16
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2001-12-17
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2001-11-20
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1999-04-12
Emergency extension 1998-01-15
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1998-04-15
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1998-02-05
Approved without change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1994-07-06
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1994-05-24
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1991-01-31
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1990-06-21
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1989-06-01
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1989-04-24
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1988-08-05
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1987-08-25
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1987-07-20
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1987-07-08
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1987-04-06
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1986-10-14
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1984-07-10
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1983-08-12
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1982-11-15
Approved without change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1981-10-26
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1981-04-30
OMB Details

FR Y-3 Section 3(a)(1)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Economic Development - Financial Sector Oversight

Form FR Y-3Application to Become a Bank Holding Company and/or Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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