060132 Taro

Fruit, Nuts, and Specialty Crops

0039-Taro Growers-07-060132-HI

Fruit, Nuts, and Specialty Crops

OMB: 0535-0039

Document [pdf]
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.~"-~’ National Agdcu~tura~
/ .,~..~,~ Statistics Se~l~


Form approved: O.M.B. Nurnber535~O3Y
Approve{ Expires
p~ojecl code 198

Annual Taro
Growers Survey
For Calendar Year 2004

Please make any corrections to your name and address.

Dear Taro Grower:
Please help us compile accurate statistics on Hawaii’s taro industry by completing and returning this
questionnaire. Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions concerning this survey are listed
below. If you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 973-9588 on Oahu or
toll-free at 1-800-804-9514. Thank you for your cooperation.

Who is conducting this Survey?
The Hawaii Agricultural Statistics is conducting this survey. We are a joint agency of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the Hawaii Department of Agriculture. Because we strive to ensure
the accuracy of our estimates, we often telephone those farm operations that did not return this
questionnaire by October 8, 2004. If someone from our office does call you for information, it will be
strictly for official business.

What is the purpose of this survey?
Results from this survey will enabled our agency to publish the Ha~’a~,i Taz’o report in January.
Legislators, economists, bankers, suppliers, farmers, and ethers use that report to make important
decisions. You may obtain a free copy of this.report by chocking the appropriate question on the

Will my answers be kept confidential?
Yes, Federal regulations will ensure that your response be kept confidential. Your report may be
seen only by sworn employees and will only be used to prepare statistical summaries that will not
reveal information about you as an individual.
:;erely yours,

-k Hudson

Instructions: ~
i~_~k the box next to the type of taro you grew in 2004 and make your best estimate of acres harvested, production
//(pounds), and thepriee (eents perpound) you received for the taro you soM in 2004. Please make your best estimate
of any remaining acreage and prodv~tion that will be harvested in 2004, Thank you.


Any taro grown under flooded conditions Jn natural or man-made paddies that are
often referred to as Io’L

, ,r-’] T
~,,-,-s, ~,n’~"’lana Taro

Any taro that is not grown under flooded conditions. These taro plants
would depend on natural rainfall or irrigation water.

Comments (disease, pests, farm prices, marketing, etc..):

Name of person
completing this form:


Location of farm (district name):


Thank you for your cooperation. Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed,
self-addressed, envelope that requires no postage. Would like to receive a free copy our annual Hawaii Taro
release to be published in Janua~? [] Yes [] No
Acoordlng to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays e vs{id OMB
controt number, The time required to complete this Information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per respense.

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File Modified0000-00-00
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