OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0524. The time to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
A. Individual/Poster Abstract Questions
Below is a listing of the questions included on this form. The actual form may be viewed in our test environment by entering the following URL into your Web Browser:
Enter the following Password and User Id to access the test environment (note a password/user ID will not be required to access the final published site):
Username: fns\oanetestuser
Password: !fnsPassword1!
Click on “Conference Abstracts” in the left navigation bar. Select “Add new” from “I want to…” menu on the right of the Conference Abstracts page.
All fields with * are required.
1* -Category: Preferred Category of Submission
State/Local Educational Session
Individual Oral Only
Poster Only
Either Oral or Poster
2* - Abstract Title: Capitalize with no underlining, bolding, or italicizing. Be concise, use an interesting/memorable title.
3* - Submitter's Email: Provide an email address for the contact responsible for creating, editing and submitting this abstract. You will create an abstract once you continue from this page and an abstract ID number and password will be emailed to you. Please save this email. You will need the ID and password to return to this abstract.
4* - Track: Please select the track that your session fits into the best
{Tracks displayed correspond to specific conference}
5* - Objectives: Which Conference Objective(s) does the abstract /session proposal address?
{Objectives displayed correspond with specific conference}
6 - Contact Information for Submitter
* - Are you also an author? Check this box if you are also an author.
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* State
* Zip
* Telephone
-Contact Information for Additional Authors
Please add the author's contact information below. When you are finished, press Add This Author or press Cancel to cancel your changes.
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* Zip
* Telephone
7* - Blinded Title: A blinded title is identical to the original title listed above except that there should be no author, location or identifying information.
8* - Objective: List one learning objective
9* - Blinded Objective: A blinded objective is identical to the original objective listed above except that there should be no author, location or identifying information.
10* - Abstract: Include the purpose, methods, findings, conclusions and implications of the intervention or project (limited to 250 words).
11* - Blinded Abstract: A blinded abstract is identical to the original abstract listed above except that there should be no author, location or identifying information.
12* - Interactive Presentation Approach: How will you make the individual oral presentation interactive?
13* - Evidence-Based Success Information: If your presentation is intended to describe successful nutrition education projects, approaches or materials, what is the basis for judging that achievement?
14* - FNS Program: Check all that apply
Child Nutrition Program - Summer Food (SFSP)
Child Nutrition Program - CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Snack & Supper (CACFP-snack/supper)
Child Nutrition Program - Child and Adult Care (CACFP)
Child Nutrition Program - School Breakfast/Lunch/Milk (SBP/NSLP/SMP)
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Farmer's Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Food Stamp Program (FSP)
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant and Children (WIC)
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
15 - Select the keywords that best describe the content of your submission: Check all that apply
Balancing Calorie Intake and Expenditure
Collaborations and Partnerships
Cooking and Food Preparation
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Quality
Fruits and Vegetables
Whole Grains
Milk or Milk Products, Non-fat and Low-fat
Lean Meats and Beans
Educational Theories and Techniques
Social Marketing
Motivational Interviewing
Facilitated Discussion
Peer Counseling
Personal Goal Setting
Technology-based Education
Behavior Change Theories
Staff Training
Needs Assessment
Evaluation and FNCS Initiatives
State Nutrition Action Plans (SNAP)
Eat Smart, Live Strong
Loving Support
Loving Your Family, Feeding Their Future.
MyPyramid for Kids
Team Nutrition
Food Label
Food Resource Management
Food Safety
Food Security
WIC Demonstration Grant
Team Nutrition Training Grant
Intervention Level
Family or Household
Environment, Community or School
Faith-based Organization
Farmers Market
Food Bank, Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen
Food Stamp Office
Food Store
School Cafeteria
School Wellness
WIC Clinic
Worksite Wellness
Life Cycle
Infant and Toddlers
Low Literacy
Obesity Prevention
Physically Active Lifestyle
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Role Models
School Food Service
OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0524. The time to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
B. Educational Session Abstract Questions
Below is a listing of the questions included on this form. The actual form may be viewed in our test environment by entering the following URL into your Web Browser:
Enter the following Password and User Id to access the test environment (note a password/user ID will not be required to access the final published site):
Username: fns\oanetestuser
Password: !fnsPassword1!
Click on “Conference Abstracts” in the left navigation bar. Select “Add new” from “I want to…” menu on the right of the Conference Abstracts page.
All fields with * are required.
1* -Category: Preferred Category of Submission
State/Local Educational Session
Individual Oral Only
Poster Only
Either Oral or Poster
2* - Abstract Title: Capitalize with no underlining, bolding, or italicizing. Be concise, use an interesting/memorable title.
3* - Submitter's Email: Provide an email address for the contact responsible for creating, editing and submitting this abstract. You will create an abstract once you continue from this page and an abstract ID number and password will be emailed to you. Please save this email. You will need the ID and password to return to this abstract.
4* - Track: Please select the track that your session fits into the best
{Tracks displayed correspond to specific conference}
5* - Objectives: Which Conference Objective(s) does the abstract /session proposal address?
{Objectives displayed correspond with specific conference}
6 - Contact Information for Organizer ** Denotes fields that are required ONLY if Organizer is also a speaker
* - Are you also a speaker?
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
** Presentation Title
** Presentation Summary
** Biography
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* State
* Zip
* Telephone
7* - Learning Objective 1: List two learning objectives or outcomes that will be met through the session. The learning objectives should describe a measurable behavioral objective (i.e., what participants will be able to do, or what they will learn from the session).
8* - Learning Objective 2:
9* - Session Description: In a brief paragraph (no more than 200 words), describe the content of the session. Include key issues, target audiences, conclusions and implications of the session for FNS nutrition education. This paragraph will be used in the Conference Program.
10* - Session Presentation Approach: Describe the presentation methods for the session. Sessions must be interactive. Information on ways to make your session interactive is available.
Contact Information for New Speaker
Please add the speaker's contact information below. When you are finished, press Add This Speaker or press Cancel to cancel your changes.
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Presentation Title
* Presentation Summary
* Biography
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* State
* Zip
* Telephone
11* - FNS Program: Check all that apply
Child Nutrition Program - Summer Food (SFSP)
Child Nutrition Program - CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Snack & Supper (CACFP-snack/supper)
Child Nutrition Program - Child and Adult Care (CACFP)
Child Nutrition Program - School Breakfast/Lunch/Milk (SBP/NSLP/SMP)
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Farmer's Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Food Stamp Program (FSP)
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant and Children (WIC)
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
12 - Select the keywords that best describe the content of your submission: Check all that apply
Balancing Calorie Intake and Expenditure
Collaborations and Partnerships
Cooking and Food Preparation
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Quality
Fruits and Vegetables
Whole Grains
Milk or Milk Products, Non-fat and Low-fat
Lean Meats and Beans
Educational Theories and Techniques
Social Marketing
Motivational Interviewing
Facilitated Discussion
Peer Counseling
Personal Goal Setting
Technology-based Education
Behavior Change Theories
Staff Training
Needs Assessment
Evaluation and FNCS Initiatives
State Nutrition Action Plans (SNAP)
Eat Smart, Live Strong
Loving Support
Loving Your Family, Feeding Their Future.
MyPyramid for Kids
Team Nutrition
Food Label
Food Resource Management
Food Safety
Food Security
WIC Demonstration Grant
Team Nutrition Training Grant
Intervention Level
Family or Household
Environment, Community or School
Faith-based Organization
Farmers Market
Food Bank, Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen
Food Stamp Office
Food Store
School Cafeteria
School Wellness
WIC Clinic
Worksite Wellness
Life Cycle
Infant and Toddlers
Low Literacy
Obesity Prevention
Physically Active Lifestyle
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Role Models
School Food Service
OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0524. The time to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1.25 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
C. Award Nomination Questions
Below is a listing of the questions included on this form. The actual form may be viewed in our test environment by entering the following URL into your Web Browser:
Enter the following Password and User Id to access the test environment (note a password/user ID will not be required to access the final published site):
Username: fns\oanetestuser
Password: !fnsPassword1!
Click on “Award Nominations” on the left navigation bar. Select “Add new” from “I want to…” menu on the right of the Award Nominations page.
All fields with * are required.
1* -Award Category: Preferred Catagory of Submission
Partnerships and Collaborations
Nourishing Tomorrow's Leaders and Practitioners
Excellence in Practice
2* - Title of Project Nominated: Capitalize with no underlining, bolding, or italicizing. Be concise, use an interesting/memorable title.
3* - Submitter's Email: Provide an email address for the contact responsible for creating, editing and submitting this award nomination. You will create an award nomination once you continue from this page and an ID number and password will be emailed to you. Please save this email. You will need the ID and password to return to this award nomination.
4* - Are you nominating an individual or an organization?
5* - Submitter Contact Information:
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Institution
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* State
* Zip
* Telephone
6 * - Nominee Contact Information:
* Nominee
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Organization/Agency
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* State
* Zip
* Telephone
7* - Funding Information - Please add at least one funding source
Please specify the source of funding as well as a dollar amount below. When you are done, click Add This Funding Source to add this source or Cancel to disregard any changes.
* Source Type: FNS Other
* Source:
* Amount: $
8* - Project Start Date:
9 - Project End Date:
10* - Goals of the Project:
11* - Objectives of the Project:
12* - Description of the Project: Address the key features of the project including the planning required, methods and activities.
13* - Award Criteria: How the project meets each award's criteria
14* - Project Results/Outcome: Include key project results or outcomes that merit receipt of an award.
15* - FNS Program: Check all that apply. At least one FNS Program must be involved in the project.
Child Nutrition Program - Summer Food (SFSP)
Child Nutrition Program - CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Snack & Supper (CACFP-snack/supper)
Child Nutrition Program - Child and Adult Care (CACFP)
Child Nutrition Program - School Breakfast/Lunch/Milk (SBP/NSLP/SMP)
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Farmer's Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Food Stamp Program (FSP)
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant and Children (WIC)
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
16 - Select the keywords that best describe the content of your submission: Check all that apply
Balancing Calorie Intake and Expenditure
Collaborations and Partnerships
Cooking and Food Preparation
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Quality
Fruits and Vegetables
Whole Grains
Milk or Milk Products, Non-fat and Low-fat
Lean Meats and Beans
Educational Theories and Techniques
Social Marketing
Motivational Interviewing
Facilitated Discussion
Peer Counseling
Personal Goal Setting
Technology-based Education
Behavior Change Theories
Staff Training
Needs Assessment
Evaluation and FNCS Initiatives
State Nutrition Action Plans (SNAP)
Eat Smart, Live Strong
Loving Support
Loving Your Family, Feeding Their Future.
MyPyramid for Kids
Team Nutrition
Food Label
Food Resource Management
Food Safety
Food Security
WIC Demonstration Grant
Team Nutrition Training Grant
Intervention Level
Family or Household
Environment, Community or School
Faith-based Organization
Farmers Market
Food Bank, Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen
Food Stamp Office
Food Store
School Cafeteria
School Wellness
WIC Clinic
Worksite Wellness
Life Cycle
Infant and Toddlers
Low Literacy
Obesity Prevention
Physically Active Lifestyle
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Role Models
School Food Service
OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0524. The time to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
D. Project Profile Questions
Below is a listing of the questions included on this form. The actual form may be viewed in our test environment by entering the following URL into your Web Browser:
Enter the following Password and User Id to access the test environment (note a password/user ID will not be required to access the final published site):
Username: fns\oanetestuser
Password: !fnsPassword1!
Click on “Project Profiles” in the left navigation bar. Select “Add new” from “I want to…” menu on the right of the Project Profiles page.
All fields with * are required.
1* - Project Profile Title: Capitalize with no underlining, bolding, or italicizing. Be concise, use an interesting/memorable title.
2* - Submitter's Email: Provide an email address for the contact responsible for creating, editing and submitting this project profile. You will create a project profile once you continue from this page and a project profile ID number and password will be emailed to you. Please save this email. You will need the ID and password to return to this project profile.
3* - Contact Information:
* First Name
Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Address 1
Address 2
* City
* State
* Zip
* Telephone
4 -Is the project ongoing? Yes No
5* - Project Start Date:
6 - Project End Date:
7* - Lead Department, Agency and/or Program: Provide the name of the department, agency, or program that is the lead agency responsible for the project (e.g., Virginia Department of Health, California Department of Education).
8* - Goal(s): The goal(s) should illustrate the overall purpose of the project.
9* - Objective(s): List the project and/or behavioral objectives that support the above goal. Objectives should be specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic and time specific.
10* - Description: Describe the key features of the project and the implementation methods. Identify the type and number of project sites where the intervention was conducted (e.g., number of schools, churches, community centers, etc.).
11 - FNS Materials: List any FNS materials used and describe how you used them.
12 - Other Materials: List other materials used, developed or modified for this project and describe how you used them. Note key features of the materials including reading level and language.
13* - Results: Note the estimated numbers of persons reached, the number of contacts, and the degree to which project objectives were achieved. Indicate the potential application of these findings for FNS programs. Summarize the results of any formative, process or outcome evaluations such as focus groups reports.
14* - Lessons Learned: Please share words of wisdom from your experience that could benefit others as they undertake a similar project.
15* - Partnerships: List and describe collaborative activities and partnerships related to this effort. Elaborate on the roles of FNS programs involved.
16* - Target Audience: Indicate whether the project was targeted to a specific segment of the population. If you did not target by age, gender, ethnic, or race choose General Audience.
Not applicable
Less than 5 years
5-17 years (K-12)
18-59 years
60 years and older
Not applicable
Not applicable
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Not Applicable
OR General Audience
17 * - Research and Evaluation Methods: What, if any, research or evaluation methods did you use to support the development and implementation of this project? (check all that apply)
Not applicable
Literature review
Environmental scan
Focus group
Intercept interviews
Key informant interviews
Process evaluation
Impact evaluation
18* - Funding Information - Please add at least one funding source
Please specify the source of funding as well as a dollar amount below. When you are done, click Add This Funding Source to add this source or Cancel to disregard any changes.
* Source Type: FNS Other
* Source:
* Amount: $
19* - FNS Program: Check all that apply. At least one FNS Program must be involved in the project.
Child Nutrition Program - Summer Food (SFSP)
Child Nutrition Program - CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Snack & Supper (CACFP-snack/supper)
Child Nutrition Program - Child and Adult Care (CACFP)
Child Nutrition Program - School Breakfast/Lunch/Milk (SBP/NSLP/SMP)
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Farmer's Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Food Stamp Program (FSP)
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant and Children (WIC)
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
20 - Select the keywords that best describe the content of your submission: Check all that apply
Balancing Calorie Intake and Expenditure
Collaborations and Partnerships
Cooking and Food Preparation
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Quality
Fruits and Vegetables
Whole Grains
Milk or Milk Products, Non-fat and Low-fat
Lean Meats and Beans
Educational Theories and Techniques
Social Marketing
Motivational Interviewing
Facilitated Discussion
Peer Counseling
Personal Goal Setting
Technology-based Education
Behavior Change Theories
Staff Training
Needs Assessment
Evaluation and FNCS Initiatives
State Nutrition Action Plans (SNAP)
Eat Smart, Live Strong
Loving Support
Loving Your Family, Feeding Their Future.
MyPyramid for Kids
Team Nutrition
Food Label
Food Resource Management
Food Safety
Food Security
WIC Demonstration Grant
Team Nutrition Training Grant
Intervention Level
Family or Household
Environment, Community or School
Faith-based Organization
Farmers Market
Food Bank, Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen
Food Stamp Office
Food Store
School Cafeteria
School Wellness
WIC Clinic
Worksite Wellness
Life Cycle
Infant and Toddlers
Low Literacy
Obesity Prevention
Physically Active Lifestyle
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Role Models
School Food Service
E. Sample of Information Shared with Public
F. Sample NPASS System Screen Shots
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Contract No |
Author | USDA/FNS |
Last Modified By | Administrator |
File Modified | 2006-12-06 |
File Created | 2006-12-06 |