For each eligible sampled student, please provide the following data.
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
Did the student receive any financial aid for the terms or courses in which the student was enrolled between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008? (Some portion of the term must occur between these dates but may start prior to July 1 or end after June 30.)
NOTE: Please do not include any information on state prepaid or savings plans in this section. Examples of financial aid include the following:
[y/n] |
IF NO, Skip to end of section. |
Question 2a.
Did the student receive any federal financial aid, such as the program listed below? [y/n] |
Question 2b.
Please enter the amounts of federal financial aid received by the student within each program. Federal Aid Programs A. Pell grant B. Academic Competitiveness grant C. SMART grant D. Stafford Loan - subsidized (FFEL or Direct) E. Stafford Loan - unsubsidized (FFEL or Direct) F. PLUS loan (FFEL or Direct) G. Perkins loan H. Federal SEOG grant I. Federal workstudy (FWS) J. Robert Byrd honors scholarship K. Federal health professions loans (Nursing, HPSL, Primary Care, Disadvantaged) L. Federal health professions disadvantaged student scholarships (SDS) M. Federal TEACH Grant |
Question 3a.
Did the student receive any state aid, such as the programs listed below? [y/n] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 3b.
Please enter the amounts of state aid received by the student within each program. State Aid Programs (List up to 12 awards) A. Customized for each state B. Customized for each state C. Customized for each state D. Customized for each state E. Customized for each state F. Customized for each state G. Customized for each state H. Customized for each state I. Customized for each state J. Customized for each state K. Customized for each state L. Customized for each state |
Question 4a.
Did the student receive any institutional aid, such as the programs listed below? [y/n] |
Question 4b.
Please enter the amounts of institutional aid received by the student within each program. Institutional Financial Aid A. Customized for each institution B. Customized for each institution C. Customized for each institution D. Customized for each institution E. Customized for each institution F. Customized for each institution G. Customized for each institution H. Customized for each institution I. Customized for each institution J. Customized for each institution K. Customized for each institution L. Customized for each institution M. Grants and scholarships: need-based N. Grants and scholarships: merit-based O. Grants and scholarships: both need and merit P. Athletic scholarship Q. Undergraduate tuition waivers for faculty/staff, family R. Tuition waivers and discounts for other undergraduates S. Undergraduate institutional loan T. Undergraduate institutional workstudy U. Undergraduate resident assistants, tutors, or advisor stipends NOTE: List shown on screen will shrink and expand as necessary to show the preloaded institution aid for that institution. |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 5a.
[If DEGREE <= 4 then skip the following graduate aid questions. Go to “other aid” (Q6a).] Did the student receive any graduate financial aid, such as the programs listed below? [y/n] |
Question 5b.
Please enter the amounts of graduate financial aid received by the student within each program. Graduate Financial Aid A. Graduate fellowship or scholarship B. Federal fellowship (NSF, NASA, NIH, USDA, etc.) C. Federal traineeship D. Teaching assistantships/stipends E. Research assistantships/stipends F. Other graduate assistants, tutors, or readers stipends G. Tuition waivers for graduate students (including assistants) H. Tuition waivers for faculty/staff, spouse or children I. Institutional workstudy J. Institutional loan |
Question 6a.
Did the student receive any other aid, such as the programs listed below? [y/n] |
Question 6b.
Please enter the amounts of any other aid received by the student within each program. A. Scholarships/grants from private organizations, foundations, unions B. Employer paid tuition C. Veterans benefits D. ROTC and other grants for Armed Forces personnel E. WIA (Workforce Investment Act), other job training, vocational rehabilitation F. Bureau of Indian Affairs grants G. Scholarships/grants from state agencies in other states H. Alternative loans (including Law, Medical, TERI, Nellie Mae) I. District of Columbia Tuition Assistance Grants (DCTAG or DCCAP) |
Question 7.
Add Other Financial Aid Awarded Please indicate any other financial aid awarded to the student that you have not already indicated above. 1. the name of the award 2. the type of award (Use key below) 1. Grant/scholarship: need-based 2. Grant/scholarship: merit-based 3. Grant/scholarship: both need and merit 4. Tuition waiver 5. Loan 6. Workstudy or assistantship 7. Other 3. the source of the award (Use key below) 1. Institution 2. State 3. Federal 4. Other 4. the amount of the award |
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Aid Awarded section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Aid Awarded section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
Is there financial aid budget information or a Federal Expected Family Contribution (EFC) value available for this student? [y/n] |
IF NO, Skip to end of section. |
Question 2.
What was the student’s dependency status during the study year for federal financial aid purposes?
3. Don't know |
Question 3.
For purposes of determining the student’s financial aid budget, where was the student’s local residence?
Question 4.
Please enter or update the Federal Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount for this student. |
Question 5.
Is there a Cost of Attendance or Student Expense Budget available for this student? [y/n] |
IF NO, Skip to end of section. |
Question 6.
Please enter the line-item budget amounts for this student below.
OR [Only if Line-item budget amounts are not available] Total Cost of Attendance |
Question 7
For what period does this budget apply?
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Need Analysis section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Need Analysis section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished]
[only students who did not match to CPS prior to CADE get this section] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1
Is there an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or computerized ISIR data available for this student? [y/n] |
IF NO, Skip to end of section. |
Question 2
Student’s Social Security number from the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) |
Question 3
Student’s last name from Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) |
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Institutional Student Information Record section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Institutional Student Information Record section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished]
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
Student’s PERMANENT phone number [area code + prefix + number] |
Student’s PERMANENT Cell phone number [area code + prefix + number] |
Student’s PERMANENT address |
Student’s PERMANENT city |
Student’s PERMANENT state |
Student’s PERMANENT zip code |
Student’s PERMANENT country (if not USA) |
Student’s PERMANENT e-mail address [NOTE: If available, permanent e-mail address from the enrollment list will be preloaded and can be edited or confirmed.] |
Student’s PERMANENT International phone number [country code + number] [NOTE: Provide only if no US phone number available.] |
Question 2.
Is the student’s LOCAL address the same as the student’s PERMANENT address? [y/n] |
IF YES, Skip to end question 4. |
Question 3.
Student’s LOCAL phone number [area code + prefix + number] |
Student’s LOCAL Cell phone number [area code + prefix + number] |
Student’s LOCAL address |
Student’s LOCAL city |
Student’s LOCAL state |
Student’s LOCAL zip code |
Student’s campus e-mail address [NOTE: If available, campus e-mail address from the enrollment list will be preloaded and can be edited or confirmed.] |
Question 4.
Is the student a permanent resident of <school state>? [y/n/dk] |
Question 5.
Please enter the name of a parent (for whom locating information is available, if possible). First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Suffix |
Question 6.
Is address/phone information available for parent(s) of the student? [y/n] |
Question 7.
[If yes] Parent Address is the same as… student Permanent, student Local, or Other [NOTE: May choose one of the previously entered addresses or if different continue with Q8.] |
Question 8. |
For parent named in Question 5. |
PARENT’S phone number [area code + prefix + number] |
PARENT’S cell phone number [area code + prefix + number] |
PARENT’S address |
PARENT’S city |
PARENT’S state |
PARENT’S zip code |
PARENT’S country (if not USA) |
PARENT’S e-mail address |
PARENT’S International phone number [country code + number] [NOTE: Provide only if no US phone number available.] |
Question 9.
Is other phone/address information available for another parent, a relative, or a friend of the student? [y/n] |
Question 10. |
[If yes] Please provide the name, relationship to student, and contact information for the parent, relative, or friend for whom locating information is available. First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Suffix |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 11.
Relationship [of parent or relative/friend to STUDENT] 1. Mother 7. Uncle 13. Other (SPECIFY) 2. Father 8. Grandmother 14. Student 3. Guardian 9. Grandfather 15. Unknown 4. Sister 10. Friend 5. Brother 11. Spouse 6. Aunt 12. Colleague |
Question 12.
Other address [for parent or relative/friend] Phone number [area code + prefix + number] Cell Phone Number [area code + prefix + number] Address City State Zip Code Country International Phone [country code + number] [NOTE: Provide International number only if no US phone number available.] |
Question 13.
If there are other contact persons including parents, relatives, or friends, please enter the name, phone number, and relationship to the student below for each person. First Name Middle Initial Last Name Suffix Phone [area code + prefix + number] Relationship |
Section Completion You have now reached the end of the Contact Info section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Contact Info section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
Student Name FIRST name MIDDLE initial LAST name SUFFIX (e.g., Jr., III) |
Question 2.
Social Security Number |
Question 3.
Date of birth Month Year |
Question 4.
Gender 1. Male 2. Female 3. Don't know |
Question 5.
Driver’s License and State/Territory of issue. |
Question 6.
Marital status 1. Not married 2. Married 3. Separated 4. Don't know If married or separated and female, please also provide: Maiden Name If married, please also provide: Spouse’s name (First, Middle, Last, d/k) |
Question 7a.
[If student is not an undergraduate then go to question 8. Determine student type by first checking the degree program in the enrollment section (DEGREE <=4) and if that is blank, use the preloaded student type.] High School Degree 1. High school diploma 2. GED or Other Equivalency 3. Certificate of High School Completion 4. Foreign High School 5. No High School Degree or Certificate 6. Don’t know |
Question 7b.
[If Question 7a above >= 5, then skip to Question 8.] Year Student Received High School Diploma/GED/Certificate |
Question 8.
What is the student’s ethnicity? (Use key below) 1=Hispanic or Latino 2=Not Hispanic or Latino 3=Don’t know |
Question 9.
What is the student’s race? (Choose one or more) 1. White 2. Black or African American 3. Asian 4. American Indian or Alaska Native 5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 10.
What is the student’s citizenship status? 1. U.S. Citizen or U.S. National 2. Resident Alien 3. Foreign/International Student or Non-resident Alien 4. Don’t know |
Question 10b
[If citizenship status = 3 then ask] Please enter the student’s country of origin |
Question 11.
[Only students with AGE >=18 get this question. If it is skipped due to age, insert a 0 for NO into the database.] Is the student a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? [y/n] |
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Demographics section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Demographics section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished] |
[only undergraduate students get this section] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
SAT score available for this student? [y/n] If yes: Student’s SAT verbal score Student’s SAT math score Student’s SAT writing score |
Question 2.
ACT score available for this student? [y/n] If yes: Composite ACT score |
Question 3.
High School GPA [unweighted] [unknown] |
Question 4.
[Ask if (EFC <= 3850 or missing) or (Pell > 0 or missing) and class level is freshman, sophomore, or missing.]Does the student meet the high school curriculum eligibility requirements for a federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)? [y/n/dk]
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Undergraduate Admissions section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Undergraduate Admissions section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
Please click Add
Term/Period and enter the start and end date of the specific
student’s enrollment from July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008.
Please enter “Period 1“ as the name and click Add this
Term/Period. If the student was enrolled for more than one
distinct period from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, you will need
to enter each period separately naming them “Period 2”,
“Period 3”, etc. When entering the Credit Hours
information, please include all credit hours the student has
completed AND credit hours for which the student is currently
Term or Payment Period Name [EX: Fall, 2008] Start date [mm/dd/yyyy] End date [mm/dd/yyyy] Attendance status (use key below): 1 = Full-time 2 = Half-time 3 = Less than Half-time [If school is not a clock-hour school:] Credit hours [number] Are you completely finished entering terms, attendance status, and credit hours (if applicable) for this student? [y] (You will not be able to access the rest of questions in this section until you check 'Yes'.) |
Question 2.
This item is referred to as DEGREE throughout this document.
During the last term enrolled as entered above, [LAST TERM ENROLLED], in what type of degree program was the student enrolled (Use key below): 1 = Bachelor’s degree 2 = Associate’s degree 3 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program) 4 = Enrolled in undergraduate courses, not in a degree program 5 = Master’s degree program 6 = Professional degree (law, medicine, chiropractic, pharmacy, ordination) 7 = Doctoral degree program 8 = Post-baccalaureate certificate program (including teaching credential) [skip next item, advanced degree, and code it as 28] 9 = Enrolled in graduate courses, not in a degree program [skip next item, advanced degree, and code it as 29] 10 = Don’t know |
Question 2a.
[if DEGREE=2 then] During [LAST TERM ENROLLED], which of the following Associate's degrees was the student working toward? 1 = AA,AS, general education or transfer program 2 = AAS, occupational or technical program |
Question 2b.
[Only applicable to students in Master’s Degree program. If DEGREE=5] During [LAST TERM ENROLLED], which of the following Master’s degrees was the student working toward? (Use key below) 1 = Master of Science (MS) 2 = Master of Arts (MA) 3 = Master of Education (MEd) or Teaching (MAT) 4 = Master of Business Administration (MBA) 5 = Master of Public Administration (MPA) 6 = Master of Social Work (MSW) 7 = Master of Fine Arts (MFA) 8 = Master of Public Health (MPH) [code as 19] Master of Divinity (MDiv) 9 = Other master’s degree program not listed |
VII. ENROLLMENT (continued) |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 2c.
[Only applicable to students in Doctoral or Professional program. If DEGREE=6 or 7] During [LAST TERM ENROLLED], which of the following [doctoral/professional] degrees was the student working toward? (Use key below) DOCTORAL DEGREES 11 = Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 12 = Doctor of Education (EdD) 13 = Doctor of Science (DSc/ScD) or Engineering (DEng) 14 = Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) 15 = Doctor of Business or Public Administration (DBA, DPA) 16 = Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) 17 = Doctor of Theology (ThD) 18 = Other doctoral degrees not listed PROFESSIONAL DEGREES 19 = Ministry or Divinity (MDiv, DMin, MHL, BD, ordination) 20 = Law (JD, LLB) 21 = Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine (MD, DO) 22 = Dentistry (DDS, DMD) 23 = Chiropractic (DC, DCM) 24 = Pharmacy (PharmD) 25 = Optometry (OD) 26 = Podiatry (DPM, DP, PodD) 27 = Veterinary medicine (DVM) |
Question 3.
During [LAST TERM ENROLLED], what was this student’s class level? (Use key below) [If the student is in an undergraduate degree program, the user will see only the undergraduate levels below. If the student is in a graduate/professional degree program, the user will see only the graduate/professional levels below.] 1 = 1st Year/Freshman 2 = 2nd Year/Sophomore 3 = 3rd Year/Junior 4 = 4th Year/Senior 5 = 5th Year or Higher Undergraduate 6 = Undergraduate (unclassified) 7 = Student with advanced degree taking undergraduate courses 8 = 1st year Graduate/professional 9 = 2nd year Graduate/professional 10 = 3rd year Graduate/professional 11 = Beyond 3rd year Graduate/professional |
Question 3a.
[Only applicable to graduate and professional students. If DEGREE > 4:] You have indicated that this student is enrolled as a graduate or professional student. When did this student obtain a Baccalaureate degree? Month/Year: Student does not have a Baccalaureate degree. [NOTE: User can give the month and year or the “Student does not have a BA degree” option can be selected.] |
VII. ENROLLMENT (continued) |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 4.
Please enter the 6-digit CIP Code of the student’s major field of study. [NOTE: This item is filled for you if a CIP Code for this student was provided on your enrollment list. You may change the CIP code if what is shown is incorrect.] |
Question 4a.
[Only asked if user checks Unknown CIP CODE:] What is the student’s current or most recent major or field of study? [Collect string] (In some cases, this will be filled automatically filled based on type of Masters, doctoral, or professional degree program, but the user can still edit it.) |
Question 5.
[If the school does not have GPA’s, skip to Question 7.] Cumulative GPA |
Question 6.
Major GPA |
Question 7.
[Only applicable to undergraduate students. If DEGREE <= 4 or “student does not have a baccalaureate degree” option was selected in question 3a:] Is this student classified as a first-time degree-seeking student for IPEDS reporting purposes for the 2007-2008 academic year? [y/n] |
Question 8.
[Ask of all students] Is the student expected to have completed the requirements for the [DEGREE] on or before June 30, 2008? [y/n] |
Question 9.
[Ask of all students EXCEPT for those with DEGREE = Bachelor's] Has the student completed or does the student plan to complete a bachelor's degree between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008? [y/n] |
For CLOCK HOUR Institutions ONLY. |
Question 10.
What is the total length of the program in clock/contact hours? [Specify hours] |
Question 11.
How many hours (lab and classroom) are required per week? [Specify hours] |
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Enrollment section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Enrollment section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished] |
Question Number |
Description |
Question 1.
For each term listed below, specify amounts of tuition and mandatory fees charged. Please exclude tuition waivers and discounts. If you only know the total amount for the period July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008, click Total below and enter that amount. Please round up or down to the nearest whole number. [User can enter tuition amounts by term or total.] |
Question 1a.
Total tuition and fees charged for all terms.
Question 2.
[If the institution is public:] For tuition purposes, this student was classified as
1. In jurisdiction (e.g., in-state, in-district, etc.) 2. Out-of-jurisdiction (e.g., out-of-state, out-of-district, etc.) |
Section Completion You have reached the end of the Tuition section of webCADE. Please indicate whether you are completely finished or partially finished with the Tuition section for this student. [Completely Finished/Partially Finished] |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | For each eligible sampled student, please provide the following data |
Author | RCD Staff |
Last Modified By | James.Griffith |
File Modified | 2007-11-28 |
File Created | 2007-11-28 |