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pdfFederal Register / Vol. 73, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 5, 2008 / Notices
The anadromous fish hatcheries are:
Iron Gate (Siskiyou County), 8638
Lakeview Road, Hornbrook, CA
Mad River (Humboldt County), 1660
Hatchery Road, Arcata, CA 95521.
Trinity River (Trinity County), 1000
Hatchery Drive, Lewiston, CA 96052.
Feather River (Butte County), 5 Table
Mountain Blvd., Oroville, CA 95965.
Feather River Thermalito Annex (Butte
County), 4700 Highway 99, Oroville,
CA 95965.
Warm Springs (Sonoma County), 3246
Skaggs Springs Road, Geyserville, CA
Nimbus (Sacramento County), 2001
Nimbus Rd., Ste. F, Gold River, CA
Mokelumne (San Joaquin County),
25800 North McIntire Road, Clements,
CA 95227.
Merced River (Merced County), 4998
Robinson Road, Snelling, CA 95369.
Over the past 6 years, the CDFG has
planted over 49 million combined
salmon and trout in hundreds of
locations, including some high
mountain lakes, low elevation
reservoirs, and various streams and
creeks. It is anticipated that the
production of trout species will increase
as a result of the implementation of AB
7. This increase in production will be
achieved through options within the
existing hatchery system and through
the continued assistance of SFRA
funding. If the SFRA funding is
withdrawn, it may be necessary for
CDFG to cut other activities to meet the
AB 7 fish production goals. The CDFG
has also issued approximately 80
private stocking permits annually, with
the majority being issued to individuals
stocking rainbow, brook and brown
trout; channel and bullhead catfish;
large mouth bass; white and black
crappie; bluegill; redear; mosquito-fish;
white and green sturgeon; and triploid
grass carp.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
Purpose and Need
The EIS must explain the underlying
purpose and need to which the Lead
Agency is responding in proposing the
action. The purpose of this FWS action
is to provide Federal SFRA funds to
CDFG to support actions associated with
their fish hatchery and stocking program
(the 13 trout hatcheries (listed above)
and the Mad River anadromous fish
hatchery) to provide sportfishing
recreation in California. The funds are
needed to support angler success within
both urban and rural waterbodies. SFRA
funds will not, however, be used to
support private stocking permits.
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Proposed Action Alternative
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Under the proposed action, FWS will
continue to provide funding for CDFG’s
13 hatcheries and the Mad River
anadromous fish hatchery.
Indian Gaming
No Action Alternative
Under the No Action Alternative, the
FWS would not approve SFRA grant
funds to be used by CDFG to support
actions associated with the operations of
their fish hatcheries and fish stocking
program. Because of the State statutory
and public trust requirements related to
the hatchery program, CDFG would
attempt to continue to implement its
State hatchery program, seeking other
funding sources to replace the Federal
Other Alternatives
In the EIS, FWS will consider a range
of alternatives that could accomplish
the proposed action’s purpose and need.
FWS will be rigorously exploring and
objectively evaluating a reasonable
range of alternatives with the proposed
action and no action alternatives, taking
into account the feasibility of the
alternatives, as well as the ability to
address significant impacts on the
human environment.
Special Assistance for Public Scoping
If special assistance is required at the
scoping meetings, please contact Ms. Jill
Wright, (916) 978–6182, or via e-mail at
[email protected]. Please notify Ms.
Wright as far in advance of the meetings
as possible to enable the Service to
secure the needed services. If a request
cannot be honored, the requestor will be
Public Disclosure
Before including your name, address,
phone number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Dated: July 30, 2008.
Tom McCabe,
Acting Deputy Regional Director, California
and Nevada Region, Sacramento, California.
[FR Doc. E8–17910 Filed 8–4–08; 8:45 am]
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Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Tribal-State Compact
Taking Effect.
SUMMARY: Notice is given that the State
of Oklahoma and the Quapaw Tribe of
Oklahoma (O–GAH–PAH) Off-Track
Wagering Compact is considered
approved and is in effect.
DATES: Effective Date: August 5, 2008.
Paula L. Hart, Acting Director, Office of
Indian Gaming, Mailstop 3657—Main
Interior Building, Washington, DC
20240, (202) 219–4066.
Section 11 of the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act of 1988 (IGRA), Public
Law 100–497, 25 U.S.C. 2710, the
Secretary of the Interior shall publish in
the Federal Register notice of approved
Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. Pursuant to 25 U.S.C.
2710(d)(8)(D), compacts that are
approved or considered to have been
approved are effective upon publication
of a notice thereof in the Federal
Register. No action was taken to
approve or disapprove this Compact
within forty-five (45) days of its
submittal to the Secretary for approval;
therefore, in accordance with 25 U.S.C.
2710(d)(8)(C), this Compact is
considered to have been approved by
the Secretary, but only to the extent that
it is consistent with the provisions of
the IGRA.
Dated: July 28, 2008.
George T. Skibine,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy
and Economic Development.
[FR Doc. E8–17851 Filed 8–4–08; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
30-Day Notice of Submission to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB); Opportunity for Public
Department of the Interior,
National Park Service.
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and 5
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 5, 2008 / Notices
CFR Part 1320, Reporting and
Recordkeeping Requirements, the
National Park Service (NPS) invites
public comments on a reinstatement,
with change, of a previously approved
collection of information for which
approval has expired (OMB #1024–
DATES: Public comments on this
Information Collection Request (ICR)
will be accepted on or before September
4, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
directly to the Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior (OMB #1024–
XXXX), Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, OMB, by fax at 202/
395–6566, or by electronic mail at
[email protected]. Please also
send a copy of your comments to
Jennifer Hoger Russell, Park Studies
Unit, College of Natural Resources,
University of Idaho, P.O. Box 44139,
Moscow, ID 83844–1139; Phone: 208/
885–4806; Fax: 208/885–4261; E-mail:
[email protected].
James Gramann, NPS Social Science
Program, 1201 ‘‘Eye’’ St., Washington,
DC 20005; or via phone at 202/513–
7189; or via e-mail at
[email protected]. You
are entitled to a copy of the entire ICR
package free-of-charge. You may access
this ICR at
Comments Received on the 60-Day
Federal Register Notice: The NPS
published a 60-day notice to solicit
public comments on this ICR in the
Federal Register on May 13, 2008 (Vol.
73, No. 93, Page 27553–27554). The
comment period closed on July 14,
2008. After notification to stakeholders
requesting comments, the NPS received
one comment as a result of the
publication of this 60-day Federal
Register notice.
The commenter suggested that the
program should be shut-down to avoid
wasteful spending. The NPS replied to
the comment, indicating that the VSC
Project is how the NPS complies with
the Government Performance and
Results Act of 1993. In compliance with
this law, the NPS implemented the
project in 1998. The project continues to
be the only source of visitor satisfaction
information across the entire system on
an annual basis. Parks collect valuable
information about visitor satisfaction
with facilities, services, and recreational
opportunities available at all the NPS
sites across the country, Guam, Puerto
Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Title: National Park Service Visitor
Survey Card.
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Bureau Form Number: None.
OMB Number: 1024–0216.
Expiration Date: To be requested.
Type of Request: Reinstatement, with
change, of a previously approved
collection of information for which
approval has expired.
Description of Need: The National
Park Service (NPS) Act of 1916, 38 Stat
535, 16 U.S.C. 1, et seq., requires that
the NPS preserve national parks for the
use and enjoyment of present and future
generations. At the field level, this
means resource preservation, public
education, facility maintenance and
operation, and physical developments
as are necessarily for public use, health,
and safety. Other federal rules (National
Environmental Policy Act, 1969 and
NPS Management Policies) require
visitor use data in the impact
assessment of development on users and
resources as part of each park’s general
management plan. The Government
Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of
1993 (Pub. L. 103–62) requires that the
NPS develop goals to improve program
effectiveness and public accountability
and to measure performance related to
these goals. The Visitor Survey Card
(VSC) Project measures performance
toward those goals through a short
visitor survey card. The project is an
element of the NPS Strategic Plan and
the Department of the Interior (DOI)
Strategic Plan.
The NPS has used the VSC to conduct
surveys at approximately 330 National
Park System units annually since 1998.
The purpose of the VSC is to measure
visitors’ opinions about park facilities,
services, and recreational opportunities
in each park unit and System wide. This
effort is required by GPRA and other
NPS and DOI strategic planning efforts.
Data from the proposed survey is
needed to assess performance regarding
NPS GPRA goals IIa1 and IIb1.
The relevant NPS GPRA goals state:
II. Provide for the public enjoyment
and visitor experience of parks;
IIa1. 95% of park visitors are satisfied
with appropriate park facilities,
services, and recreational opportunities;
IIb1. 86% of park visitors understand
and appreciate the significance of the
park they are visiting.
In addition, the survey collects data to
support the DOI Strategic Plan goal on
visitor satisfaction with the value for
entrance fees paid to access public lands
managed by the DOT. NPS performance
on all goals measured in this study will
contribute to DOT Department-wide
performance reports. Results of the VSC
will also be used by park managers to
improve visitor services at the
approximately 330 units of the National
PO 00000
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Park System where the survey is
The VSC is a component of the
Visitors Services Project, which is
funded by the NPS through a
cooperative agreement with the Park
Studies Unit at the University of Idaho.
In 1998, the NPS received clearance for
the Visitor Survey Card (OMB #1024–
0216). When that three-year clearance
expired on May31, 2001, a new
clearance was acquired under the
Programmatic Approval for NPSSponsored Public Surveys (1024–0224,
NPS #01–003). Clearance was again
acquired in 2005 under Programmatic
Approval for NPS-Sponsored Public
Surveys (1024–0224, NPS #05–004).
This request is another extension of the
on-going study. The obligation to
respond is voluntary.
Automated Data Collections: This
information will be collected via mailback surveys and on-site drop-off
surveys using locked collection boxes.
No automated data collection will take
Description of Respondents: Visitors
to approximately 330 NPS units.
Estimated Average Number of
Respondents: 132,000 respondents
(94,000 non-respondents and 38,000
Estimated Average Number of
Responses: 132,000 responses (94,000
non-responses and 38,000 responses).
Estimated Average Burden Hours per
Response: 1 minute for non-respondents
and3 minutes for respondents.
Frequency of Response: 1 time per
Estimated Total Annual Reporting
Burden: 3,467 hours.
Comments Are Invited On: (1) The
practical utility of the information being
gathered; (2) the accuracy of the burden
hour estimate; (3) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information being gathered; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden to
respondents, including use of
automated information collection
techniques or other forms of
information. Before including your
address, phone number, e-mail address,
or other personal identifying
infonnation in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask OMB in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that OMB will be able
to do so.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 5, 2008 / Notices
Dated: July 2, 2008.
Leonard E. Stowe,
NPS, Information Collection Clearance
[FR Doc. E8–17785 Filed 8–4–08; 8:45 am]
[Investigation Nos. 701–TA–450 and 731–
TA–1122 (Final)]
Laminated Woven Sacks from China
On the basis of the record 1 developed
in the subject investigations, the United
States International Trade Commission
(Commission) determines, pursuant to
sections 705(b) and 735(b) of the Tariff
Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1671d(b) and
1673d(b)) (the Act), that an industry in
the United States is materially injured
by reason of imports from China of
laminated woven sacks, provided for in
subheading 6305.33.00 of the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States, that have been found by
the Department of Commerce
(Commerce) to be subsidized by the
Government of China and sold in the
United States at less than fair value
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
The Commission instituted these
investigations effective June 28, 2007,
following receipt of a petition filed with
the Commission and Commerce by the
Laminated Woven Sacks Committee, an
ad hoc committee composed of five U.S.
producers of laminated woven sacks.
Members of the Laminated Woven Sacks
Committee are: (1) Bancroft Bag, Inc. of
West Monroe, LA; (2) Coating
Excellence International, LLC of
Wrightstown, WI; (3) Hood Packaging
Corp. of Madison, MS; (4) Mid-America
Packaging, LLC of Twinsburg, OH; and
(5) Polytex Fibers Corp. of Houston, TX.
The final phase of the investigations
was scheduled by the Commission
following notification of preliminary
determinations by Commerce that
imports of laminated woven sacks from
China were being subsidized within the
meaning of section 703(b) of the Act (19
U.S.C. 1671b(b)) and being sold at LTFV
within the meaning of section 733(b) of
1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19
CFR 207.2(f)).
2 The Commission also determined unanimously
that critical circumstances do not exist with respect
to those imports of the subject merchandise from
China that were subject to affirmative critical
circumstances determinations by Commerce.
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the Act (19 U.S.C. 1673b(b)). Notice of
the scheduling of the final phase of the
Commission’s investigations and of a
public hearing to be held in connection
therewith was given by posting copies
of the notice in the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. International Trade
Commission, Washington, DC, and by
publishing the notice in the Federal
Register of February 15, 2008 (73 FR
8902). The hearing was held in
Washington, DC, on June 17, 2008, and
all persons who requested the
opportunity were permitted to appear in
person or by counsel.
The Commission transmitted its
determinations in these investigations to
the Secretary of Commerce on July 30,
2008. The views of the Commission are
contained in USITC Publication 4025
(July 2008), entitled Laminated Woven
Sacks from China: Investigation Nos.
701–TA–450 and 731–TA–1122 (Final).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: July 30, 2008,
Marilyn R. Abbott,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. E8–17867 Filed 8–4–08; 8:45 am]
[USITC SE–08–021]
Government in the Sunshine Act
Meeting Notice
States International Trade Commission.
TIME AND DATE: August 7, 2008 at 11 a.m.
PLACE: Room 101, 500 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, Telephone:
(202) 205–2000.
STATUS: Open To The Public
for future meetings: None.
2. Minutes.
3. Ratification List.
4. Inv. Nos. 701–TA–457 and 731–
TA–1153 (Preliminary) (Certain TowBehind Lawn Groomers and Parts
Thereof from China)—briefing and vote.
(The Commission is currently scheduled
to transmit its determinations to the
Secretary of Commerce on or before
August 8, 2008; Commissioners’
opinions are currently scheduled to be
transmitted to the Secretary of
Commerce on or before August 15,
5. Outstanding Action Jackets: None.
In accordance with Commission
policy, subject matter listed above, not
disposed of at the scheduled meeting,
may be carried over to the agenda of the
following meeting.
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Issued: July 29, 2008.
By order of the Commission.
William R. Bishop,
Hearings and Meetings Coordinator.
[FR Doc. E8–17889 Filed 8–4–08; 8:45 am]
Office on Violence Against Women;
Notice of Meeting
Office on Violence Against
Women, United States Department of
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the
schedule and proposed agenda of the
forthcoming public meeting of the
Section 904 Violence Against Women in
Indian Country Task Force (hereinafter
‘‘the Task Force’’).
DATES: The meeting will take place on
August 20, 2008 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and on August 21, 2008 from 8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place
at the United States Department of
Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20530. The public is
asked to pre-register by August 14, 2008
for the meeting due to security and
seating limitations (see below for
information on pre-registration).
Lorraine Edmo, Deputy Tribal Director,
Office on Violence Against Women,
United States Department of Justice, 800
K Street, NW., Suite 920, Washington,
DC 20530; by telephone at: (202) 514–
8804; e-mail: [email protected];
or fax: 202 307–3911. You may also
view information about the Task Force
on the Office on Violence Against
Women Web site at: http://
this meeting is required under section
10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. Title IX of the Violence
Against Women Act of 2005 (VAWA
2005) requires the Attorney General to
establish a Task Force to assist the
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to
develop and implement a program of
research on violence against American
Indian and Alaska Native women,
including domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, stalking, and
murder. The program will evaluate the
effectiveness of the Federal, state, and
tribal response to violence against
Indian women, and will propose
recommendations to improve the
government response. The Attorney
General, acting through the Director of
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Document |
Subject | Extracted Pages |
Author | U.S. Government Printing Office |
File Modified | 2008-08-05 |
File Created | 2008-08-05 |