Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches (PPA) demonstration

Pre-testing of Evaluation Surveys

PPA - Generic Pre-Test - Append A and B - Baseline Survey and Cog Interviews - 7-17-09

Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches (PPA) demonstration

OMB: 0970-0355

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Pre-testing of Evaluation Surveys

(OMB 0970‑0355)







SECTION 1 – Demographic characteristics of youth and School Environment

Question #



Your Background


Look at MPR Abstinence


What is your date of birth?

Month ______ Day ________ Year ________

NSFG edited


What grade are you in?






Not currently attending school

AAY edited


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?



Add Health


What is your race? You may give more than one answer.

American Indian or Alaska native


Black or African-American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Other PRINT RACE _______________________________

Add Health


When you are at home, or with your family, what language or languages do you typically speak? Mark all that apply.



Chinese language such as Mandarin or Cantonese



Other PRINT LANGUAGE _______________________________

MPR and AAY edited + top 5 languages


In the past 12 months, how often did you attend religious services?

More than once a week

Once a week

1-3 times per month

Less than once a month


Add Health and NSFG combined


How important is religion in your life?

Not at all important

Somewhat important

Very important



In the past 12 months have you ever had any classes, special programs, or instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place...

Yes No Don’t know

a. about relationships, dating, marriage, or family life?

b. about abstinence from sex?

c. about methods of birth control?

d. about sexually transmitted diseases, also known as STDs?

e. about alcohol or drug use?

f. about physical development and reproduction?

g. about refusal skills, such as how to say no to sex, or how to resist peer pressure?

NSFG combined with MPR Abstinence edited


Think about the last month and the time you spent in after-school activities, such as those run by your school, community organizations like the YMCA, or private lessons. How many hours in an average week, including weekends, did you spend doing each of the following…..

Zero hours, Up to two hours, 2-5 hours, More than 5 hours, Don’t Know

a. In sports-related clubs, teams, or organizations?

b. In lessons, clubs, or performances for art, music, or drama?

c. In other clubs, teams, and organizations, such as academic clubs, Scouts, or chess clubs?

d. In services or programs at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship?

e. At a paid job?

f. Volunteering?

America’s Promise edited


How likely is it that you will do each of the following things?

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Very Don’t

likely likely likely likely Know

a. How likely is it that you will graduate from high school?

b. Go to a technical or vocational school after high school?

c. Go to college?

d. Graduate from a 2-year college program?

e. Graduate from a 4-year college program?

Monitoring the future (8th grade )

SECTION 2 – Home Environment and Parental Relationships

Question #




The following questions ask about your family. Think about the household you live in most of the time. Who do you live with in this household? Please mark all that apply.


Biological mother or woman who gave birth to you

Biological father or male parent you are genetically related to

Stepmother, adoptive mother, or foster mother

Stepfather, adoptive father, or foster father

Parent’s partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend

Sister and Brothers -- include step- or half-

Older sister(s)

Older brother(s)

Younger sister(s)

Young brother(s)

Other Adults


Aunt(s) or Uncle(s)

Other adult relative(s), but not brother or sister

Other adults I’m not related to

Other Children

Cousin(s) or other children I’m related to

Other children I’m not related to

MPR Abstinence and AAY edited


If you live with two parents, are the parents you live with married to each other?

Yes, they are married to each other

No, they are not married to each other

No, I do not live with two parents

Don’t Know

New question


During the past week, on how many days did all the family members who live in your household eat a meal together?

0 4

1 5

2 6

3 7

Add Health



To direct you to the correct questions, please answer this question again. In the household you live in most of the time, do you live with your mother or a person who is like a mother to you?


No Go to Q2.12

New question


The following questions ask about the person who lives with you who is your mother or like a mother to you, who we will call your mother or mother-figure. Did your mother or mother-figure graduate from high school?



Don’t Know

New question


Did she graduate from a 4-year college?



Don’t Know

New question


Is she working now?

She is not working at a paid job

Yes, working part-time or less than 30 hours a week

Yes, working full-time or at more than one job for 30 hours a week or more

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence


How close do you feel to your mother or mother-figure?

Not at all close

A little close

Somewhat close

Quite close

Very close

Add Health /NLSY97 edited


How much do you think she cares about you?

Does not care at all

Cares a little bit

Cares somewhat

Cares quite a bit

Cares very much

Add Health edited


Whether you have done this or not, how would your mother or mother-figure feel about you having sex at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


How would she feel about you having a baby at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited



To direct you to the correct questions, please answer this question again. In the household you live in most of the time, do you live with your father or a person who is like a father to you?


No Go to Q2.20

New question


The following questions ask about the person who lives with you who is your father or like a father to you, who we will call your father or father-figure. Did your father or father-figure graduate from high school?



Don’t Know

New question


Did he graduate from a 4-year college?



Don’t Know

New question

Question #




Is he working now?

He is not working at a paid job

Yes, working less than 30 hours a week

Yes, working full-time or at more than one job for 30 hours a week or more

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence


How close do you feel to your father or father-figure?

Not at all close

A little close

Somewhat close

Quite close

Very close

Add Health edited


How much do you think he cares about you?

Does not care at all

Cares a little bit

Cares somewhat

Cares quite a bit

Cares very much

Add Health/NLSY97 edited


Whether you have done this or not, how would your father or father-figure feel about you having sex at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


How would he feel about you having a baby at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


Question #




The next set of questions is about your relationship with your parent(s) and the kinds of things you might talk about.

Think about the last month. How often would you say each of the following happened?





Extremely Often

a. How often did at least one of your parents know where you were after school?

b. If you were going to be home late, how often were you expected to call your parent(s)?

c. How often did you tell at least one of your parents who you were going to be with before you went out?

d. When you went out at night, how often did at least one of your parents know where you were?

e. How often did you talk with at least one of your parents about the plans you had with your friends?

Silverberg and Small’s Parental Monitoring Scale –a shorter (3 question) version is used in Monitoring the Future. Edited question stem.


Now please think about the past 12 months. In the past 12 months, how many times have you talked with at least one of your parents about each of the following?

Never 1-2 3-9 10 or more

Times Times Times

a. how things are going at school or your grades?

b. pregnancy or birth?

c. a personal problem you were having?

d. sexually transmitted diseases, also called STDs, HIV or AIDS?

e. how to have good romantic relationships?

f. how to resist pressures to have sex?

g. avoiding drugs and alcohol?

Abt edited

SECTION 3 – Attitudes and Perceptions

Question #




The next set of statements is about your views on sexual intercourse. By sexual intercourse, we mean when a male inserts his penis into a female’s vagina. For each statement, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.

Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly agree

a. Having sexual intercourse is a good thing for me to do at my age.

b. At my age right now, it is okay for me to have sexual intercourse if I use birth control, like a condom.

c. At my age right now, having sexual intercourse would create problems.

d. People my age should wait until they are older to have sexual intercourse.

e. It is against my values to have sexual intercourse before marriage.

Combination Abt and Grantee Survey edited


The next set of statements is about your views on condom use. For each statement, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.

Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly agree

a. Condoms should always be used if a person my age has sexual intercourse.

b. Condoms interfere with sexual enjoyment.

c. Condoms are a hassle to use.

d. Using condoms means you don’t trust your sexual partner.

AAY edited


If you got (male version: a female) pregnant now, how would you feel? Would you be …

Very upset

A little upset

Neither upset nor pleased

A little pleased

Very pleased

NSFG – edited

Question #




Imagine you are alone with someone you like very much. How likely is it that you could …

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Very Don’t

likely likely likely likely Know

a. Stop them if they wanted to touch your chest or breasts, and you did not want them to do that?

b. Stop them if they wanted to touch your private parts below the waist, meaning the parts of the body covered by underwear, and you did not want them to do that?

c. Avoid having sexual intercourse if you didn’t want to?

AAY edited


The next set of questions is about condoms, birth control pills, pregnancy and STDs.

If a condom is used correctly, how much can it decrease the chances of pregnancy?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Add Health



If a condom is used correctly, how much can it decrease the chances of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


If a condom is used correctly, how much can it decrease the chances of getting Chlamydia and Gonorrhea?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


If birth control pills are used correctly, how much can they decrease the chances of pregnancy?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Add Health edited


If birth control pills are used correctly, how much can they decrease the chances of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


If birth control pills are used correctly, how much can they decrease the chances of getting Chlamydia and Gonorrhea?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


Can you get a sexually transmitted disease from having oral sex?



Don’t know




How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Add Health edited


Now please think about the future and mark how likely you think the following things are to happen. How likely is it that….

Not at A little bit Somewhat Very

all likely likely likely likely

a. You will have sexual intercourse in the next year?

b. You will have oral sex in the next year?

c. You will have sexual intercourse between now and your 18th birthday?

d. You will have sexual intercourse between now and when you get married?

New Question


The next two questions are about dating in the last 3 months.

In the last 3 months, how many times have you had a date or gone out with someone?

NONE Go to Q3.18

_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NLSY edited


In the last 3 months, about how many different people have you had a date with or gone out with?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NLSY edited


Have you ever had sexual intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex?



Don’t Know

New Question

SECTION 4 – More on Attitudes and Perceptions

Question #




Here are some reasons people my age might choose NOT to have sexual intercourse. How important are these reasons to you?

Very Somewhat Not at all

Important Important Important

a. I do not want to get pregnant (girls’ version)

b. I don’t want to get a sexually transmitted disease (also known as STDs)

c. I don’t want to disappoint my parents

d. It would interfere with school

e. I am too young to have sex

f. My boyfriend/girlfriend would lose respect for me

g. I want to wait until I’m married

h. It is against my religious beliefs

AAY edited


Here are some reasons people my age might choose to have sexual intercourse. How important are these reasons to you?

Very Somewhat Not at all

Important Important Important

a. It would satisfy my curiosity about sex

b. I would enjoy sexual intercourse

c. I would be doing what my friends are doing

f. I would be more popular

d. My boyfriend/girlfriend would want me to have sexual intercourse

b. I would feel closer to the person I had sexual intercourse with

g. I would like to have a baby

AAY edited


(Female version)

Have you ever had a menstrual period?

1 Yes

0 No (Go to Q4.4)

a. How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?

__ years old

(Male version)

People reach puberty at different ages. Signs of puberty for males include physical changes such as developing pubic or facial hair, or the voice cracking or lowering. Would you say these changes:

Have not yet begun

Have barely started

Are definitely underway

Seem completed



In the last 12 months, did you ever …

Yes No Don’t Know / not sure

a. Kiss a girl or guy you liked?

b. French kiss, that is put your tongue in someone’s mouth while kissing?

c. Touch another girl’s or guy’s private parts?

d. Let another girl or guy touch your private parts?

AAY edited


In the past 12 months, have you spoken with a doctor or other health professional about birth control or reproductive health?



Don’t Know

New question


How likely is it that you will use a condom if you have sex at some point in the future?

Not at all likely

Not very likely

Somewhat likely

Probably likely

Definitely likely

AAY edited


How fearful have you been that someone you were dating might hurt you?

Very fearful

Somewhat fearful

A little fearful

Not at all fearful

SECTION 5 – Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Use

Question #




The next questions are about tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Have you ever smoked a cigarette?


No Go to Q5.4



The very first time you smoked a cigarette, how old were you?

______Number of years old you were

Don’t Know

New question


During the last 30 days, on how many days did you smoke a cigarette?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


Have you ever had an alcoholic drink, such as beer, wine or other liquor, not including any times you had just a sip or two from a drink?


No Go to Q5.7

NLSY combined with NSDUH edited


The very first time you had an alcoholic drink, how old were you?

______Number of years old you were

Don’t Know

New question


During the last 30 days, not including any times you had just a sip or two from a drink, on how many days did you have one or more alcoholic beverages?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY combined with NSDUH edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


During the last 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks at the same time or within hours of each other?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY combined with NSDUH edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


Have you ever used marijuana, also called grass or pot?


No Go to Q5.9

NLSY edited


During the last 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


Have you ever used an inhalant, such as sniffed glue, breathed the contents of spray cans, or inhaled any paints or solvents in order to get high or to achieve an altered state?



New question


Have you ever used any other type of illegal drug, for example Methamphetamine, speed, PCP, or any form of cocaine to get high or to achieve an altered state?



NLSY edited


Have you ever used any prescription drugs or pills that were not prescribed to you?



New question

SECTION 6 – Relationships

Question #




The next set of questions is about friends.

How much do you feel that your friends care about you?

Do not care at all

Care a little bit

Care somewhat

Care quite a bit

Care very much

Add Health


How many of your friends think that….

None Some Half Most All DK

a. having sexual intercourse is a good thing to do at your age?

b. it would be okay for them to have sexual intercourse as long as they used a condom?

c. it would be okay for them to have sexual intercourse if they were dating the same person for a long time?

d. they should wait until they are older to have sexual intercourse?

e. they should wait until marriage to have sexual intercourse?

America’s Promise edited; Abt and Grantee surveys


How many of your friends…

None Some Half Most All DK

a. have had sexual intercourse?

b. have had oral or anal sex?

America’s Promise edited


In general, how much pressure, if any, do you feel from your friends to have sexual intercourse?

A lot of pressure

Some pressure

A little pressure

No pressure at all

MPR Abstinence edited


People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you...

Only attracted to males

Attracted to both males and females

Only attracted to females

Not sure

NSFG edited


Have you made a public or written pledge to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage?



MPR Abstinence edited



SECTION 1 – Demographic characteristics of youth and School Environment

Question #



Your Background


Look at MPR Abstinence


What is your date of birth?

Month ______ Day ________ Year ________

NSFG edited


What grade are you in?






Not currently attending school

AAY edited


Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?



Add Health


What is your race? You may give more than one answer.

American Indian or Alaska native


Black or African-American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Other PRINT RACE _______________________________

Add Health


When you are at home, or with your family, what language or languages do you typically speak? Mark all that apply.



Chinese language such as Mandarin or Cantonese



Other PRINT LANGUAGE _______________________________

MPR and AAY edited + top 5 languages


In the past 12 months, how often did you attend religious services?

More than once a week

Once a week

1-3 times per month

Less than once a month


Add Health and NSFG combined


How important is religion in your life?

Not at all important

Somewhat important

Very important



In the past 12 months have you ever had any classes, special programs, or instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place...

Yes No Don’t know

a. about relationships, dating, marriage, or family life?

b. about abstinence from sex?

c. about methods of birth control?

d. about sexually transmitted diseases, also known as STDs?

e. about alcohol or drug use?

f. about physical development and reproduction?

g. about refusal skills, such as how to say no to sex, or how to resist peer pressure?

NSFG combined with MPR Abstinence edited


Think about the last month and the time you spent in after-school activities, such as those run by your school, community organizations like the YMCA, or private lessons. How many hours in an average week, including weekends, did you spend doing each of the following…..

Zero hours, Up to two hours, 2-5 hours, More than 5 hours, Don’t Know

a. In sports-related clubs, teams, or organizations?

b. In lessons, clubs, or performances for art, music, or drama?

c. In other clubs, teams, and organizations, such as academic clubs, Scouts, or chess clubs?

d. In services or programs at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship?

e. At a paid job?

f. Volunteering?

America’s Promise edited


How likely is it that you will do each of the following things?

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Very Don’t

likely likely likely likely Know

a. How likely is it that you will graduate from high school?

b. Go to a technical or vocational school after high school?

c. Go to college?

d. Graduate from a 2-year college program?

e. Graduate from a 4-year college program?

Monitoring the future (8th grade )

SECTION 2 – Home Environment and Parental Relationships

Question #




The following questions ask about your family. Think about the household you live in most of the time. Who do you live with in this household? Please mark all that apply.


Biological mother or woman who gave birth to you

Biological father or male parent you are genetically related to

Stepmother, adoptive mother, or foster mother

Stepfather, adoptive father, or foster father

Parent’s partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend

Sister and Brothers -- include step- or half-

Older sister(s)

Older brother(s)

Younger sister(s)

Young brother(s)

Other Adults


Aunt(s) or Uncle(s)

Other adult relative(s), but not brother or sister

Other adults I’m not related to

Other Children

Cousin(s) or other children I’m related to

Other children I’m not related to

MPR Abstinence and AAY edited


If you live with two parents, are the parents you live with married to each other?

Yes, they are married to each other

No, they are not married to each other

No, I do not live with two parents

Don’t Know

New question


During the past week, on how many days did all the family members who live in your household eat a meal together?

0 4

1 5

2 6

3 7

Add Health



To direct you to the correct questions, please answer this question again. In the household you live in most of the time, do you live with your mother or a person who is like a mother to you?


No Go to Q2.12

New question


The following questions ask about the person who lives with you who is your mother or like a mother to you, who we will call your mother or mother-figure. Did your mother or mother-figure graduate from high school?



Don’t Know

New question


Did she graduate from a 4-year college?



Don’t Know

New question


Is she working now?

She is not working at a paid job

Yes, working part-time or less than 30 hours a week

Yes, working full-time or at more than one job for 30 hours a week or more

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence


How close do you feel to your mother or mother-figure?

Not at all close

A little close

Somewhat close

Quite close

Very close

Add Health /NLSY97 edited


How much do you think she cares about you?

Does not care at all

Cares a little bit

Cares somewhat

Cares quite a bit

Cares very much

Add Health edited


Whether you have done this or not, how would your mother or mother-figure feel about you having sex at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


How would she feel about you having a baby at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited



To direct you to the correct questions, please answer this question again. In the household you live in most of the time, do you live with your father or a person who is like a father to you?


No Go to Q2.20

New question


The following questions ask about the person who lives with you who is your father or like a father to you, who we will call your father or father-figure. Did your father or father-figure graduate from high school?



Don’t Know

New question


Did he graduate from a 4-year college?



Don’t Know

New question

Question #




Is he working now?

He is not working at a paid job

Yes, working less than 30 hours a week

Yes, working full-time or at more than one job for 30 hours a week or more

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence


How close do you feel to your father or father-figure?

Not at all close

A little close

Somewhat close

Quite close

Very close

Add Health edited


How much do you think he cares about you?

Does not care at all

Cares a little bit

Cares somewhat

Cares quite a bit

Cares very much

Add Health/NLSY97 edited


Whether you have done this or not, how would your father or father-figure feel about you having sex at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


How would he feel about you having a baby at this time in your life?

Strongly disapprove



Strongly Approve

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


Question #




The next set of questions is about your relationship with your parent(s) and the kinds of things you might talk about.

Think about the last month. How often would you say each of the following happened?





Extremely Often

a. How often did at least one of your parents know where you were after school?

b. If you were going to be home late, how often were you expected to call your parent(s)?

c. How often did you tell at least one of your parents who you were going to be with before you went out?

d. When you went out at night, how often did at least one of your parents know where you were?

e. How often did you talk with at least one of your parents about the plans you had with your friends?

Silverberg and Small’s Parental Monitoring Scale –a shorter (3 question) version is used in Monitoring the Future. Edited question stem.


Now please think about the past 12 months. In the past 12 months, how many times have you talked with at least one of your parents about each of the following?

Never 1-2 3-9 10 or more

Times Times Times

a. how things are going at school or your grades?

b. pregnancy or birth?

c. a personal problem you were having?

d. sexually transmitted diseases, also called STDs, HIV or AIDS?

e. how to have good romantic relationships?

f. how to resist pressures to have sex?

g. avoiding drugs and alcohol?

Abt edited

SECTION 3 – Attitudes and Perceptions

Question #




The next set of statements is about your views on sexual intercourse. By sexual intercourse, we mean when a male inserts his penis into a female’s vagina. For each statement, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.

Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly agree

a. Having sexual intercourse is a good thing for me to do at my age.

b. At my age right now, it is okay for me to have sexual intercourse if I use birth control, like a condom.

c. At my age right now, having sexual intercourse would create problems.

d. People my age should wait until they are older to have sexual intercourse.

e. It is against my values to have sexual intercourse before marriage.

Combination Abt and Grantee Survey edited


The next set of statements is about your views on condom use. For each statement, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.

Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly agree

a. Condoms should always be used if a person my age has sexual intercourse.

b. Condoms interfere with sexual enjoyment.

c. Condoms are a hassle to use.

d. Using condoms means you don’t trust your sexual partner.

AAY edited


If you got (male version: a female) pregnant now, how would you feel? Would you be …

Very upset

A little upset

Neither upset nor pleased

A little pleased

Very pleased

NSFG – edited

Question #




Imagine you are alone with someone you like very much. How likely is it that you could …

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Very Don’t

likely likely likely likely Know

a. Stop them if they wanted to touch your chest or breasts, and you did not want them to do that?

b. Stop them if they wanted to touch your private parts below the waist, meaning the parts of the body covered by underwear, and you did not want them to do that?

c. Avoid having sexual intercourse if you didn’t want to?

AAY edited


The next set of questions is about condoms, birth control pills, pregnancy and STDs.

If a condom is used correctly, how much can it decrease the chances of pregnancy?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Add Health



If a condom is used correctly, how much can it decrease the chances of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


If a condom is used correctly, how much can it decrease the chances of getting Chlamydia and Gonorrhea?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


If birth control pills are used correctly, how much can they decrease the chances of pregnancy?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Add Health edited


If birth control pills are used correctly, how much can they decrease the chances of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


If birth control pills are used correctly, how much can they decrease the chances of getting Chlamydia and Gonorrhea?

Not at all

A little

A lot

Don’t know

MPR Abstinence edited


Can you get a sexually transmitted disease from having oral sex?



Don’t know




How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Add Health edited


Now please think about the future and mark how likely you think the following things are to happen. How likely is it that….

Not at A little bit Somewhat Very

all likely likely likely likely

a. You will have sexual intercourse in the next year?

b. You will have oral sex in the next year?

c. You will have sexual intercourse between now and your 18th birthday?

d. You will have sexual intercourse between now and when you get married?

New Question


The next two questions are about dating in the last 3 months.

In the last 3 months, how many times have you had a date or gone out with someone?

NONE Go to Q3.18

_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NLSY edited


In the last 3 months, about how many different people have you had a date with or gone out with?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NLSY edited


Have you ever had sexual intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex?



Don’t Know

New Question

SECTION 4 – Sexual Experience and Behaviors

Question #




The next questions are about your sexual behaviors and experiences. There are no right or wrong answers. Please be as honest as possible. Everything you say will be kept private.


At the end of the last section there was a question about sexual intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. This question is specifically about sexual intercourse.

By sexual intercourse, we mean when a male puts his penis into a female’s vagina. Have you ever had sexual intercourse?


No GO TO Q4.13

Don’t Know GO TO Q4.13

Add Health edited


The very first time you had sexual intercourse, what month and year was it?

_____ MONTH _____ YEAR

Don’t Know

Add Health edited


The very first time you had sexual intercourse, how old were you?

______Number of years old you were

Don’t Know

NLSY97 edited


The very first time you had sexual intercourse, would you say that it was voluntary or not voluntary, that is, did you choose to have sex of your own free will or not?

Voluntary – I chose to have sexual intercourse of my own free will

Not voluntary – I did NOT chose to have sexual intercourse of my own free will

Don’t Know

NSFG edited


Birth control methods are something used to prevent pregnancy, and some can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The first time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use one or more methods of birth control?


No GO TO Q4.8

Don’t Know GO TO Q4.8

NLSY edited


The next series of questions is about the types of birth control you or your partner used the first time you had sexual intercourse. The first time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use …

Yes No Don’t Know


Birth control pills or the patch

Depo-Provera or other injectable birth control

Another method, PLEASE PRINT______________

NLSY edited


Have you had sexual intercourse more than once?


No GO TO Q4.13

Don’t Know

NLSY edited


How many DIFFERENT PEOPLE have you ever had sexual intercourse with, even if only one time?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NLSY edited


Now please think about the last 3 months. In the last 3 months, how many TIMES have you had sexual intercourse?

NONE Go to Q4.13

_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NSFG edited


In the last 3 months, how many TIMES did you or your partner use a condom when you had sexual intercourse?


_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

AAY edited


In the last 3 months, how many TIMES did you or your partner use any method of birth control, such as condoms, birth control pills or other methods, when you had sexual intercourse?


_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

AAY edited


Oral sex is when someone puts his or her mouth on another person’s penis or vagina, or lets someone else put his or her mouth on their penis or vagina. Have you ever had oral sex?


No GO TO Q4.18

Don’t Know GO TO Q4.18

AAY edited


The very first time you had oral sex, what month and year was it?

_____ MONTH _____ YEAR

Don’t Know

Add Health



How many DIFFERENT PEOPLE have you ever had oral sex with, even if only once?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

New question


Now please think about the last 3 months. In the last 3 months, how many TIMES have you had oral sex?

NONE Go to Q4.18

_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know




In the last 3 months, how many TIMES did you or your partner use a condom or dental dam when you had oral sex?


_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

AAY edited


Anal sex is when a male puts his penis in someone else’s anus, or their butt, or someone lets a male put his penis in their anus or butt. Have you ever had anal sex?


No GO TO Q4.22

Don’t Know GO TO Q4.22

AAY edited and NSFG edited


How many DIFFERENT PEOPLE have you ever had anal sex with, even if only once?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

New question


Now please think about the last 3 months. In the last 3 months, how many TIMES have you had anal sex?

NONE Go to Q4.22

_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

NSFG edited


In the last 3 months, how many TIMES did you or your partner use a condom when you had anal sex?


_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

AAY edited


Have you ever had any sexual experience of any kind with another female / male?





To the best of your knowledge, have you ever been / gotten someone pregnant, even if no child was born?



Don’t Know

NSFG & NLSY edited


In the past 12 months, have you spoken with a doctor or other health professional about birth control or reproductive health?



Don’t Know

New question


In the past 12 months, have you been tested by a doctor or other health professional for a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, or HIV/AIDS?



Don’t Know

NSFG edited


In the past 12 months, have you been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had a sexually transmitted disease?


No Go to Q.5.1

Don’t Know Go to Q.5.1

New question


The next series of questions is about the types of sexually transmitted diseases you had. Did you have …

Yes No Don’t Know



Genital herpes


HIV infection or AIDS

Human papilloma virus, also called HPV or genital warts


Another sexually transmitted disease, PLEASE PRINT________

Don’t Know

New question


How fearful have you been that someone you were dating might hurt you?

Very fearful

Somewhat fearful

A little fearful

Not at all fearful

SECTION 5 – Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Use

Question #




The next questions are about tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Have you ever smoked a cigarette?


No Go to Q5.4



The very first time you smoked a cigarette, how old were you?

______Number of years old you were

Don’t Know

New question


During the last 30 days, on how many days did you smoke a cigarette?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


Have you ever had an alcoholic drink, such as beer, wine or other liquor, not including any times you had just a sip or two from a drink?


No Go to Q5.7

NLSY combined with NSDUH edited


The very first time you had an alcoholic drink, how old were you?

______Number of years old you were

Don’t Know

New question


During the last 30 days, not including any times you had just a sip or two from a drink, on how many days did you have one or more alcoholic beverages?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY combined with NSDUH edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


During the last 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks at the same time or within hours of each other?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY combined with NSDUH edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


Have you ever used marijuana, also called grass or pot?


No Go to Q5.9

NLSY edited


During the last 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana?

More than 25 days

5 to 25 days

1 to 4 days

0 Days (Zero)

Don’t Know

NLSY edited (answer choices are based on NSDUH)


Have you ever used an inhalant, such as sniffed glue, breathed the contents of spray cans, or inhaled any paints or solvents in order to get high or to achieve an altered state?



New question


Have you ever used any other type of illegal drug, for example Methamphetamine, speed, PCP, or any form of cocaine to get high or to achieve an altered state?



NLSY edited


Have you ever used any prescription drugs or pills that were not prescribed to you?



New question

SECTION 6 – Relationships

Question #




The next set of questions is about friends.

How much do you feel that your friends care about you?

Do not care at all

Care a little bit

Care somewhat

Care quite a bit

Care very much

Add Health


How many of your friends think that….

None Some Half Most All DK

a. having sexual intercourse is a good thing to do at your age?

b. it would be okay for them to have sexual intercourse as long as they used a condom?

c. it would be okay for them to have sexual intercourse if they were dating the same person for a long time?

d. they should wait until they are older to have sexual intercourse?

e. they should wait until marriage to have sexual intercourse?

America’s Promise edited; Abt and Grantee surveys


How many of your friends…

None Some Half Most All DK

a. have had sexual intercourse?

b. have had oral or anal sex?

America’s Promise edited


In general, how much pressure, if any, do you feel from your friends to have sexual intercourse?

A lot of pressure

Some pressure

A little pressure

No pressure at all

MPR Abstinence edited


People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you...

Only attracted to males

Attracted to both males and females

Only attracted to females

Not sure

NSFG edited


Have you made a public or written pledge to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage?



MPR Abstinence edited




PPA Project: Cognitive Debriefing Interviews

(Group and 1:1 Format)


2. INTRODUCTION: Thanks for volunteering to be with us today to share your opinions about our study. The information you provide today will help us improve the questions we ask and the directions we provide to people who participate in the national survey. I’d like to remind you of a few things from the consent documents before we begin.

1) Being part of today’s session is completely voluntary. That means you can skip any question you do not want to answer in the questionnaire and you can decide not to answer any question during our discussion afterwards.

2) When we write up our reports from what we learn today we will NOT be using your name with any information you provide – either in the questionnaire or in the discussion.

FOR GROUP: 3) We ask that what is shared in this room today remains in this room. Please respect one another by keeping this information private. However, we cannot guarantee this will happen – so make sure you feel comfortable sharing before speaking.

3. DISTRIBUTION OF QUESTIONNAIRES: I’d like to begin our time together by passing out the questionnaire packet we will be using for this study. When I ask you to begin, I’d like you to pull out the questionnaire labeled Part A and complete the questions there. As you go along – if there are words we use that you do not understand or that seem really ancient or out of touch – please circle them or put a question mark or note next to it for us.

Everyone is asked to complete two sets of questionnaires in this packet. In the very last question of the first section, the answer category you choose will have instructions on what to do next. If you are unsure of what to do next, please let me know. I am going to pass out the packets now, unless you have any questions. At the end of 30 minutes, I will collect these packets back and we will start our discussion.



4. IF GROUP DEBRIEFING: I am passing out a blank version of the survey you just completed. We are using this so we can ask you to look at specific items we may be asking about so we can all be looking at the same thing.

Some ground rules for our conversation today:

1) Only one person speaks at a time. Your thoughts and opinions are very important to us and we want to be sure we hear what everyone has to say.

2) If you disagree with the group – please speak up – we don’t expect everyone to agree on everything and we want to understand a variety of opinions.

3) Some of the things we talk about today can be pretty sensitive topics that you may not talk about a lot with your friends or family. We just want to remind you that you can decide not to answer any question we ask in the group discussion.

Does anyone have any questions for me before we get started? I’d like to go around the room and introduce ourselves by first name only.

IF SINGLE DEBRIEFING: Now we will take your completed survey to use as a reference for the rest of our time today. Please know I am not concerned about your personal answers to these items. My goal for today is to get your feedback on how these items were worded and what your thought process was when you went to answer these questions.

Some of the topics we talk about today may be things you don’t talk about a lot with your friends or family. If I ask you anything that you don’t want to answer or that makes you feel uncomfortable – please just let me know and we can skip that question. Do you have any questions for me before we get started?


I have a mix of general questions to start us off – then will ask you to look at specific items later. Looking at the questionnaire and assent form in front of you:

1. Now that you have completed the survey – do you feel like the assent form you signed gave you enough information to make a good decision about whether or not you would want to participate? Or do you think there should be more information there (if so, what kind of information would have been helpful)?

2. Any other overall comments about the questionnaire before we look at specific questions from my list here? Did 30 minutes feel like enough time to answer all these questions or would you have felt rushed or felt that you had tons of time left over?

3. How would you feel about completing this in a class setting, such as part of a health class?

4. Looking at your questionnaire packets - what questions had words or phrases for things that were confusing to you or seemed complicated?

5. Where there any places where the instructions were confusing to you or seemed complicated?

6. Which questions used words or phrases that just seemed out of date or not the way people your age might say things?

  • Where was that (by item # and word)?

  • How do people your age refer to this today where you live? Any other ways?

7. Now we’re going to look through the questionnaire packets together going section-by-section with some more specific questions. Let’s begin by looking at the section called “Your Background:

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

1.6 In the past 12 months, how often did you attend religious services?

  • More than once a week

  • Once a week

  • 1-3 times per month

  • Less than once a month

  • Never

How would you define “religious services” in your own words? What does that term mean to you?

How did you figure out your answer to this question? Walk me through the thought process in your head. Did you think about an average month, etc.?

1.8 In the past 12 months have you ever had any classes, special programs, or instruction at school, church, a community center or some other place...

Yes / No / Don’t know

a. about relationships, dating, marriage, or family life?

b. about abstinence from sex?

c. about methods of birth control?

d. about sexually transmitted diseases, also known as STDs?

e. about alcohol or drug use?

f. about physical development and reproduction?

g. about refusal skills, such as how to say no to sex, or how to resist peer pressure?

Any words or phrases here that seem unclear or confusing?

What did you think we meant by “special programs”?

What about “abstinence from sex” - How would you define that in your own words? What does that term mean to you?

1.9 Think about the last month and the time you spent in after-school activities, such as those run by your school, community organizations like the YMCA or Boys and Girls Club, or private lessons.

How many hours in an average week, including weekends, did you spend doing each of the following…..

Zero hours / Up to two hours / 2-5 hours / More than 5 hours / Don’t Know

a. In sports-related clubs, teams, or organizations?

b. In lessons, clubs, or performances for art, music, or drama?

c. In other clubs, teams, and organizations, such as academic clubs, Scouts, or chess clubs?

d. In services or programs at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship?

e. At a paid job?

f. Volunteering?

How did you figure out your answer to these questions? Walk me through the thought process in your head.

Did you include any clubs or groups that met during school hours? Did you include weekends?

Did you total up the hours and then pick a category – or did you just use your gut because of the choices provided?

What do you think of as “last month” – would it be the calendar month before this one, or 4 weeks before this one?

What about an “average week” – what does that mean to you?

Any after-school activities you do that didn’t seem to have a place on this list or where you weren’t sure where they fit?

8. Now let’s look at “SECTION 2 – Home Environment and Parental Relationships”:

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

2.1 The following questions ask about your family. Think about the household you live in most of the time. Who do you live within this household? Please mark all that apply.


  • Biological mother or woman who gave birth to you

  • Biological father or male parent you are genetically related to

  • Stepmother, adoptive mother, or foster mother

  • Stepfather, adoptive father, or foster father

  • Parent’s partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend

Sister and Brothers -- include step- or half-

  • Older sister(s)

  • Older brother(s)

  • Younger sister(s)

  • Young brother(s)

Other Adults

  • Grandparent(s)

  • Aunt(s) or Uncle(s)

  • Other adult relative(s), but not brother or sister

  • Other adults I’m not related to

Other Children

  • Cousin(s) or other children I’m related to

  • Other children I’m not related to

What are your thoughts / general reactions to this question?

What does “most of the time” mean to you in your own words? What would count and what wouldn’t?

Was it helpful having the categories broken out like this?

Were you unsure where someone in your household fits into the list of people?

Does anyone have a person in mind who could fit in more than one category? How did you / would you have recorded that information here? For example: a boyfriend or girlfriend of your mom / dad who lives with you?

2.2 If you live with two parents, are the parents you live with married to each other?

  • Yes, they are married to each other

  • No, they are not married to each other

  • No, I do not live with two parents

  • Don’t Know

Anything confusing on this item?

Did you take “two parents” to mean your biological parent(s) – or something else?

What about if your parents are divorced and you live with your mom and step-dad how would you have answered?

2.3 During the past week, on how many days did all the family members who live in your household eat a meal together?

0 4

1 5

2 6

3 7

How did you arrive at your answer for this question? Walk me through the steps you took in your mind as you thought through it.

2.5 The following questions ask about the person who lives with you who is your mother or like a mother to you, who we will call your mother or mother-figure. Did your mother or mother-figure graduate from high school?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

Anything confusing on this item?

Does anyone live with a guardian or foster parent? How would it apply?

How about anyone with two parents of the same sex? How might this person answer this item?

SECTION 2 – Home Environment and Parental Relationships, continued

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

2.10 Whether you have done this or not, how would your mother or mother-figure feel about you having sex at this time in your life?

  • Strongly disapprove

  • Disapprove

  • Approve

  • Strongly Approve

  • Don’t Know

When you see the phrase “having sex” in this question, how do you understand that? Only intercourse (defined later in questionnaire)? Would you include anal sex, oral sex, other things too when you think about this phrase in this question?

Did you have any uncertainty about who was the “mother or mother-figure” to refer to here? Or about the father/father figure?

2.21 Now please think about the past 12 months. In the past 12 months, how many times have you talked with at least one of your parents about each of the following?

Never 1-2 3-9 10 or more

Times Times Times

a. how things are going at school or your grades?

b. pregnancy or birth?

c. a personal problem you were having?

d. sexually transmitted diseases, also called STDs, HIV or AIDS?

e. how to have good romantic relationships?

f. how to resist pressures to have sex?

g. avoiding drugs and alcohol?

Was there any confusion about talking to “at least one of your parents”? If you only talked with one of your parents but not the other, how would you answer? If you only talked with your parents separately, how would you count the number times you talked?

For item a – do you think of “how things are going at school” as being the same thing as “your grades” or are these different? If different– how would you answer this type of question if each had different answer categories that applied?

How did you think through your answers to these questions? Can you walk me through what went through your mind as you figured out which category to pick? Did you go through and count then pick a category – or did you use your gut based on the choices?

If we asked your parents / guardians the same question – do you think they’d have the same answer you did for these? Why / why not?

9. Now let’s look at “SECTION 3 – Attitudes and Perceptions”

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

3.2 The next set of statements is about your views on condom use. For each statement, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.

Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly agree

a. Condoms should always be used if a person my age has sexual intercourse.

b. Condoms interfere with sexual enjoyment.

c. Condoms are a hassle to use.

d. Using condoms means you don’t trust your sexual partner.

Item 3.1 defines “sexual intercourse” – do you think a definition of what we mean by “condom” would be helpful here – or is it something most kids just know what it is and a definition would seem silly?

How did the way you answered “a” affect the way you answered “b-d”-- if at all? Why is that? If you answered “strongly agree” to a, would you feel guilty saying they are a hassle to use, etc and adjust your answer? Why or why not?

3.4 Imagine you are alone with someone you like very much. How likely is it that you could …

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Very Don’t

likely likely likely likely Know

a. Stop them if they wanted to touch your chest or breasts, and you did not want them to do that?

b. Stop them if they wanted to touch your private parts below the waist, meaning the parts of the body covered by underwear, and you did not want them to do that?

c. Avoid having sexual intercourse if you didn’t want to?

Let’s look at the word “them” here in the statements a-c. When you read this – do you understand the term “them” to mean a group of people or do you think of it as representing either a male or female – i.e. another way of saying him / her?

3.6 and others like it:

How confident are you that your answer is correct?

Not at all

A little bit



Why did you think we were asking you how confident you were of your answers? When might you say only a little bit confident?

3.15 Now please think about the future and mark how likely you think the following things are to happen. How likely is it that….

Not at A little bit Somewhat Very

all likely likely likely likely

a. You will have sexual intercourse in the next year?

b. You will have oral sex in the next year?

c. You will have sexual intercourse between now and your 18th birthday?

d. You will have sexual intercourse between now and when you get married?

Earlier the term “sexual intercourse” had been defined. But the term “oral sex” has not yet been defined in the questions. Did you feel like a definition would have been helpful?

When you see the term “oral sex” what did you understand it to mean?

When you saw the term “sexual intercourse” here – did you use the definition they gave earlier to use for your answers or did you think of anything else when you thought about these answers? What was that / what did you include?

SECTION 3 – Attitudes and Perceptions,” continued.

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

3.16 The next two questions are about dating in the last 3 months.

In the last 3 months, how many times have you had a date or gone out with someone?

NONE Go to Q3.18

_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

What does “having a date” mean to you? How would you define it in your own words? Is it the same thing as “going out with someone” just on a single time?

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

How hard was it to count the number of times – or did you just use your gut?

3.17 In the last 3 months, about how many different people have you had a date with or gone out with?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

How hard was it to count the number of people – or did you just use your gut?

When you say “gone out with” – does that mean on a specific date, or is that how you refer to an ongoing relationship, or something else?

3.18 Have you ever had sexual intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex?



Don’t Know

Would having definitions of what we meant by “oral sex” or “anal sex” be helpful here?

What might lead you to pick “don’t know” for this item – what circumstances can you think of that might lead you to say you “don’t know”?

Did you feel safe to answer this question - and others like it - truthfully? Why / why not?

10. TRANSITION PROCESS. After this question – you were asked to pick one of the two different Part B packets. I am going to ask you some questions about this process so we can make sure our directions here are as clearly written and easy-to-follow as possible. As we talk through it – you do not need to share your answer to the question.. Instead – please focus on the process.

  • Do you feel confident you were able to pick the correct packet based on the information / directions we provided?

  • If you were to skip this (transition) question because you didn’t feel comfortable answering –which packet would you have picked from there?

  • What else might be helpful to help you know or to feel more knowledgeable about which packet to pick?

  • If you were completing this in a classroom at school, would you concerned about others seeing which packet you selected? Why / why not?

11. Now let’s look at Section 4 – Sexual Experience and Behaviors – Sexually Active:

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

Instructions – section 4.: The next questions are about your sexual behaviors and experiences. There are no right or wrong answers. Please be as honest as possible. Everything you say will be kept private.

As you started this section – did you read through this information or did you go right to the first question? Why is that?

What do you understand “kept private” to mean in your own words?

4.2 At the end of the last section there was a question about sexual intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. This question is specifically about sexual intercourse.

By sexual intercourse, we mean when a male puts his penis into a female’s vagina. Have you ever had sexual intercourse?

  • Yes

  • No GO TO Q4.13

  • Don’t Know GO TO Q4.13

This item starts with a recap of the last item before you changed packets … was that useful? Why / why not? Did it cause any confusion when you went to answer this question? How so?

Was the definition of sexual intercourse helpful? What other words here that were confusing or you think should also be defined?

Did your answer depend on whether the sexual activity was consensual – meaning you agreed it was ok for it to happen? Why / why not?

4.3 The very first time you had sexual intercourse, what month and year was it?

_____ MONTH _____ YEAR

Don’t Know

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

How hard was it to remember the month and / or the year or did you just use your gut?

Did you think about other dates, such as holidays, which may have been close by? Or did you think about what grade you were in at school?

4.4 The very first time you had sexual intercourse, how old were you?

______Number of years old you were

Don’t Know

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

How hard was it to remember how old you were - or did you just use your gut?

Did you think about other life events that may have happened to you at that age to help you remember? Or did you think about what grade you were in at school? Or was this something you just “knew” without having to think about it at all?

11. Section 4 – Sexual Experience and Behaviors, continued:

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

4.5 The very first time you had sexual intercourse, would you say that it was voluntary or not voluntary, that is, did you choose to have sex of your own free will or not?

  • Voluntary – I chose to have sexual intercourse of my own free will

  • Not voluntary – I did NOT chose to have sexual intercourse of my own free will

  • Don’t Know

What does “voluntary” mean to you? How would you define it in your own words?

How about “free will” – what does that mean, in your own words?

4.8 Have you had sexual intercourse more than once?


No GO TO Q4.13

Don’t Know

When you thought about your answer for this: if you’d had sex with a specific person, but more than one time, would your answer be yes or no – since it was with the same person?

Do you have any questions about the GO TO instructions?

4.11 In the last 3 months, how many TIMES did you or your partner use a condom when you had sexual intercourse?


_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

Anything confusing here?

When you thought about your answer for this: do you think about your current partner – or do you think about anyone or everyone you have had sex with in the past 3 months? Why is that?

How hard was it to remember / calculate the number of times? Or was it something you just “knew” without having to think about it for long?

4.13 Oral sex is when someone puts his or her mouth on another person’s penis or vagina, or lets someone else put his or her mouth on their penis or vagina. Have you ever had oral sex?

  • Yes

  • No GO TO Q4.18

  • Don’t Know GO TO Q4.18

Was the definition provided here different from how you think of oral sex? How so?

Did your answer depend upon if it was consensual – meaning you agreed it was ok for it to happen? Why / why not?

4.15 How many DIFFERENT PEOPLE have you ever had oral sex with, even if only once?

_____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

How hard was it to remember / calculate the number of people? Or was it something you just “knew” without having to think about it for long?

4.17 In the last 3 months, how many TIMES did you or your partner use a condom or dental dam when you had oral sex?


_____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

Don’t Know

What is a dental dam, in your own words? Is that a term you have seen before?

How hard was it to remember / calculate the number of times? Or was it something you just “knew” without having to think about it for long?

11. Section 4 – Sexual Experience and Behaviors, continued:

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

4.20 Now please think about the last 3 months. In the last 3 months, how many TIMES have you had anal sex?

  • NONE Go to Q4.22

  • _____ NUMBER OF TIMES. If necessary, your best guess is fine.

  • Don’t Know

Did your answer depend upon whether it was consensual – meaning you agreed it was ok for it to happen? Why / why not?

4.24 In the past 12 months, have you spoken with a doctor or other health professional about birth control or reproductive health?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

What does “reproductive health” mean to you – how would you define that in your own words?

If you called a toll-free line for an organization like say Planned Parenthood with a question– would you count that here? Why / why not?

Who, in your mind, counts as an “other health professional”?

4.27 The next series of questions is about the types of sexually transmitted diseases you had. Did you have …

Yes / No / Don’t Know

  • Chlamydia

  • Gonorrhea

  • Genital herpes

  • Syphilis

  • HIV infection or AIDS

  • Human papilloma virus, also called HPV or genital warts

  • Trichomoniasis

  • Another sexually transmitted disease, PLEASE PRINT________

  • Don’t Know

Looking at the first introductory statement – if you don’t think you have had any STD’s – would the statement “diseases you had” be confusing?

There are a lot of complicated terms here a lot of people may not know what they are. If you came across one that you didn’t know what it meant – how would that affect the way you answer that item? Would you leave it blank, say yes, no, or don’t know? Why is that?

12. Now let’s look at Section 5 – Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Use:

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

5.3 During the last 30 days, on how many days did you smoke a cigarette?

  • More than 25 days

  • 5 to 25 days

  • 1 to 4 days

  • 0 Days (Zero)

  • Don’t Know

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

How hard was it to remember or did you just use your gut after looking at the categories without “counting” the actual number of days?

5.6 During the last 30 days, not including any times you had just a sip or two from a drink, on how many days did you have one or more alcoholic beverages?

  • More than 25 days

  • 5 to 25 days

  • 1 to 4 days

  • 0 Days (Zero)

  • Don’t Know

Anything confusing on this item?

Would your answer be different at different times in the year? Or would the last 30 days be pretty typical of your behavior for this question?

Was the fact that this activity is illegal at your age affect the way you responded to this item in any way? How?

5.8 Have you ever used marijuana, also called grass or pot?

  • Yes

  • No Go to Q5.9

Are there other ways kids today refer to this substance? What are some examples?

Was the fact that this activity is illegal affect the way you responded to this item in any way? How?

5.10 Have you ever used an inhalant, such as sniffed glue, breathed the contents of spray cans, or inhaled any paints or solvents in order to get high or to achieve an altered state?

  • Yes

  • No

What do you interpret “altered state” to mean? How would you define it in your own words?

5.11 Have you ever used any other type of illegal drug, for example Methamphetamine, speed, PCP, or any form of cocaine to get high or to achieve an altered state?

  • Yes

  • No

Since this activity is illegal – did that affect the way you responded to this item in any way? How?

Are there other more popular drugs that should be on this list?

5.12 Have you ever used any prescription drugs or pills that were not prescribed to you?

  • Yes

  • No

What did you think we were trying to get at with this question?

When you see the word “pills” here – did you see them as being part of all the possible “prescription drugs”? Could something like Tylenol or an over the counter pill anyone could take also count here for pills? Should someone who’s had Tylenol say yes here?

13. Now let’s look at Section 6 – Relationships

Questionnaire Item

Debriefing Question

6.3 How many of your friends…

None Some Half Most All DK

a. have had sexual intercourse?

b. have had oral or anal sex?

How did you arrive at your answer for this question – can you walk me through the process in your head?

Did you do an actual count ( and percentage) or did you just “know” without having to do any math in your head, based on the way the categories were provided?

Is this something you know, that is do your friends talk about this, or is this just a guess you made?

6.4 In general, how much pressure, if any, do you feel from your friends to have sexual intercourse?

  • A lot of pressure

  • Some pressure

  • A little pressure

  • No pressure at all

In previous items, the scale went from “none” to “all” or low to high. The scale here is presented in the opposite order -- from “a lot” to “none.” Was this something you noticed or caused you to pause as you completed it? Do you think all the scales should go the same direction for all the questions – would that be easier?

How would you answer if some of your friends pressure you, but others don’t?

6.6 Have you made a public or written pledge to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage?



How would you define “abstain” in your own words – what does that mean to you?

PPA Instruments – Appendices A (Baseline) and B (Cognitive) – page 65 of 65

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSECTION 1 – Demographic characteristics of youth and School Environment
Last Modified BySeth F. Chamberlain
File Modified2009-07-17
File Created2009-07-17

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