TIP 2008 Customer Satisifaction Survey

Generic Request for Customer Service-Related Data Collections

TIP 2008 CustSatSurvey

TIP 2008 Customer Satisifaction Survey

OMB: 0693-0031

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OMB Control No. 0693-0031

Expiration Date: 02/29/2012

Adding Variable Names

A variable name was added before each question (and lines were added as needed to keep the entire question on one page). Each variable name consists of text and a suffix. The suffixes were added so that the name indicates the type of data in the variable and data analysts do not have to constantly refer to the questions for that information. For future reference suffix codes are listed below.

Suffix Codes

Each variable name includes a suffix indicating the type of data in that variable

_YN = Yes/No

_YND = Yes/No/Do not know

_BOO = Boolean (checked or unchecked)

_CT4 = Categorical data (4 response options)

_CT6 = Categorical data (6 response options)

_LK4 = Likert scale (4-point scale)

_LK5D = Likert scale (5-point scale with do not know option)

_LK6 = Likert scale (6-point scale)

_S10 = Scalar data broken into 10 categories

_INT = Integer data

_FLT = Floating point data

_TXT = Textual data

The distinction between Boolean and Yes/No is because an unchecked Boolean may be a “No” or it may be an omission but omissions are clear in Yes/No questions. Also, Boolean will typically be coded as 1s (for checked) and 0s or NULL (for unchecked) whereas Yes/No will be coded as 1s (for Yes) and 2s (for No), again giving the analyst some idea of the data being analyzed.

Categorical data has been divided into three types:

Scalar data that have been broken into physical categories such that each category begins where the previous category ended as in number of employees – S…suffix;

Scalar data that have been broken into psychological categories such that we ask the respondent to indicate the bin or category that best fits as in the Likert scales – LK… suffix; and

Categorical data that fit no obvious scale – CT… suffix.


Technology Innovation Program (TIP) 2008 Customer Survey

Start with a login page with login and password.

I. About You and Your Organization

To better serve the organizations and people on our mailing list, we need to understand your operations and how you use the information we provide.


1. Which of the following best describes your organization?

Independent consultant 1

For-profit company 2

Institution of higher education 3

National or governmental lab 4

Government agency 5

Non-profit organization 6

Other 7


Specify: ________________________


2. Including full-time and part-time employees, how many employees did your organization have at the end of the last calendar quarter?

Less than 10 1

10 to 24 2

25 to 49 3

50 to 99 4

100 to 249 5

250 to 499 6

500 to 999 7

1,000 to 4,999 8

5,000 to 9,999 9

10,000 or more 10

Every page should have this at the bottom:

If you have any questions, please contact TIP Survey Technical Assistance:

Toll-Free: 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, Email: [email protected]


3. Including full-time and part-time employees, how many employees at your organization worked in R&D at the end of the last calendar quarter?

Less than 10 1

10 to 24 2

25 to 49 3

50 to 99 4

100 to 249 5

250 to 499 6

500 to 999 7

1,000 to 4,999 8

5,000 to 9,999 9

10,000 or more 10

4. Which of the following are functions that you perform for your organization? Please check all that apply.


 Conduct or manage scientific research


 Write proposals or manage the proposal writing process


 Administer contracts


 Perform business development or seek suitable funding


 Administer the organization’s intellectual property


 Perform a leadership or executive role in the organization


 Other


Specify: ___________________________________


5. Were you aware that TIP (via its website) is soliciting White Papers to help shape future collaborations and competitions?

Yes 1

No 2


6. Have you submitted or do you plan to submit a White Paper to TIP?

Yes 1

No 2


7. Were you on NIST’s Advanced Technology Program (ATP) Mailing List?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 3


8. Has your organization ever been a single or joint-venture participant in a proposal submitted to an ATP competition?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 3


9. Has your organization ever been a single or joint-venture participant in an awarded ATP project?

Yes 1

No 2

Do not know 3


10. Turning now to the TIP competition, was your organization a single or joint-venture participant in any proposal submitted for the 2008 TIP competition?



11. To what extent did the following factors influence your organization’s decision not to submit a proposal for the 2008 TIP competition?







Not at



a. We do not do the high-risk, high reward research that TIP funds


b. We are not eligible to participate under TIP rules


c. The 2008 TIP competition does not match our research capabilities or interests


d. We are waiting until TIP has conducted the first competition and made any changes


e. The probability of winning seems too low


f. The proposal preparation process requires too much effort


g. The TIP cost share requirement is too high


h. We could not develop a research plan or proposal in time


i. We could not arrange suitable research partners in time

TERMINATE: (Take to a page that has the TIP banner and that says

Thank you for participating in this important survey.

If you have any questions, please contact TIP Survey Technical Assistance:

Toll-Free: 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, Email: [email protected]

II. About Your Proposed TIP Project

12. To what extent does each of the following characteristics apply to your proposed TIP research project?

The proposed TIP research project:







Not at



a. Applies a new approach to the problem


b. Applies a previously known approach to a new area


c. Integrates critical information from multiple fields of study


13. To what extent would you say that your proposed TIP project represents a new R&D direction for your technology field?

Large extent 1

Moderate extent 2

Small extent 3

Not at all 4


14. What would you say is the probability that the proposed TIP project will achieve the technical goals required for project success?

________ % (0 to 100)


15. What would you say is the probability that a typical R&D project at your organization in your technical field will achieve the technical goals required for project success?

________ % (0 to 100)

16. Assuming that the proposed TIP project achieves its technical goals, about how long will it take for the proposed TIP technology to reach each of the following milestones?


Time to reach the milestone


a. Early adoption of the technology by 5% of potential users

_______ Years


b. Broad adoption of the technology by 50% of potential users

_______ Years

17. Consider a typical R&D project in the same technology field at your organization that has successfully achieved its technical goals. How long would it take for the typical project to reach each of the following milestones?


Time to reach the milestone


a. Early adoption of the technology by 5% of potential users

_______ Years


b. Broad adoption of the technology by 50% of potential users

_______ Years


18. To what extent is your proposed TIP project based on university research?

Large extent 1

Moderate extent 2

Small extent 3

Not at all 4


19. Does your proposed TIP project depend upon technology licensed from universities?

Yes 1

No 2


20. For your proposed TIP project, how critical is university-based expertise and involvement?

Very critical 1

Somewhat critical 2

Not too critical 3

Not at all critical 4


21. Is university-based expertise and involvement for your proposed TIP project more critical or less critical than for a typical R&D project at your organization?

More critical 1

Less critical 2

About the same 3

22. In developing your proposed TIP project, to what extent did:







Not at



a. Individuals in your organization form new research ties or contacts with individuals at other organizations?


b. Your organization form new research partnerships or relationships with other organizations?


c. Your organization strengthen or extend existing research relationships with other organizations?

III. Proposal Preparation and Review

Now we have some questions about your experience during the proposal preparation and review process.

23. How useful did you find each the following sources of information about TIP?

Information source





Not too


Not at All


No Experience with This Source


a. TIP website


b. TIP Proposers’ Conference (personal attendance or webcast)


c. TIP information booth at industry or trade assoc. meetings


d. Industry or organizational colleagues


e. Interactions with TIP staff

24. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the TIP Proposal Preparation Kit in terms of the following:











a. Ease of use


b. Clarity of content


c. Comprehensiveness of content


25. Did you submit your proposal electronically?

Yes 1

No, but tried to do so 2

No, and did not try to 3 (SKIP NEXT QUESTION)


26. How easy or difficult to use was the electronic submission process?

Very easy 1

Somewhat easy 2

Somewhat difficult 3

Very difficult 4


27. Did you contact TIP staff with questions regarding your application?

Yes 1


Do not remember 3 (SKIP NEXT QUESTION)

28. How satisfied were you with the following?











a. Courtesy of the staff


b. Promptness of the service


c. Quality of the help in resolving issues or problems


29. How many total hours of staff time did your organization use in preparing your TIP proposal?

None 0

Less than 40 hours 1

40 to less than 80 hours 2

80 to less than 160 hours 3

160 to less than 240 hours 4

240 to less than 320 hours 5

320 to less than 400 hours 6

400 to less than 480 hours 7

480 hours or more 8

Don’t know 88


30. What was the total cost to your organization in preparing the TIP proposal?

None 0

Less than $5,000 1

$5,000 to less than $10,000 2

$10,000 to less than $15,000 3

$15,000 to less than $20,000 4

$20,000 to less than $30,000 5

$30,000 to less than $40,000 6

$40,000 to less than $50,000 7

$50,000 to less than $75,000 8

$75,000 or more 9

Don’t know 88


31. To what extent do you believe the TIP review and decision process was a fair process?

Large extent 1

Moderate extent 2

Small extent 3

Not at all 4


32. If you have any other comments about the TIP application and review process, please share them with us:






33. Did TIP fund your proposed project?


No 2

Do not know 3


34. If TIP funds another competition in the same area next year, how likely is it that you will apply again for funding from TIP?

Very likely 1

Somewhat likely 2

Somewhat unlikely 3

Very unlikely 4

Don’t know 5


35. If TIP did not fund your research project, how likely are you to submit the idea to other funding sources?

Very likely 1

Somewhat likely 2

Somewhat unlikely 3

Very unlikely 4

Don’t know 5

Has been funded 6

Does not apply 8

IV. Previous Expenditures for the Line of Research

Now we turn to questions about the amount of R&D expenditure devoted to the specific line of research represented by your proposed TIP project.

36. In the three years before submitting your TIP proposal, approximately how much total R&D expenditure did your organization devote to this line of research from internal and external sources?


36a. R&D expenditure from internal sources (meaning money from any part of your organization)….

Your best estimate is fine.

$ __________________


36b. Did your organization devote expenditures from external sources in the three (3) years before submitting your TIP proposal?

Your best estimate is fine.

Yes …………………………………………..1

No……………………………………………2 (SKIP TO # 37)

Don’t know…………………………………..3 (SKIP TO # 37)


36c. Approximately how much total R&D expenditure did your organization devote to this line of research from external sources (meaning money from outside of your organization for specific R&D, either from government sources or other companies)….

Your best estimate is fine.

$ __________________

37. In the three years before submitting your TIP proposal, did your organization receive funding from any of the following sources for this line of research?


37a. Federal government programs (other than TIP)

Yes 1

No 2

Don’t know 3


If yes, specify agency and program (e.g. NIH/SBIR)





37b. State or local government programs

Yes 1

No 2

Don’t know 3


37c. Companies (other than your own)

Yes 1

No 2

Don’t know 3



37d. Other

Yes 1

No 2

Don’t know 3


If Yes, specify:__________________________________________________________


38a. Is your organization currently carrying out any part of the R&D project that you proposed to TIP?

Yes 1

No 2 (Go to #39)


38b. How would you describe the scale of effort of the R&D project as it is now being carried out?

Less than 20%, 1

20% to 39% 2

40% to 59% 3

60 to 79% 4

80% or more 5

38c. Since submitting the TIP proposal, has your organization produced any of the following results from the research as it is now being carried out? (Check all that apply.)


Conference paper or presentation


New invention


Patent application


Hiring of new personnel dedicated to the research


39. Did you consult organization records or any other people in order to answer any of the questions in this survey?



TERMINATE: Take to a page that has the TIP banner and that says

Thank you for participating in this important survey.

If you have any questions, please contact TIP Survey Technical Assistance:

Toll-Free: 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, Email: [email protected]

(Add link to TIP home page)

NOTE: This questionnaire contains collection of information requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.  The estimated response time for this questionnaire is 7 minutes for respondents from the TIP mailing list and 20 minutes for respondents from the 2008 TIP Award Competition.  The response time includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  Send comments regarding this estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the length of this questionnaire, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Attn., Stephen Campbell, Impact Analysis Group, [email protected], 301-975-3118.



File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleWhy on the mailing list
AuthorTed Allen
Last Modified Bydyonder
File Modified2009-06-17
File Created2009-04-01

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