Youth and Parent Ad Tracking Survey

National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (NYADMC) - Parent and Youth Tracking Studies

OMB 3201-0010 Tracking Study Supporting Statement B (Rev 1)

Youth and Parent Ad Tracking Survey

OMB: 3201-0010

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National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign

Tracking Study – Supporting Statement B

OMB Control Number


Prepared by:


100 West 33rd Street

New York, New York 10001

On behalf of:

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Executive Office of the President

750 17th St. NW

Washington, DC 20503

August 24, 2009


Please read the instructions before completing this form. For additional forms or assistance in completing this form, contact your agency's

Paperwork Clearance Officer. Send two copies of this form, the collection instrument to be reviewed, the Supporting Statement, and any

additional documentation to: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Docket Library, Room 10102,

725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503.

  1. Agency/Subagency originating request:

Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)

2. OMB control number: b.  None

a. 3201 0010

3. Type of information collection (check one)

a. New collection

b. Revision of a currently approved collection

c. Extension of a currently approved collection

d. Reinstatement, without change, of a previously approved

collection for which approval has expired

e. Reinstatement, with change, of a previously approved

collection for which approval has expired [X]

f. Existing collection in use without an OMB control number

For b.- f., note item A2 of Supporting Statement instructions

4. Type of review requested (check one)

a. Regular [X]

b. Emergency--Approval requested by: _____

c. Delegated

5. Small entities

Will this information collection have a significant economic impact

on a substantial number of small entities? Yes No [X]

6. Requested expiration date

a. Three years from approval date [X]

b. Other--Specify: / /

7. Title [National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (NYADMC)-Parent and Youth Tracking]

8. Agency form number(s) (if applicable)

9. Keywords

Drug Abuse Prevention, Youth, Parents, Communications

10. Abstract

The tracking study provides the measures for advertising message delivery against the theoretical model, ensuring that the advertising is efficiently and effectively creating awareness, and changing attitudes, intentions and behaviors. Ultimately, the data captured in the tracking study will be used to monitor the impact of the advertising on beliefs and intentions.

11. Affected public (mark primary with "P" and all others that apply

with "X")

a. [X] Individuals or households d. Farms

b. _ Business or other for-profit e. _ Federal Government

c. _ Not-for-profit institutions f. _ State, Local, or Tribal govt.

12. Obligation to respond (mark primary with "P" and all others that

apply with "X")

a. Voluntary

b. Required to obtain or retain benefits

c. Mandatory

13. Annual reporting and recordkeeping hour burden

a. Number of respondents: [15,920 Year 1] [14,000 Years 2 & 3]

b. Total annual responses: [15,920 Year 1] [14,000 Years 2 & 3]

1. Percentage of those responses

collected electronically: [100%]

c. Total annual hours requested: [3,980 Year 1] [3,500 Years 2 & 3]

d. Current OMB inventory

e. Difference

f. Explanation of difference

1. Program change

2. Adjustment

14. Annual reporting and recordkeeping cost burden (in thousands of


a. Total annualized capital/startup costs: [0]

b. Total annual costs (O&M): [727,500]

c. Total annualized cost requested: [727,500]

d. Current OMB inventory

e. Difference

f. Explanation of difference

1. Program change

2. Adjustment

15. Purpose of information collection (mark primary with "P" and all

others that apply with "X")

a. Application for benefits e. _ P Program planning or

b. _ Program evaluation management

c. General purpose statistics f. Research

d. Audit g. _ Regulatory or compliance

16. Frequency of recordkeeping or reporting (check all that apply)

a. Recordkeeping b. Third party disclosure

c. Reporting [X]

1. On occasion 2. Weekly 3. Monthly

4. Quarterly [X] 5. Semi-annually 6. Annually

7. Biennially 8. Other (describe)

17. Statistical methods

Does this information collection employ statistical methods?

Yes [X] No

18. Agency contact (person who can best answer questions regarding

the content of the submission)

Name: [Mark Krawczyk]

Phone: [202-395-6720]



Tracking Study



B.1 Respondent universe and sampling methods

B.2 Procedures for the collection of information

B.3 Methods for maximizing response rates

B.4 Describe any tests of procedures or methods to be undertaken

B.5 Contact Information for data collection and analysis

  1. Statistical Methods

  1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Method

The target audience for most ads is stated rather broadly (e.g., youth ages 14 to 16, parents of tweens and teens); however, some ads are targeted to a more specific segment as specified by age, gender, and/or racial or ethnic group.

Convenience samples of test participants are recruited to reflect the target audience. Recruitment quotas will include gender, age, and race/ethnicity as appropriate. In addition, samples will reflect variety in geographic density (e.g. urban, suburban, rural), and region of the country.

Youth Tracking Study

One hundred (140) youth ages 11-18 will be recruited per week (half males, half females; racial quotas will reflect most recent census figures). Subjects will be recruited from online panels. During the transition period, we will also recruit from 30-50 malls across the US in recruitment facilities used by other ad industry standard tracking studies. Based on past experience, we expect a response rate among age-appropriate youth of 81%.

Parent Tracking Study

One hundred (100) parents or guardians (mothers or fathers) of 11-16 years olds will be contacted per week for phone interviews during the tracking period. Based on past experience, we expect a response rate among parents of 76%.

Supplemental Tracking Studies

On an as-needed basis, additional studies may be conducted amongst specific groups (e.g. adults age 18-34 in states with Campaign anti-meth advertising). Sample sizes will be determined based upon the specific nature of each supplemental study and be within the total burden hours per year.

  1. Procedures for the Collection of Information

For all tracking studies, data collection will take place online using online panels. For the transition period, mall intercept (youth) and phone interviews (parents) will also be used:

  • For youth, target audience members are recruited and screened at a central location (e.g. mall facilities) and are exposed individually and privately. Qualified youth respondents answer questions directly into a computer.

  • For parents, target audience members are contacted and surveyed via phone. Parents are recruited for the phone interview using random-digit dialing with a supplemental targeted sampling methodology. Targeted sampling minimizes the amount of recruiter time and costs required to reach the target audience (i.e. parents of youth age 11-18). Lists are gathered from secondary data sources including insurance companies, Department of Motor Vehicles, local school districts, magazine subscriptions, voter lists and census tracking. The lists are culled in order to increase the probability of identifying the subgroup of parents while balancing race/ethnicity and gender, and then are used by field recruiters to contact and interview qualified respondents.

Once recruited, respondents are exposed to descriptions of print ads, brochures/posters, TV, PSAs, or interactive advertising dependent upon what is currently running. They are asked if they recall seeing the ad. Respondents are also asked about beliefs (related to advertising communications objectives/main idea) along with intentions to use drugs/marijuana in the future. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

The methods of respondent recruiting and data collection used in this study are not intended to provide data samples that are completely and accurately projectable to the general population.

No data collected in this study will be utilized in attempt to estimate drug/marijuana use prevalence. Such estimates could not be generalized to the population of interest.

  1. Methods for Maximizing Response Rates

As is customary in research, a reimbursement will be given to respondents. Failure to provide a basic incentive is more likely to increase responses from individuals generally predisposed to be helpful. Given the anti-drug focus of the research, there is particular need to ensure that participation is drawn from a wide array of individuals.

Online panels use multiple resources to aggregate online participants and each successful respondent will be given a reimbursement in the monetary equivalent of $5.00 to be redeemable through each panel’s reward program.

During the transition period, youth mall intercept studies will follow established procedures for recruitment: subjects are approached by trained research personnel, given a brief description of the research and the time commitment involved (approximately 15 minutes), and offered a standard monetary incentive of $5 to participate. Parents, recruited and surveyed by phone, are not offered incentives to participate. The response rates that we have attained in the past and expect to attain in the future using this recruitment procedure (81% among youth, 76% among parents) are standard for advertising research and are considered to be more than adequate for the intended purposes. These response rates reflect percentages of individuals who have met the screening criteria then go on to complete the study. This is not reflective of the number of individuals who are initially approached/contacted by the researcher. These numbers are not tracked.

  1. Describe Any Tests of Procedures or Methods to Be Undertaken

For the transition period, both online and mall-intercept (youth) and phone (parents) methods may be used simultaneously for 8 weeks to understand any differences in results between different collection methods.

  1. Contact Information for Data Collection and Analysis

Data are analyzed at Draftfcb by Chasson Gracie (212-714-7716) and Tanya White (212-885-3735).

Data are analyzed at Initiative Media (John Mossawir, 212-605-7297).

Data collection is conducted by a third party vendor, managed by Draftfcb, that specializes in tracking research.


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByAdministrator
File Modified2009-08-24
File Created2009-08-24

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