Agency Generic Survey SSA 2009

Agency Generic Survey SSA 2009.doc

Generic Customer Satisfaction

OMB: 3206-0236

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A. Justification

1. Circumstances Requiring Collection of Information

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) leads Federal agencies in shaping human resources management (HRM) systems to effectively recruit, develop, manage and retain a diverse, high quality workforce. We need to solicit input from our customers to evaluate our performance in providing services that are citizen-centered, results-oriented and market-based. Customer Satisfaction Surveys are valuable tools to gather information about our customers' view of our performance and services so we can design and implement new ways to improve our performance and services to meet their needs. This Agency Generic Survey request includes 23 surveys that we currently use or plan to use during the next three years to measure our ability to meet our customers’ needs. The survey instruments include direct mail, telephone contact, focus groups and web exit surveys. Our customers include the general public, Federal benefit recipients, Federal agencies and Federal employees.

2. Use of Information

The results of the information collected in these surveys will be used by OPM management to determine the level of customer satisfaction with our services and to identify areas where corrective action might be needed to further improve services.

Some survey questionnaires will be mailed to a sample of randomly selected program customers, many of whom have had recent contact with OPM. Others may be mailed to all customers who have recently had contact with OPM. The participation in the surveys will be totally voluntary. In addition to mail surveys, OPM will utilize telephone surveys, Internet/web surveys and focus group discussions to collect customer information and feedback. All Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Internet surveys will be voluntary for users of these systems.

Our past surveys have provided OPM management with ongoing findings on customer satisfaction. If the surveys are not conducted, a valuable source of customer feedback will be eliminated. This will limit OPM's ability to make informed decisions and will negatively impact the quality of service to our customers. Management has used the findings of past surveys to make improvement actions such as upgrading our telephone system for customers enabling them to readily speak to retirement offices and obtain services, considering changes in Federal Employee Health Benefits regulations, improving our agency web pages, improving our investigative services and improving Government-wide recruitment efforts.

3. Reduced Burden

Information on customer satisfaction can best be derived from direct questioning of program participants and customers. Because most customers conduct business with OPM by phone, mail and the internet, these are the primary ways we will collect the data for our surveys. These voluntary customer surveys are the most effective means to solicit customer feedback.

4. Duplication

There is no source for this information except direct contact with program participants and our customers. We will ensure that no survey or data collection effort approved under this generic clearance duplicates another.

5. Small Business

These data collections will not involve small businesses.

6. Consequences of Lower Frequency

Some voluntary customer surveys will be conducted as customers exit a particular OPM web page, others will be conducted on an as needed basis, and still others will be conducted on an annual basis. The attached survey list details each survey and how often it will be conducted. We will measure progress in service delivery by reviewing performance indicators generated from survey results. Conducting surveys on a less frequent basis will result in OPM losing touch with customer views on service.

7. Special Circumstances

This data collection is consistent with 5 CFR 1320.6.

  1. Consultations

We published our 60-Day Federal Register Notice on March 14, 2008, notifying the public that we intended to revise the Agency Generic Survey Plan. We received no comments from the public. We published our 30-Day Federal Register Notice on May 13, 2009.

  1. Payment to Respondents

No payment or gift is provided to respondents of voluntary customer surveys.

10. Confidentiality

Potential respondents of all voluntary customer surveys are told that their answers will be kept strictly confidential and will in no way affect their benefits or eligibility. Several surveys will provide each potential respondent with an assigned numerical identifier for the sole purpose of monitoring the return of the questionnaire, sending follow-up requests and preventing the possibility of double counting in the event the same respondent returns both the original and follow-up survey.

11. Sensitive Information

No sensitive information is being collected for any of the survey efforts.

12. Hour Burden of Collection

Web exit surveys, mailed questionnaires, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone solicitations and focus group participation will be requested from thousands of customers who experienced a recent transaction or contact with OPM. The total number of respondents and the time needed to complete each survey effort will vary as shown in the attached survey list. We estimate the respondents and burden hours per fiscal year as shown below:

FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011

Respondents 435,789 1,237,906 401,203

Burden hours 124,323 518,887 99,176

13. Annualized Cost to Respondents

There is no financial cost burden to respondents resulting from this collection of information. OPM provides prepaid postage envelopes for mail surveys and uses toll-free lines for telephone surveys.

14. Annualized Cost to Government

Some voluntary customer surveys will be conducted in-house, while others will be contracted out. The cost will be approximately $600,000 per year. OPM will ensure that the lowest cost collection and analysis methodology is chosen for each survey so long as this is consistent with the purpose and need of the collection.

15. Reasons for Program Changes/Adjustments

OPM has included all agency customer satisfaction surveys, including web exit surveys, focus group surveys, performance measurements and program services evaluations, with this request. Our original 1998 submission under this clearance number included only surveys for our Retirement and Insurance Service. This revised request includes 23 surveys to be used by various OPM offices.

The current 4,802,275 respondents shown in the OMB inventory for clearance number 3206-0236, is incorrect. The respondent burden hours requested in 1998 were 133,000 in the first year and 118,000 each for the second and third years. For the reporting years between 2001 to present, there are no records or trace of numbers or calculations to arrive at the current number shown for this control number so efforts were made to start a new accurate list to represent a truer burden for OPM.

The respondent numbers and hours reported for 3206-0236 are now adjusted after implementation of a data call to all OPM program offices that use or will use survey’s for information collection of customer satisfaction, performance measurement and program services evaluations. The attached list is our latest estimate of participation and validation in the data call. We estimated 2,074,892 respondents and 742,386 burden hours total for the next 3 years. The burden hours are reduced similarly and included in the revised 3206-0236 numbers below which are broken out by year.

The adjustments are shown below:

Currently in OMB Inventory


Burden Hours




Requested for OMB Inventory







- 2,727,383

+ 36,026

16. Tabulation, Statistical Analysis and Publication

The statistical analysis of these voluntary customer surveys will include simple frequency distributions for each question. Comparisons will be subjected to appropriate tests for validity and reliability. The findings and analysis of all surveys will be reported to OPM management, and possibly for some surveys, to the public, during FY 2009, 2010 and 2011.

17. Display of Expiration Date for OMB Approval

Voluntary customer surveys approved as a result of this Agency Generic Survey Clearance will display OMB's approval number in the Public Burden Statement and prominently at the beginning of each survey instrument. We request exemption from displaying expiration dates due to the quantity of surveys involved and the costly administrative burden in changing all dates.

18. Exceptions to Certification Statement

OPM is not seeking any exceptions to the certification statement identified in Item 19, Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions, OMB Form 83-I.

NOTE: OPM will submit any revised surveys and proposed surveys in the attached survey list to OMB as the survey instruments become available. OMB will review the survey instruments and notify OPM within two weeks of receipt if there is a question or issue to be resolved. OPM will begin administering the survey after two weeks if there is no notification from OMB, per the terms of OMB Memorandum M-93-14.

Survey List

A Table of Contents for the survey list is below. It is followed by a detailed survey list which is a comprehensive summary of our generic IC’s. If OPM substitutes or wants to add a new survey that falls under the umbrella of this generic clearance, OMB will be notified and will be provided a copy of the survey instrument, the number of expected respondents and burden hours involved if different from that included in this list. For the proposed survey instruments that are in development at the time of this submission (Clerical Central Register Applicant Survey and Website Customer Satisfaction Survey), but are included in the request list, we will submit an OMB Change Worksheet to reflect these changes when the survey instrument(s) are sent for approval. Our survey respondents may include current Federal employees (as defined in the Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines of 1995), Federal agencies, Federal benefit recipients, and the general public.

Survey No.

Survey Title

Survey Information

Customer Satisfaction Surveys


PMF Job Fair Survey

Purpose of survey:  To obtain post-event feedback from Job Fair participants.


How is information used and analyzed?  The information is used to determine program improvement priorities and is analyzed using survey analysis software.


Intended Audience?  Job Fair participants. 


One-time survey? If No how often?  Annually etc?  These surveys go out annually, after the Job Fair (which usually takes place in March or April of each year).


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? NO


At what point is the information collected?  Job Fair participants are sent the survey link within a week or so of the Job Fair ending.


Voluntary or mandatory?  Voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete: Approximately 5-10 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 20112009 – 399

2010 – 400

2011 - 400


Customer Satisfaction Survey (Agency contracted)

Purpose of survey?

The Customer Satisfaction is designed to help organizations measure dimensions of customer satisfaction. The survey was designed in response to Executive Order 12862, Setting Customer Service Standards, which requires Federal agencies to provide the highest quality service to the American people. The Customer Satisfaction Survey was referenced in the 1999 GAO report, Selected Approaches for Verification and Validation of Agency Performance Information, as a valid and reliable measure to meet requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

How is information used and analyzed?

Survey results are aggregated into groups of at least 10 respondents and then reports are produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. Summary executive-level briefings of the results are also prepared and the information is used for improvements to OPM services for customers.

Intended Audience? 

Respondents can be anyone who receives government-provided products or services.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

Most agencies administer the survey annually.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc: agencies partner with us when they want to collect customer feedback.

At what point is the information collected?

Survey is administered either periodically (e.g., once a year covering experiences with an agency over the prior 12 months) or at the point of service (e.g., when a customer receives a product or service).


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 8,000 ( remainder of respondents from previous ICR approval)

2010: 20,000

2011: 20,000


Website Customer Satisfaction Survey

Purpose of survey? To collect information to analyze the usefulness and effectiveness of the agency’s corporate website.


How is information used and analyzed? The information will be used

· To receive satisfaction or dissatisfaction input from OPM website users

· To obtain a larger sample of data than the focus groups

· To facilitate data collection and analysis of findings as to how visitors use the site and what visitor expectations are.

· To provide recommendations for updating and/or redesigning the OPM website



Intended Audience?  HR Practitioners and federal employees in search of OPM guidance.


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc.  We believe an annual survey is sufficient to assess user satisfaction trends


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?  NO


At what point is the information collected? Portal page exit


Voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary


Approximate time needed to complete: 5 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009  - 35000, 2010 -36000, and 2011 – 37000 (THESE NUMBERS BASED ON 2003 Responses)


Open Season Express Telephone (Integrated Voice Response) Survey

Purpose of survey?  OPM offers retirees the option of using an Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system during Open Season to change benefits and enroll in new ones. This survey asks questions before the individual hangs up the phone and gets feedback from customers on their experience using the OPM.GOV telephone services during open season.   


How is information used and analyzed?  To help improve the Open Season enrollment IVR system.


Intended Audience?  Federal retiree’s 


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc.  No, done annually Mid November to Mid December. 


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No


At what point is the information collected?  Information is collected after the customer has completed their open season task(s) before hanging up the phone. Users are prompted to take the survey.


Voluntary or mandatory?  Participation is voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete: 2 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011Approximately 25,123 +5% each year estimated


Open Season Online Survey

Purpose of survey?  To get feedback from customers on their experience using OPM.GOV during Open Season enrollment.   


How is information used and analyzed?  To help improve Open Season services and usability of the OPM website during Open Season.


Intended Audience?  Federal retiree’s 


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc.  No, done annually.  Mid November to Mid December


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No


At what point is the information collected?  Information is collected after the customer has completed their open season choices on exit.


Voluntary or mandatory?  Participation is voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete:   2 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011Approximately

13,315 + 5% added each year estimated


Rating Federal Retirement Program Website

Purpose of survey?

To gather feedback from users on what our customers think of our website.


How is information used and analyzed?

This information can be used to generate managerial reports that will depict trends in our customer’s transactions.


Intended Audience? 

Any one interested in retirement information and services provided by OPM.


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

Users can take the survey at any time.


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No.


At what point is the information collected?

The survey is accessible from the Tools submenu bar from the main retirement site.


Voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete: 2 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2900 for each year


Services Online

Purpose of survey?

To gather feedback from users on what our customers think of our website.


How is information used and analyzed?

This information can be used to generate managerial reports that will depict trends in our customer’s transactions.


Intended Audience? 

Anyone with a valid claim number and SOL PIN; our demographic is federal retirees or survivors.


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

Users can take the survey after any Services Online session.


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No.


At what point is the information collected?

In order to leave Services Online, the user clicks the exit button on the Services Online Main Menu. The survey is displayed after the customer clicks the exit button but before the customer leaves the web site.


Voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete: 2 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

We had 90,195 respondents for CY 2008, we estimate that we will have at least this many respondents for CY 2009, 2010 and 2011.


Final Users Customer Satisfaction Survey (NPPTL)

Purpose of survey?

The Customer Satisfaction is designed to help NIOSH measure dimensions of customer satisfaction. The survey was designed in response to Executive Order 12862, Setting Customer Service Standards, which requires Federal agencies to provide the highest quality service to the American people. The Customer Satisfaction Survey was referenced in the 1999 GAO report, Selected Approaches for Verification and Validation of Agency Performance Information, as a valid and reliable measure to meet requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

How is information used and analyzed?

Survey results are aggregated into groups of at least 10 respondents and then reports are produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. Summary executive-level briefings of the results are also prepared and the information is used for improvements to services for customers.

Intended Audience? 

Users of protective gear.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

Every two years.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc: NIOSH partners with us when they want to collect customer feedback.

At what point is the information collected?

One point during the year


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 0

2010: 400

2011: 0


Final Manufacturers Customer Satisfaction Survey (NPPTL)

Purpose of survey?

The Customer Satisfaction is designed to help NIOSH measure dimensions of customer satisfaction. The survey was designed in response to Executive Order 12862, Setting Customer Service Standards, which requires Federal agencies to provide the highest quality service to the American people. The Customer Satisfaction Survey was referenced in the 1999 GAO report, Selected Approaches for Verification and Validation of Agency Performance Information, as a valid and reliable measure to meet requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

How is information used and analyzed?

Survey results are aggregated into groups of at least 10 respondents and then reports are produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. Summary executive-level briefings of the results are also prepared and the information is used for improvements to services for customers.

Intended Audience? 

Manufactures of protective gear.

One-time survey?  NO.  Once Every two years.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc: NIOSH partners with us when they want to collect customer feedback.

At what point is the information collected?

One point during the year


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 0

2010: 100

2011: 0


Insurance website customer satisfaction core survey

Purpose of survey:

This survey is used to measure our viewer satisfaction with various parts of the /insure directory on the website. The data retrieved from the survey will be used to revamp the necessary areas of the /insure subsite.

How is information used and analyzed?

This survey will be given to 20% of the visitors to the site. Once all data is collected, we will take the number of respondents per statistic, then divide that number by the total number of respondents for the given measure. We will then see what areas of our site will need to be revamped. Once this is done, we will reach out to the various surveyed groups and conduct focus groups. If necessary, with the data and in conjunction with the various groups, we will then have the necessary information to ask the focus groups more specific questions to facilitate a better website and user experience.

Intended Audience? 

Federal employees, retirees and annuitants

One-time survey?  Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

One-time survey.

At what point is the information collected?

The survey will be given to viewers during their use of our site for the Open Season period. Open Season begins on the Monday of the 2nd full week of November. The data will be collected at the end of every Federal Benefits Open Season. This will occur on the Monday of the 2nd full week in December.


Voluntary or mandatory?



Approximate time needed to complete: ## minutes/hours

Approx. 1 to 3 minutes to complete


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009- 5000

2010- 5000

2011- 5000


DFAS Retiree-Annuitant Customer Satisfaction Survey

Purpose of survey?

The Customer Satisfaction is designed to help the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) measure dimensions of customer satisfaction. The survey was designed in response to Executive Order 12862, Setting Customer Service Standards, which requires Federal agencies to provide the highest quality service to the American people. The Customer Satisfaction Survey was referenced in the 1999 GAO report, Selected Approaches for Verification and Validation of Agency Performance Information, as a valid and reliable measure to meet requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

How is information used and analyzed?

Survey results are aggregated into groups of at least 10 respondents and then reports are produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. Summary executive-level briefings of the results are also prepared. The reports and briefings are used to identify areas of strength and challenge and the information is used for improvements to DFAS services for customers.

Intended Audience? 

Retirees and annuitants of the military.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc: DFAS partners with us when they want to collect customer feedback.

At what point is the information collected?

One point during the year


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 3000

2010: 3000

2011: 3000


TSA Applicants Customer Satisfaction Survey

Purpose of survey?

The survey has two purposes: (1) evaluate the performance of TSA’s HR service provider; (2) provide diagnostic information to TSA and the HR service provider about the quality of application processes, procedures and systems.

How is information used and analyzed?

The results are used to (1) evaluate the performance of TSA’s HR service provider and (2) provide diagnostic information to TSA and the HR service provider about the quality of application processes, procedures and systems. The results of this survey will be combined with the results of other surveys to determine a final evaluative score for the HR service provider. Overall scores for two broad areas of service will be calculated by (1) calculating an area score for applicants in each of four job categories, based on the n-weighted (i.e., valid responses) average of item scores, and (2) calculating the overall area score as the n-weighted (i.e., size of job category) average of the scores produced in the previous step. For the diagnostic information, results will be aggregated into groups of at least 10 respondents and then reports will be produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. The results will also be presented in a summary executive-level briefing and the information is used for improvements to TSA services for customers.

Intended Audience? 

Respondents are applicants for positions with TSA who have passed the determination of minimum qualifications. Respondents may be current TSA employees, employees in other Federal agencies, or from outside the Federal government.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

The survey is administered on an individual basis, only one time, when an employee passes the stage of minimum qualifications.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc

At what point is the information collected?

The survey is administered on an on-going basis as employees reach the stage of being minimally qualified.


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 0

2010: 10,000

2011: 10,000

Performance Measurement Surveys


Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS).

Purpose of survey? The purpose of the survey is to measure employees’ perceptions regarding critical areas of their work life, areas which drive employee satisfaction, commitment, and ultimately retention in the workforce. OPM/SHRP administers the Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS) governmentwide every two years.  That administration only goes to full-time permanent federal employees.  In addition, OPM/HRPS administers the FHCS for federal agencies on a reimbursable basis and those administrations are not limited to full-time permanent employees.  The idea of including FHCS in the generic clearance was to also allow OPM/HRPS to administer the survey even if they were including non federal employees, e.g., contractors.


How is information used and analyzed? Every two years OPM conducts the survey, compiles and summarizes Governmentwide results and results for each agency, posts summary results on the OPM public website and distributes detailed results to agencies. Agencies are expected to further analyze results and develop and implement actions to improve the organization.


Intended Audience? Full-time, permanent employees in executive agencies.  


One-time survey?   If not, how often?  Annually etc.  OPM conducts the FHCS in the Summer/Fall every two years (last administered in 2008).


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No


At what point is the information collected? In 2008 the survey was administered in August/September but in future years it is intended to be a Fall administration.


Voluntary or mandatory? Completion of the survey is voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete: Approximately 25 – 30 minutes.


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011. In 2010 OPM anticipates administration of the Governmentwide FHCS to approximately 440,000 with about a 50% response rate and in 2009 and 2011 there will be no Governmentwide FHCS.

The Products and Services Division of OPM administers the FHCS for agencies through reimbursable agreements. Their estimate of FHCS administrations is 75,000 for 2009 and 2011 and 13,000 for 2010.


Client Satisfaction Survey for Federal Annuitants

Purpose of survey:

Measures Federal annuitant and survivor annuitant satisfaction with the services provided by CRIS Retirement Services Programs (RSP). This includes the annuitant retirement claims process and the customer service provided throughout an annuitants.

How is information used and analyzed?

Based on RSP workload data (retirement claims processing times, phone call handling rates, etc.), the survey results allow RSP managers to know if services are useful or need improvement

Intended Audience? 

Federal Annuitants.

One-time survey?  

This is an annual mailed survey. 

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No

It is not adhoc. The same survey questionnaire is used every year.  

At what point is the information collected?

The survey is mailed in early June. 

Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 25 minutes average. 

Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

Every year we receive about 350 responses


Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) – Adults

Purpose of survey: To evaluate members’ satisfaction with their health plan


How is information used and analyzed? We have a contractor who gathers the data from the health plan survey vendors and does the analyses. They calculate average satisfaction scores for the following measures:

  • Overall plan satisfaction

  • Getting needed care

  • Getting care quickly

  • How well doctors communicate

  • Customer Service

  • Claims Processing

  • Plan information on costs

Intended Audience?  Federal employees and retirees


One-time survey?  No.  This is an annual survey.


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No.


At what point is the information collected? After applying for benefits and being in program one year. Survey is sent out in March and April


Voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary


Approximate time needed to complete: An average of 20 minutes for a respondent to complete the survey


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009 – 70,000

2010 – 70,000

2011 – 70,000


Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) – Child Survey

Purpose of survey: To evaluate members’ satisfaction with their health plan

How is information used and analyzed? We would look at the survey internally. We would not publish the results to the public.

Intended Audience?  OPM

One-time survey?  If NO, how often?  Annually? etc…  This is an annual survey. We do not require the CAHPS child survey. If health plans administer it for their other lines of business then we request that they send us the results.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?  No.

At what point is the information collected? Respondents must be enrolled in the plan at least one year.

Voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary

Approximate time needed to complete: An average of 20 minutes for a respondent to complete the survey

Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009 – 200

2010 – 200

2011 – 200


OPM Leadership 360

Purpose of survey?

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) developed the OPM Leadership 360™ to provide feedback to Federal supervisors, managers and executives on the 28 OPM leadership competencies that comprise the Governmentwide Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs). The purpose of the assessment is to help Federal managers identify their leadership strengths and developmental needs.

How is information used and analyzed?

The results are used primarily by the individual assessed. Agencies find an aggregate report of the results useful for assessing broad areas of leadership strengths and challenges. The feedback—both individual and aggregate—displays the results for the 28 Competencies in the OPM leadership model and for each item. At least three peer and subordinate ratings are needed to see results for those groups; only one self and supervisor rating is needed. In many cases, participants are provided with individual leadership coaching. In other cases, participants receive instructions during a group feedback session.

Intended Audience? 

The primary audience is Federal supervisors, managers, executives, team leaders, and management candidates, although agencies may request to administer the survey to contract employees. In addition, although the participant may be a Federal employee, he or she may request that a non-government peer or former coworker complete the assessment.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

The survey is generally one-time, although many people will complete it at multiple times throughout their career (e.g., as part of agency-wide administrations, as part of various courses at the Management Development Centers).

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc

At what point is the information collected?

The survey is administered when agencies request it or when Management Development Centers begin a course.


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 100

2010: 100

2011: 100

Program Service Evaluation Surveys


Annual Employee Survey (AES)

Purpose of survey? The survey was developed to fulfill the requirement for executive agencies to conduct an annual survey of their employees to assess employee satisfaction as well as leadership and management practices that contribute to agency performance. The requirement was specified in Section 1128 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Pub.L.108-136, 5 U.S.C. 7101 note). The AES is generally administered only to Federal workers but, like the FHCS, OPM/HRPS may also administer it to non federal employees if an agency wanted to survey them.


How is information used and analyzed? Agencies are expected to further analyze the results and develop and implement actions to improve the organization. As part of the requirement, they must post results on the agency website available to the general public.


Intended Audience? Employees in executive agencies. The agency can restrict the survey to full-time permanent employees (the audience for the Federal Human Capital Survey - FHCS) or they can include other groups of employees, at the discretion of the agency.  


One-time survey?   If not, how often?  Annually etc.  Agencies must conduct the survey annually. In the even numbered years when OPM conducts the FHCS, the mandated AES questions are included, so individual agencies don’t have to administer or score the survey, but agencies still must post their results on a website available to the public.


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No


At what point is the information collected? Agencies may administer the survey anytime in the calendar year.


Voluntary or mandatory? Completion of the survey is voluntary.


Approximate time needed to complete: Approximately 15 – 20 minutes.


Number of estimated respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011. In 2010 the AES requirement is fulfilled for the vast majority of executive agencies through the Governmentwide administration of the Federal Human Capital Survey. The number surveyed would be approximately 440,000 with about a 50% response rate. In 2009 and 2011 there will be no Governmentwide FHCS but our estimate for all agencies administering their own AES, would be about the same number as the FHCS – 440,000.

The Products and Services Division of OPM administers the AES for agencies through reimbursable agreements. Their estimate of AES administrations is 105,000 for 2009 and 2011 and 2,500 for 2010.


Organizational Assessment Survey (OAS)

Purpose of survey?

The Organizational Assessment Survey (OAS) provides agencies with a standardized tool for assessing organizational culture/climate processes and employee satisfaction. The survey is based on a comprehensive literature review and assesses those dimensions that organizational theory, research, and practice indicate are related to organizational effectiveness. The OAS can help agencies maximize outcomes, such as employee retention and customer satisfaction by acting on the results and implementing improvements.

How is information used and analyzed?

Survey results are aggregated into groups of at least 10 respondents and then reports are produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. Summary executive-level briefings of the results are also prepared. The reports and briefings are used to identify areas of strength and challenges and help agencies maximize outcomes, such as employee retention and customer satisfaction by acting on the results and implementing improvements.

Intended Audience? 

Agency employees, including contractors.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

Most agencies administer the survey annually.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc: Agencies partner with us when they want to collect employee feedback.

At what point is the information collected?

Various times throughout the year.


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: ## minutes/hours

15 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 1,000

2010: 1,000

2011: 1,000


OPM Employee Exit Survey

Purpose of survey?

The Exit Survey provides organizations with valid and reliable feedback on the key determinants of turnover, information on who chooses to leave, and suggestions for how organizations can best manage their turnover to retain critical personnel. The Exit Survey categorizes separations by type, captures the main motivation for separation, diagnoses the organization’s strengths and challenges, and solicits suggestions for changes an organization should make. The results can be broken out by relevant demographics, so that change management can be targeted to critical occupations, positions, and personnel.

How is information used and analyzed?

Exit Survey results are aggregated into groups of at least five former employees and then reports are produced. The reports show the percentage of respondents who selected each response option, the number who responded to an item, and, for Like-type items, means and standard deviations. Summary executive-level briefings of the results are also prepared. The reports and briefings are used to identify areas of strength and challenge so that change management can be targeted to critical occupations, positions, and personnel.

Intended Audience? 

Respondents are government employees who have recently left their job.

One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

The survey is administered on an individual basis, only one time when an employee exits.

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

Ad hoc: agencies partner with us when they want to collect feedback from exiting employees.

At what point is the information collected?

Collection time varies according to agency needs and exit procedures. The time may range from before an employee finally exits to several weeks after they exit.


Voluntary or mandatory?


Approximate time needed to complete: 10 minutes


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009: 100

2010: 200

2011: 500


Personnel Assessment and Selection Resource Center Feedback Survey

Purpose of survey?

The purpose of the survey is to obtain user feedback on our web pages.


How is information used and analyzed?

We use the information to determine if we are providing useful information, and how we might be able to improve the website. 

Intended Audience? 

Federal HR Specialists, Research Psychologists, and Managers.


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

It is a static survey that is available all the time on our website (

Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?



At what point is the information collected?

We are able to access the information as needed.


Voluntary or mandatory?



Approximate time needed to complete: 1 minute


Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

20 – 50 per year


Clerical Central Register Applicant Survey (UNDER DEVELOPMENT for release date Aug 2009)

Purpose of survey?

To obtain feedback from job applicants who apply for positions under our pilot program for filling clerical/secretarial positions.


How is information used and analyzed?

The information will be analyzed and summarized in our final project report.


Intended Audience? 

Federal job applicants for selected clerical/secretarial positions.


One-time survey?   If No how often?  Annually etc. 

A one time survey to be used with two specific vacancy announcements (target date – August 2009).


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form?

No. This is a new survey. 

At what point is the information collected?

After the applicant completes the online application process, he/she will be invited to complete the survey.


Voluntary or mandatory?



Approximate time needed to complete: 5 minutes. 

Number of estimated Respondents for 2009, 2010, and 2011

2009 – 1,000

2010 – none

2011 - none


Organizational Branding Assessment

Purpose of survey? To evaluate the effectiveness of existing branding programs and create new branding and marketing campaigns


How is information used and analyzed? To assess awareness of, and opinions about, existing corporate and employment brands in order to create new recruitment, branding and marketing campaigns for public agencies.  Quantitative and qualitative data will be compiled and presented in a narrative, creative briefing for agency clients.  Participants remain anonymous.


Intended Audience?  College students, early- and mid-career professionals, experienced professionals


One-time survey?  No


Is this “adhoc” and tied to an already existing form? No


At what point is the information collected? During the research and discovery phase (first phase) of the branding cycle


Voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary


Approximate time needed to complete: 40 minutes


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorPreferred Customer
Last Modified ByMEWindsor
File Modified2009-05-28
File Created2009-04-10

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