Form 1 generation Health Study Survey

NEXT Generation Health Study - NICHD

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OMB: 0925-0610

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Generation Health Study Survey
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 35 minutes per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974,
ATTN: PRA (####-####). Do not return the completed form to this address.

This survey asks about your health. You were selected to participate in an ongoing study of health in U.S. adolescents and
young adults. The information you give will be used to improve the health of students like you.
This survey is confidential; what you say on this survey will not be revealed to anyone else. DO NOT write your name
anywhere on this survey booklet. You will be identified by a special ID number. Your answers will be read by computer.
Answer the questions based on what you really do, think, and feel. Completing the survey is voluntary and you should
have indicated your interest in participating in this study by signing a consent form. If you DID NOT SIGN a consent form,
please return the form without completing it.
Make sure you read every question. You do not have to answer any question that makes you feel uncomfortable. When
you are finished, follow the instructions of the person giving you the survey.

Instructions for Completing the Survey

Read all the printed answers before marking your choice.
Mark the circle for the one answer that best fits your situation.
Use a No. 2 pencil.
Make heavy marks that fill the circle for your answer.
Erase cleanly any answer you wish to change.
Please do not make stray marks of any kind.
For all the questions, except questions 11, 12, 13, 34, 56, 57 and 69 you should mark only one
circle for your answer in the column below the question, as shown here:
EXAMPLE:	 Are you a boy or a girl?
	Boy
	Girl

	 Sometimes you will be asked to select one choice for each statement. For these questions,
	 make sure to “Mark one circle on each line” as shown here:
Example:	How often do you do each of the following: (Mark one circle on each line)
		Often	Sometimes	Never
a.	 Swim	
b.	 Bowl	
c.	 Play Tennis	

4.	 About how many hours a day do you usually
use a DVD player or watch television (including
videos and DVDs) in your free time? (Please mark
one circle for weekdays and one circle for weekend)

1.	 About how many hours a day do you usually
play games on a computer or games console
(Playstation, Xbox, GameCube etc.) in your free
time? (Please mark one circle for weekdays and one
circle for weekend)

	None at all	
	None at all
	About half an hour 	
	About half an hour
	 a day		 a day
	About 1 hour a day	
	About 1 hour a day
	About 2 hours a day	
	About 2 hours a day
	About 3 hours a day	
	About 3 hours a day
	About 4 hours a day	
	About 4 hours a day
	About 5 hours a day	
	About 5 hours a day
	About 6 hours a day	
	About 6 hours a day
	About 7 or more	
	About 7 or more	
	 hours a day		 hours a day

	None at all	
	None at all
	About half an hour 	
	About half an hour
	 a day		 a day
	About 1 hour a day	
	About 1 hour a day
	About 2 hours a day	
	About 2 hours a day
	About 3 hours a day	
	About 3 hours a day
	About 4 hours a day	
	About 4 hours a day
	About 5 hours a day	
	About 5 hours a day
	About 6 hours a day	
	About 6 hours a day
	About 7 or more	
	About 7 or more	
	 hours a day		 hours a day
2.	 Do you have a computer, games console, or
television in the room where you sleep?
	  No	
 Yes

Different people have different reasons for deciding
how much time they spend doing things. We want
to know how true each of these reasons is for you.

3.	 About how many hours a day do you usually
use a computer or cell phone for chatting
on-line, internet, emailing, tweeting or for
something similar (other than school work)
during your free time? (Please mark one circle for
weekdays and one circle for weekend)

5.	The amount of free time I spend watching TV
and videos, playing video games, and using
computers is because: (Please mark one circle for
each line on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means Not
at all True and 7 means Very True.)

	None at all	
	None at all
	About half an hour 	 	About half an hour
	 a day		 a day
	About 1 hour a day	
	About 1 hour a day
	About 2 hours a day	 	About 2 hours a day
	About 3 hours a day	 	About 3 hours a day
	About 4 hours a day	 	About 4 hours a day
	About 5 hours a day	 	About 5 hours a day
	About 6 hours a day	 	About 6 hours a day
	About 7 or more	
	About 7 or more	
	 hours a day		 hours a day

Not at
all true

a.	 It is a choice I 
	 really want to
	 make for myself
b.	 I enjoy it
c.	 It is something 	 
	 my friends
	 approve of
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
	 to do it	
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to 	
f.	 I have the 	
	 or it is part of 	
	 how my day is 	








     
     
     
     
     
     

6.	How many computers does your family own?
	None 	 	Two
	One	 	More than two
7.	 Do you have your own bedroom for
	No	
	Yes

Please write how many brothers and sisters live here
(including half, step or foster brothers and sisters).

8.	 Does your family own a car, van or truck?
	No
	Yes, one
	Yes, two or more

Please write in the number or write 0 (zero) if there
are none.
How many	
brothers? __________	

9.	 During the past 12 months, how many times did
you travel away on vacation with your family?
	Not at all
	Once
	Twice
	More than twice

How many
sisters? ___________

13.	Do you have another home or another family,
such as the case when your parents are
separated or divorced?
	Yes
How often do you stay there?
	Half the time
	Regularly but less than half the time
	At weekends
	Sometimes
	Hardly ever

10.	What do you consider your ethnicity to be?
	Hispanic or Latino	  Not Hispanic or Latino
11.	What do you consider your race to be? (Mark all
that apply)
	Black or African American
	White
	Asian
	American Indian or Alaska Native
	Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Please mark all the people who live there:
	Mother		
	Father
	Stepmother (or father's girlfriend)
	Stepfather (or mother's boyfriend)
	Grandmother
	Grandfather
	I live in a foster home or children's home
	Someone or somewhere else: please write
	 down their relationship to you

All families are different (for example, not everyone
lives with both their parents, sometimes people live
with just one parent, or they have two homes or
live with two families) and we would like to know
about yours.

12.	Please answer this question for the home
where you live all or most of the time and mark
all the people who live there.
	Mother		
	Father
	Stepmother (or father's girlfriend)
	Stepfather (or mother's boyfriend)
	Grandmother
	Grandfather
	I live in a foster home or children's home
	Someone or somewhere else: please write
	 down their relationship to you

Please write how many brothers and sisters live here
(including half, step or foster brothers and sisters).
Please write in the number or write 0 (zero) if there
are none.

How many	
brothers? __________	


How many
sisters? ___________

14.	Do you think your body is…?
	Much too thin		
	A bit too thin
	About the right size
	A bit too fat
	Much too fat

Vigorous physical activity is any activity that
increases your heart rate and makes you get out of
breath some of the time.
For the next two questions, add up all the time you
spent in vigorous physical activity each day.

Physical activity can be done in sports, school
activities, playing with friends, or walking to school.
Some examples of physical activity are running,
brisk walking, rollerblading, biking, dancing,
skateboarding, swimming, soccer, basketball,
football, & surfing.

16.	How OFTEN do you usually engage in vigorous
physical activity so much that you get out of
breath or sweat?
	Every day		
	4 to 6 times a week
	2 to 3 times a week
	Once a week
	Once a month
	Less than once a month
	Never

For this next question, add up all the time you
spent in physical activity each day.
15.	Over the past 7 days, on how many days were
you physically active for a total of at least 60
minutes per day?
	0 days	
	4 days
	1 day	
	5 days
	2 days	
	6 days
	3 days	
	7 days

17.	How many HOURS a week do you usually
engage in vigorous physical activity so much
that you get out of breath or sweat?
	None
	About half an hour
	About 1 hour
	About 2 to 3 hours
	About 4 to 6 hours
	7 hours or more
18.	Think about the last seven days. How often did
you do each of these when making plans for
vigorous physical activity? (Please mark one circle
for each line)

Very often
Not at all

a.	 I planned when to exercise	
b.	 I planned how often to exercise	
c.	 I planned where to exercise	


23. On a typical day is the MAIN part of your journey
FROM school made by…? (Please mark one circle only)
	Walking
	Bicycle
	Bus, train, subway, metro, streetcar, or boat
	Car, motorcycle, moped or motorized scooter
	Other means

19. In the past week, how many times did you
take a walk outside including walking the
dog and walks for exercise? (Please write in the
number of times)

 Don’t know



And in the past week, how much total time did
you spend walking? Please write in the number. For
example, if you walked for a total of 1 hour and 45
minutes in the past week you would enter:


 Don’t know

Different people have different reasons for deciding
whether or not to do things. We want to know how
true each of these reasons is for you.

24.	When I am physically active for at least one
hour it is because: (Please mark one circle for each
line on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means Not at all
True and 7 means Very True.)

20. In the past week, how many times did you
ride a bicycle outside including bicycling for
exercise? (Please write in the number of times)


Not at
all true

BIKE RIDES _______
 Don’t know


And in the past week, how much total time did
you spend biking? Please write in the number. For
example, if you biked for a total of 1 hour and 45
minutes in the past week you would enter:


 Don’t know


a.	 It is a choice I 
	 really want to
	 make for myself
b.	 I enjoy it
c.	 My parents, 	 
	 other family
	 members, or 	
	 friends tell me 	
	 to do it
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
	 to do it	
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to 	
f.	 I am required 	 
	 to do it


21. How long does it usually take you to travel to
school from your home? (Please mark one circle only)
	Less than 5 minutes
5-15 minutes
	15-30 minutes
30 minutes to 1 hour
More than 1 hour
22. On a typical day is the MAIN part of your journey
TO school made by…? (Please mark one circle only)
	Walking
	Bicycle
	Bus, train, subway, metro, streetcar, or boat
	Car, motorcycle, moped, or motorized scooter
	Other means







     
     
     

     
     
     

25.	On days that you go to school, work, or similar
activities, what time do you usually wake up?
	 _____hour, ______minute, AM / PM
	On those days, what time do you usually go to
sleep the night or day before?
	 _____hour, ______minute, AM / PM


26.	On days that you don’t have to get up at a
certain time, what time do you usually wake up?

This question asks about food you ate or drank
during the past 7 days. Think about all the meals
and snacks you had from the time you got up until
you went to bed. Be sure to include food you ate at
home, at school, at restaurants, or anywhere else.

	 _____hour, ______minute, AM / PM
	On those days, what time do you usually go to
sleep the night or day before?
	 _____hour, ______minute, AM / PM
27.	Over the past four weeks:


30.	During the past 7 days, how many times did
you...? (Please mark one circle for each line)

How often did you have trouble falling asleep?
(Please mark one circle only)
	Never in the past 4 weeks
Less than once a week
1 or 2 times a week
3 or 4 times a week
5 or more times a week


How often did you have trouble staying asleep
through the night? For example, you woke up
several times at night or woke up earlier than
you planned to? (Please mark one circle only)
	Never in the past 4 weeks
Less than once a week
1 or 2 times a week
3 or 4 times a week
5 or more times a week

4 or more times per day
3 times per day
2 times per day
1 time per day
4 to 6 times
1 to 3 times

a.	 Drink 100% fruit juices such 	
	 as orange juice, apple juice, or 	
	 grape juice? (Do not count 	
	 punch, Kool-Aid, sports drinks, 	
	 or other fruit-flavored drinks.)
b. Eat fruit? (Do not count fruit 	

28.	Based on what you have noticed or what others
have told you, are there times when you snore
or you stop breathing during your sleep?
	Yes 	
	No	

c.	 Eat green salad?

29.	How often do you usually have breakfast (more
than a glass of milk or fruit juice)? (Please mark
one circle for weekdays and one circle for weekend)

e.	 Eat carrots?

d.	 Eat potatoes? (Do not count 	
	 french fries, fried potatoes, or 	
	 potato chips.)
f.	 Eat other vegetables? (Do not 	
	 count green salad, potatoes, or 	

	I never have	
	I never have breakfast
	 breakfast during		 during the weekend
	I usually have breakfast
	One day	
	 on only one day of the
	Two days		 weekend (Saturday OR
	Three days	
	Four days	
	I usually have breakfast
	Five days			on both weekend days 		
		 (Saturday AND Sunday)

g.	 Drink a can, bottle, or glass of 	
	 soda or pop, such as Coke, 	
	 Pepsi, or Sprite? (Do not
	 include diet soda or diet pop.)
h.	 Drink a glass of milk? (Include 	
	 the milk you drank in a glass or
	 cup, from a carton, or with 	
	 cereal. Count the half pint of 	
	 milk served at school as equal 	
	 to one glass.)


33.	Where do you usually eat your mid-day meal on
	At school
	At home
	At someone else’s home
	In a snack-bar, fast food restaurant, café
Somewhere else: (Please write down where)
I never eat a mid-day meal

Different people have different reasons for deciding
whether or not to do things. We want to know how
true each of these reasons is for you.
31.	I eat the way I do most days because: (Please
mark one circle for each line on a scale from 1 to 7 where
1 means Not at all True and 7 means Very True.)
Not at
all true

a.	 It is a choice I 
	 really want to
	 make for myself
b.	 It makes me 	 
	 feel good
c.	 It is influenced 	 
	 by whether
	 other people 	
	 would be mad 	
	 at me
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to 	
f.	 It is what is 	
	 easily available
	 to eat






34.	Where do you usually eat your hot meal on
schooldays? (If you eat 2 hot meals a day, you may
mark 2 circles)
	At school
	At home
	At someone else’s home
	In a snack-bar, fast food restaurant, café
Somewhere else: (Please write down where)
I never eat a hot meal


     
     
     

35.	How often do you eat a snack while you...?

     


     
     

a.	 Watch TV (including videos and 		
b.	 Work or play on a computer or 		
	 games console?

32.	(Please mark one circle for each line)

Every day
5-6 days a week
3-4 days a week
1-2 days a week
Less than once a week

Every day
5-6 days a week
3-4 days a week
1-2 days a week
Less than once a week

36.	How often do you eat in a fast food restaurant
(for example, McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco
	Never
	Rarely (less than once a month)
	Once a month
	2-3 times a month
	Once a week
	2-4 days a week
	5 or more days a week

a.	 How often do you have breakfast 	
	 together with your mother (or 		
	 stepmother) or father
	 (or stepfather)?
b.	 How often do you have an
	 evening meal together with your 	
	 mother (or stepmother) or father 	
	 (or stepfather)?

37.	When did you last weigh yourself?
	Within the last week
	Within the last month
	Within the last 6 months
	More than 6 months ago

c.	 How often do you watch
	 television during a meal at home?
d.	 How often do you have a meal 		
	 with friends outside of school?

38.	When did you last measure your height?
	Within the last week
	Within the last month
	Within the last 6 months
	More than 6 months ago

41.	At present, are you on a diet or doing
something else to lose weight?
	No, my weight is fine
	No, but I should lose some weight
	No, because I need to put on weight
	Yes

39.	How much do you weigh without clothes? (In
	 If you don’t know how much you weigh (within
a few pounds), mark this circle 



	0
	1
	2
	3

	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7
	8
	9

	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7
	8
	9

	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7
	8
	9

	0
	1
	2
	3

42.	Would you say your health is...? (Please mark
one circle)
	Excellent	
	Fair
	Good	
	Poor
43.	How often do you brush your teeth?
	More than once a day
Once a day
At least once a week but not daily
Less than once a week

	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7
	8
	9

44.	In the last 6 months: how often have you had the
following…? (Please mark one circle for each line)

40.	How tall are you without shoes?
If you don’t know how tall you are (within an
inch or two), mark this circle 

a.	 Headache	
b.	 Stomach-ache	
c.	 Back ache	
d.	 Feeling low	
e.	 Irritability or bad temper	
f.	 Feeling nervous	
g.	 Difficulties in getting to sleep	
h.	 Feeling dizzy	







	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7

	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7
	8
	9
	10
	11



	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7

	0
	1
	2
	3
	4
	5
	6
	7
	8
	9
	10
	11

Rarely or never
About every month
About every week
More than once a week
About every day

45.	During the last month have you taken any
medicine or tablets for the following?
			Yes,	Yes, more
No	 once	 than once
a.	 Headache	
b.	 Stomach-ache	
c.	 Difficulties in
		 getting to sleep	
d.	 Nervousness
e.	 Something else

If yes, what?____________________________


46.	Do you have a long-term illness, disability,
or medical condition (like diabetes, arthritis,
asthma, allergy, ADHD or cerebral palsy) that
has been diagnosed by a doctor?
	Yes. If yes, please write what they are.

50.	How easy is it for you to talk to the following
persons about things that really bother you?
(Please mark one circle for each line)

	No
47.	Do you take medicine for your long-term illness,
disability or medical condition?
	I do not have a long-term illness, disability or
	 medical condition
If yes, please write what it is:___________________

a.	 Father	
b.	 Stepfather (or mother’s boyfriend)	
c.	 Mother	
d.	 Stepmother (or father’s girlfriend)	
e.	 Brother(s) or sister(s)	
51.	How much does your mother (or female
guardian) really know about…? (Please mark one
circle for each line)

48.	Does your long-term illness, disability or
medical condition affect your attendance and
participation at school?
	I do not have a long-term illness, disability or
	 medical condition


Don’t have/see mother/guardian
She doesn’t know anything
She knows a little
She knows a lot

a.	 Who your friends are	
b.	 How you spend your money	
c.	 Where you are after school	
d.	 Where you go at night	
e.	 What you do with your free time	

49.	Think about how you have been feeling over the
last 30 days. How often...? (Please mark one circle
for each line)

Don’t have or see this person
Very difficult
Very easy



52.	How much does your father (or male guardian)
really know about…? (Please mark one circle for
each line)
Don’t have/see father/guardian
He doesn’t know anything
He knows a little
He knows a lot

a.	 Were you very sad?	
b.	 Were you grouchy or irritable, or in 	
	 a bad mood?
c.	 Did you feel hopeless about the 	
d.	 Did you feel like not eating or
	 eating more than usual?
e.	 Did you sleep a lot more or a lot less 	
	 than usual?
f.	 Did you have difficulty
	 concentrating on your school work?

a.	 Who your friends are	
b.	 How you spend your money	
c.	 Where you are after school	
d.	 Where you go at night	
e.	 What you do with your free time	


53.	How often do your parents/guardians encourage
you to…… (Please mark one circle for each line on a
scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means Rarely/never and
7 means Frequently.)

a.	 Get daily 	
	 activity and/or 	
b.	 Eat a healthful 	 
	 diet (including 	
	 fruits & vege	 tables, and 	
	 limiting junk 	
	 food, sweets & 	
	 fatty foods)?
c.	 Limit your time 	 
	 watching TV 	
	 and videos, 	
	 playing video 	
	 games, or using 	
	 the computer?
d.	 Not use
e.	 Not smoke 	
f.	 Not use
g.	 Not physically 	 
	 hurt or threat	 en to hurt a
h. 	Not swear at, 	 
	 insult, call
	 names, and/or
	 treat disrespect	 fully a roman-	
	 tic partner




54.	How important is it to your parents/guardians
that you … (Please mark one circle for each line on
a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means Not at all and 7
means Extremely.)



Not at all


a.	 Get daily 	
	 activity and/or 	
b.	 Eat a healthful 	 
	 diet (including 	
	 fruits & vege	 tables, and 	
	 limiting junk 	
	 food, sweets & 	
	 fatty foods)?
c.	 Limit your time 	 
	 watching TV 	
	 and videos, 	
	 playing video 	
	 games, or using 	
	 the computer?
d.	 Not use
e.	 Not smoke 	
f.	 Not use
g.	 Not physically 	 
	 hurt or threat	 en to hurt a
h. 	Not swear at, 	 
	 insult, call
	 names, and/or
	 treat disrespect	 fully a roman-	
	 tic partner

     

     

     

     
     
     
     

     







     

     

     

     
     
     
     

     

55.	Your group of friends is well accepted by your
	Almost always
Never, almost never
They haven’t met your group of friends


56.	Continued...
Please re-enter the same names and grades:

56.	Think of your closest male friends. List up to
five of your closest male friends. List your best
male friend first, then your next best friend,
and so on. Include boys who are friends and


	 Their initial, first
	 name or nick name
	 What grade are
	 they in?
	 Please mark the circle
	 under the name if:
	 a.	 You went to his 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days when a 	
	 parent was present.

Their initial, first
name or nick name

What grade are
they in?


Please mark the circle
under the name if:

k. 	You are linked 	
	 through his online 	
	 network profile 	
	 (‘friend’ on Face-	
	 book, ‘follower’ on 	
l. 	 You exercised or 	
	 played sports with 	
	 him in the last seven 	

b. 	You went to his 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days without 	
	 a parent present.

m.	You ate a meal with 	
	 him in the last 	
	 seven days.

c. 	He came to your 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days when a 	
	 parent was present.

n.	 You played com	 puter games with 	
	 him in the last seven 	

d.	 He came to your 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days without 	
	 a parent present.

o.	 You watched
	 television or videos/	
	 DVDs with him in the 	
	 last 7 days.

e. 	You met him after 	
	 school to hang out 	
	 or go somewhere in 	
	 the last seven days.
f. 	 You spent time with 	
	 him last weekend.

p.	 You smoked with 	
	 him in the last 30 	

g. 	You talked with him 	
	 about a problem in 	
	 the last seven days.

q.	 You drank alcohol 	
	 with him in the 	
	 last 30 days.

h.	 You talked with him 	
	 on the telephone in 	
	 the last seven days.

r.	 You got drunk with 	
	 him in the last 30 	


You emailed, text 	
messaged, or
twittered him in the 	
last seven days.

j. 	 He is linked through 	
	 your online network 	
	 profile (‘friend’ on 	
	 Facebook, ‘follower’ 	
	 on Twitter).

57.	Think of your closest female friends. List up
to five of your closest female friends. List your
best female friend first, then your next best
friend, and so on. Include girls who are friends
and girlfriends.


57.	Continued...
Please re-enter the same names and grades:

	 Their initial, first
	 name or nick name
	 What grade are
	 they in?
	 Please mark the circle
	 under the name if:
k. 	You are linked 	
	 through her online 	
	 network profile 	
	 (‘friend’ on Face-	
	 book, ‘follower’ on 	

Their initial, first
name or nick name
What grade are
they in?
Please mark the circle
under the name if:

a.	 You went to her 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days when a 	
	 parent was present.

l. 	 You exercised or 	
	 played sports with 	
	 her in the last seven 	

b. 	You went to her 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days without 	
	 a parent present.

m.	You ate a meal with 	
	 her in the last 	
	 seven days.

c. 	She came to your 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days when a 	
	 parent was present.

n.	 You played com	 puter games with 	
	 her in the last seven 	

d.	 She came to your 	
	 house in the last 	
	 seven days without 	
	 a parent present.

o.	 You watched
	 television or videos/	
	 DVDs with her in the 	
	 last 7 days.

e. 	You met her after 	
	 school to hang out 	
	 or go somewhere in 	
	 the last seven days.

p.	 You smoked with 	
	 her in the last 30 	

f. 	 You spent time with 	
	 her last weekend.

q.	 You drank alcohol 	
	 with her in the 	
	 last 30 days.

g. 	You talked with her 	
	 about a problem in 	
	 the last seven days.

r.	 You got drunk with 	
	 her in the last 30 	

h.	 You talked with her 	
	 on the telephone in 	
	 the last seven days.

You emailed, text 	
messaged, or
twittered her in the 	
last seven days.

j. 	 She is linked through 	
	 your online network 	
	 profile (‘friend’ on 	
	 Facebook, ‘follower’ 	
	 on Twitter).

58.	Think of your closest male friend, your closest female friend, your 5 closest friends, and the general
group of friends and classmates that you spend time with. For each answer on a five-point scale:
	How often they do each of these things.

1 = never; 2 = almost never; 3 = sometimes; 4 = often; 5 = almost always


Please mark one circle per friend:

a.	 Get vigorous physical activity at least 	
	 3 times a week
b. 	Drink soda
c. 	Drink alcohol
d. 	Get drunk
e. 	Smoke cigarettes
f. 	Smoke/use marijuana
g. 	Take other drugs
h. 	Play computer games at least 2 			
	 hours every day
i. 	Watch TV at least 2 hours every day
j. 	 Spend free time with you in the after-	
	 noons or evenings hanging out
	 without adults around

Closest male

Closest female

Five closest

Friends &

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

60.	The last time you were in a physical fight
during the past 12 months, with whom did you
	I have not been in a physical fight in the past 12
	A total stranger
	A parent or other adult family member
	A brother or sister
	A boyfriend/girlfriend or date
	A friend or someone I know
	Someone not listed above

59.	During the past 12 months, how many times
were you in a physical fight?
	I have not been in a physical fight
1 time
2 times
3 times
4 times or more


Now we are going to ask you questions about
romantic relationship partners. If you have never
had a boyfriend or girlfriend, or a romantic
relationship, please skip to question 62.

Different people have different reasons for deciding
whether or not to do things. We want to know how
true each of these reasons is for you.
(For the next two (2) questions, please mark one circle
for each line on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means
Not at all True and 7 means Very True.)

61.	During any of your romantic relationships in
the last 12 months, did any of your boyfriends/
girlfriends do any of the following:
	 Yes No know

62.	If I ever physically hurt or threaten to hurt a
romantic partner it is or would be because:

a.	 Did he/she call you names, 	
	 insult you, or treat you disre-	
	 spectfully in front of others?

Not at
all true

a.	 It is a choice I 	 
	 really want to
	 make for
b.	 It makes me 	 
	 feel good
c.	 My friends will 	 
	 like me better
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to me
f.	 My partner lets 	 

b.	 Did he/she swear at you?
c.	 Did he/she threaten you with 	
d.	 Did he/she push or shove 	
e.	 Did he/she throw something 	
	 at you that could hurt you?
61b.During any of your romantic relationships
in the last 12 months, did you do any of the
following to any of your boyfriends/girlfriends:
	 Yes No know

a.	 Did you call him/her names, 	
	 insult them, or treat them dis-	
	 respectfully in front of others?







     

     
     
     
     
     

63.	If I ever swear at, call names, insult, and/or
treat disrespectfully a romantic partner it is or
would be because:

b.	 Did you swear at him/her?

Not at
all true

c.	 Did you threaten him/her 	
	 with violence?


a.	 It is a choice I 	 
	 really want to
	 make for
b.	 It makes me 	 
	 feel good
c.	 My friends will 	 
	 like me better
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to me
f.	 My partner lets 	 

d.	 Did you push or shove 	
e.	 Did you throw something 	
	 at him/her that could hurt 	








     

     
     
     
     
     

64.	At present, how often do you drink anything alcoholic,
such as beer, wine, or hard liquor like vodka or rum?
Throughout these questions, by a “drink,” we mean a
can or bottle of beer, a glass of wine or a wine cooler,
a shot of liquor, or a mixed drink with liquor in it.
Please do not include any time when you only had a
sip or two from a drink. (Please mark one circle for each line)

67.	Think back again over the LAST 30 DAYS. If
you are a boy, how many times (if any) have
you had five or more drinks in a row on an
occasion? If you are a girl, how many times (if
any) have you had four or more drinks in a row
on an occasion.
	None
10 or more times

Every month
Every week
Every day


68.	Think back again over the LAST 30 DAYS. If you
are a boy, how many times (if any) have you
had five or more drinks in a row within two
hours? If you are a girl, how many times (if
any) have you had four or more drinks in a row
within two hours?
	None
10 or more times

a.	 Beer
b.	 Wine
c.	 Liquor/Spirits
d.	 Pre-mixed drinks (for example, 	
	 Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi Breezer, Mike’s 	
	 Hard Lemonade)
e.	 Any other drink that contains alcohol
65.	Think about the first time you had a drink of an
alcoholic beverage. How old were you the first
time you had a drink of an alcoholic beverage?
Please do not include any time when you only
had a sip or two from a drink. (If there is something
you have not done, choose the ‘never’ category)

a.	 Drink alcohol	
	 (more than a
	 small amount)

69.	Think of the last time you drank alcohol. Where
were you when you drank? (Please mark all that
I never drink alcohol
	At home
	At someone else’s home
	Out on the street, in a park, beach or other open
	At a bar or a pub
	In a club
	In a restaurant
	Other places (please describe)

	Never	 I was _____ years old

(write in blank how
old you were)

b.	 Drink 5 or more	 	Never	 I was _____ years old
(write in blank how
	 drinks on a
old you were)
	 single occasion
c.	 Get drunk	

	Never	 I was _____ years old


(write in blank how
old you were)

66.	On how many occasions (if any) have you done
the following things in the last 30 days? (Please
mark one circle for each line)

40 times or more
20-39 times
10-19 times
6-9 times
3-5 times
Once or twice

a.	 Smoked cigarettes	
b.	 Drunk alcohol
c.	 Been drunk

72.	I decide whether or not to smoke marijuana
Not at
all true

Different people have different reasons for deciding
whether or not to do things. We want to know how
true each of these reasons is for you.


a.	 It is a choice I 	 
	 really want to
	 make for
b.	 It makes me 	 
	 feel good
c.	 My friends will 	 
	 like me better
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to me
f.	 It depends on 	 
	 how easily I 	
	 can get it

For the next three (3) questions, please mark one
circle for each line on a scale from 1 to 7 where 1
means Not at all True and 7 means Very True.

70.	I decide whether or not to smoke tobacco
Not at
all true

a.	 It is a choice I 	 
	 really want to
	 make for
b.	 It makes me 	 
	 feel good
c.	 My friends will 	 
	 like me better
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to me
f.	 It depends on 	 
	 how easily I 	
	 can get it






a.	 It is a choice I 	 
	 really want to
	 make for
b.	 It makes me 	 
	 feel good
c.	 My friends will 	 
	 like me better
d.	 I feel pressured 	 
e.	 It is personally 	 
	 important to me
f.	 It depends on 	 
	 how easily I 	
	 can get it


     

     






     

     
     
     
     
     

     
73.	Have you ever taken one or several of these
drugs in the last 12 months? (Please mark one
circle for each line)
40 times or more
20-39 times
10-19 times
6-9 times
3-5 times
Once or twice

     
     
     

a.	 Marijuana

71.	I decide whether or not to drink alcohol
Not at
all true







b.	 Ecstasy


c.	 Amphetamines (meth, ice, 	
	 glass, speed)


     

d.	 Opiates (heroin, morphine, 	
e.	 Medication to get high

     

f.	 Cocaine

     

h.	 Baltok

g.	 Glue or solvents
i.	 LSD

     

j.	 Anabolic steroids

     

k.	 Other drug. Which one?

     


80.	On how many days in the past month have
you done the following while driving?

74.	Do you have a driver’s license?
	 	No license [skip to Question 82]
	 	Learner’s permit [skip to Question 82]
	 	Provisional license to drive with adult 			
Full license allowing independent, unsupervised 	

a.	 Exceeded the speed limit in residential or
	 school zones?	

b.	 Gone 10 -19 miles per hour over the speed
c.	 Gone 20 or more miles per hour over the
	 speed limit?	
d.	 Purposely tailgated or followed another
	 vehicle very closely?	
e.	 Switched lanes to weave through slower
f.	 Changed lanes with very little room
	 between vehicles?	
g.	 Cut in front of a vehicle to turn?	

75.	How much of the time during the past 30 days
have you had access to a vehicle?
	 	None
	 	Some
	 	Most

For questions 76, 78, 79 and 80, please fill in the
number of days from 0 to 30. For question 77,
please fill in the number of miles in whole numbers.
76.	On how many of the last 30 days did you
drive a vehicle?	
77.	On average, about how many miles
did you drive each day you drove?	
78.	On how many days in the past month
have you driven with 2 or more
passengers in the vehicle?	



79.	On how many days in the past month
have you done the following while driving?

a.	 Taken incoming call from wireless phone	 ______
b. 	Made outgoing call from wireless phone	 ______
c.	 Changed radio station	

g. 	Drank or eaten	


h. 	Used a navigation system	


h. 	Pulled out into traffic without waiting for
	 a large space between vehicles?	


i.	 Made an illegal U-turn?	


j.	 Gone through an intersection when the
	 light was yellow or just turning yellow?	


k.	 Gone through an intersection when the
	 light was red or just turning red?	


l.	 Gone through a stop sign without
	 stopping completely?	


m.	Changed lanes without signaling?	


n.	 Playing the radio very loudly?	


o.	 Raced another vehicle, even just for a
	 short distance?	


p.	 Reading, grooming, or engaging in
	 similar activities?	


q.	 Drove in a way to show off to other



d. 	Changed music on an MP3, CD or other device	 ______
e. 	Read text messages 	
f.	 Sent text messages	


i.	 Looked at maps or directions while driving	 ______



r.	 Not wear a seat belt?	


s.	 Drove when sleepy or drowsy?	


t.	 Drove after midnight	


u.	 Drove after drinking alcohol or using
	 illegal drugs?	


81.	During the past year, how many times did you
drive a car or other vehicle when you had been
drinking alcohol?
	 	0 times
	 	1 time
	 	2 or 3 times
4 or 5 times
6 or more times


82.	How often do you wear a seat belt when riding
in a vehicle driven by someone else?
	 	Never
	 	Rarely
Most of the time

87.	What kept you from seeing a health
professional when you really needed to?
	Didn’t know whom to go see
	Had no transportation
	No one available to go along
	Parent or guardian would not go
	Didn’t want parents to know
	Difficult to make appointment
	Afraid of what the doctor would say or do
	Thought the problem would go away
	Couldn’t pay
	Other________________________________

83.	During the past year, how many times did you
ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone
who had been drinking alcohol?
	 	0 times
	 	1 time
	 	2 or 3 times
4 or 5 times
6 or more times

88.	In the past 12 months, did a health problem get
worse because you did not get care when you
thought you should?
	Yes
	No

84.	In the last year, have you been involved in a
motor vehicle accident?

If so, was anyone injured when you were riding
in a car driven by someone who had been
drinking alcohol?


Was anyone injured when you were driving a
car when you had been drinking alcohol?

89.	Where do you usually go when you are sick or
need health care?
	Never get sick or need health care
	Hospital-based clinic
	Hospital emergency room
	Community health center or clinic
	Health maintenance organization (HMO)
	Private doctor’s office
	School or college clinic
	Military hospital or clinic
	Clinic at work
	Some other place
90.	How long ago did you last have a routine checkup?
	Within the past 3 months
	4 to 6 months ago
	7 to 9 months ago
	10 to 12 months ago
	Longer than 1 year ago but less than 2 years ago
	2 years ago or longer
	Never

85.	Which of the following best describes your
current health insurance situation?
	You have no health insurance
	You are covered by your parent’s insurance
	You get insurance through school
	You buy private insurance yourself
	You get insurance through work
	You are on Medicaid
	You are covered through the Indian Health
	You do not know what your health insurance is
	Other ________________________________
86.	Has there been any time in the past 12 months
when you thought you should get medical care,
but you did not?
	Yes
	No
	 (if yes go to 87, if no skip to 88)


91.	At your last physical examination by a doctor or
a.	Were you asked:
	 –whether you drink alcohol?	
Yes	 	
	 –whether you smoke?	
Yes	 	No
	 –whether you use drugs?	
Yes	 	No
	 –whether you exercise?	
Yes	 	No
	 –nutrition questions?	
Yes	 	No

b. 	Were you given advice about
	 the risks associated with
	 –using drugs?	
	 –not exercising?	
	 –a poor diet?	


c.	 Were you given advice about
	 –reducing or stopping drinking?	 	
	 –reducing or stopping smoking?	 	
	 –reducing or stopping using
	 –increasing physical activity?	
	 –improving your diet?	

97.	Where were your grandparents born?
	All in the United States
	Some of them in the United States
	None of them in the United States
98.	In your home, do you speak…
	Only English
	Mostly English
	English and another language equally
	Mostly another language
	Only another language

	No
	No
	No
	No
	No

99.	With your friends, do you speak…
	Only English
	Mostly English
	English and another language equally
	Mostly another language
	Only another language

	No
	No

100.Father—Does your father have a job?
	No	
	Don’t know
	Yes	
	Don’t have or don’t see father

	No
	No
	No

If YES, please say in what place he works
(for example: hospital, bank, restaurant)

92.	In the past 12 months have you had a dental
examination by a dentist or dental hygienist?
	Yes	 	No

Please write down exactly what job he does
there (for example: teacher, bus driver)

If no, how long ago did you last have a dental
examination by a dentist or hygienist?
	Longer than 1 year ago but less than 2 years ago
	2 years ago or longer
	Never

If NO, why does your father not have a job?
(Please mark the circle that best describes the situation)
	He is sick, or retired, or a student
	He is looking for a job
	He takes care of others, or is full-time in the home
	I don’t know

93.	In what country were you born?

United States
	Other____________________________

101.MOTHER—Does your mother have a job?
	No	
	Don’t know
	Yes	
	Don’t have or don’t see mother

94.	How old were you when you first moved to the
United States?
	I was born in the United States
	Less than 1 year old
	1-5 years old
	6-10 years old
	11-15 years old
	16 years old or older
	I don’t know
95.	Where was your mother born?
	United States	 	Other	

	I don’t know

96.	Where was your father born?
	United States	 	Other	

	I don’t know

If YES, please say in what place she works
(for example: hospital, bank, restaurant)

Please write down exactly what job she does
there (for example: teacher, bus driver)
If NO, why does your mother not have a job?
(Please mark the circle that best describes the situation)
	She is sick, or retired, or a student
	She is looking for a job
	She takes care of others, or is full-time in the home
	I don’t know


NEXT Survey Administration Guide
Step 1 - Using the classroom roster, verify with the teacher that all
assembled students have parental permission. Do this before the class
session starts.
Step 2 – Be sure the students are seated and their desks are cleared of
papers. Ask students to spread out desks if necessary. DO NOT
distribute any materials, including the survey booklets.
Step 3- Team should distribute survey booklets, envelopes and pencils
by calling student names. Have at least two members of the team call
names and distribute materials.
Step 4 – Team Leader should introduce the survey to the class.
Good (Morning/ Afternoon). My name is _________________ and I’d like
to thank each of you for agreeing to participate in the NEXT Generation
Health Study. I’d also like to introduce _______ and ______ who will be
working with you today. The purpose of this study is to learn more about
things that affect your health. We are working with thousands of young
people throughout the U.S. The information you give will be used to
develop programs for young people like yourself and provide better health
It is important to know that your answers will be kept private and will not
be seen by your parents or teachers. Also, to protect your privacy, please
DO NOT write your name anywhere on the survey booklet, either.
This is not a test -- there are no “right or wrong” answers. Answer the
questions based on what you really do, think, and feel. You do not have to
answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Whether or not


you answer the questions will not affect your grade in this class. Please, do
not talk to each other until everyone has finished.

Let’s go over the instructions on the first page of the Survey. [Read aloud
only the bulleted instructions on cover. After reading instructions, say:].
When you are finished, look over your survey booklet to make sure that
you haven’t skipped any questions. Raise your hand and let us know
when you are done. We will ask you to bring your completed survey to us.
We will quickly check to see if you missed a question or perhaps filled in
two circles on the same question by mistake. Then you will put the survey
in the envelope, seal it, and place it in this Federal Express Pak. When
everyone is done, I will seal the Pak and send it to our office in
Washington, D.C.
Are there any questions? Turn to page 2 and begin.
Step 5 – Check each survey for completeness.
• If a question is skipped, ask the student if the question was
skipped on purpose. If not, give student the opportunity to
• If more than one circle is filled in, ask student to pick one answer.
• Make sure HEIGHT and WEIGHT is entered correctly.
• Make sure the student has not written a name anywhere on the
survey booklet or envelope.
• Have student seal the survey in envelope and place in the FedEx
• Thank the student.
• Ask student to return to seat and remain quiet until all are students
are completed.
Step 6 – Thank class for participating. Thank teacher for help. Continue
with plan to complete height, weight, and waist circumference

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2009-12-16
File Created2009-09-24

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