CS-10-248 - External Customer Satisfaction Survey for M&P; CS-10-256 - ETA Risk Assessment Research; CS-10-257 - IRS National Research Program; CS-10-258 - W&I SPEC Partners; CS-10-259 - SB/SE ACS Cus

Voluntary Customer Surveys to Implement E.O. 12862 Coordinated by the Corporate Planning and Performance Division on Behalf of All IRS Operations Functions

CS-10-256 Attachment 4 -- Software Vendor Survey -- Telephone Survey r2

CS-10-248 - External Customer Satisfaction Survey for M&P; CS-10-256 - ETA Risk Assessment Research; CS-10-257 - IRS National Research Program; CS-10-258 - W&I SPEC Partners; CS-10-259 - SB/SE ACS Cus

OMB: 1545-1432

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IRS EPFRA Software Vendor Questionnaire

(Telephone Followup Interview)





RESPONDENT ID#... ...1-5

SAMPLE TYPE: Software Vendors (n=as many as possible from a list of about 50) 1 ...00


IRS APPEND FROM LATEST (2010) INDIVIDUAL 1040 RETURN DATA: # returns e-filed, # vendor-controllable ERCs


Referred Partial Data

Refused Refused To Another Collected Com-

After After Person Appoint- But Resp. plete/

One Repeat (Start Respondent ment Will Not All Data

Attempt Attempt Over) Unavailable Set Complete Collected

1 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

2 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

3 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

4 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

5 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

6 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

7 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

8 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

9 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00

10 DATE: TIME: (am) (pm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …00



Hello, I’m __________ of Russell Research, an independent national research firm. The Internal Revenue Service recently mailed you a request to participate in an important survey of risks in the electronic tax administration landscape. (if asked “what risks?”, reply with “risks to preparers, taxpayers, software vendors, standards of tax administration, etc.”) In that mailing, the IRS included a paper survey and asked you to complete the survey in advance of a call from Russell Research. I am calling today to collect your responses from the paper survey you received.

Please keep in mind that all of your responses will be completely anonymous. Our call today to collect responses should take about 20 minutes of your time. Do you have your completed survey to refer to during this call? (IF “YES”, GO TO Q1. IF “NO”/”Haven’t completed it yet”/etc., ask…)

  • May I schedule an appointment for a convenient day and time to call you back, when you would have your survey completed? (IF “yes”, record appointment time in box above. if “NO”/”do not want to participate”/etc., ask…)

  • The IRS asks that you consider the importance of this survey and would appreciate your time and help with it. Can we set an appointment for about a week from now to give you time to complete the survey? (IF “YES”, RECORD APPOINTMENT TIME IN BOX ABOVE. IF still “NO”/”do not want to participate”/etc., CLOSE WITH…)

  • Government survey procedures require us to contact you again at a later date to see if you then might be willing to help. Please know that this survey is extremely important and that we are merely following Government survey procedures when we call on you again. (Make only one more attempt to convert this person to completion, then thank them for their time and record as “refused after repeat attempts” in box above.)

Start of Survey for Those Agreeing to It

(START SURVEY AMONG THOSE AGREEABLE BY READING THIS…) First, thank you very much for agreeing to help the IRS by participating in the survey. We are required by law to provide you the Office of Management and Budget Control Number for this information request. That number is 1545-1432. In addition, if you have any comments about the time estimate to complete the survey or ways to improve the survey, you can write to the IRS. Would you like the address? (IF YES, ADDRESS IS…) IRS Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20224. CONTINUE WITH: Please keep in mind that this survey is focused only on Federal individual tax returns using the 1040 family of forms. State, business, and information returns are out of scope. Now that you have your notes and responses from the paper copy of the survey the IRS sent you, let’s begin.



  1. Please estimate the number of tax returns that your firm files by each of the following customer types. (read choices & Enter NUMBER for each item.)


Taxpayers ______

Tax Professionals who are not Franchisees ______

Tax Professionals who are Franchisees ______

White label customers (e.g., for others to brand as their own and resell) ______

(DO NOT OFFER AS CHOICE, BUT CLICK IF:) Do not make or sell tax preparation software x

IF respondent does not make or sell tax preparation software, thank and close.

ASK Q2 only of VENDORS with “1” or higher for “taxpayers” in q1.

  1. How do your taxpayer customers initially install your software? Please estimate the proportion of taxpayer software installed in 2010 by each of the following methods. Do not include subsequent software updates. (read choices & Enter percent response for each item; must total 100%.)


Online only (e.g., Software-as-a-Service/SaaS, web client) ______

Download and install onto user’s computer ______

Install from physical media onto user’s computer ______

Ask Q3 THROUGH Q4 ONLY of VENDORS WITH “1” or higher for EITHER OF THE “tax professional” ANSWERS in q1.

  1. How do your tax professional customers initially install your software? Please estimate the proportion of tax professional software installed in 2010 by each of the following methods. Do not include subsequent software updates. (read choices & Enter percent response for each item; must total 100%.)


Online only (e.g., Software-as-a-Service/SaaS, web client) ______

Download and install onto user’s computer ______

Install from physical media onto user’s computer ______

  1. In what ways does your firm’s tax professional software allow users to transmit (e-file) their clients’ returns? Can they…(Read CHOICES & click all that apply.)

Use your firm’s transmission (e-file) capability built into the software

Use another firm’s transmission capability (Probe) Whose?

Use your firm’s software to create a return file but transmit it directly to IRS themselves

Other (specify)

ask all:

  1. Following are some definitions which we would like you to keep in mind when answering subsequent questions. Let’s carefully review these definitions.

Accuracy Software correctly applies tax law, correctly represents the taxpayer’s tax liability, and correctly formats return.

Reliability Software and transmission (e-file) systems are available and operating consistently.

Security Reasonable safeguards protecting personally identifiable information (PII).

Privacy Appropriately use and disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII).

Burden Tax law, guidance, filing requirements, process, tools, and information present a challenge in bringing software to market.

Based upon the above definitions, how would your firm rank the following risks to tax administration due to the use of tax software, where 1 is the greatest risk and 5 is the least? (let respondent offer rank for each item. Enter rank.)


Accuracy ______

Burden ______

Privacy ______

Reliability ______

Security ______


  1. How does your firm manage its security program? Is it…(Read choices & CLICK only one answer.)

Managed by designated security lead (e.g., Chief Information Security Officer)

Managed by committee (e.g., personnel from security, compliance and legal)

No security program


  1. How often do you review and update your internal security policies (e.g., standards, controls)? Do you…(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER.)

Update quarterly

Update semi-annually

Update annually

Do not update

Do not have security policies

  1. How does your firm use security controls in its environment? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following. (read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Using and


Not Planning Using Using and Using and and

Using or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Use Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Authorization and access
(e.g., access approvals, privileges, and deactivation)

Identification and authentication
(e.g., password complexity, account lockout, CAPTCHA)

Separation/segregation of duties

Audit and accountability
(e.g., monitoring and logging)

Physical security
(e.g., card entry, surveillance, guards)

Network security
(e.g., antivirus/malware, firewall, vulnerability scans)

Destruction and disposal of data
(e.g., document shredders, disk wiping, locked bins)

Personnel (e.g., background checks)


  1. Where is your customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) stored in your firm’s environment? Is it stored in…(read choices & CLICK ALL THAT APPLY.)

Centralized server environment(s)

Decentralized server environment(s)

Distributed (e.g., external hard drives, backup tapes and other portable media)

Computer workstation (e.g., desktop, laptop)

  1. How does your firm use data security safeguards in its environment? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following...(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Using and


Not Planning Using Using and Using and and

Using or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Use Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) is
encrypted at rest (e.g., stored in database, stored in file)

Customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) is
encrypted in transit (e.g., Secure Socket Layer (SSL))

Customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) is
de-identified when used in non-production environments
(e.g., anonymized, sanitized)

ASK Q11 only of VENDORS with “1” or higher for “Tax Professionals who are Franchisees” IN Q1.

  1. How does your firm use security safeguards at franchisee locations? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following. (read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Using and


Not Planning Using Using and Using and and

Using or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Use Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Tax Professional software includes option to encrypt
data at rest on franchisee’s computer

Tax Professional software includes option to encrypt
data in transit within franchisee’s network

Tax Professional software automatically installs mandatory
updates or will not operate unless latest version installed

Tax Professional software does not install/operate unless
franchisee’s computer meets security requirements


  1. How does your firm use secure software development practices? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following...(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Using and


Not Planning Using Using and Using and and

Using or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Use Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Peer source code reviews

Source code vulnerability assessment (e.g., static analysis)

Software security testing (e.g., dynamic analysis)

Source code version control software
(e.g., Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Visual SourceSafe)



  1. How does your firm ensure business continuity? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following...(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Using and


Not Planning Using Using and Using and and

Using or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Use Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Business continuity plan for dependent vendor failure
(e.g., power, internet, payments)

Business continuity plan for physical infrastructure
(e.g., disaster recovery for data center facility)

Business continuity plan for staff relocation

Business continuity plan for key staff loss
(e.g., succession planning)

Operations center geographically dispersed from backup center

Backup/secondary center accommodates full operational load

Provide adequate capacity for filing season peak load

  1. What is the acceptable recovery time for unplanned service outages? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate the acceptable recovery time for each of the outage types below. (Read choices & CLICK only one answer per item.)

Less than 1-8 9-24 2-6 1 or more

1 hour Hours Hours Days Weeks

Preparation outage (i.e., customers can’t use software to complete return)

Transmission outage (i.e., customers can’t e-file completed returns with IRS)

Download outage (i.e., customers can’t download software or updates)

Customer service outage (i.e., customers can’t use online or phone help)


  1. How many test cases do you run to validate software accuracy (e.g., correctly applies tax law, correctly represents the taxpayer’s tax liability) for each of the following types of software? (READ CHOICES & Enter NUMBER for each item, even if “0”.)


Taxpayer software ______

Tax professional software ______

  1. For your preparation software, which of the following types of testing do you perform? (read choices & CLICK ALL THAT APPLY.)



Quality Assurance






Do not perform testing

  1. For your transmission (e-file) capability, which of the following types of testing do you perform? (read choices & CLICK ALL THAT APPLY.)



Quality Assurance






Do not perform testing

  1. How do you notify customers of software updates? Do you… (read choices & CLICK ALL THAT APPLY.)

Email instructions on updating the software

Post notice on the firm and/or product website

Message through social media (e.g., Twitter)

Trigger the tax software to automatically install and activate update

Prompt within the software to install and activate update

Distribute software updates for scheduled installation

Use remote access to install and activate update

Stop accepting returns from older software products


Do not notify customers of product updates

  1. From January 15 to April 15, 2010, how many times did you update your software? (Enter NUMBER, then ask Q20 if 1 or more.)


Any reason (total number of updates) ______

  1. Given that a software update can be driven by more than one reason, how many of these updates were due to…(read choices & Enter NUMBER for each item, even if “0”. NOTE THAT one update can be due to multiple reasons, so it is ok to have ‘double counting’ among reasons, but no item should exceed THE total NUMBER in q19.)


Final forms/instructions released by IRS ______

Customer feedback (e.g., user interface design changes) ______

New functionality ______

Bug fixes to existing functionality ______

Business rule updates (e.g., calculations) ______

Other (SPECIFY) ______

Other (SPECIFY) ______

Other (SPECIFY) ______


  1. How does your firm manage its privacy program? Is it…(Read choices & CLICK only one answer.)

Managed by designated privacy lead (e.g., Chief Privacy Officer)

Managed by designated security lead (e.g., Chief Information Security Officer)

Managed by committee (e.g., personnel from security, compliance and legal)

No privacy program


  1. How often do you review and update your internal privacy policies (e.g., classifying PII, acceptable usage)? (read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER.)

Update quarterly

Update semi-annually

Update annually

Do not update

Do not have policy

  1. How do you provide your customers with your firm’s consumer privacy policy? Is the policy…(read choices & CLICK ALL THAT APPLY.)

Posted on firm website

Posted on software website

Displayed at time of software installation

Included in retail packaging

Emailed to the customer

Mailed to the customer

Provided to the customer in person

Do not provide policy to customers

Do not have a privacy policy

  1. How does your firm require training for its personnel? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate how your firm requires the following training. (read choices & CLICK all that apply PER ITEM.)


Require More Often

Do Not at Time Require than

Require Of Hire Annually Annually

Development (i.e., secure coding practices)

Security (e.g., safeguards and IT controls)

Privacy (e.g., policy compliance)

  1. How does your firm manage customer consent? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following...(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Using and


Not Planning Using Using and Using and and

Using or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Use Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Privacy policy designates a point of contact, email, phone,
and address the customer may contact

Software products prompt the customer with a consent
option (e.g., opt in or opt out for data use and disclosure)

Email communications to the customer include a consent
option (e.g., unsubscribe, opt in or opt out)

Customer manages consent options by indicating
preferences online (e.g., My Account settings)

Utilize internal software to manage customer
preferences (e.g., bulk email marketing, subscription mgmt)



The next series of questions is going to focus on future situations. Consider all your software products and all your customers. We are going to ask for your opinion regarding the chance of these potential situations occurring and the proportion of returns that would be affected if they were to occur.

  1. Do you think the following may occur to your firm in the next two years? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please rate the chance of occurrence from 1%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 99%, with 1% being Extremely Low Chance and 99% being Extremely High Chance. (read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Extremely Extremely

Low Low Moderate High High

Chance Chance Chance Chance Chance

1% 25% 50% 75% 99%

Software error (e.g., improper tax law application, computation)

Software inconsistency (e.g., identical inputs result in different outputs)

Preparation outage (i.e., customers can’t use software to complete return)

Transmission outage (i.e., customers can’t e-file completed returns with IRS)

Download outage (i.e., customers can’t download software or updates)

Customer service outage (i.e., customers can’t use online or phone help)

Improper use or disclosure of PII due to internal cause
(e.g., insider theft, destruction)

Improper use or disclosure of PII due to external cause
(e.g., hacking and intrusion, malware, lost/stolen laptop)

Lack of notice and consent (e.g., choice to opt in/out)

Lack of transparency (e.g., written privacy policy)

We talked about chance, now let’s address effect.

  1. If the following were to occur, what proportion of your firm’s returns would be affected? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please rate the proportion of returns affected from 1%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 99%, with 1% being Extremely Low Proportion and 99% being Extremely High Proportion. (read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Extremely Extremely

Low Low Moderate High High

Proportion Proportion Proportion Proportion Proportion

1% 25% 50% 75% 99%

Software error (e.g., improper tax law application, computation)

Software inconsistency (e.g., identical inputs result in different outputs)

Preparation outage (i.e., customers can’t use software to complete return)

Transmission outage (i.e., customers can’t e-file completed returns with IRS)

Download outage (i.e., customers can’t download software or updates)

Customer service outage (i.e., customers can’t use online or phone help)

Improper use or disclosure of PII due to internal cause
(e.g., insider theft, destruction)

Improper use or disclosure of PII due to external cause
(e.g., hacking and intrusion, malware, lost/stolen laptop)

Lack of notice and consent (e.g., choice to opt in/out)

Lack of transparency (e.g., written privacy policy)


Now we will talk about incidents your firm has actually experienced.

  1. In the last two years, how many times has your firm actually experienced each of the following incidents in your production environment, regardless of whether or not you recovered from them? (read choices & Enter NUMBER for each item, EVEN IF “0”.)


Software error (e.g., improper tax law application, computation error) ______

Software inconsistency (e.g., identical inputs resulted in different outputs) ______

Preparation outage (i.e., customers can’t use software to complete return) ______

Transmission outage (i.e., customers can’t e-file completed returns with IRS) ______

Download outage (i.e., customers can’t download software or updates) ______

Customer service outage (i.e., customers can’t use online or phone help) ______

Improper use or disclosure of PII due to internal cause (e.g., insider theft, destruction) ______

Improper use or disclosure of PII due to external cause (e.g., hacking and intrusion, malware, lost/stolen laptop) ______

Other (SPECIFY) ______

  1. In the last two years, how many times has your firm actually experienced each of the following causes of incidents in your production environment, regardless of whether or not you recovered from them? (read choices & Enter NUMBER for each item, EVEN IF “0”.)


Loss of power or cooling ______

Loss of network or internet ______

Hardware failure (e.g., server, computer, storage) ______

Software failure (e.g., crash, error, bug) ______

Security breach, cybercrime, or other malicious act ______

Fire or natural disaster ______

Other (SPECIFY) ______

  1. How does your firm address incident response? Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please indicate your firm’s performance for each of the following…(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ITEM.)

Doing and


Not Planning Doing Doing and Doing and and

Doing or To but Not Internally Externally Externally Don’t

Considering Do Validated Validated Validated Validated Know

Identify appropriate personnel (e.g., contact list, response team)

Have feasible plan of action
(e.g., response strategy, defined procedure)

Have tracking capabilities
(e.g., incident ticket created and escalated)

Categorize incident (e.g., severity, assessment)

Use forensic techniques
(e.g., system logs, intrusion detection logs)

Have physical resources
(e.g., redundant storage, standby systems, backup services)

Document and preserve evidence

Notify proper external agencies (e.g., comply with federal
and/or state security breach notification laws)

Assess damage and cost (e.g., valuation)

Review and update policies after incident


  1. How do you anticipate and accommodate the effects of late tax law changes in your software? Do you…(read choices & CLICK ALL THAT APPLY.)

Code software to account for multiple legislative outcomes

Quickly iterate software changes

Consult IRS draft forms or instructions

Contact IRS personnel for guidance

Use information from industry and professional affiliations (e.g., CERCA, NACTP)

Use in-house legislative analysis

Use third party legislative analysis (e.g., CCH, BNA)


  1. Consider the activities in the previous question. On average over the last two years, please estimate the full time equivalent hours directly associated with incorporating late tax law changes in your software. (Read & CLICK only one answer.)

Less than 520 hours

520 to 1039 hours

1040 to 2079 hours

2080 to 4160 hours

More than 4160 hours

No hours

  1. Using the scale provided in the paper survey sent to you, please rate your agreement that the following are sufficient…(read choices & CLICK ONLY ONE ANSWER per item.)

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree


Tax forms, schedules, and instructions

Transmission file requirements

E-file acknowledgements

Error reject codes

E-file privacy and security standards

Additional Feedback

  1. Please share any additional comments or concerns.


Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey. We rely on your feedback to help us improve our services. Your input is greatly appreciated.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleEPFRA Software Vendor Survey
Last Modified Bymdsloa00
File Modified2010-10-27
File Created2010-10-27

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